100 million dollars for an attack that kills zero aircraft and accomplishes nothing strategically

They can come here legally.
Thats not what Trumps immigration plan was, sweetie. Thankfully it was shot down by the courts
You like judges to be able to over ride presidents? I see how you like the nuclear option now, that your party came up with. Be careful for what you wish for.
Wrong honey bunch, the nuclear option was never intended to be used for SC nominations. Its the only way your kind could fill an opening, lie and cheat.
That is a lie, they did it to over ride the republicans for anything they wanted. I'm sure you supported it then. I said back then it was wrong, but liberals said it was right.
In 250 years of our country, the "nuclear" option has NEVER been used to elect a SC justice. Now shove that up your lying ass

That's because no minority party has used the filibuster to deny a SCOTUS nominee, that has come to the floor, an up or down vote in the 100 years since the filibuster was invented.
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a filibuster is simply extended debate....

the R's only needed to pick off 4 or so more democrats in ordr to bring the debate to cloture, the r's should have at least allowed the filibuster /extended debate for a week or two, to see if they could have gotten other dems to vote for gorsuch, before pulling this nuclear option shit.

some of Obama's judicial nominees were filibustered for 3 years by the republicans, before Harry pulled the nuke option....
this whole thing in syria has been orchestrated....

no need for assad to use chemical weapons, he could have killed as many with regular bombs, so it was purposeful, for another reason.

Russians knew it was going to be a chemical attack ahead of time and maybe even directed it to take place...

Trump did a complete 180 and said it was the ''babies'' that changed his mind...all simply bull crud and completely insincere and hollow imo....

Then, we use 59 tomahawks, which are precise, to hit the syrian air base and didn't take out the runway to stop them from using chemical weapons again, didn't wipe out their chemical weapon stash....???? COME ONNNNNN!!!

Then we warn the Russians and Syrians a couple of hours a head of the strike....

We look like a bunch of idiots....

but boy oh boy, it sure did change the topic off of the Russians and Trump team coordination in our elections....
So you WANT war with Russia, thanks for clearing that up.


I simply do not want to pretend like Putin is our ''friend'' in any way, shape, or form....

or pretend like Putin is even worthy to wipe the USA's ass
Honestly, I believe when the numbers come out on this the United States is going to look more pathetic than ever. A weak, irrational, and impulsive Trump switches his entire foreign policy stance in a day due to some graphic videos, and signs off on a costly missile strike on an airfield that was probably evacuated...

1. Immediately after the chemical attack, when they relocated their air assets to prevent something like this from happening

2. When Donald red phoned the Russians, and they told their Syrian allies to move their air assets from the chemical weapon bases.

This was a high risk publicity stunt, and it took 2% of the US tomahawk missile arsenal. It also makes him look like a major hypocrite for saying this, after tweeting several years ago that Obama should get congressional approval. Syria, Russia, and Iran are already spinning this to shame America. Hell, America should be ashamed for its weak armed imperialism.

But, he can try and get rid of Obamacare to save the money he spent missiles.
So you WANT war with Russia, thanks for clearing that up.


I simply do not want to pretend like Putin is our ''friend'' in any way, shape, or form....

or pretend like Putin is even worthy to wipe the USA's ass
So Trump should have warned the Russians befope the strike right?
why bother, looks like it was all a set up anyway...? sadly, it appears likely that everybody on all sides already new what was going to happen....
So you WANT war with Russia, thanks for clearing that up.


I simply do not want to pretend like Putin is our ''friend'' in any way, shape, or form....

or pretend like Putin is even worthy to wipe the USA's ass
So Trump should have warned the Russians befope the strike right?
why bother, looks like it was all a set up anyway...? sadly, it appears likely that everybody on all sides already new what was going to happen....
Ya the Syrians wanted to lose 20 aircraft bunkers and support facilities and a fuel dump. MORON.
So you WANT war with Russia, thanks for clearing that up.


I simply do not want to pretend like Putin is our ''friend'' in any way, shape, or form....

or pretend like Putin is even worthy to wipe the USA's ass
So Trump should have warned the Russians befope the strike right?
why bother, looks like it was all a set up anyway...? sadly, it appears likely that everybody on all sides already new what was going to happen....
Ya the Syrians wanted to lose 20 aircraft bunkers and support facilities and a fuel dump. MORON.
the syrians used chemical weapons to kill these people when regular bombs would have done a better job... WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT Rgs?
So you WANT war with Russia, thanks for clearing that up.


I simply do not want to pretend like Putin is our ''friend'' in any way, shape, or form....

or pretend like Putin is even worthy to wipe the USA's ass
So Trump should have warned the Russians befope the strike right?
why bother, looks like it was all a set up anyway...? sadly, it appears likely that everybody on all sides already new what was going to happen....
Ya the Syrians wanted to lose 20 aircraft bunkers and support facilities and a fuel dump. MORON.
the syrians used chemical weapons to kill these people when regular bombs would have done a better job... WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT Rgs?

Scare tactics, read a history book once in awhile will you.

They don't call them weapons of mass destruction for nothing

a filibuster is simply extended debate....

the R's only needed to pick off 4 or so more democrats in ordr to bring the debate to cloture, the r's should have at least allowed the filibuster /extended debate for a week or two, to see if they could have gotten other dems to vote for gorsuch, before pulling this nuclear option shit.

some of Obama's judicial nominees were filibustered for 3 years by the republicans, before Harry pulled the nuke option....

Why?Harry pulled the nuke option with the mistake and arrogance it wouldn't come back and bite the democrats in the ass

So you WANT war with Russia, thanks for clearing that up.


