$100 Million Mega Mosque in Lanham, Maryland

Unlike the government we installed in Iraq, Turkey is not an Islamist theocracy.
We installed a theocracy in Iraq?
What's the name of the head mullah?
"...That has what to do with Turkey exactly?"
Given that the conversation had (understandably, at the time) drifted a bit, in critiquing Islam in general rather than a focus upon Turkey specifically, I think our colleague was venting his spleen a bit concerning Islam-in-general, and was meekly serving-up a lightweight apology for having done so, citing his emotions over 9-11 as the basis for his frustration and disgust. It was not directly related to the main topic but had segued from a related series of exchanges.

But you knew that before you even asked...
"...That has what to do with Turkey exactly?"
Given that the conversation had (understandably, at the time) drifted a bit, in critiquing Islam in general rather than a focus upon Turkey specifically, I think our colleague was venting his spleen a bit concerning Islam-in-general, and was meekly serving-up a lightweight apology for having done so, citing his emotions over 9-11 as the basis for his frustration and disgust. It was not directly related to the main topic but had segued from a related series of exchanges.

But you knew that before you even asked...

Uh-- no I didn't. If I did there would be no need to ask. Think about it.

In any case I guess the clearest explanation would come from the poster who posted it -- would it not?
"...In any case I guess the clearest explanation would come from the poster who posted it -- would it not?"

Given that you seemed sufficiently interested to inquire, and given that there was no sign of our colleague online at the moment, and given that I had been present at the time that the remark was served up, the spirit moved me to butt-in and assist our colleague in his absence. Feel free to use mine as a placeholder in the interim or to continue to wait for first-hand clarification, as your discretion.
I don't have to prove a thing. Some do, many do not. The ones who don't speak up because they live in fear or they don't realize the dangers. What is that to me? I will write about what I write about and you write whatever it is you write about.

Do you ever post a thread here? Or is this it?

You can write anything you like. That too is in the Constitution. But you are asking that the government step in to prevent the free exercise of religion. I would not stand quietly by if someone attempted to do that to you and I will not stand quietly by while you attempt to do it to someone else. In this country people are free to worship as they please. If you don't have the guts to live with that, too bad.

I put up the thread because the story is significant. The people giving input to the Mosque are terrorists. IHamas and Muslim Brotherhood. Look up the OP and read it. Thanks. Have a nice day now! NOTE*** I am not asking the government to step in to prevent anything. I am asking for the government to investigate infitration of terrorist orgs such as MB infiltrating White House. That is my request. - Jeri

How is this story any more significant than the multiple Big Box churches they've built around here in the last few years?
I'm not the one who remains silent on this board concerning Islamic Terrorism. You are. So much for that one, eh?


Not endorsing anti-Islamic bigotry does not mean one is silent concerning Islamic extremism or terrorism.

Speaking out against a doctrine that is in opposition to the Constitution of the United States and has openly stated its plans to overthrow the US Government and Install Sharia is not bigotry, Coyote. It's patriotism. - Jeremiah

People used to say that about Roman Catholicism too.
Turkey is a secular state becoming an Islamic state. They will do so quite democratically. The people want an Islamic state.

Turkey Continues Its Irrevocable Slide to Becoming an Islamic Theocracy | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

Modern Turkey bears little resemblance to the secular republic created by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in 1923. Over the past decade, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) has been transforming Turkey into an Islamic state. The most recent example of this has been the arrest of an internationally acclaimed Turkish classical pianist for insulting Islam. Fazil Say said “the Koran says there are rivers of drinks in heaven, that makes it sound like a pub, while the beautiful women available there make it sound like a brothel.” He could receive a jail sentence of up to 18 months.

These mega mosques are not meant to serve a muslim minority. They are being built to serve the muslim majority that will be as America becomes an Islamic state too.
Unlike the government we installed in Iraq, Turkey is not an Islamist theocracy.
We installed a theocracy in Iraq?
What's the name of the head mullah?

I base that assessment on this article from the Iraqi Constitution:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.
I don't have to prove a thing. Some do, many do not. The ones who don't speak up because they live in fear or they don't realize the dangers. What is that to me? I will write about what I write about and you write whatever it is you write about.

Do you ever post a thread here? Or is this it?

That's exactly the kind of answer we can expect from someone who doesn't have facts or the Truth on their side. :D

Bodey talking about truth :lmao:
USMB Biggest Proven Liar is questioning another posters honesty? :lmao:

:eusa_liar::eusa_liar: :cool:

Amazing the size of space I have rented in your head...as big as that Mega-Mosque, it would seem.... :D
"...People used to say that about Roman Catholicism too."
Yeah, but that was residual bias leftover from immediate pre- and post-Reformation times, as manifested in predominantly Protestant America for a couple of centuries afterwards.

