$100 Million Mega Mosque in Lanham, Maryland

Yes both have enemies and you choose to believe the opinion of the enemy. Whats the problem? Unfair you say?

Fairness is the very last thing to be considered. Fairness would say that every time a suicide bomber kills a bunch of people, an equal number of people from the bombers friends and family be executed. That's fair.

Other than that, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. If you think the Swedish, who gave muslims everything, except the loyalty of the Swedish people, deserve to be killed, or have their property destroyed, that's something else all together. The Swedes have a very high gun ownership rate. They just need to use it.

Sounds like you are advocating that Swedes go out and shoot Muslims.

Have the riots in Stockholm ended yet? The Los Angeles riots in 1992 ended when Korean shop owners showed how to handle rioters. They took to the rooftops with rifles. The similarity is that in both Sweden and Los Angeles the authority has chosen not to act at all.
Actually, for the number of people killed in an attack, taking an equal number of friends and/or family of a suicide bomber and summarily executing them would put an end to such attacks.

Not fair, not legal, utterly against the principles this country was founded upon and only creates even more people to kill more innocent people to justify our killing more innocent people.
Well, I believe Katz is speaking in theory here but I would say we cannot lower our standards in order to meet theirs or we become like them. That isn't an option.

So there's that.

"...Every religion does that to one extent or another..."
Yeah, but, the trouble with that is, the others gave that up centuries ago; not so, Islam.

"...That only matters in a theocracy, and we do not have a theocracy here."


And many of your fellow citizens are now committed to a long-term and heightened state of watchfulness to ensure that such a backward and medieval alien influence does not gain a foothold in the civic life of our Republic - now, or by establishing precedents now in the name of tolerance, that can be leveraged in a bid for dominance or special accommodations at a later date. The place to stop a problem is at its beginning, not after it's been allowed to fester for years or decades for want of the backbone to stand up to it, early-on.

True: We do not have a theocracy here... and frank and candid assessment of Islam and sustained vigilance over the coming years and decades will go a long way towards ensuring that we never DO have a theocracy here - next year, or a hundred years from now.
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Islam is the religion of peace and muslims are all nice people.

Just ask the Swedish.

Christianity is the religion of peace and Christians are all nice people.

Just ask the kids ass raped by priests.

Or ask anyone who has had a cross burned on their lawn or one of their relatives lynched by the Klan.

Or ask anyone related to the civilians slaughtered by Staff Sergeant Robert Bales.
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"...Every religion does that to one extent or another..."
Yeah, but, the trouble with that is, the others gave that up centuries ago; not so, Islam.

"...That only matters in a theocracy, and we do not have a theocracy here."


And many of your fellow citizens are now committed to a long-term and heightened state of watchfulness to ensure that such a backward and medieval alien influence does not gain a foothold in the civic life of our Republic - now, or by establishing precedents now in the name of tolerance, that can be leveraged in a bid for dominance or special accommodations at a later date. The place to stop a problem is at its beginning, not after it's been allowed to fester for years or decades for want of the backbone to stand up to it.

And many of my fellow citizens feel exactly the same way about Christians. Everyone can be as heightened as they please, so long as the protections afforded under the Constitution are not violated. The time to stop that kind of activity is at its beginning, not after it's been allowed to fester for years or decades for want of the backbone to stand up to it.
Islam is the religion of peace and muslims are all nice people.

Just ask the Swedish.

Christianity is the religion of peace and Christians are all nice people.

Just ask the kids ass raped by priests.

Or ask anyone who has had a cross burned on their lawn or one of their relatives lynched by the Klan.
The difference being that those folks were acting AGAINST the core teachings of their belief-system and their Founder...

Whereas much of the violence committed by adherents of Islam is undertaken IN ACCORDANCE WITH the teachings of their belief-system and their Founder...

Just a wee bit o' difference there...
Islam is the religion of peace and muslims are all nice people.

Just ask the Swedish.

Christianity is the religion of peace and Christians are all nice people.

Just ask the kids ass raped by priests.

Or ask anyone who has had a cross burned on their lawn or one of their relatives lynched by the Klan.
The difference being that those folks were acting AGAINST the core teachings of their belief-system and their Founder...

Funny how you can parse that out when the tables are turned.

Whereas much of the violence committed by adherents of Islam is undertaken IN ACCORDANCE WITH the teachings of their belief-system and their Founder...

