$100 Million Mega Mosque in Lanham, Maryland

The shame of it is that all this tolerance of islam was said in Britian, France and Sweden. Which is why they have what they have now. It's a shame that the US is just too stupid to figure it out. Denmark figured it out and we can't.

We aren't stupid.

We just reject bigotry - whether it's racism, anti-semitism or Islamophobia. It all springs from the same source: ignorance and fear.

Thank you. I needed a good laugh.
Freedom of Relig....Freedom of Christian Religion!

Islam needs to be reclassified as it isn't a religion - alone - it is far more and it is in conflict with our constitution. You seem to have missed the input they are seeking from MB and Hamas members? Both are terrorist organizations - hello out there! Anyone home?

How, exactly, do you propose to do that.

Who has the authority to ‘reclassify.’

And after you ‘reclassify’ Islam and render it no longer a religion, the next step is to 'outlaw' Islam.

Do you realize that millions of Muslim Americans won’t stop practicing their faith. Are you then prepared to imprison them for the ‘crime’ of being Muslim.

I've often wondered myself how you reclassify a religion. Whether it applies to Islam or Scientology. (Or any other religion, those are just the two i usually hear it on).

We have freedom of religion for a reason. I have no desire to see the government persecute a religion simply because I dont believe it or may even think it's absolutely silly.

We need to stop turning to the government to "solve" our problems. If we have the truth, we can persuade people of it. And if we don't, we need to repent and get it.
Turkey is a secular state becoming an Islamic state. They will do so quite democratically. The people want an Islamic state.

Turkey Continues Its Irrevocable Slide to Becoming an Islamic Theocracy | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

Modern Turkey bears little resemblance to the secular republic created by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1923. Over the past decade, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) has been transforming Turkey into an Islamic state. The most recent example of this has been the arrest of an internationally acclaimed Turkish classical pianist for insulting Islam. Fazil Say said “the Koran says there are rivers of drinks in heaven, that makes it sound like a pub, while the beautiful women available there make it sound like a brothel.” He could receive a jail sentence of up to 18 months.

These mega mosques are not meant to serve a muslim minority. They are being built to serve the muslim majority that will be as America becomes an Islamic state too.

It may happen sooner than later considering the riots in Istanbul this past week.
Let them build their stupid church. If no public funds or land are involved it's none of our business.


I agree. Though I dont know if it's None of our business because everything everyone does influences our society. But it's not something im going to stress over.
"...Are you implying that Catholics never fought in wars believing they were doing God's work?"
Nope... but that's an individual thing. When was the last time the Pope called for a Crusade? When was the last time that an influential Muslim cleric called for a Jihad?

What is your point? History is linear. Unless you are a self-subscribed existentialist.

I can say one thing for the Mullahs....I really doubt they would tolerate their young boys being penetrated anally by their elder male members. The Pope turns a blind eye to that kind of thing and the IDIOT sheep that follow the Pope don't seem to care.

How on earth has the Pope turned a blind eye to anything? The man has only been Pope for less than 3 months.

His point is pretty obvious. Are you really unable to understand it?
Here is the Hindu Temple in Nashville. I didn't live too far from it and watched it being going up every day on my way to work.


A beautiful building
The completely batshit insane idea that all of Islam preaches violence against infidels is about as stupid as it gets.

The dumb fucks who parrot this nonsense seem to be completely oblivious to the fact we have millions of Muslims in this country, and they are not running around blowing up infidels and humping 72 virgins apiece in the afterworld.

That we have millions of Muslim darkies here is what is causing all the dismay of these bigoted creeps. The see an ax murdering raghead under every bed they sleep in, waiting for their fat-filled heads to be chopped off by a maniacal sand ****** sent on a rampage from the bowels of the nearest Mega Mosque of DOOOOOOOOOOM.

This massively bigoted stereotyping of an entire class of people based on the behaviors of a whacked out minority is one of the stupidest movements I have seen come down the pike in a very long time.

Critical thinking is alien technology to bigots. But that has always been the case.
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Turkey is solidly a Second World country... they do OK for themselves, when all is said and done.

No they aren't. A second world country is a communist industrialized state.

They aren't communist.

Quite frankly the terms are outdated by half a century.
Nice straw man.

