100% of Economists Disagree with Trump

You did not address my point that we as a collective set policy, which contradicted a point of yours.

You did not address my point about how wages ARE relevant, which contradicted a point of yours.

I do not want to see US workers trying to compete with Third World Peasants making 1.67$ an hour.

That is not reasonable or fair competition.
OK. This is not a collective. Collectives existed in the Soviet Union, not here. This is a Republic. We set policy through the political process.
I didnt say wages are not relevant at all. But they arent terribly relevant because unit cost of labor is the relevant statistic.
Workers will compete with third world peasants regardless of what you want. That they make 1.67/hr is irrelevant. Because the unit cost of labor is the only relevant statistic.

I only used "collective" as in We the People set policy. And we do. Your claim that we don't is incorrect.

First World Workers do NOT have to compete, and lose to Third World Peasants making 1.67$ an hour, unless We, The People choose to though the Trade Policy we set though the Political Process.

And though American workers are very productive relative to Third World Peasants, you can not pretend that the fact that our competitors are willing to work for less than one tenth was is a fairly meager wage in a First World Society is not an enormous and unfair advantage.

Well, you can. And we have. And that's why our Middle Class and Working Class have seen wage stagnation for generations.

It is time for a new policy.
No, my claim is we are not a collective. I can't help it if you are inarticulate.
We always compete. We export products. We compete with others in those export markets. We can shut out foreign competition and the result will be, as it always is, stagnating industries, higher inflation, lower standards of living. No country has ever been able to tariff themselves to prosperity.
Our competitors (at least you acknowledge they are competitors) have disadvantages as well as advantages. Yes they have a lower per hour wage rate. But they frequently have a higher labor unit cost rate, which is the critical number.
Wages have not stagnated. That is a liberal meme. Look at levels of consumption for a better proxy of living standard and ours has gone way up, certainly over generations.

We as a GROUP get to set policy and thus decide if we want to compete or not.

My understanding of history is that we were quite protectionist during our period of rapid industrialization.

Japan certainly did not have Open Markets during it's period of rapid growth.

China is certainly not practicing Free and Open and Fair Trade, now. It's behavior is more akin to Mercantilism.

Link to support your "Levels of Consumption" claim.
We do not get to decide if we compete. If we are selling merchandise we are competing. Unless you would like the US to quit exporting products.

It is absurd to claim we do not and can not craft Trade POlicy.

It is also absurd to pretend that all trade is an either or choice with as much complexity as operating a light switch.

And I am truly interested in your claim that Wage Stagnation is a myth. Link please.
OK. This is not a collective. Collectives existed in the Soviet Union, not here. This is a Republic. We set policy through the political process.
I didnt say wages are not relevant at all. But they arent terribly relevant because unit cost of labor is the relevant statistic.
Workers will compete with third world peasants regardless of what you want. That they make 1.67/hr is irrelevant. Because the unit cost of labor is the only relevant statistic.

I only used "collective" as in We the People set policy. And we do. Your claim that we don't is incorrect.

First World Workers do NOT have to compete, and lose to Third World Peasants making 1.67$ an hour, unless We, The People choose to though the Trade Policy we set though the Political Process.

And though American workers are very productive relative to Third World Peasants, you can not pretend that the fact that our competitors are willing to work for less than one tenth was is a fairly meager wage in a First World Society is not an enormous and unfair advantage.

Well, you can. And we have. And that's why our Middle Class and Working Class have seen wage stagnation for generations.

It is time for a new policy.
No, my claim is we are not a collective. I can't help it if you are inarticulate.
We always compete. We export products. We compete with others in those export markets. We can shut out foreign competition and the result will be, as it always is, stagnating industries, higher inflation, lower standards of living. No country has ever been able to tariff themselves to prosperity.
Our competitors (at least you acknowledge they are competitors) have disadvantages as well as advantages. Yes they have a lower per hour wage rate. But they frequently have a higher labor unit cost rate, which is the critical number.
Wages have not stagnated. That is a liberal meme. Look at levels of consumption for a better proxy of living standard and ours has gone way up, certainly over generations.

We as a GROUP get to set policy and thus decide if we want to compete or not.

My understanding of history is that we were quite protectionist during our period of rapid industrialization.

Japan certainly did not have Open Markets during it's period of rapid growth.

