$100 Million Mega Mosque in Lanham, Maryland

Turkey?s Islamist Govt. Building Mega Mosque in US
Most Americans probably don’t realize that Turkey’s Islamist government is building a colossal mosque in the United States with the input of several branches of a group known as the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda.

It’s an alarming story unlikely to receive coverage in the mainstream media, however, a nonprofit dedicated to exposing the dangers of Islamic extremism has posted information about the project on its website. The $100 million mega mosque will be erected in Lanham Maryland and is expected to “become the largest and most striking example of Islamic architecture in the western hemisphere” when it is finished in 2014. (photos and details here)

The massive facility, which will be called Turkish American Culture and Civilization Center, will span 15 acres and will feature five buildings, including a mosque “constructed using sixteenth century Ottoman architecture that can hold 750 worshipers.” It will be a place that will help counter an epidemic of “Islamophobia” in the United States, according to Turkish government officials who recently visited the construction site. The delegation was led by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose goals include increasing Islamist influence in America.

Greeting Erdogan, who is transforming Turkey from a secular democracy to an Islamist state, on his recent visit to Maryland were leaders of two entities of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda. They include Naeem Baig, president of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

...of which this thread (and the original story mysteriously written, it seems, not by a person, but apparently attributed only to an organization by the name of 'Judicial Watch') are two more examples.

At this point in time, I wish some conservative person or group would send out questionnaires to conservatives asking them what they thought were their top 10 fears (a smaller, more manageable number seems, frankly, unrealistic). People could choose from a list of about 100 items with an allowance for 3 write in entries. Then the list could be collated to list the top 10 or 20 vote-getters.

Top ten fears of alleged "conservatives":

1. Barack Obama, aka "Maobama", aka Barack HUSSEIN Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, aka Barry Sortero, aka Barry Sotero, aka Barack Osama, aka Socialist.

2. A birth certificate proving Obama was born here.

3. Ragheads.

4. Darkies.

5. Mexicans.

6. Homos.

7. An angry homosexual black Muslim on food stamps who votes.

8. Running out of batteries halfway through an Alex Jones broadcast.

9. No one knocking on their door to confiscate their guns.

10. Being quizzed on the Constitution or US History.

hey G.....if Conservatives hate Mexicans so much how come so many of them out here live among them and have even Married them and have had kids?...
AND if Liberals are so for Gay Marriage..... why did so many Liberals out here vote against the Marriage right....TWICE?.....
also how come many Liberals also say they are not to Comfortable around Muslims?.....just thought i would ask.....since you seem to know so much about them....thanks
I guess you don't know that Turkey doesn't have an Islamic government. :lol:

Islamist. Can you read? The government of Turkey are comprised of Muslim people. Does that break it down for you enough? - Jeri

So all Muslims are ‘Islamists.’

You’re obviously unaware of how ignorant you sound.

you have said and have agreed that ALL Republicans are Assholes.....how is that any different?....or are you just another of those ignorant people you speak of?....
I was explaining my thought on how the author of the article on this thread came up with word Islamist vs. Democracy. We've been through this one before. I haven't received an answer / explanation about it yet but I expect I will. - Jeri
Freedom of Relig....Freedom of Christian Religion!

Islam needs to be reclassified as it isn't a religion - alone - it is far more and it is in conflict with our constitution. You seem to have missed the input they are seeking from MB and Hamas members? Both are terrorist organizations - hello out there! Anyone home?

How, exactly, do you propose to do that.

Who has the authority to ‘reclassify.’

And after you ‘reclassify’ Islam and render it no longer a religion, the next step is to 'outlaw' Islam.

Do you realize that millions of Muslim Americans won’t stop practicing their faith. Are you then prepared to imprison them for the ‘crime’ of being Muslim.

kinda sounds similar to those who want to ban guns....instead of Reclassify say Regulate.....next step Outlaw or Banning......then those who wont give up their guns go to prison....
I know many muslims on and off the boards. Many have no interest in a jihad but there are those mosques who do and the fact this one was identified as getting input from parent orgs of Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas I found it a matter of concern.

