100% of Economists Disagree with Trump

I'm fairly certain there is some anti-free trade economist out there.

I don't know who they are, nor am I sure they should be taken seriously.
We can do without that 100 billion in exports, if that is what it comes to.

Yes, Trade Wars can escalate.

Maybe those who are so heavily benefiting from trade with US should be careful about how they handle US, and our concerns.

Yes, other will try to get in the "gap". They should consider what happened to China as they operate.

Or is it only America that has to be a grown up in your world?
OK so you want to trash businesses and jobs because you think China isnt being nice to us.
That pretty much establishes your level of maturity, intelligence and knowledge on this topic. You are incompetent to discuss this and a waste of my time.

You have not addressed my point about how insignificant 100 billion in exports is to an economy of 18 trillion.

YOu have not supported your claim that wage stagnation is a myth.

You have not addressed my point about your double standard on judging American behavior vs all our trade partners.

Calling me incompetent at this point is not very convincing.

Take some time to think about the questions I have raised.

You have not addressed my point about how insignificant 100 billion in exports is to an economy of 18 trillion.

Or the insignificance of $466 billion of imports to an economy of $18 trillion.

But, my interests in that is NOT towards the whole of the economy but to the benefit that can bring to the Working and to Middle Classes.

A couple hundred Billion worth of manufacturing jobs could turn a lot of American lives, even whole cities.

So you think the government should be picking winners and losers in the economy?
I am rather late in the conversation so excuse me if I am covering ground already touched on but I have to ask how a tariff is significantly different than what we already do to our own companies here in the states when we raise the cost of manufacturing through regulation.

I understand the argument that the government should not chose winners and losers and allow the market to find the most efficient way of manufacturing goods. To state that tariffs get in the way of this though is massively oversimplifying the overall issue. You have mentioned that such tariffs disadvantage the more 'efficient' producers and that really is not the case when you are talking about manufacturing in China with massively different regulations on production than here in the states. In that case it is less about efficiency and more about the fact that China can pay their employees a buck an hour and we have to follow minimum wage laws.

How can you expect that we are able to compete on a world scale when we are disadvantaged by not allowing our companies to dump toxic wast into the local river and instead have to pay for proper disposal? How can they compete when they are not allowed to use virtual slave labor and follow not only wage laws but also pay benefits? We are already choosing the winners and losers by setting up laws that do not allow local manufacturers to 'win.' You simply cannot eliminate those laws either - no one here wants to be China but we also do not want to lose our local production to overseas producers because of that.

45% certainly does not sound very reasonable but not much of what Trump really says is reasonable. That does not mean that tariffs are untenable.
I am late as well. Funny though, Art Laffer must not count as an economist - he agrees with Trump.

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