100% of Economists Disagree with Trump

Thats wrong.
Who else at CNBC supports Trump's tax plan?
Just as I thought.

Damn, this is too easy sometimes.
*bump* once again.

It's a day later, and The Rabbi is still a little bitch!
What a maroon. You dont have a leg to stand on or a pot to piss in.
Just admit that you have failed to name anyone other than Kudlow who supports Trump's plan at CNBC.

While you're at it, also admit that you're a little bitch who runs away when you can't back up your bullshit.
Actually I never expressed an opinion on it. So there's nothing to back up.
Boy do you look stupid. Again.
Let this thread die already as it has been proven that 100% of economists do NOT disagree with Trump. The entire OP / premise was a partisan LlE ...

If it's not 100%, it's north of 90%.

Usually, it's the socialists displaying such ignorance of basic economics. Thanks for displaying otherwise.

Unless, of course, you're a socialist.
Toro, its your opinionated numbers that are shifting. Your claim is false, period. It has nothing to do with economics and everything to do with using 'absolutes'. Personally attack me if you must, but it's true.
Toro, its your opinionated numbers that are shifting. Your claim is false, period. It has nothing to do with economics and everything to do with using 'absolutes'. Personally attack me if you must, but it's true.

It's long been a truism amongst economists that free trade is beneficial in aggregate to the US economy.
The Chinese are buying 100 billion a year in exports from an economy of 18 trillion. Their leverage on US is tiny.

American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for stuff coming from China, not across the board. That was so obvious that it smacks of dishonesty.

They could avoid the tariff by buying crap manufactured in a nation that were not complete and total dicks to US.

Maybe even in the US, ITSELF!
Why are the Chinese more "dicks to the US" than other nations we trade with? What difference does it make that they are "dicks"? WHo really cares?
Again, tariffs don't work. Ask Mr Smoot an Mr Hawley how things worked out for them.

The biggest trade deficit of all Time, and not from Free Trade and Fair Competition, but from them being dicks.

YOu did not address my point about the impact of 100 billion of Trade to an economy of 18 trillion.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

Stating your opinion again is not the same as supporting or defending it.
Your first point is mere assertion
Trade is trade. If you think we can do without exports you are mistaken
Trade wars have a way of escalating so if we cut out the Chinese we will end up cutting out the Vietnamese, Burmese and everyone else trying to get in on the gap left by tariffs.

We can do without that 100 billion in exports, if that is what it comes to.

Yes, Trade Wars can escalate.

Maybe those who are so heavily benefiting from trade with US should be careful about how they handle US, and our concerns.

Yes, other will try to get in the "gap". They should consider what happened to China as they operate.

Or is it only America that has to be a grown up in your world?
OK so you want to trash businesses and jobs because you think China isnt being nice to us.
That pretty much establishes your level of maturity, intelligence and knowledge on this topic. You are incompetent to discuss this and a waste of my time.

You have not addressed my point about how insignificant 100 billion in exports is to an economy of 18 trillion.

YOu have not supported your claim that wage stagnation is a myth.

You have not addressed my point about your double standard on judging American behavior vs all our trade partners.

Calling me incompetent at this point is not very convincing.

Take some time to think about the questions I have raised.
The Chinese are buying 100 billion a year in exports from an economy of 18 trillion. Their leverage on US is tiny.

American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for stuff coming from China, not across the board. That was so obvious that it smacks of dishonesty.

They could avoid the tariff by buying crap manufactured in a nation that were not complete and total dicks to US.

Maybe even in the US, ITSELF!
Why are the Chinese more "dicks to the US" than other nations we trade with? What difference does it make that they are "dicks"? WHo really cares?
Again, tariffs don't work. Ask Mr Smoot an Mr Hawley how things worked out for them.

The biggest trade deficit of all Time, and not from Free Trade and Fair Competition, but from them being dicks.

YOu did not address my point about the impact of 100 billion of Trade to an economy of 18 trillion.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

Stating your opinion again is not the same as supporting or defending it.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

If we put a tariff on Chinese steel, other steel prices remain unchanged?

They wouldn't jump 45%m as Rabbi claimed.

How much would it jump?

I have no idea. Why do you ask?
Why are the Chinese more "dicks to the US" than other nations we trade with? What difference does it make that they are "dicks"? WHo really cares?
Again, tariffs don't work. Ask Mr Smoot an Mr Hawley how things worked out for them.

The biggest trade deficit of all Time, and not from Free Trade and Fair Competition, but from them being dicks.

YOu did not address my point about the impact of 100 billion of Trade to an economy of 18 trillion.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

Stating your opinion again is not the same as supporting or defending it.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

If we put a tariff on Chinese steel, other steel prices remain unchanged?

They wouldn't jump 45%m as Rabbi claimed.

How much would it jump?

I have no idea. Why do you ask?

I have no idea.

Exactly. If you're claiming a 45% tariff on imports from China will leave other prices unchanged, you're wrong.
Why are the Chinese more "dicks to the US" than other nations we trade with? What difference does it make that they are "dicks"? WHo really cares?
Again, tariffs don't work. Ask Mr Smoot an Mr Hawley how things worked out for them.

The biggest trade deficit of all Time, and not from Free Trade and Fair Competition, but from them being dicks.

YOu did not address my point about the impact of 100 billion of Trade to an economy of 18 trillion.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

Stating your opinion again is not the same as supporting or defending it.
Your first point is mere assertion
Trade is trade. If you think we can do without exports you are mistaken
Trade wars have a way of escalating so if we cut out the Chinese we will end up cutting out the Vietnamese, Burmese and everyone else trying to get in on the gap left by tariffs.

