$100 Million Mega Mosque in Lanham, Maryland

One typo does not make an idiot, Coyote. Let's give the author a break here. I haven't gotten an answer yet. I will let you know when I get one. Until then............


Explain to me Jeri...how this is a "typo"...typo for what?

Dwindling In Unbelief: Which is more violent, the Bible or the Quran?
Turkey?s Islamist Govt. Building Mega Mosque in US
Most Americans probably don’t realize that Turkey’s Islamist government is building a colossal mosque in the United States with the input of several branches of a group known as the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda.

It’s an alarming story unlikely to receive coverage in the mainstream media, however, a nonprofit dedicated to exposing the dangers of Islamic extremism has posted information about the project on its website. The $100 million mega mosque will be erected in Lanham Maryland and is expected to “become the largest and most striking example of Islamic architecture in the western hemisphere” when it is finished in 2014. (photos and details here)

The massive facility, which will be called Turkish American Culture and Civilization Center, will span 15 acres and will feature five buildings, including a mosque “constructed using sixteenth century Ottoman architecture that can hold 750 worshipers.” It will be a place that will help counter an epidemic of “Islamophobia” in the United States, according to Turkish government officials who recently visited the construction site. The delegation was led by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose goals include increasing Islamist influence in America.

Greeting Erdogan, who is transforming Turkey from a secular democracy to an Islamist state, on his recent visit to Maryland were leaders of two entities of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda. They include Naeem Baig, president of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

I guess you don't know that Turkey doesn't have an Islamic government. :lol:

Islamist. Can you read? The government of Turkey are comprised of Muslim people. Does that break it down for you enough? - Jeri

So all Muslims are ‘Islamists.’

You’re obviously unaware of how ignorant you sound.
"...Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are no different in this. Just read their religious books..."
I have already highlighted the most important difference; namely, the frequency with which the Founder of Religion B issues calls to war and violence, versus the Founder of A.

"...What matters is what the adherents CHOOSE to take from it..."

When Religion B has far more calls to war and violence than Religion A, logic dictates that Religion B is far more likely to frequently be used to go to war or to commit violence in the name of the Godhead or to advance The Faith.

"...There are over 2 billion muslims in the world..."

1.6 billion according to the latest stats, actually, but there are, indeed, over 2 billion Christians.

"...If what you say is true about Islam, the world would be in nuclear war..."

Most of them (their countries) have just (within the past 40-60 years) come out from under the heel of European Imperialism and Colonialism and have not yet had time to come up to speed with nuclear weapons, but, of course... they're working on it, fast-and-furious, aren't they?

Give 'em time... large Islamic nuclear arsenals are coming... and sooner than we think.

"...It's a shame, really, that people can't see that inside all these religions are the seeds of violence and of peace; of murder and of redemption; of hatred and love..."

Yes, it's a shame that people are so blind in their devotion to Religious Tolerance at any price that they become culturally suicidal and refuse to see that Religion B is a political and cultural system disguised as a religious belief system - a system that is inherently hostile to and incompatible with The West and its culture and its society and its progressive secularism - despite the most fervent wishes and dreams of good, honest, loving, naive and highly delusional people who so desperately want to believe otherwise.
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"...Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are no different in this. Just read their religious books..."
I have already highlighted the most important difference; namely, the frequency with which the Founder of Religion B issues calls to war and violence, versus the Founder of A.

"...What matters is what the adherents CHOOSE to take from it..."

When Religion B has far more calls to war and violence than Religion A, logic dictates that the odds of Religion B more frequently being used to go to war or to commit violence is the greater of the two.

Which religious text calls for more violence? Is The Bible More Violent Than The Quran? : NPR

Violence in the Quran, he and others say, is largely a defense against attack.

"By the standards of the time, which is the 7th century A.D., the laws of war that are laid down by the Quran are actually reasonably humane," he says. "Then we turn to the Bible, and we actually find something that is for many people a real surprise. There is a specific kind of warfare laid down in the Bible which we can only call genocide."

