$100 Million Mega Mosque in Lanham, Maryland

"...Are you implying that Catholics never fought in wars believing they were doing God's work?"
Nope... but that's an individual thing. When was the last time the Pope called for a Crusade? When was the last time that an influential Muslim cleric called for a Jihad?

Here's the point:

Once upon a time the Catholic church was worse than Islam, BUT, eventually Catholicism calmed down and became a reasonably civilized institution, if you set aside the institutionalized sexual depravity for the moment.

It is not unreasonable thus to believe that over time Islam can itself calm down and move on from its violent extremist contingent.

Keep in mind too that in terms of raw numbers of incidents, there have been far more acts of terror and violence committed in the US in the name of Christianity in the past 30 years than in the name of Islam.

But you also have to take the cultural structure of societies into account. Islam developed in a very different environment than christianity. Islam as a whole is a religion and a structure for society. It includes governmental system in its core, so it is political to the last bit.

Christianity however developed under the Roman pressure. That made it more un-political in its core, made it possible to revert it back to what actually it was, just a religion. This may not be possible for islam.
Turkey?s Islamist Govt. Building Mega Mosque in US
Most Americans probably don’t realize that Turkey’s Islamist government is building a colossal mosque in the United States with the input of several branches of a group known as the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda.

It’s an alarming story unlikely to receive coverage in the mainstream media, however, a nonprofit dedicated to exposing the dangers of Islamic extremism has posted information about the project on its website. The $100 million mega mosque will be erected in Lanham Maryland and is expected to “become the largest and most striking example of Islamic architecture in the western hemisphere” when it is finished in 2014. (photos and details here)

The massive facility, which will be called Turkish American Culture and Civilization Center, will span 15 acres and will feature five buildings, including a mosque “constructed using sixteenth century Ottoman architecture that can hold 750 worshipers.” It will be a place that will help counter an epidemic of “Islamophobia” in the United States, according to Turkish government officials who recently visited the construction site. The delegation was led by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose goals include increasing Islamist influence in America.

Greeting Erdogan, who is transforming Turkey from a secular democracy to an Islamist state, on his recent visit to Maryland were leaders of two entities of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda. They include Naeem Baig, president of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

You must be peeing all over yourself like a scared puppy. I'd stay out of New York and New Jersey if I were you. I don't think you could handle it.
"...Are you implying that Catholics never fought in wars believing they were doing God's work?"
Nope... but that's an individual thing. When was the last time the Pope called for a Crusade? When was the last time that an influential Muslim cleric called for a Jihad?

Here's the point:

Once upon a time the Catholic church was worse than Islam, BUT, eventually Catholicism calmed down and became a reasonably civilized institution, if you set aside the institutionalized sexual depravity for the moment.

It is not unreasonable thus to believe that over time Islam can itself calm down and move on from its violent extremist contingent.

Keep in mind too that in terms of raw numbers of incidents, there have been far more acts of terror and violence committed in the US in the name of Christianity in the past 30 years than in the name of Islam.

That's a good point, excellent, but I doubt the fearful Fox fans here will be able to appreciate much less embrace this information.
Turkey?s Islamist Govt. Building Mega Mosque in US
Most Americans probably don’t realize that Turkey’s Islamist government is building a colossal mosque in the United States with the input of several branches of a group known as the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda.

It’s an alarming story unlikely to receive coverage in the mainstream media, however, a nonprofit dedicated to exposing the dangers of Islamic extremism has posted information about the project on its website. The $100 million mega mosque will be erected in Lanham Maryland and is expected to “become the largest and most striking example of Islamic architecture in the western hemisphere” when it is finished in 2014. (photos and details here)

The massive facility, which will be called Turkish American Culture and Civilization Center, will span 15 acres and will feature five buildings, including a mosque “constructed using sixteenth century Ottoman architecture that can hold 750 worshipers.” It will be a place that will help counter an epidemic of “Islamophobia” in the United States, according to Turkish government officials who recently visited the construction site. The delegation was led by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose goals include increasing Islamist influence in America.

Greeting Erdogan, who is transforming Turkey from a secular democracy to an Islamist state, on his recent visit to Maryland were leaders of two entities of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda. They include Naeem Baig, president of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

You must be peeing all over yourself like a scared puppy. I'd stay out of New York and New Jersey if I were you. I don't think you could handle it.

I would be if I were you, they will be coming with their stripper high heelzzz


Look how scared the queen is...
"...Are you implying that Catholics never fought in wars believing they were doing God's work?"
Nope... but that's an individual thing. When was the last time the Pope called for a Crusade? When was the last time that an influential Muslim cleric called for a Jihad?