China is certainly not practicing Free and Open and Fair Trade, now. It's behavior is more akin to Mercantilism.

Link to support your "Levels of Consumption" claim.
We do not get to decide if we compete. If we are selling merchandise we are competing. Unless you would like the US to quit exporting products.

It is absurd to claim we do not and can not craft Trade POlicy.

It is also absurd to pretend that all trade is an either or choice with as much complexity as operating a light switch.

And I am truly interested in your claim that Wage Stagnation is a myth. Link please.

U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

The above shows wages and salaries up almost 13% since Q1 2013.
OK. This is not a collective. Collectives existed in the Soviet Union, not here. This is a Republic. We set policy through the political process.
I didnt say wages are not relevant at all. But they arent terribly relevant because unit cost of labor is the relevant statistic.
Workers will compete with third world peasants regardless of what you want. That they make 1.67/hr is irrelevant. Because the unit cost of labor is the only relevant statistic.

I only used "collective" as in We the People set policy. And we do. Your claim that we don't is incorrect.

First World Workers do NOT have to compete, and lose to Third World Peasants making 1.67$ an hour, unless We, The People choose to though the Trade Policy we set though the Political Process.

And though American workers are very productive relative to Third World Peasants, you can not pretend that the fact that our competitors are willing to work for less than one tenth was is a fairly meager wage in a First World Society is not an enormous and unfair advantage.

Well, you can. And we have. And that's why our Middle Class and Working Class have seen wage stagnation for generations.

It is time for a new policy.
No, my claim is we are not a collective. I can't help it if you are inarticulate.
We always compete. We export products. We compete with others in those export markets. We can shut out foreign competition and the result will be, as it always is, stagnating industries, higher inflation, lower standards of living. No country has ever been able to tariff themselves to prosperity.
Our competitors (at least you acknowledge they are competitors) have disadvantages as well as advantages. Yes they have a lower per hour wage rate. But they frequently have a higher labor unit cost rate, which is the critical number.
Wages have not stagnated. That is a liberal meme. Look at levels of consumption for a better proxy of living standard and ours has gone way up, certainly over generations.

We as a GROUP get to set policy and thus decide if we want to compete or not.

My understanding of history is that we were quite protectionist during our period of rapid industrialization.

Japan certainly did not have Open Markets during it's period of rapid growth.

China is certainly not practicing Free and Open and Fair Trade, now. It's behavior is more akin to Mercantilism.

Link to support your "Levels of Consumption" claim.
We do not get to decide if we compete. If we are selling merchandise we are competing. Unless you would like the US to quit exporting products.

It is absurd to claim we do not and can not craft Trade POlicy.

It is also absurd to pretend that all trade is an either or choice with as much complexity as operating a light switch.

And I am truly interested in your claim that Wage Stagnation is a myth. Link please.
OK so now you are being dishonest.
No one said we could not craft trade policy. What you claimed was that we don't need to compete. You understand those arent the same things, right?
You either engage in trade or you dont. You seem to think we can tariff our way to prosperity. But that never works. Prosperity comes from people conducting business and trading with each other. Both sides come out ahead otherwie they wouldn't do business. Eliminating that means eliminating prosperity.
I only used "collective" as in We the People set policy. And we do. Your claim that we don't is incorrect.

First World Workers do NOT have to compete, and lose to Third World Peasants making 1.67$ an hour, unless We, The People choose to though the Trade Policy we set though the Political Process.

And though American workers are very productive relative to Third World Peasants, you can not pretend that the fact that our competitors are willing to work for less than one tenth was is a fairly meager wage in a First World Society is not an enormous and unfair advantage.

Well, you can. And we have. And that's why our Middle Class and Working Class have seen wage stagnation for generations.

It is time for a new policy.
No, my claim is we are not a collective. I can't help it if you are inarticulate.
We always compete. We export products. We compete with others in those export markets. We can shut out foreign competition and the result will be, as it always is, stagnating industries, higher inflation, lower standards of living. No country has ever been able to tariff themselves to prosperity.
Our competitors (at least you acknowledge they are competitors) have disadvantages as well as advantages. Yes they have a lower per hour wage rate. But they frequently have a higher labor unit cost rate, which is the critical number.
Wages have not stagnated. That is a liberal meme. Look at levels of consumption for a better proxy of living standard and ours has gone way up, certainly over generations.