Hogwash fed to you, which bigots like you buy into because you want to believe it.

Just a wee bit o' difference there...

No difference at all. Want some bible verses teaching you to kill infidels? Men, women, children, animals?
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"...And many of my fellow citizens feel exactly the same way about Christians..."
That's nice...

Smart Vegas Money says that for every person who is anti-Christian, that you drum up...

You can drum-up a thousand who are anti-Muslim...

With good reason...

I once started a topic on here about the logical fallacies we see on this board.

Argumentum ad populum was featured.
"...Funny how you can parse that out when the tables are turned..."
Isn't it though?... and, the fun thing about that is, it works, every time, because it's true.

"...Hogwash fed to you, which bigots like you buy into because you want to believe it..."

Big words from an Internet tough-guy. Don't over-think the insults, Sparky... you're certain to do yourself an injury, and you're not very good at it.

"...No difference at all. Want some bible verses teaching you to kill infidels? Men, women, children, animals?"

The New Testament supersedes and overrides the Old.

The OT is a residual trace of Christianity's Judaic roots.

And it was preserved in Christian dogma as both historical narrative and a series of morality-plays and to fill in the gaps for areas in which the New Teachings are silent and to provide continuity between Old and New.

Having said that...

Go find us a passage in the New Testament in which Jesus of Nazareth declared that it was OK to go to war or to kill in the name of God or the advancement of the Christian faith.

As a matter of fact, find ALL such utterances, then tally them up.

Then... go find for us all of the passages in the Q'uran in which Muhammed declared that it was OK to go to war or to kill in the name of Allah or the advancement of the Muslim faith.

And tally them up.

Anybody wanna bet that the tally comes-up a wee-bit lopsided on one side or the other?

Now... DO try to figure-out how to strongly counterpoint someone else's post without resorting to insults and playing attack-dog... you DO have that in you, don't you, pi$$ant?
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One typo does not make an idiot, Coyote. Let's give the author a break here. I haven't gotten an answer yet. I will let you know when I get one. Until then............

"...And many of my fellow citizens feel exactly the same way about Christians..."
That's nice...

Smart Vegas Money says that for every person who is anti-Christian, that you drum up...

You can drum-up a thousand who are anti-Muslim...

With good reason...

I once started a topic on here about the logical fallacies we see on this board.

Argumentum ad populum was featured.

Did you include your own? :tongue:
Well, I believe Katz is speaking in theory here but I would say we cannot lower our standards in order to meet theirs or we become like them. That isn't an option.

So there's that.


Few Muslim immigrants are asking for that.
The shame of it is that all this tolerance of islam was said in Britian, France and Sweden. Which is why they have what they have now. It's a shame that the US is just too stupid to figure it out. Denmark figured it out and we can't.
Islam is the religion of peace and muslims are all nice people.

Just ask the Swedish.

Christianity is the religion of peace and Christians are all nice people.

Just ask the kids ass raped by priests.

Or ask anyone who has had a cross burned on their lawn or one of their relatives lynched by the Klan.
The difference being that those folks were acting AGAINST the core teachings of their belief-system and their Founder...

Whereas much of the violence committed by adherents of Islam is undertaken IN ACCORDANCE WITH the teachings of their belief-system and their Founder...

Just a wee bit o' difference there...

Yes. A WEEEEEEE bit of difference.

All three religions "of the book" offer much violence in their texts.

They also offer much peace.

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are no different in this. Just read their religious books.

What matters is what the adherents CHOOSE to take from it and what bigots - and yes they are bigots - choose to take from it.

There are over 2 billion muslims in the world. If what you say is true about Islam, the world would be in nuclear war.

It's a shame, really, that people can't see that inside all these religions are the seeds of violence and of peace; of murder and of redemption; of hatred and love.

What do you choose to take from each one?

2:62 Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve.

5:69 Surely those who believe and those who are Jews and the Sabians and the Christians whoever believes in Allah and the last day and does good -- they shall have no fear nor shall they grieve.

Or the passages of violence? It's all there in the same religion.
The shame of it is that all this tolerance of islam was said in Britian, France and Sweden. Which is why they have what they have now. It's a shame that the US is just too stupid to figure it out. Denmark figured it out and we can't.

We aren't stupid.

We just reject bigotry - whether it's racism, anti-semitism or Islamophobia. It all springs from the same source: ignorance and fear.

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