What is your point? History is linear. Unless you are a self-subscribed existentialist.

I can say one thing for the Mullahs....I really doubt they would tolerate their young boys being penetrated anally by their elder male members. The Pope turns a blind eye to that kind of thing and the IDIOT sheep that follow the Pope don't seem to care.
Turkey?s Islamist Govt. Building Mega Mosque in US
Most Americans probably don’t realize that Turkey’s Islamist government is building a colossal mosque in the United States with the input of several branches of a group known as the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda.

It’s an alarming story unlikely to receive coverage in the mainstream media, however, a nonprofit dedicated to exposing the dangers of Islamic extremism has posted information about the project on its website. The $100 million mega mosque will be erected in Lanham Maryland and is expected to “become the largest and most striking example of Islamic architecture in the western hemisphere” when it is finished in 2014. (photos and details here)

The massive facility, which will be called Turkish American Culture and Civilization Center, will span 15 acres and will feature five buildings, including a mosque “constructed using sixteenth century Ottoman architecture that can hold 750 worshipers.” It will be a place that will help counter an epidemic of “Islamophobia” in the United States, according to Turkish government officials who recently visited the construction site. The delegation was led by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose goals include increasing Islamist influence in America.

Greeting Erdogan, who is transforming Turkey from a secular democracy to an Islamist state, on his recent visit to Maryland were leaders of two entities of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda. They include Naeem Baig, president of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

You must be peeing all over yourself like a scared puppy. I'd stay out of New York and New Jersey if I were you. I don't think you could handle it.

I would be if I were you, they will be coming with their stripper high heelzzz


Look how scared the queen is...

So you're frightened by a woman dressed in gray with a headdress? Doesn't take much. But to humor you I will tell you this, as told to me by a Westminster driver in London who was taking me to Heathrow to catch my plane: The British truly can't stand Muslims. This was long before any terrorist activities. In England a Muslim is what we used to refer to as a "darkie" in America in the 1940s. Or worse. So the problems in the U.K. involve not just radical acts by Muslims but simple racism, too.
You must be peeing all over yourself like a scared puppy. I'd stay out of New York and New Jersey if I were you. I don't think you could handle it.

I would be if I were you, they will be coming with their stripper high heelzzz

Look how scared the queen is...

So you're frightened by a woman dressed in gray with a headdress? Doesn't take much. But to humor you I will tell you this, as told to me by a Westminster driver in London who was taking me to Heathrow to catch my plane: The British truly can't stand Muslims. This was long before any terrorist activities. In England a Muslim is what we used to refer to as a "darkie" in America in the 1940s. Or worse. So the problems in the U.K. involve not just radical acts by Muslims but simple racism, too.

No, headscarf is not the problem in this picture. If an actual queen is less show off than a democratically elected presidents wife, you should ask yourself "wtf".

If a country with half of its people under the poverty level putting a 100 mil mosque in your country, again, you should ask yourself wtf.
Unlike the government we installed in Iraq, Turkey is not an Islamist theocracy.
We installed a theocracy in Iraq?
What's the name of the head mullah?

I base that assessment on this article from the Iraqi Constitution:

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.
If a country with half of its people under the poverty level putting a 100 mil mosque in your country, again, you should ask yourself wtf.

Child poverty in the US has reached record levels, with almost 17 million children now affected. A growing number are also going hungry on a daily basis.
BBC News - The children going hungry in America

Population below poverty line
Germany: --- 15.5 %
Greece: ------ 20 %
Mexico: ------ 51.3 %
Turkey: -------16.9%
USA: ---------- 15.1 %
Prove that people on this board are "remaining silent" about Islamic Terrorism.

I don't have to prove a thing. Some do, many do not. The ones who don't speak up because they live in fear or they don't realize the dangers. What is that to me? I will write about what I write about and you write whatever it is you write about.

Do you ever post a thread here? Or is this it?

ummm..... thats how msg boards work :eusa_eh: You make an accusation & you are expected to back it up w/ a quote or source/link. :eek:

how come you dont say that to Dean when he says some of the shit he says?......instead you thank the guy....
I'm not the one who remains silent on this board concerning Islamic Terrorism. You are. So much for that one, eh?


Yes. I remain silent on it for the most part because I look at it in a reasonble fashion, not in blind panic. It is a matter of concern, not fear. You are just frightened and I have no intention of losing my rights because you can't control your fear.