I simply do not want to pretend like Putin is our ''friend'' in any way, shape, or form....

or pretend like Putin is even worthy to wipe the USA's ass
So Trump should have warned the Russians befope the strike right?
why bother, looks like it was all a set up anyway...? sadly, it appears likely that everybody on all sides already new what was going to happen....
Ya the Syrians wanted to lose 20 aircraft bunkers and support facilities and a fuel dump. MORON.
the syrians used chemical weapons to kill these people when regular bombs would have done a better job... WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT Rgs?

Did they? Can you prove this?


I simply do not want to pretend like Putin is our ''friend'' in any way, shape, or form....

or pretend like Putin is even worthy to wipe the USA's ass
So Trump should have warned the Russians befope the strike right?
why bother, looks like it was all a set up anyway...? sadly, it appears likely that everybody on all sides already new what was going to happen....
Ya the Syrians wanted to lose 20 aircraft bunkers and support facilities and a fuel dump. MORON.
the syrians used chemical weapons to kill these people when regular bombs would have done a better job... WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT Rgs?

Did they? Can you prove this?
Yes, the planes came from the airport we bombed.....according to radar covering that region....you can say....maybe our gov't lied to us about the radar showing such...but there are programs out there with radar that can be easily accessed on the net, that would show the USA was lying, if they were lying....therefore I do not believe they lied on that....Also, the airplanes were identified, might even have video of them, that are the shape of Syrian aircraft....
So Trump should have warned the Russians befope the strike right?
why bother, looks like it was all a set up anyway...? sadly, it appears likely that everybody on all sides already new what was going to happen....
Ya the Syrians wanted to lose 20 aircraft bunkers and support facilities and a fuel dump. MORON.
the syrians used chemical weapons to kill these people when regular bombs would have done a better job... WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT Rgs?

Did they? Can you prove this?
Yes, the planes came from the airport we bombed.....according to radar covering that region....you can say....maybe our gov't lied to us about the radar showing such...but there are programs out there with radar that can be easily accessed on the net, that would show the USA was lying, if they were lying....therefore I do not believe they lied on that....Also, the airplanes were identified, might even have video of them, that are the shape of Syrian aircraft....

Okay, so there are programs, but you haven't seen them. So you don't have evidence, your argument is based around the potential for there to be evidence... that's.... not really proof.
why bother, looks like it was all a set up anyway...? sadly, it appears likely that everybody on all sides already new what was going to happen....
Ya the Syrians wanted to lose 20 aircraft bunkers and support facilities and a fuel dump. MORON.
the syrians used chemical weapons to kill these people when regular bombs would have done a better job... WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT Rgs?

Did they? Can you prove this?
Yes, the planes came from the airport we bombed.....according to radar covering that region....you can say....maybe our gov't lied to us about the radar showing such...but there are programs out there with radar that can be easily accessed on the net, that would show the USA was lying, if they were lying....therefore I do not believe they lied on that....Also, the airplanes were identified, might even have video of them, that are the shape of Syrian aircraft....

Okay, so there are programs, but you haven't seen them. So you don't have evidence, your argument is based around the potential for there to be evidence... that's.... not really proof.
True, I have not seen them, but you can bet your darn booty if there was evidence that these planes did not come from this Syrian Air Base, someone would have disputed what our Intelligence analysts have said....
Ya the Syrians wanted to lose 20 aircraft bunkers and support facilities and a fuel dump. MORON.
the syrians used chemical weapons to kill these people when regular bombs would have done a better job... WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT Rgs?

Did they? Can you prove this?
Yes, the planes came from the airport we bombed.....according to radar covering that region....you can say....maybe our gov't lied to us about the radar showing such...but there are programs out there with radar that can be easily accessed on the net, that would show the USA was lying, if they were lying....therefore I do not believe they lied on that....Also, the airplanes were identified, might even have video of them, that are the shape of Syrian aircraft....

Okay, so there are programs, but you haven't seen them. So you don't have evidence, your argument is based around the potential for there to be evidence... that's.... not really proof.
True, I have not seen them, but you can bet your darn booty if there was evidence that these planes did not come from this Syrian Air Base, someone would have disputed what our Intelligence analysts have said....

Your argument is not based on evidence. It's based on what you think happened. It doesn't matter what you'd bet the situation is, neither of us know what actually happened and we can only speculate. To say that it did actually happen is a lie.
Idlib ‘chemical attack’ was false flag to set Assad up, more may come – Putin
Published time: 11 Apr, 2017 12:51Edited time: 11 Apr, 2017 14:20

Idlib ‘chemical attack’ was false flag to set Assad up, more may come – Putin

“We have reports from multiple sources that false flags like this one – and I cannot call it otherwise – are being prepared in other parts of Syria, including the southern suburbs of Damascus. They plan to plant some chemical there and accuse the Syrian government of an attack,” he said at a joint press conference with Italian President Sergio Mattarella in Moscow.

Damascus denied the allegations, noting that the targeted area may have been hosting chemical weapons stockpiles belonging to Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) or Al-Nusra Front jihadists.

The incident has not been properly investigated as yet, but the US fired dozens of cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase in a demonstration of force over what it labeled a chemical attack by Damascus.

“President Mattarella and I discussed it, and I told him that this reminds me strongly of the events in 2003, when the US representatives demonstrated at the UN Security Council session the presumed chemical weapons found in Iraq. The military campaign was subsequently launched in Iraq and it ended with the devastation of the country, the growth of the terrorist threat and the appearance of Islamic State [IS, formerly ISIS] on the world stage,” he added.

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