The matter of it being a mosque, how large, how much it cost is not of interest to me.. Only their ties to Hamas and MB. I thought I made that clear but apparently it takes a few times on these threads as they keep rolling over new posts. Hope that clears up the confusion here on what the thread is about.


then maybe we are going to have to trust that the ones who dont will take out their own trash......there is a large Iranian Population here in OC.....they have booted 3 people that i know of out of the Mosques here for speaking violence in the last few years ....Adam Ghahan being one.....
If a country with half of its people under the poverty level putting a 100 mil mosque in your country, again, you should ask yourself wtf.

Child poverty in the US has reached record levels, with almost 17 million children now affected. A growing number are also going hungry on a daily basis.
BBC News - The children going hungry in America

Population below poverty line
Germany: --- 15.5 %
Greece: ------ 20 %
Mexico: ------ 51.3 %
Turkey: -------16.9%
USA: ---------- 15.1 %

And thats why you don't see USA trying to build a 100 mil church, do you?

And thats why USA is not a 3rd world country, unlkie Turkey...
And thats why you don't see USA trying to build a 100 mil church, do you?

And thats why USA is not a 3rd world country, unlkie Turkey...

Your government is indebted to us with 56.6 billion $.

You should make yourself useful and contribute to your government's ability to repay your debts.
Instead of talking bullshit on the internet.

What Turks do with their own earned money you better leave to Turks because it is not your money.
And thats why you don't see USA trying to build a 100 mil church, do you?

And thats why USA is not a 3rd world country, unlkie Turkey...

Your government is indebted to us with 56.6 billion $.

You should make yourself useful and contribute to your government's ability to repay your debts.
Instead of talking bullshit on the internet.

What Turks do with their own earned money you better leave to Turks because it is not your money.

Yeah, what do turks think about your sultan Tayyip doing whatever he wants just because he had enough electoral votes?

Let me tell you, they protest him.

And what response do they get?

Let me tell you, agent orange, a tear gas that has been banned by UN and now being used against protestors in Istanbul.

Turkish Riot Police Starts Using Agent Orange - CNN iReport

Turks can NOT decide what they can do with their hard earned money, it is your sultan decides, unfortunately this is the fact. And now he wants a 100 mil mosque in US soil, to show off, to celebrate his sultanate.
Let me tell you, agent orange, a tear gas that has been banned by UN and now being used against protestors in Istanbul.

Stuttgart, Germany

Around 600 police used water cannon, tear gas, pepper spray and batons in an operation against over 1,000 demonstrators in the southwestern city of Stuttgart on Thursday. The activists had tried to use a sit-down protest to prevent the city's Schlossgarten park from being cleared so that work could begin on felling trees in the park as part of construction work on the new station.

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This is no tear gas, this is real bullets and panzer running over people.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0E9o6p-P08]TOMA PANZER GÖSTER?C?Y? EZIYOR!! #occupygezi #direngeziparki - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhN3GbXw1EI]polis havaya ate? açt? - YouTube[/ame]
Broken glasses in Istanbul. Police say it is the protestors. Lets see what the reality is...



This is the protestors

I know many muslims on and off the boards. Many have no interest in a jihad but there are those mosques who do and the fact this one was identified as getting input from parent orgs of Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas I found it a matter of concern.

The matter of it being a mosque, how large, how much it cost is not of interest to me.. Only their ties to Hamas and MB. I thought I made that clear but apparently it takes a few times on these threads as they keep rolling over new posts. Hope that clears up the confusion here on what the thread is about.


No, your ignorance, hatred, and fear of Muslims is well-documented, no confusion at all.

And your ignorance of Turkey is noted as well, as its government is not ‘Islamist.’
I know many muslims on and off the boards. Many have no interest in a jihad but there are those mosques who do and the fact this one was identified as getting input from parent orgs of Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas I found it a matter of concern.

The matter of it being a mosque, how large, how much it cost is not of interest to me.. Only their ties to Hamas and MB. I thought I made that clear but apparently it takes a few times on these threads as they keep rolling over new posts. Hope that clears up the confusion here on what the thread is about.


No, your ignorance, hatred, and fear of Muslims is well-documented, no confusion at all.

And your ignorance of Turkey is noted as well, as its government is not ‘Islamist.’

"We will create an islamist youth!"
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Sultan of Turkey

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