I am afraid for my country but I am not in fear. I have more of a backbone to stand up to this than you ever will most likely. If your current attitude is any reflection I'm quite certain of it in fact.


Jeremiah.....because we have this thing called...Freedom Of Religion.....im afraid you are not going to be able to stop that Mosque from going up....and if you are worried about those who will go there planning our demise.....im afraid there will be nothing you can do until they actually do something subversive......Islam might be strange ....but if you get to know some Muslims who have been here for a long time you might find they dont like the Radicals anymore than we do....one of the reasons many came here.....to get away from those guys.....
I know many muslims on and off the boards. Many have no interest in a jihad but there are those mosques who do and the fact this one was identified as getting input from parent orgs of Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas I found it a matter of concern.

The matter of it being a mosque, how large, how much it cost is not of interest to me.. Only their ties to Hamas and MB. I thought I made that clear but apparently it takes a few times on these threads as they keep rolling over new posts. Hope that clears up the confusion here on what the thread is about.

These mega mosques are going up all over the US. They look like little walled cities.

The Mosque of Mohammed Ali (not the fighter) in Cairo is actually in a citadel. And that is what they call it, the citadel.

The picture below was taken just outside the mosque. Look to the horizon!

Here are some of the cupolas. It is so large that it is hard to do it justice.

The golden staircase:

The lighting:

The carpet (we wore surgical covers over our shoes to protect the rug.):

That doesn't work, Syrenn. A mosque in NYC had a pig head left on carpet and didn't even replace carpet. They just had it cleaned. I read about it a few years ago. I would never advocate vadalizing property anyhow - the best route is to get Congress to investigate what is already on the books. The first investigation should be DOJ ERIC HOLDER & BARACK OBAMA.

Why? Because they are the reason CAIR hasn't been prosecuted yet even though they were listed as CO - CONSPIRATORS in HLF Trial. These people MUST be brought to justice. Time to Prosecute them and those who covered for them. imo.

You dumbass. Syrenn did not advocate vandalism. She made a joke that you are too goddamned stupid to underrstand.
"...Are you implying that Catholics never fought in wars believing they were doing God's work?"
Nope... but that's an individual thing. When was the last time the Pope called for a Crusade? When was the last time that an influential Muslim cleric called for a Jihad?

Here's the point:

Once upon a time the Catholic church was worse than Islam, BUT, eventually Catholicism calmed down and became a reasonably civilized institution, if you set aside the institutionalized sexual depravity for the moment.

It is not unreasonable thus to believe that over time Islam can itself calm down and move on from its violent extremist contingent.

Keep in mind too that in terms of raw numbers of incidents, there have been far more acts of terror and violence committed in the US in the name of Christianity in the past 30 years than in the name of Islam.
Your are correct about the violent history of Christianity.

But, again, that violence was committed in direct contravention to the teachings of its Founder and not in accordance with those teachings.

And, as to your idea that eventually Islam will settle itself down and become more agreeable and peaceful, two quick points...

1. Muhammed was smart, and he locked-out substantive change for Islam on Day One, by declaring himself the Final Prophet and by saying that the Q'uran was the Final Word of God. Consequently, Islam will have no (oh-so-desperately-needed) Reformation, after all.

2. Catholicism (and Western Christianity, in general) was not undergoing its period of Reform during a period in history in which Nuclear Weapons were extant.

In our present age, with respect to Nuclear Weapons, we cannot afford to wait for Islam to fix itself and to catch-up. The world no longer has the luxury of that kind of time.
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Here is the Hindu Temple in Nashville. I didn't live too far from it and watched it being going up every day on my way to work.

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Nope... but that's an individual thing. When was the last time the Pope called for a Crusade? When was the last time that an influential Muslim cleric called for a Jihad?

Here's the point:

Once upon a time the Catholic church was worse than Islam, BUT, eventually Catholicism calmed down and became a reasonably civilized institution, if you set aside the institutionalized sexual depravity for the moment.

It is not unreasonable thus to believe that over time Islam can itself calm down and move on from its violent extremist contingent.

Keep in mind too that in terms of raw numbers of incidents, there have been far more acts of terror and violence committed in the US in the name of Christianity in the past 30 years than in the name of Islam.
Your are correct about the violent history of Christianity.

But, again, that violence was committed in direct contravention to the teachings of its Founder and not in accordance with those teachings.

And, as to your idea that eventually Islam will settle itself down and become more agreeable and peaceful, two quick points...