Also, I don't recall Roman Catholics having a contemporary reputation in the 19th century (when anti-Catholic bias was at its height in the US) for blowing-up thousands of American civilians in the name of God and to advance the cause of worldwide Catholicism.

Of course, I could be wrong.
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I posted the title from the title in the news article. That was not my call but the author. Get it yet??? - Jeri

So to recap.... you saw this headline, you knew it was bullshit, and you posted it anyway.

That about it?

I knew Turkey was a democracy and the author said Islamist. Before I put it up. YES.

I went with title as he stated it - that is rules of USMB by the way - I don't get to correct the author and revise his articles due to copyright issues. Do you finally get it now??!!

- Jeri

So, it's all the author's fault. Gotcha.
Fairness is the very last thing to be considered. Fairness would say that every time a suicide bomber kills a bunch of people, an equal number of people from the bombers friends and family be executed. That's fair.

Other than that, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. If you think the Swedish, who gave muslims everything, except the loyalty of the Swedish people, deserve to be killed, or have their property destroyed, that's something else all together. The Swedes have a very high gun ownership rate. They just need to use it.

Sounds like you are advocating that Swedes go out and shoot Muslims.

Have the riots in Stockholm ended yet? The Los Angeles riots in 1992 ended when Korean shop owners showed how to handle rioters. They took to the rooftops with rifles. The similarity is that in both Sweden and Los Angeles the authority has chosen not to act at all.
Interesting how I was right and Jeremiah was wrong about what you meant.
Islam is the religion of peace and muslims are all nice people.

Just ask the Swedish.

Christianity is the religion of peace and Christians are all nice people.

Just ask the kids ass raped by priests.

Or ask anyone who has had a cross burned on their lawn or one of their relatives lynched by the Klan.
The difference being that those folks were acting AGAINST the core teachings of their belief-system and their Founder...

Whereas much of the violence committed by adherents of Islam is undertaken IN ACCORDANCE WITH the teachings of their belief-system and their Founder...

Just a wee bit o' difference there...

So you keep trying to convince us. But I find that there's some pretty convincing evidence in the bible that jews and Christians who kill do it in ACCORDANCE WITH their belief system too.
Sounds like you are advocating that Swedes go out and shoot Muslims.

Have the riots in Stockholm ended yet? The Los Angeles riots in 1992 ended when Korean shop owners showed how to handle rioters. They took to the rooftops with rifles. The similarity is that in both Sweden and Los Angeles the authority has chosen not to act at all.
Interesting how I was right and Jeremiah was wrong about what you meant.

The Swedes should go out and take care of business by shooting rioters who are destroying whatever they come in contact with. To YOU this might mean muslims generally but such generalizations are usually and rightly considered racist.
"...So you keep trying to convince us..."
Tell ya what...

As I challenged somebody else to do, earlier...

Feel free to seek-out all the times in the New Testament where Jesus of Nazareth incited his followers to go to war or to commit violence in the name of God or to advance Christianity, and tally them up...

Then seek-out all the times in the Q'uran where Muhammed incited his followers to go to war or to commit violence in the name of God or to advance Islam, and tally them up...

But you won't...

Practicalities aside...

You know just as well as I do, how lopsided that tally is going to be...

With Islam tallying-up a huge score compared to Christianity, in that regard...

I have zero problem with conceding that great and horrific slaughter has been committed in the name of the Christian vision of God and to advance Christianity at-large, over the centuries...

Arguably even more frequent and lethal and tragic and broader in scope than those spawned by Islam in olden times.

But when those Ancestors of ours did those things, they were doing so without the explicit permission of their Founder and in direct contravention with the teachings of their Founder, relying, instead, upon subsequent, mortal, fallible 'spin' and sophistry, ignoring the New Testament and falling back upon the Old, in order to conjure-up bull$hit justifications...

And it has been several centuries since any large-scale Religious Wars have been spawned by The West (a.k.a. Christendom) using God and The Faith as the basis for such warfare. The Reformation and the period immediately following that seems to have cured us (The West) of such nonsense, and we have kept that medieval mindset at-bay for a great many generations since those times...

Not to mention the self-righting mechanism inadvertently built into Christianity when people begin to declare: 'This is not what The Master (Jesus) taught us.' - and begin to question what they're doing, from a spiritual perspective.

In the case of Islam, there is no such need to conjure-up and cook-down interpretations... it's all there in the Q'uran... spelled-out explicitly... in black and white... it's OK to kill in the name of God and to to kill to advance or defend the Faith, under Condition A or B or C... and those explicit permissions are repeated over and over and over and over and over again, within that so-called Holy Book.