We as a GROUP get to set policy and thus decide if we want to compete or not.

My understanding of history is that we were quite protectionist during our period of rapid industrialization.

Japan certainly did not have Open Markets during it's period of rapid growth.

China is certainly not practicing Free and Open and Fair Trade, now. It's behavior is more akin to Mercantilism.

Link to support your "Levels of Consumption" claim.
We do not get to decide if we compete. If we are selling merchandise we are competing. Unless you would like the US to quit exporting products.

It is absurd to claim we do not and can not craft Trade POlicy.

It is also absurd to pretend that all trade is an either or choice with as much complexity as operating a light switch.

And I am truly interested in your claim that Wage Stagnation is a myth. Link please.

U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

The above shows wages and salaries up almost 13% since Q1 2013.
The wage stagnation thing is made for people who do not understand statistics.
If Joe is the major bread winner and he works for Ford and has for 20 years and he makes$25/hr then the average wage in Joes household is $25/hr. If his son comes to work for Ford at $15/hr then his average household wage is now $20/hr, which means wages have gone down, right?
I can't believe how many of you have fallen for this stupid inaccurate HEADLINE: "100% of economists disagree with Trump"!!!
The study mentioned does NOT cover 100% of economists in the nation which is what the headline intimates.
The study was done over 40 economists on a Univ. of Chicago panel and 7 did NOT respond to these TWO questions neither of which mention Trump or 45% tax!

Question A: Trade with China makes most Americans better off because, among other advantages, they can buy goods that are made or assembled more cheaply in China.

GEEZ.. I would say without a doubt YES! They are better off because they can buy more cheaply.
BUT what does that have to do with Trump?

NOT one mention of the Trump in Question A.

Question B: Some Americans who work in the production of competing goods, such as clothing and furniture, are made worse off by trade with China.
Duh!!! That's the point!
Trump talks about losing jobs!
NO mention of Trump!
NO mention of 45% tax!

AGAIN most of you have ignored that the title is BOGUS!!! NOTHING but a lie!
Poll Results | IGM Forum
I only used "collective" as in We the People set policy. And we do. Your claim that we don't is incorrect.

First World Workers do NOT have to compete, and lose to Third World Peasants making 1.67$ an hour, unless We, The People choose to though the Trade Policy we set though the Political Process.

And though American workers are very productive relative to Third World Peasants, you can not pretend that the fact that our competitors are willing to work for less than one tenth was is a fairly meager wage in a First World Society is not an enormous and unfair advantage.

Well, you can. And we have. And that's why our Middle Class and Working Class have seen wage stagnation for generations.

It is time for a new policy.
No, my claim is we are not a collective. I can't help it if you are inarticulate.
We always compete. We export products. We compete with others in those export markets. We can shut out foreign competition and the result will be, as it always is, stagnating industries, higher inflation, lower standards of living. No country has ever been able to tariff themselves to prosperity.
Our competitors (at least you acknowledge they are competitors) have disadvantages as well as advantages. Yes they have a lower per hour wage rate. But they frequently have a higher labor unit cost rate, which is the critical number.
Wages have not stagnated. That is a liberal meme. Look at levels of consumption for a better proxy of living standard and ours has gone way up, certainly over generations.

We as a GROUP get to set policy and thus decide if we want to compete or not.

My understanding of history is that we were quite protectionist during our period of rapid industrialization.

Japan certainly did not have Open Markets during it's period of rapid growth.

China is certainly not practicing Free and Open and Fair Trade, now. It's behavior is more akin to Mercantilism.

Link to support your "Levels of Consumption" claim.
We do not get to decide if we compete. If we are selling merchandise we are competing. Unless you would like the US to quit exporting products.

It is absurd to claim we do not and can not craft Trade POlicy.

It is also absurd to pretend that all trade is an either or choice with as much complexity as operating a light switch.

And I am truly interested in your claim that Wage Stagnation is a myth. Link please.
OK so now you are being dishonest.
No one said we could not craft trade policy. What you claimed was that we don't need to compete. You understand those arent the same things, right?
You either engage in trade or you dont. You seem to think we can tariff our way to prosperity. But that never works. Prosperity comes from people conducting business and trading with each other. Both sides come out ahead otherwie they wouldn't do business. Eliminating that means eliminating prosperity.