1. Muhammed was smart, and he locked-out substantive change for Islam on Day One, by declaring himself the Final Prophet and by saying that the Q'uran was the Final Word of God. Consequently, Islam will have no (oh-so-desperately-needed) Reformation, after all.

2. Catholicism (and Western Christianity, in general) was not undergoing its period of Reform during a period in history in which Nuclear Weapons were extant.

In our present age, with respect to Nuclear Weapons, we cannot afford to wait for Islam to fix itself and to catch-up. The world no longer has the luxury of that kind of time.

No, Carbineer is right because there are three forms of abbrogation in the Koran that Mohammad said were allowed. If I'm wrong someone can correct me here but I believe it is 1 ) You can change the verse and replace it with a better verse.
2) You can alter the wording within the verse.
3) You can delete the verse entirely. ( out of Koran )

That is the law of abbrogation and it is part of Islam. They can do it. That would be reformation. Will they do it? They haven't thus far. - Jeremiah
Here's the point:

Once upon a time the Catholic church was worse than Islam, BUT, eventually Catholicism calmed down and became a reasonably civilized institution, if you set aside the institutionalized sexual depravity for the moment.

It is not unreasonable thus to believe that over time Islam can itself calm down and move on from its violent extremist contingent.

Keep in mind too that in terms of raw numbers of incidents, there have been far more acts of terror and violence committed in the US in the name of Christianity in the past 30 years than in the name of Islam.
Your are correct about the violent history of Christianity.

But, again, that violence was committed in direct contravention to the teachings of its Founder and not in accordance with those teachings.

And, as to your idea that eventually Islam will settle itself down and become more agreeable and peaceful, two quick points...

1. Muhammed was smart, and he locked-out substantive change for Islam on Day One, by declaring himself the Final Prophet and by saying that the Q'uran was the Final Word of God. Consequently, Islam will have no (oh-so-desperately-needed) Reformation, after all.

2. Catholicism (and Western Christianity, in general) was not undergoing its period of Reform during a period in history in which Nuclear Weapons were extant.

In our present age, with respect to Nuclear Weapons, we cannot afford to wait for Islam to fix itself and to catch-up. The world no longer has the luxury of that kind of time.

No, Carbineer is right because there are three forms of abbrogation in the Koran that Mohammad said were allowed. If I'm wrong someone can correct me here but I believe it is 1 ) You can change the verse and replace it with a better verse.
2) You can alter the wording within the verse.
3) You can delete the verse entirely. ( out of Koran )

That is the law of abbrogation and it is part of Islam. They can do it. That would be reformation. Will they do it? They haven't thus far. - Jeremiah

Here's a flash. He doesn't like YOUR religion either.
Turkey?s Islamist Govt. Building Mega Mosque in US
Most Americans probably don’t realize that Turkey’s Islamist government is building a colossal mosque in the United States with the input of several branches of a group known as the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda.

It’s an alarming story unlikely to receive coverage in the mainstream media, however, a nonprofit dedicated to exposing the dangers of Islamic extremism has posted information about the project on its website. The $100 million mega mosque will be erected in Lanham Maryland and is expected to “become the largest and most striking example of Islamic architecture in the western hemisphere” when it is finished in 2014. (photos and details here)

The massive facility, which will be called Turkish American Culture and Civilization Center, will span 15 acres and will feature five buildings, including a mosque “constructed using sixteenth century Ottoman architecture that can hold 750 worshipers.” It will be a place that will help counter an epidemic of “Islamophobia” in the United States, according to Turkish government officials who recently visited the construction site. The delegation was led by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose goals include increasing Islamist influence in America.

Greeting Erdogan, who is transforming Turkey from a secular democracy to an Islamist state, on his recent visit to Maryland were leaders of two entities of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda. They include Naeem Baig, president of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

I guess you don't know that Turkey doesn't have an Islamic government. :lol:
We don't know it because they have an Islamic extremist government.
"...Are you implying that Catholics never fought in wars believing they were doing God's work?"
Nope... but that's an individual thing. When was the last time the Pope called for a Crusade? When was the last time that an influential Muslim cleric called for a Jihad?

Here's the point:

Once upon a time the Catholic church was worse than Islam, BUT, eventually Catholicism calmed down and became a reasonably civilized institution, if you set aside the institutionalized sexual depravity for the moment.

It is not unreasonable thus to believe that over time Islam can itself calm down and move on from its violent extremist contingent.

Keep in mind too that in terms of raw numbers of incidents, there have been far more acts of terror and violence committed in the US in the name of Christianity in the past 30 years than in the name of Islam.

Name them.

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