It is called herem, and it means total annihilation. Consider the Book of 1 Samuel, when God instructs King Saul to attack the Amalekites: "And utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them," God says through the prophet Samuel. "But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey."

When Saul failed to do that, God took away his kingdom.

"In other words," Jenkins says, "Saul has committed a dreadful sin by failing to complete genocide. And that passage echoes through Christian history. It is often used, for example, in American stories of the confrontation with Indians — not just is it legitimate to kill Indians, but you are violating God's law if you do not."

Jenkins notes that the history of Christianity is strewn with herem. During the Crusades in the Middle Ages, the Catholic popes declared the Muslims Amalekites. In the great religious wars in the 16th, 17th and 19th centuries, Protestants and Catholics each believed the other side were the Amalekites and should be utterly destroyed.

:dunno: Frankly....in terms of religious texts alone your statements aren't accurate.

The article actually makes some good points (from a variety of perspectives) and concludes with:

In the end, the scholars can agree on one thing: The DNA of early Judaism, Christianity and Islam code for a lot of violence. Whether they can evolve out of it is another thing altogether.

...and that, I think, is the most important point.

1.6 billion according to the latest stats, actually, but there are, indeed, over 2 billion Christians.

Muslim Population in the World --- 2.1 billion as of 2011. :dunno:

Most of them (their countries) have just (within the past 40-60 years) come out from under the heel of European Imperialism and Colonialism and have not yet had time to come up to speed with nuclear weapons, but, of course... they're working on it, fast-and-furious, aren't they?

Give 'em time... large Islamic nuclear arsenals are coming... and sooner than we think.

Pakistan has had it, most of the ME and Muslim countries don't want it. Thus far only one country has used it. It wasn't a Muslim country either.

Yes, it's a shame that people are so blind in their devotion to Religious Tolerance at any price that they become culturally suicidal and refuse to see that Religion B is a political and cultural system disguised as a religious belief system - a system that is inherently hostile to The West - despite the most fervent wishes and dreams of good, honest, loving and highly delusional people.

Or, maybe it's a shame people are so devoted to religious intolerance they can't see the truth for the lies....ya think?

Best way to promote intolerance is to spread lies - whether it's blood libel or world conquest. There are many Muslims in the US. They have no desire for any form of government other than the one we have which enshrines liberty, individual and religious freedoms and rights and opportunity to all. And they are Muslim.
"...Every religion does that to one extent or another..."
Yeah, but, the trouble with that is, the others gave that up centuries ago; not so, Islam.

I disagree.

The only thing that holds other religions in check is a secular government. Otherwise, history would be repeating itself.
Find us a large-scale nation that is ruled in modern times by a Christian theocracy or a Buddhist theocracy or a Hindi theocracy and I will be obliged to reconsider my statement.
Yeah, but, the trouble with that is, the others gave that up centuries ago; not so, Islam.

I disagree.

The only thing that holds other religions in check is a secular government. Otherwise, history would be repeating itself.
Find us a large-scale nation that is ruled in modern times by a Christian theocracy or a Buddhist theocracy or a Hindi theocracy and I will be obliged to reconsider my statement.

I think that is exactly the point I made: most nations with a majority Christian population (ie the West) are secular in governance.

However, Burma is an excellant example of a Buddhist majority nation that is attacking it's Muslim minority because unlike many Western nations - it does not protect it's minorities. That protection has zilch to do with religion but rather the absence of religion.
"...Which religious text calls for more violence? Is The Bible More Violent Than The Quran? : NPR
And if your study had focused upon the New Testament rather than incorporating the Old (given that the New, and the teachings of the Founder, supersede and override anything to the contrary found in the Old), the result would have been a paper-thin count on the Christian side of the tally-sheet...

Whereas, my numbers, found on the obligatory Wiki, originate from secular, non-biased sources, rather than a Muslim -centric website...