I don't become alarmed if a different religion builds a house of worship. In fact, no one is alarmed that a differen religion is build a house of worship. The concern is that radical muslims are. (Whether that concern is justified or not is a matter of debate).

Were it Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, or any other faith, absolutely no one would be voicing any concern whatsoever.

I get disagreeing with people on the topic. But why create straw man? If you can't accurately acknowledge the real issue what's the point of discussion? How can we have an honest discussion if you are misrepresenting the issue from the get go?

How would you feel if someone misrepresented and attacked the position you were trying to advocate or argue? This is the problem we are having in the country. We aren't discussing real issues with people because there are too many dishonest brokers who wont even frame the issues accurately.

The OP contains the word "alarming".

You fail.

Right. Because the OP was not about the size of the mosque nor the money spent on the mosque. The OP was about "the Mosque receiving input from a parent organization of Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. Both are terrorist organizations or didn't you know that?

Q & A time: Why would Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas Parent Organizations be giving this mosque input? And the answers are: Fill in the blank.

The title was about it and so was my response. Or didn't you know that?
Anyone that is spending 100 MILLION clams is not going to be doing anything in the area where they are going to be anything other THAN GOOD CITIZENS.

Correct me if I am wrong but why would a group of Muslims or ANYONE invest that kinda coin unless they plan on fitting in and staying a long time?

Stay a while yes. Fitting in... Not so sure about that.

When Americans started moving into Texas in the 19th century, they were planning to stay a while. They weren't planning to "fit in" with the Mexicans already there.
The OP contains the word "alarming".

You fail.

Right. Because the OP was not about the size of the mosque nor the money spent on the mosque. The OP was about "the Mosque receiving input from a parent organization of Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. Both are terrorist organizations or didn't you know that?

Q & A time: Why would Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas Parent Organizations be giving this mosque input? And the answers are: Fill in the blank.

The title was about it and so was my response. Or didn't you know that?

Address the actual topic of discussion - surrounding word "alarm" in OP or admit you are not addressing it. It's one or the other. - Jeremiah
Quick question;

At what point do you become "alarmed" if a different religion builds a house of worship:

$1 Million
$5 Million
$10 Million
$20 Million
$50 Million

Nice straw man.

I don't become alarmed if a different religion builds a house of worship. In fact, no one is alarmed that a differen religion is build a house of worship. The concern is that radical muslims are. (Whether that concern is justified or not is a matter of debate).

Were it Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, or any other faith, absolutely no one would be voicing any concern whatsoever.

I get disagreeing with people on the topic. But why create straw man? If you can't accurately acknowledge the real issue what's the point of discussion? How can we have an honest discussion if you are misrepresenting the issue from the get go?

How would you feel if someone misrepresented and attacked the position you were trying to advocate or argue? This is the problem we are having in the country. We aren't discussing real issues with people because there are too many dishonest brokers who wont even frame the issues accurately.

The OP contains the word "alarming".

You fail.

You completely ignored my point which had nothing to do with the word alarming and everything to do with the fact that the issue is specifically muslims. Not any different religion.

So as I said once again, no one is alarmed that a different religion is building a house of worship. They are alarmed that Muslims are. Which isn't exactly an irrational concern considering Islamic extremism.

Not sure it's enough to justify alarm.

Just please stop with the straw men and try to actually read what others write . And stop pretending your fail belongs to others.
You completely ignored my point which had nothing to do with the word alarming and everything to do with the fact that the issue is specifically muslims. Not any different religion.

So as I said once again, no one is alarmed that a different religion is building a house of worship. They are alarmed that Muslims are. Which isn't exactly an irrational concern considering Islamic extremism.

I would buy that bullshit posit if the same people got all sweaty and upset over a Catholic megachurch being built in their town which has direct ties to an organization which regularly rapes small children and protects its own from prosecution.
The way of the idiot is to hate, and then to seek out justifications for that hate, latching onto anything which confirms their bias.

A mega mosque of doom going up in your town? Give me a minute, I will find a good reason to justify your revulsion. And you will swallow whatever piss I pour for you, without fact checking, because it is what you want to believe.

That is the way of the idiot.
Right. Because the OP was not about the size of the mosque nor the money spent on the mosque. The OP was about "the Mosque receiving input from a parent organization of Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. Both are terrorist organizations or didn't you know that?