If we craft trade policy so that China's exports are 45% more expensive, than their exports to US will drop.

The products that our consumers want will then be manufactured elsewhere.

We would then NOT be competing with the workers of China.

We would still be competing with everyone else in the world.

Hopefully more fairly.

We would still have INTERNAL competition.

The rest of your post is touchy feely filler.
No, my claim is we are not a collective. I can't help it if you are inarticulate.
We always compete. We export products. We compete with others in those export markets. We can shut out foreign competition and the result will be, as it always is, stagnating industries, higher inflation, lower standards of living. No country has ever been able to tariff themselves to prosperity.
Our competitors (at least you acknowledge they are competitors) have disadvantages as well as advantages. Yes they have a lower per hour wage rate. But they frequently have a higher labor unit cost rate, which is the critical number.
Wages have not stagnated. That is a liberal meme. Look at levels of consumption for a better proxy of living standard and ours has gone way up, certainly over generations.

We as a GROUP get to set policy and thus decide if we want to compete or not.

My understanding of history is that we were quite protectionist during our period of rapid industrialization.

Japan certainly did not have Open Markets during it's period of rapid growth.

China is certainly not practicing Free and Open and Fair Trade, now. It's behavior is more akin to Mercantilism.

Link to support your "Levels of Consumption" claim.
We do not get to decide if we compete. If we are selling merchandise we are competing. Unless you would like the US to quit exporting products.

It is absurd to claim we do not and can not craft Trade POlicy.

It is also absurd to pretend that all trade is an either or choice with as much complexity as operating a light switch.

And I am truly interested in your claim that Wage Stagnation is a myth. Link please.
OK so now you are being dishonest.
No one said we could not craft trade policy. What you claimed was that we don't need to compete. You understand those arent the same things, right?
You either engage in trade or you dont. You seem to think we can tariff our way to prosperity. But that never works. Prosperity comes from people conducting business and trading with each other. Both sides come out ahead otherwie they wouldn't do business. Eliminating that means eliminating prosperity.

If we craft trade policy so that China's exports are 45% more expensive, than their exports to US will drop.

The products that our consumers want will then be manufactured elsewhere.

We would then NOT be competing with the workers of China.

We would still be competing with everyone else in the world.

Hopefully more fairly.

We would still have INTERNAL competition.

The rest of your post is touchy feely filler.
If we make Chinese products 45% more expensive they will retaliate and make our products more expensive. Good bye export market.
American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for products across the board. Hello, recession. Recall that the Smoot-Hawley tariff did pretty much what you suggest. What we got was the Great Depression.
People who never Econ 101 are so easy to pwn.
I only used "collective" as in We the People set policy. And we do. Your claim that we don't is incorrect.

First World Workers do NOT have to compete, and lose to Third World Peasants making 1.67$ an hour, unless We, The People choose to though the Trade Policy we set though the Political Process.

And though American workers are very productive relative to Third World Peasants, you can not pretend that the fact that our competitors are willing to work for less than one tenth was is a fairly meager wage in a First World Society is not an enormous and unfair advantage.

Well, you can. And we have. And that's why our Middle Class and Working Class have seen wage stagnation for generations.

It is time for a new policy.
No, my claim is we are not a collective. I can't help it if you are inarticulate.
We always compete. We export products. We compete with others in those export markets. We can shut out foreign competition and the result will be, as it always is, stagnating industries, higher inflation, lower standards of living. No country has ever been able to tariff themselves to prosperity.
Our competitors (at least you acknowledge they are competitors) have disadvantages as well as advantages. Yes they have a lower per hour wage rate. But they frequently have a higher labor unit cost rate, which is the critical number.
Wages have not stagnated. That is a liberal meme. Look at levels of consumption for a better proxy of living standard and ours has gone way up, certainly over generations.

We as a GROUP get to set policy and thus decide if we want to compete or not.

My understanding of history is that we were quite protectionist during our period of rapid industrialization.

Japan certainly did not have Open Markets during it's period of rapid growth.

China is certainly not practicing Free and Open and Fair Trade, now. It's behavior is more akin to Mercantilism.

Link to support your "Levels of Consumption" claim.
We do not get to decide if we compete. If we are selling merchandise we are competing. Unless you would like the US to quit exporting products.

It is absurd to claim we do not and can not craft Trade POlicy.