List of religious populations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"...Pakistan has had it, most of the ME and Muslim countries don't want it..."

Given that Iraq was working at it fast-and-furious for quite some time until the Israelis bitch-slapped them, and that Iran is working hard at it as we write this, your opinion on this matter seems to run contrary to reality.

"...Or, maybe it's a shame people are so devoted to religious intolerance they can't see the truth for the lies....ya think?..."

Always a possibility, of course, but Wishful Thinking and Reality are oftentimes two different things, and your Wishful Thinking that Islam is no better nor worse than any of its mainstream contemporaries in a violence-stimulating context does not agree with Reality.

"...Best way to promote intolerance is to spread lies..."

And the best way to stay alive as a Western civilization and culture and society and free Republic is to spread truth even when it is not agreeable - to understand what we are actually looking at.

"...There are many Muslims in the US. They have no desire for any form of government other than the one we have which enshrines liberty, individual and religious freedoms and rights and opportunity to all. And they are Muslim."

Yes. Of course. We see this all the time. In 'Creeping Sharia' demands and demands for special treatment and accommodation and in funding Muslim organizations with links to terrorist organizations and the like. You may very well be correct that some (perhaps even most) either do not want Sharia, etc., or are at least discreet in voicing their preferences, biding their time.

They are adherents of a loose-knit global belief system that does not play well with others.

The people of the UK, and of Europe, are finally beginning to understand this truth, after decades of deluding themselves and allowing the situation to build to a crescendo there.

I seriously doubt that most Americans want to see Londinistan II established here.
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Sorry bout that,

1. The stupidest people with a freely elected government are American People.
2. Watch islam take America apart, its coming.
3. Its just too bad so many stupid heads have to roll!

Turkey?s Islamist Govt. Building Mega Mosque in US
Most Americans probably don’t realize that Turkey’s Islamist government is building a colossal mosque in the United States with the input of several branches of a group known as the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda.

It’s an alarming story unlikely to receive coverage in the mainstream media, however, a nonprofit dedicated to exposing the dangers of Islamic extremism has posted information about the project on its website. The $100 million mega mosque will be erected in Lanham Maryland and is expected to “become the largest and most striking example of Islamic architecture in the western hemisphere” when it is finished in 2014. (photos and details here)

The massive facility, which will be called Turkish American Culture and Civilization Center, will span 15 acres and will feature five buildings, including a mosque “constructed using sixteenth century Ottoman architecture that can hold 750 worshipers.” It will be a place that will help counter an epidemic of “Islamophobia” in the United States, according to Turkish government officials who recently visited the construction site. The delegation was led by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose goals include increasing Islamist influence in America.

Greeting Erdogan, who is transforming Turkey from a secular democracy to an Islamist state, on his recent visit to Maryland were leaders of two entities of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda. They include Naeem Baig, president of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

I guess you don't know that Turkey doesn't have an Islamic government. :lol:

Islamist. Can you read? The government of Turkey are comprised of Muslim people. Does that break it down for you enough? - Jeri

The last time you were in Turkey, was when, exactly?
"...Which religious text calls for more violence? Is The Bible More Violent Than The Quran? : NPR
And if your study had focused upon the New Testament rather than incorporating the Old (given that the New, and the teachings of the Founder, supersede and override anything to the contrary found in the Old), the result would have been a paper-thin count on the Christian side of the tally-sheet...

Whereas, my numbers, found on the obligatory Wiki, originate from secular, non-biased sources, rather than a Muslim -centric website...

List of religious populations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Given that Iraq was working at it fast-and-furious for quite some time until the Israelis bitch-slapped them, and that Iran is working hard at it as we write this, your opinion on this matter seems to run contrary to reality.

Always a possibility, of course, but Wishful Thinking and Reality are oftentimes two different things, and your Wishful Thinking that Islam is no better nor worse than any of its mainstream contemporaries in a violence-stimulating context does not agree with Reality.