We can do without that 100 billion in exports, if that is what it comes to.

Yes, Trade Wars can escalate.

Maybe those who are so heavily benefiting from trade with US should be careful about how they handle US, and our concerns.

Yes, other will try to get in the "gap". They should consider what happened to China as they operate.

Or is it only America that has to be a grown up in your world?
OK so you want to trash businesses and jobs because you think China isnt being nice to us.
That pretty much establishes your level of maturity, intelligence and knowledge on this topic. You are incompetent to discuss this and a waste of my time.

You have not addressed my point about how insignificant 100 billion in exports is to an economy of 18 trillion.

YOu have not supported your claim that wage stagnation is a myth.

You have not addressed my point about your double standard on judging American behavior vs all our trade partners.

Calling me incompetent at this point is not very convincing.

Take some time to think about the questions I have raised.

You have not addressed my point about how insignificant 100 billion in exports is to an economy of 18 trillion.

Or the insignificance of $466 billion of imports to an economy of $18 trillion.
The biggest trade deficit of all Time, and not from Free Trade and Fair Competition, but from them being dicks.

YOu did not address my point about the impact of 100 billion of Trade to an economy of 18 trillion.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

Stating your opinion again is not the same as supporting or defending it.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

If we put a tariff on Chinese steel, other steel prices remain unchanged?

They wouldn't jump 45%m as Rabbi claimed.

How much would it jump?

I have no idea. Why do you ask?

I have no idea.

Exactly. If you're claiming a 45% tariff on imports from China will leave other prices unchanged, you're wrong.

What point are you trying to make?
The biggest trade deficit of all Time, and not from Free Trade and Fair Competition, but from them being dicks.

YOu did not address my point about the impact of 100 billion of Trade to an economy of 18 trillion.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

Stating your opinion again is not the same as supporting or defending it.
Your first point is mere assertion
Trade is trade. If you think we can do without exports you are mistaken
Trade wars have a way of escalating so if we cut out the Chinese we will end up cutting out the Vietnamese, Burmese and everyone else trying to get in on the gap left by tariffs.

We can do without that 100 billion in exports, if that is what it comes to.

Yes, Trade Wars can escalate.

Maybe those who are so heavily benefiting from trade with US should be careful about how they handle US, and our concerns.

Yes, other will try to get in the "gap". They should consider what happened to China as they operate.

Or is it only America that has to be a grown up in your world?
OK so you want to trash businesses and jobs because you think China isnt being nice to us.
That pretty much establishes your level of maturity, intelligence and knowledge on this topic. You are incompetent to discuss this and a waste of my time.

You have not addressed my point about how insignificant 100 billion in exports is to an economy of 18 trillion.

YOu have not supported your claim that wage stagnation is a myth.

You have not addressed my point about your double standard on judging American behavior vs all our trade partners.

Calling me incompetent at this point is not very convincing.

Take some time to think about the questions I have raised.

You have not addressed my point about how insignificant 100 billion in exports is to an economy of 18 trillion.

Or the insignificance of $466 billion of imports to an economy of $18 trillion.

But, my interests in that is NOT towards the whole of the economy but to the benefit that can bring to the Working and to Middle Classes.

A couple hundred Billion worth of manufacturing jobs could turn a lot of American lives, even whole cities.
You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

If we put a tariff on Chinese steel, other steel prices remain unchanged?

They wouldn't jump 45%m as Rabbi claimed.

How much would it jump?

I have no idea. Why do you ask?

I have no idea.

Exactly. If you're claiming a 45% tariff on imports from China will leave other prices unchanged, you're wrong.

What point are you trying to make?

Tariffs raise prices on more than their target.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

Your claim here is simply incorrect.
Your first point is mere assertion
Trade is trade. If you think we can do without exports you are mistaken
Trade wars have a way of escalating so if we cut out the Chinese we will end up cutting out the Vietnamese, Burmese and everyone else trying to get in on the gap left by tariffs.

We can do without that 100 billion in exports, if that is what it comes to.

Yes, Trade Wars can escalate.

Maybe those who are so heavily benefiting from trade with US should be careful about how they handle US, and our concerns.

Yes, other will try to get in the "gap". They should consider what happened to China as they operate.

Or is it only America that has to be a grown up in your world?
OK so you want to trash businesses and jobs because you think China isnt being nice to us.
That pretty much establishes your level of maturity, intelligence and knowledge on this topic. You are incompetent to discuss this and a waste of my time.

You have not addressed my point about how insignificant 100 billion in exports is to an economy of 18 trillion.

YOu have not supported your claim that wage stagnation is a myth.

You have not addressed my point about your double standard on judging American behavior vs all our trade partners.

Calling me incompetent at this point is not very convincing.

Take some time to think about the questions I have raised.

You have not addressed my point about how insignificant 100 billion in exports is to an economy of 18 trillion.

Or the insignificance of $466 billion of imports to an economy of $18 trillion.

But, my interests in that is NOT towards the whole of the economy but to the benefit that can bring to the Working and to Middle Classes.

A couple hundred Billion worth of manufacturing jobs could turn a lot of American lives, even whole cities.

But, my interests in that is NOT towards the whole of the economy

Obviously. Because the whole of the economy is damaged by tariffs.

but to the benefit that can bring to the Working and to Middle Classes.

Who do you think benefits from the lower prices available at WalMart?

A couple hundred Billion worth of manufacturing jobs could turn a lot of American lives, even whole cities.

I agree, which is why we should cut corporate taxes and reduce moronic regulations.

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