It is also absurd to pretend that all trade is an either or choice with as much complexity as operating a light switch.

And I am truly interested in your claim that Wage Stagnation is a myth. Link please.
OK so now you are being dishonest.
No one said we could not craft trade policy. What you claimed was that we don't need to compete. You understand those arent the same things, right?
You either engage in trade or you dont. You seem to think we can tariff our way to prosperity. But that never works. Prosperity comes from people conducting business and trading with each other. Both sides come out ahead otherwie they wouldn't do business. Eliminating that means eliminating prosperity.
Except when one side cheats and manipulate the value of their own currency like China does.
We as a GROUP get to set policy and thus decide if we want to compete or not.

My understanding of history is that we were quite protectionist during our period of rapid industrialization.

Japan certainly did not have Open Markets during it's period of rapid growth.

China is certainly not practicing Free and Open and Fair Trade, now. It's behavior is more akin to Mercantilism.

Link to support your "Levels of Consumption" claim.
We do not get to decide if we compete. If we are selling merchandise we are competing. Unless you would like the US to quit exporting products.

It is absurd to claim we do not and can not craft Trade POlicy.

It is also absurd to pretend that all trade is an either or choice with as much complexity as operating a light switch.

And I am truly interested in your claim that Wage Stagnation is a myth. Link please.
OK so now you are being dishonest.
No one said we could not craft trade policy. What you claimed was that we don't need to compete. You understand those arent the same things, right?
You either engage in trade or you dont. You seem to think we can tariff our way to prosperity. But that never works. Prosperity comes from people conducting business and trading with each other. Both sides come out ahead otherwie they wouldn't do business. Eliminating that means eliminating prosperity.

If we craft trade policy so that China's exports are 45% more expensive, than their exports to US will drop.

The products that our consumers want will then be manufactured elsewhere.

We would then NOT be competing with the workers of China.

We would still be competing with everyone else in the world.

Hopefully more fairly.

We would still have INTERNAL competition.

The rest of your post is touchy feely filler.
If we make Chinese products 45% more expensive they will retaliate and make our products more expensive. Good bye export market.
American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for products across the board. Hello, recession. Recall that the Smoot-Hawley tariff did pretty much what you suggest. What we got was the Great Depression.
People who never Econ 101 are so easy to pwn.
What do we export to China that would change. Oranges?
Who fucking cares.
We are exporting jobs, that is what I care about.
No, my claim is we are not a collective. I can't help it if you are inarticulate.
We always compete. We export products. We compete with others in those export markets. We can shut out foreign competition and the result will be, as it always is, stagnating industries, higher inflation, lower standards of living. No country has ever been able to tariff themselves to prosperity.
Our competitors (at least you acknowledge they are competitors) have disadvantages as well as advantages. Yes they have a lower per hour wage rate. But they frequently have a higher labor unit cost rate, which is the critical number.
Wages have not stagnated. That is a liberal meme. Look at levels of consumption for a better proxy of living standard and ours has gone way up, certainly over generations.

We as a GROUP get to set policy and thus decide if we want to compete or not.

My understanding of history is that we were quite protectionist during our period of rapid industrialization.

Japan certainly did not have Open Markets during it's period of rapid growth.

China is certainly not practicing Free and Open and Fair Trade, now. It's behavior is more akin to Mercantilism.

Link to support your "Levels of Consumption" claim.
We do not get to decide if we compete. If we are selling merchandise we are competing. Unless you would like the US to quit exporting products.

It is absurd to claim we do not and can not craft Trade POlicy.

It is also absurd to pretend that all trade is an either or choice with as much complexity as operating a light switch.

And I am truly interested in your claim that Wage Stagnation is a myth. Link please.
OK so now you are being dishonest.
No one said we could not craft trade policy. What you claimed was that we don't need to compete. You understand those arent the same things, right?
You either engage in trade or you dont. You seem to think we can tariff our way to prosperity. But that never works. Prosperity comes from people conducting business and trading with each other. Both sides come out ahead otherwie they wouldn't do business. Eliminating that means eliminating prosperity.
Except when one side cheats and manipulate the value of their own currency like China does.

