$100 Million Mega Mosque in Lanham, Maryland

That raises some interesting questions. If the religion someone follows mandates murdering others not of that religion, can such murders be stopped? Should we try to stop honor killings, female genital mutilation, or beating men because their beards aren't long enough? If it is a sincerely held religious belief, doesn't the Constitution DEMAND that we permit such freedom of religion? Wouldn't it be more Constitutional to punish a woman fighting off a rapist in the name of religion?

How has the 'peaceful' religion of christianity kept christians from being murderers and thieves?
None of the main religions of this world "mandate" murdering others - though those who have written scriptures do have many passages that could be interpreted as a "mandate" by extremists. Just saying...
What an amazing bunch o f phonies and hypocrites.
Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Prove that people on this board are "remaining silent" about Islamic Terrorism.

I don't have to prove a thing. Some do, many do not. The ones who don't speak up because they live in fear or they don't realize the dangers. What is that to me? I will write about what I write about and you write whatever it is you write about.

Do you ever post a thread here? Or is this it?

That's exactly the kind of answer we can expect from someone who doesn't have facts or the Truth on their side. :D

Bodey talking about truth :lmao:
USMB Biggest Proven Liar is questioning another posters honesty? :lmao:

:eusa_liar::eusa_liar: :cool:
Turkey?s Islamist Govt. Building Mega Mosque in US
Most Americans probably don’t realize that Turkey’s Islamist government is building a colossal mosque in the United States with the input of several branches of a group known as the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda.

It’s an alarming story unlikely to receive coverage in the mainstream media, however, a nonprofit dedicated to exposing the dangers of Islamic extremism has posted information about the project on its website. The $100 million mega mosque will be erected in Lanham Maryland and is expected to “become the largest and most striking example of Islamic architecture in the western hemisphere” when it is finished in 2014. (photos and details here)

The massive facility, which will be called Turkish American Culture and Civilization Center, will span 15 acres and will feature five buildings, including a mosque “constructed using sixteenth century Ottoman architecture that can hold 750 worshipers.” It will be a place that will help counter an epidemic of “Islamophobia” in the United States, according to Turkish government officials who recently visited the construction site. The delegation was led by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose goals include increasing Islamist influence in America.

Greeting Erdogan, who is transforming Turkey from a secular democracy to an Islamist state, on his recent visit to Maryland were leaders of two entities of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization of Hamas and al Qaeda. They include Naeem Baig, president of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

I guess you don't know that Turkey doesn't have an Islamic government. :lol:

Islamist. Can you read? The government of Turkey are comprised of Muslim people. Does that break it down for you enough? - Jeri

And ...... that makes an "Islamist government"?

So that means we have a "Judeo-Christianist government"?
Does Norway have a "Lutheranist government"?
Does Scotland have a "Presbyteriaist government"?
etc etc etc....
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And let them worship as they please. If they want to build a mosque, let them. This is the United States of America. If the members of the mosque do something that is a threat to the nation or a violation of our laws, prosecute them.

Any attempt by the government to prevent them to worship could be likewise applied to us. And quite frankly with the rabid anti Christian posters who support big government on this board, I don't want to even give them the possibility of any government power to attack me or my faith.

You don't want there to be muslims in this nation? Preach the Gospel with power and authority from God. Persuade them to turn to Christ. Minister unto them. Show them that your way is better.

We don't need the government to fix any problems we have or think we have. We can do that on our own.

I was with you for the first half. But when the commercial comes on I hit the mute button.

Islam and Christianism are not the only things on the shelf, ya know.
Its such a tasty meat and so easy to cook, its going to be tough. I'm not ready to even start on giving up alcohol, smokes and dancing yet.

Look on the bright side. There is always goat.

No scapegoats in Islam. That is Judaism. The atonement. Wrong religion. - Jeri

Actually, I was referring to the animal. However, Judaism has no scapegoats. Of the three major religions which arose from the middle east, only Christianity has a scapegoat.
I guess you don't know that Turkey doesn't have an Islamic government. :lol:

Islamist. Can you read? The government of Turkey are comprised of Muslim people. Does that break it down for you enough? - Jeri

And ...... that makes an "Islamist government"?

So that means we have a "Judeo-Christianist government"?
Does Norway have a "Lutheranist government"?
Does Scotland have a "Presbyteriaist government"?
etc etc etc....

Hey! Take it up with the author of the article itself. It is his words, not mine. I'm taking a guess as to why he chose word Islamist - who knows? Stop straining a gnat to swallow a camel and examine why the Mosque is getting their input from parent orgs of Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood how about it? Now there's a novel idea for you! The issue is not Mosque, size of mosque, issue is who they are hooking up with! My gosh! Do I have to spell everything out for some of you? Why is that? READ! - Jeri
I'm not the one who remains silent on this board concerning Islamic Terrorism. You are. So much for that one, eh?


Not endorsing anti-Islamic bigotry does not mean one is silent concerning Islamic extremism or terrorism.

Speaking out against a doctrine that is in opposition to the Constitution of the United States and has openly stated its plans to overthrow the US Government and Install Sharia is not bigotry, Coyote. It's patriotism. - Jeremiah

Both "patriotism" and "treason" refer to nations. Islam is a religion. You can't commit "treason" against a religion any more than you can commit blasphemy against a nation.

I am fully aware of Turkey being only other democracy aside from Israel. ( in ME ) You are preaching to the choir here.

Then who posted the OP with your name? :cuckoo:

I posted the title from the title in the news article. That was not my call but the author. Get it yet??? - Jeri

So to recap.... you saw this headline, you knew it was bullshit, and you posted it anyway.

That about it?

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