"...Best way to promote intolerance is to spread lies..."

And the best way to stay alive as a Western civilization and culture and society and free Republic is to spread truth even when it is not agreeable - to understand what we are actually looking at.

"...There are many Muslims in the US. They have no desire for any form of government other than the one we have which enshrines liberty, individual and religious freedoms and rights and opportunity to all. And they are Muslim."

Yes. Of course. We see this all the time. In 'Creeping Sharia' demands and demands for special treatment and accommodation and in funding Muslim organizations with links to terrorist organizations and the like. You may very well be correct that some (perhaps even most) either do not want Sharia, etc., or are at least discreet in voicing their preferences, biding their time.

They are adherents of a loose-knit global belief system that does not play well with others.

The people of the UK, and of Europe, are finally beginning to understand this truth, after decades of deluding themselves and allowing the situation to build to a crescendo there.

I seriously doubt that most Americans want to see Londinistan II established here.

Maybe you folks should remember our allies.

Turkey's in NATO and has been a solid ally for quite some time. They stood by us while the Soviets were at their border ready to roll them.

Man..you conservatives sure are backstabbers..aren't ya?
"...Man..you conservatives sure are backstabbers..aren't ya?"
You confuse a Conservative stance on a particular issue with overall Conservatism.

An understandable guess, but a wrong one.


Turkey is a SECULAR country - the most secular of all countries within the Islamic domain.

Speaking only for myself...

I have zero problem with a Democratic and Secular country whose inhabitants mostly practice Islam.

I simply have a problem with countries where Islam has a strong and overriding influence upon governance and policy.

But, as I said, that's just me.

Happily, given Turkey's historic (since the overthrow of the last Ottoman Emperor under Ataturk and the establishment of a secular republic) secularism, this really doesn't apply to them - so, your concerns over 'backstabbing' seem misdirected.
Freedom of Relig....Freedom of Christian Religion!

Islam needs to be reclassified as it isn't a religion - alone - it is far more and it is in conflict with our constitution. You seem to have missed the input they are seeking from MB and Hamas members? Both are terrorist organizations - hello out there! Anyone home?

How, exactly, do you propose to do that.

Who has the authority to ‘reclassify.’

And after you ‘reclassify’ Islam and render it no longer a religion, the next step is to 'outlaw' Islam.

Do you realize that millions of Muslim Americans won’t stop practicing their faith. Are you then prepared to imprison them for the ‘crime’ of being Muslim.
It's about 27 minutes away from Washington D.C.
Turks living in that area of America will get a representative complex for their needs. This includes the needs of their families, too.



Turkey?s Islamist Govt. Building Mega Mosque in US
Most Americans probably don’t realize that Turkey’s Islamist government is building a colossal mosque in the United States with the input of several branches of a group known as the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda.

It’s an alarming story unlikely to receive coverage in the mainstream media, however, a nonprofit dedicated to exposing the dangers of Islamic extremism has posted information about the project on its website. The $100 million mega mosque will be erected in Lanham Maryland and is expected to “become the largest and most striking example of Islamic architecture in the western hemisphere” when it is finished in 2014. (photos and details here)

The massive facility, which will be called Turkish American Culture and Civilization Center, will span 15 acres and will feature five buildings, including a mosque “constructed using sixteenth century Ottoman architecture that can hold 750 worshipers.” It will be a place that will help counter an epidemic of “Islamophobia” in the United States, according to Turkish government officials who recently visited the construction site. The delegation was led by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose goals include increasing Islamist influence in America.

Greeting Erdogan, who is transforming Turkey from a secular democracy to an Islamist state, on his recent visit to Maryland were leaders of two entities of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda. They include Naeem Baig, president of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

I guess you don't know that Turkey doesn't have an Islamic government. :lol:

Islamist. Can you read? The government of Turkey are comprised of Muslim people. Does that break it down for you enough? - Jeri

You need to read the Turkish constitution, Foreigner.

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