It's a nice idea, but actually their currency is currently overvalued.
No, my claim is we are not a collective. I can't help it if you are inarticulate.
We always compete. We export products. We compete with others in those export markets. We can shut out foreign competition and the result will be, as it always is, stagnating industries, higher inflation, lower standards of living. No country has ever been able to tariff themselves to prosperity.
Our competitors (at least you acknowledge they are competitors) have disadvantages as well as advantages. Yes they have a lower per hour wage rate. But they frequently have a higher labor unit cost rate, which is the critical number.
Wages have not stagnated. That is a liberal meme. Look at levels of consumption for a better proxy of living standard and ours has gone way up, certainly over generations.

We as a GROUP get to set policy and thus decide if we want to compete or not.

My understanding of history is that we were quite protectionist during our period of rapid industrialization.

Japan certainly did not have Open Markets during it's period of rapid growth.

China is certainly not practicing Free and Open and Fair Trade, now. It's behavior is more akin to Mercantilism.

Link to support your "Levels of Consumption" claim.
We do not get to decide if we compete. If we are selling merchandise we are competing. Unless you would like the US to quit exporting products.

It is absurd to claim we do not and can not craft Trade POlicy.

It is also absurd to pretend that all trade is an either or choice with as much complexity as operating a light switch.

And I am truly interested in your claim that Wage Stagnation is a myth. Link please.
OK so now you are being dishonest.
No one said we could not craft trade policy. What you claimed was that we don't need to compete. You understand those arent the same things, right?
You either engage in trade or you dont. You seem to think we can tariff our way to prosperity. But that never works. Prosperity comes from people conducting business and trading with each other. Both sides come out ahead otherwie they wouldn't do business. Eliminating that means eliminating prosperity.
Except when one side cheats and manipulate the value of their own currency like China does.
And the result is what? We get goods cheaper? Sounds OK to me. Chinese consumers are subsidizing American consumers. I can handle that.
We do not get to decide if we compete. If we are selling merchandise we are competing. Unless you would like the US to quit exporting products.

It is absurd to claim we do not and can not craft Trade POlicy.

It is also absurd to pretend that all trade is an either or choice with as much complexity as operating a light switch.

And I am truly interested in your claim that Wage Stagnation is a myth. Link please.
OK so now you are being dishonest.
No one said we could not craft trade policy. What you claimed was that we don't need to compete. You understand those arent the same things, right?
You either engage in trade or you dont. You seem to think we can tariff our way to prosperity. But that never works. Prosperity comes from people conducting business and trading with each other. Both sides come out ahead otherwie they wouldn't do business. Eliminating that means eliminating prosperity.

If we craft trade policy so that China's exports are 45% more expensive, than their exports to US will drop.

The products that our consumers want will then be manufactured elsewhere.

We would then NOT be competing with the workers of China.

We would still be competing with everyone else in the world.

Hopefully more fairly.

We would still have INTERNAL competition.

The rest of your post is touchy feely filler.
If we make Chinese products 45% more expensive they will retaliate and make our products more expensive. Good bye export market.
American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for products across the board. Hello, recession. Recall that the Smoot-Hawley tariff did pretty much what you suggest. What we got was the Great Depression.
People who never Econ 101 are so easy to pwn.
What do we export to China that would change. Oranges?
Who fucking cares.
We are exporting jobs, that is what I care about.
We actually arent. Every job moved off shore creates 3 jobs here. Free trade is a win-win.
We as a GROUP get to set policy and thus decide if we want to compete or not.

My understanding of history is that we were quite protectionist during our period of rapid industrialization.

Japan certainly did not have Open Markets during it's period of rapid growth.

China is certainly not practicing Free and Open and Fair Trade, now. It's behavior is more akin to Mercantilism.

Link to support your "Levels of Consumption" claim.
We do not get to decide if we compete. If we are selling merchandise we are competing. Unless you would like the US to quit exporting products.

It is absurd to claim we do not and can not craft Trade POlicy.

It is also absurd to pretend that all trade is an either or choice with as much complexity as operating a light switch.