Q & A time: Why would Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas Parent Organizations be giving this mosque input? And the answers are: Fill in the blank.

The title was about it and so was my response. Or didn't you know that?

Address the actual topic of discussion - surrounding word "alarm" in OP or admit you are not addressing it. It's one or the other. - Jeremiah

The OP said it was alarming or quoted someone who said it was alarming. Right? So there you are.

You fail.
You completely ignored my point which had nothing to do with the word alarming and everything to do with the fact that the issue is specifically muslims. Not any different religion.

So as I said once again, no one is alarmed that a different religion is building a house of worship. They are alarmed that Muslims are. Which isn't exactly an irrational concern considering Islamic extremism.

I would buy that bullshit posit if the same people got all sweaty and upset over a Catholic megachurch being built in their town which has direct ties to an organization which regularly rapes small children and protects its own from prosecution.

You responded better than I could have.

Conservatives are just about 2 things, trying to make you afraid and who is to blame.
You completely ignored my point which had nothing to do with the word alarming and everything to do with the fact that the issue is specifically muslims. Not any different religion.

So as I said once again, no one is alarmed that a different religion is building a house of worship. They are alarmed that Muslims are. Which isn't exactly an irrational concern considering Islamic extremism.

I would buy that bullshit posit if the same people got all sweaty and upset over a Catholic megachurch being built in their town which has direct ties to an organization which regularly rapes small children and protects its own from prosecution.

Or those mega churches bankrolling Uganda anti gay laws.
Nice straw man.

I don't become alarmed if a different religion builds a house of worship. In fact, no one is alarmed that a differen religion is build a house of worship. The concern is that radical muslims are. (Whether that concern is justified or not is a matter of debate).

Were it Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, or any other faith, absolutely no one would be voicing any concern whatsoever.

I get disagreeing with people on the topic. But why create straw man? If you can't accurately acknowledge the real issue what's the point of discussion? How can we have an honest discussion if you are misrepresenting the issue from the get go?

How would you feel if someone misrepresented and attacked the position you were trying to advocate or argue? This is the problem we are having in the country. We aren't discussing real issues with people because there are too many dishonest brokers who wont even frame the issues accurately.

The OP contains the word "alarming".

You fail.

You completely ignored my point which had nothing to do with the word alarming and everything to do with the fact that the issue is specifically muslims. Not any different religion.

So as I said once again, no one is alarmed that a different religion is building a house of worship. They are alarmed that Muslims are. Which isn't exactly an irrational concern considering Islamic extremism.

Not sure it's enough to justify alarm.

Just please stop with the straw men and try to actually read what others write . And stop pretending your fail belongs to others.

OK, there are Muslim extremists all over the world.
If Muslims were building a 100 million dollar mosque near me what do I, or any rational and sensible citizen does, do? I go down there and meet my new neighbors.

Or sit at home watching the tube worrying about "Muslim extemists".

Of course these days folks do not know their neighbors.
I do. Go out and meet yours.
You completely ignored my point which had nothing to do with the word alarming and everything to do with the fact that the issue is specifically muslims. Not any different religion.

So as I said once again, no one is alarmed that a different religion is building a house of worship. They are alarmed that Muslims are. Which isn't exactly an irrational concern considering Islamic extremism.

I would buy that bullshit posit if the same people got all sweaty and upset over a Catholic megachurch being built in their town which has direct ties to an organization which regularly rapes small children and protects its own from prosecution.

First, What the heck is a Catholic Megachurch?

Second, who exactly hasn't called the bad Catholic Priests out?
You completely ignored my point which had nothing to do with the word alarming and everything to do with the fact that the issue is specifically muslims. Not any different religion.

So as I said once again, no one is alarmed that a different religion is building a house of worship. They are alarmed that Muslims are. Which isn't exactly an irrational concern considering Islamic extremism.

I would buy that bullshit posit if the same people got all sweaty and upset over a Catholic megachurch being built in their town which has direct ties to an organization which regularly rapes small children and protects its own from prosecution.

You responded better than I could have.

Conservatives are just about 2 things, trying to make you afraid and who is to blame.

In other way, he found a way to distract from your straw man or so you think, and now you aren't even going to acknowledge that you created a straw man.

Is it really too much to just admit being wrong about something?

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