Consequently, it is far easier in either modern times or any other, to utilize Islam as the basis to justify war (conventional or otherwise) and violence than it is any other.

Kinda helps when your own Founder and your own God say it's OK, doesn't it?

That is both a great strength of Islam, and a great weakness and susceptibility to misuse, which is absent in any of its mainstream counterparts.
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"...So you keep trying to convince us..."
Tell ya what...

As I challenged somebody else to do, earlier...

Feel free to seek-out all the times in the New Testament whereJesus of Nazareth incited his followers to go to war or to commit violence in the name of God or to advance Catholicism, and tally them up...

Then seek-out all the times in the Q'uran where Muhammed incited his followers to go to war or to commit violence in the name of God or to advance Islam, and tally them up...

But you won't...

Practicalities aside...

You know just as well as I do, how lopsided that tally is going to be...

With Islam tallying-up a huge score compared to Christianity, in that regard...

I have zero problem with conceding that great and horrific slaughter has been committed in the name of the Christian vision of God and to advance Christianity at-large, over the centuries...

Arguably even more frequent and lethal and tragic than those spawned by Islam in olden times...

But when those Ancestors of ours did those things, they were doing so without the explicit permission of their Founder and in direct contravention with the teachings of their Founder, relying, instead, upon subsequent, mortal, fallible 'spin' and sophistry, ignoring the New Testament and falling back upon the Old, in order to conjure-up bull$hit justifications...

And it has been several centuries since any large-scale Religious Wars have been spawned by The West (a.k.a. Christendom) using God and The Faith as the basis for such warfare. The Reformation and the period immediately following that seems to have cured us (The West) of such nonsense, and we have kept that medieval mindset at-bay for a great many generations since those times.

In the case of Islam, there is no such need to conjure-up and cook-down interpretations... it's all there in the Q'uran... spelled-out explicitly... in black and white... it's OK to kill in the name of God and to advance the Faith, under Condition A or B or C... and those explicit permissions are repeated over and over and over and over and over again, within that Holy Book.

Consequently, it is far easier in either modern times or any other, to utilize Islam as the basis to justify war (conventional or otherwise) and violence than it is any other.

Kinda helps with your own Founder and your own God say it's OK, doesn't it?

That is both a great strength of Islam and a great weakness and susceptibility to misuse.

Are you implying that Catholics never fought in wars believing they were doing God's work?
"...Are you implying that Catholics never fought in wars believing they were doing God's work?"
Nope... but that's an individual thing. When was the last time the Pope called for a Crusade? When was the last time that an influential Muslim cleric called for a Jihad?
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Turkey?s Islamist Govt. Building Mega Mosque in US
Most Americans probably don’t realize that Turkey’s Islamist government is building a colossal mosque in the United States with the input of several branches of a group known as the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda.

It’s an alarming story unlikely to receive coverage in the mainstream media, however, a nonprofit dedicated to exposing the dangers of Islamic extremism has posted information about the project on its website. The $100 million mega mosque will be erected in Lanham Maryland and is expected to “become the largest and most striking example of Islamic architecture in the western hemisphere” when it is finished in 2014. (photos and details here)

The massive facility, which will be called Turkish American Culture and Civilization Center, will span 15 acres and will feature five buildings, including a mosque “constructed using sixteenth century Ottoman architecture that can hold 750 worshipers.” It will be a place that will help counter an epidemic of “Islamophobia” in the United States, according to Turkish government officials who recently visited the construction site. The delegation was led by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose goals include increasing Islamist influence in America.

Greeting Erdogan, who is transforming Turkey from a secular democracy to an Islamist state, on his recent visit to Maryland were leaders of two entities of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda. They include Naeem Baig, president of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

I guess you don't know that Turkey doesn't have an Islamic government. :lol:

"We will create a new islamist youth!"
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Sultan(PM) of Turkey


This is no surprise, he is planning a mega super duper biggest in the world mosque in Istanbul, the city that has the most mosques in the world. Like they were missing any and like people were able to fill up the currently functional mosques.

Islamists like showing off, this is part of their religious point of view.
"...Are you implying that Catholics never fought in wars believing they were doing God's work?"
Nope... but that's an individual thing. When was the last time the Pope called for a Crusade? When was the last time that an influential Muslim cleric called for a Jihad?

Here's the point:

Once upon a time the Catholic church was worse than Islam, BUT, eventually Catholicism calmed down and became a reasonably civilized institution, if you set aside the institutionalized sexual depravity for the moment.

It is not unreasonable thus to believe that over time Islam can itself calm down and move on from its violent extremist contingent.

Keep in mind too that in terms of raw numbers of incidents, there have been far more acts of terror and violence committed in the US in the name of Christianity in the past 30 years than in the name of Islam.

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