And I am truly interested in your claim that Wage Stagnation is a myth. Link please.
OK so now you are being dishonest.
No one said we could not craft trade policy. What you claimed was that we don't need to compete. You understand those arent the same things, right?
You either engage in trade or you dont. You seem to think we can tariff our way to prosperity. But that never works. Prosperity comes from people conducting business and trading with each other. Both sides come out ahead otherwie they wouldn't do business. Eliminating that means eliminating prosperity.
Except when one side cheats and manipulate the value of their own currency like China does.
And the result is what? We get goods cheaper? Sounds OK to me. Chinese consumers are subsidizing American consumers. I can handle that.
Who cares how cheap goods (a TV) is if you don't have a job.
Let things be more expensive as long as it means more jobs for America. Let a TV cost 5 grand again if it means I can afford to buy food for my family and pay rent. I can live with that.
We do not get to decide if we compete. If we are selling merchandise we are competing. Unless you would like the US to quit exporting products.

It is absurd to claim we do not and can not craft Trade POlicy.

It is also absurd to pretend that all trade is an either or choice with as much complexity as operating a light switch.

And I am truly interested in your claim that Wage Stagnation is a myth. Link please.
OK so now you are being dishonest.
No one said we could not craft trade policy. What you claimed was that we don't need to compete. You understand those arent the same things, right?
You either engage in trade or you dont. You seem to think we can tariff our way to prosperity. But that never works. Prosperity comes from people conducting business and trading with each other. Both sides come out ahead otherwie they wouldn't do business. Eliminating that means eliminating prosperity.
Except when one side cheats and manipulate the value of their own currency like China does.
And the result is what? We get goods cheaper? Sounds OK to me. Chinese consumers are subsidizing American consumers. I can handle that.
Who cares how cheap goods (a TV) is if you don't have a job.
Let things be more expensive as long as it means more jobs for America. Let a TV cost 5 grand again if it means I can afford to buy food for my family and pay rent. I can live with that.
You dont get it. If goods are cheaper that leaves more money to buy other things. Or save. Or whatever.
It will not create one single more job "for America."
If you took your position to its logical conclusion everyone in America would make his own clothes and grow his own food. We had that system here at one time. No one was unemployed. You want that again?
It is absurd to claim we do not and can not craft Trade POlicy.

It is also absurd to pretend that all trade is an either or choice with as much complexity as operating a light switch.

And I am truly interested in your claim that Wage Stagnation is a myth. Link please.
OK so now you are being dishonest.
No one said we could not craft trade policy. What you claimed was that we don't need to compete. You understand those arent the same things, right?
You either engage in trade or you dont. You seem to think we can tariff our way to prosperity. But that never works. Prosperity comes from people conducting business and trading with each other. Both sides come out ahead otherwie they wouldn't do business. Eliminating that means eliminating prosperity.
Except when one side cheats and manipulate the value of their own currency like China does.
And the result is what? We get goods cheaper? Sounds OK to me. Chinese consumers are subsidizing American consumers. I can handle that.
Who cares how cheap goods (a TV) is if you don't have a job.
Let things be more expensive as long as it means more jobs for America. Let a TV cost 5 grand again if it means I can afford to buy food for my family and pay rent. I can live with that.
You dont get it. If goods are cheaper that leaves more money to buy other things. Or save. Or whatever.
It will not create one single more job "for America."
If you took your position to its logical conclusion everyone in America would make his own clothes and grow his own food. We had that system here at one time. No one was unemployed. You want that again?
Yes. It's better than being homeless and not having anything to eat or living in a cardboard box.
Thats wrong.
Who else at CNBC supports Trump's tax plan?
Just as I thought.

Damn, this is too easy sometimes.
Not surprising, given that economists - regardless of political stripe - agree that free trade is good for Americans.

Donald Trump’s solution is to ... levy a 45% tax on Chinese imports. The idea is to make Chinese goods more expensive so that American producers who pay their workers more can gain a competitive edge.

There’s a painful side effect to this plan, however: It would, well, make a lot of products more expensive, and most of the price hikes would come straight out of consumer wallets. ... A 45% tariff on Chinese imports would encourage other low-cost exporters, such as Vietnam, Bangladesh and Mexico, to ship more goods to America. Whether U.S. producers would gain an edge is debatable. ...

Trump’s tariff plan would likely meet firm public resistance. Economists would also protest. “Economists disagree about a lot,” says Ozimek, “but there’s very strong agreement that free trade benefits Americans, on average.” A poll of economists by the University of Chicago, for instance, found that 100% of them believe U.S. trade with China makes most Americans better off.

Most economists also agree that free trade—like anything that improves efficiency and market performance—produces winners and losers. And the losers usually include people who get the job done slower, at a higher cost than competitors. Protecting underperformers isn’t likely to help the U.S. economy. Helping them perform better would.​

Donald Trump wants you to pay more for smartphones, TVs and a lot else
Only 100%?
OK so now you are being dishonest.
No one said we could not craft trade policy. What you claimed was that we don't need to compete. You understand those arent the same things, right?
You either engage in trade or you dont. You seem to think we can tariff our way to prosperity. But that never works. Prosperity comes from people conducting business and trading with each other. Both sides come out ahead otherwie they wouldn't do business. Eliminating that means eliminating prosperity.
Except when one side cheats and manipulate the value of their own currency like China does.
And the result is what? We get goods cheaper? Sounds OK to me. Chinese consumers are subsidizing American consumers. I can handle that.
Who cares how cheap goods (a TV) is if you don't have a job.
Let things be more expensive as long as it means more jobs for America. Let a TV cost 5 grand again if it means I can afford to buy food for my family and pay rent. I can live with that.
You dont get it. If goods are cheaper that leaves more money to buy other things. Or save. Or whatever.
It will not create one single more job "for America."
If you took your position to its logical conclusion everyone in America would make his own clothes and grow his own food. We had that system here at one time. No one was unemployed. You want that again?
Yes. It's better than being homeless and not having anything to eat or living in a cardboard box.
Reductio ad absurdum fallacy sighted.
I'm done with you.
Except when one side cheats and manipulate the value of their own currency like China does.
And the result is what? We get goods cheaper? Sounds OK to me. Chinese consumers are subsidizing American consumers. I can handle that.
Who cares how cheap goods (a TV) is if you don't have a job.
Let things be more expensive as long as it means more jobs for America. Let a TV cost 5 grand again if it means I can afford to buy food for my family and pay rent. I can live with that.
You dont get it. If goods are cheaper that leaves more money to buy other things. Or save. Or whatever.
It will not create one single more job "for America."
If you took your position to its logical conclusion everyone in America would make his own clothes and grow his own food. We had that system here at one time. No one was unemployed. You want that again?
Yes. It's better than being homeless and not having anything to eat or living in a cardboard box.
Reductio ad absurdum fallacy sighted.
I'm done with you.
It's better that imports are more expensive and Americans have jobs than stuff is cheap and we are all homeless and jobless.
We as a GROUP get to set policy and thus decide if we want to compete or not.

My understanding of history is that we were quite protectionist during our period of rapid industrialization.

Japan certainly did not have Open Markets during it's period of rapid growth.

China is certainly not practicing Free and Open and Fair Trade, now. It's behavior is more akin to Mercantilism.

Link to support your "Levels of Consumption" claim.
We do not get to decide if we compete. If we are selling merchandise we are competing. Unless you would like the US to quit exporting products.

It is absurd to claim we do not and can not craft Trade POlicy.

It is also absurd to pretend that all trade is an either or choice with as much complexity as operating a light switch.

And I am truly interested in your claim that Wage Stagnation is a myth. Link please.
OK so now you are being dishonest.
No one said we could not craft trade policy. What you claimed was that we don't need to compete. You understand those arent the same things, right?
You either engage in trade or you dont. You seem to think we can tariff our way to prosperity. But that never works. Prosperity comes from people conducting business and trading with each other. Both sides come out ahead otherwie they wouldn't do business. Eliminating that means eliminating prosperity.

If we craft trade policy so that China's exports are 45% more expensive, than their exports to US will drop.

The products that our consumers want will then be manufactured elsewhere.

We would then NOT be competing with the workers of China.

We would still be competing with everyone else in the world.

Hopefully more fairly.

We would still have INTERNAL competition.

The rest of your post is touchy feely filler.
If we make Chinese products 45% more expensive they will retaliate and make our products more expensive. Good bye export market.
American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for products across the board. Hello, recession. Recall that the Smoot-Hawley tariff did pretty much what you suggest. What we got was the Great Depression.
People who never Econ 101 are so easy to pwn.

The Chinese are buying 100 billion a year in exports from an economy of 18 trillion. Their leverage on US is tiny.

American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for stuff coming from China, not across the board. That was so obvious that it smacks of dishonesty.

They could avoid the tariff by buying crap manufactured in a nation that were not complete and total dicks to US.

Maybe even in the US, ITSELF!

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