100% of Economists Disagree with Trump

We do not get to decide if we compete. If we are selling merchandise we are competing. Unless you would like the US to quit exporting products.

It is absurd to claim we do not and can not craft Trade POlicy.

It is also absurd to pretend that all trade is an either or choice with as much complexity as operating a light switch.

And I am truly interested in your claim that Wage Stagnation is a myth. Link please.
OK so now you are being dishonest.
No one said we could not craft trade policy. What you claimed was that we don't need to compete. You understand those arent the same things, right?
You either engage in trade or you dont. You seem to think we can tariff our way to prosperity. But that never works. Prosperity comes from people conducting business and trading with each other. Both sides come out ahead otherwie they wouldn't do business. Eliminating that means eliminating prosperity.

If we craft trade policy so that China's exports are 45% more expensive, than their exports to US will drop.

The products that our consumers want will then be manufactured elsewhere.

We would then NOT be competing with the workers of China.

We would still be competing with everyone else in the world.

Hopefully more fairly.

We would still have INTERNAL competition.

The rest of your post is touchy feely filler.
If we make Chinese products 45% more expensive they will retaliate and make our products more expensive. Good bye export market.
American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for products across the board. Hello, recession. Recall that the Smoot-Hawley tariff did pretty much what you suggest. What we got was the Great Depression.
People who never Econ 101 are so easy to pwn.

The Chinese are buying 100 billion a year in exports from an economy of 18 trillion. Their leverage on US is tiny.

American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for stuff coming from China, not across the board. That was so obvious that it smacks of dishonesty.

They could avoid the tariff by buying crap manufactured in a nation that were not complete and total dicks to US.

Maybe even in the US, ITSELF!
Why are the Chinese more "dicks to the US" than other nations we trade with? What difference does it make that they are "dicks"? WHo really cares?
Again, tariffs don't work. Ask Mr Smoot an Mr Hawley how things worked out for them.
It is absurd to claim we do not and can not craft Trade POlicy.

It is also absurd to pretend that all trade is an either or choice with as much complexity as operating a light switch.

And I am truly interested in your claim that Wage Stagnation is a myth. Link please.
OK so now you are being dishonest.
No one said we could not craft trade policy. What you claimed was that we don't need to compete. You understand those arent the same things, right?
You either engage in trade or you dont. You seem to think we can tariff our way to prosperity. But that never works. Prosperity comes from people conducting business and trading with each other. Both sides come out ahead otherwie they wouldn't do business. Eliminating that means eliminating prosperity.

If we craft trade policy so that China's exports are 45% more expensive, than their exports to US will drop.

The products that our consumers want will then be manufactured elsewhere.

We would then NOT be competing with the workers of China.

We would still be competing with everyone else in the world.

Hopefully more fairly.

We would still have INTERNAL competition.

The rest of your post is touchy feely filler.
If we make Chinese products 45% more expensive they will retaliate and make our products more expensive. Good bye export market.
American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for products across the board. Hello, recession. Recall that the Smoot-Hawley tariff did pretty much what you suggest. What we got was the Great Depression.
People who never Econ 101 are so easy to pwn.

The Chinese are buying 100 billion a year in exports from an economy of 18 trillion. Their leverage on US is tiny.

American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for stuff coming from China, not across the board. That was so obvious that it smacks of dishonesty.

They could avoid the tariff by buying crap manufactured in a nation that were not complete and total dicks to US.

Maybe even in the US, ITSELF!
Why are the Chinese more "dicks to the US" than other nations we trade with? What difference does it make that they are "dicks"? WHo really cares?
Again, tariffs don't work. Ask Mr Smoot an Mr Hawley how things worked out for them.

The biggest trade deficit of all Time, and not from Free Trade and Fair Competition, but from them being dicks.

YOu did not address my point about the impact of 100 billion of Trade to an economy of 18 trillion.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

Stating your opinion again is not the same as supporting or defending it.
OK so now you are being dishonest.
No one said we could not craft trade policy. What you claimed was that we don't need to compete. You understand those arent the same things, right?
You either engage in trade or you dont. You seem to think we can tariff our way to prosperity. But that never works. Prosperity comes from people conducting business and trading with each other. Both sides come out ahead otherwie they wouldn't do business. Eliminating that means eliminating prosperity.

If we craft trade policy so that China's exports are 45% more expensive, than their exports to US will drop.

The products that our consumers want will then be manufactured elsewhere.

We would then NOT be competing with the workers of China.

We would still be competing with everyone else in the world.

Hopefully more fairly.

We would still have INTERNAL competition.

The rest of your post is touchy feely filler.
If we make Chinese products 45% more expensive they will retaliate and make our products more expensive. Good bye export market.
American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for products across the board. Hello, recession. Recall that the Smoot-Hawley tariff did pretty much what you suggest. What we got was the Great Depression.
People who never Econ 101 are so easy to pwn.

The Chinese are buying 100 billion a year in exports from an economy of 18 trillion. Their leverage on US is tiny.

American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for stuff coming from China, not across the board. That was so obvious that it smacks of dishonesty.

They could avoid the tariff by buying crap manufactured in a nation that were not complete and total dicks to US.

Maybe even in the US, ITSELF!
Why are the Chinese more "dicks to the US" than other nations we trade with? What difference does it make that they are "dicks"? WHo really cares?
Again, tariffs don't work. Ask Mr Smoot an Mr Hawley how things worked out for them.

The biggest trade deficit of all Time, and not from Free Trade and Fair Competition, but from them being dicks.

YOu did not address my point about the impact of 100 billion of Trade to an economy of 18 trillion.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

Stating your opinion again is not the same as supporting or defending it.
Your first point is mere assertion
Trade is trade. If you think we can do without exports you are mistaken
Trade wars have a way of escalating so if we cut out the Chinese we will end up cutting out the Vietnamese, Burmese and everyone else trying to get in on the gap left by tariffs.
OK so now you are being dishonest.
No one said we could not craft trade policy. What you claimed was that we don't need to compete. You understand those arent the same things, right?
You either engage in trade or you dont. You seem to think we can tariff our way to prosperity. But that never works. Prosperity comes from people conducting business and trading with each other. Both sides come out ahead otherwie they wouldn't do business. Eliminating that means eliminating prosperity.

If we craft trade policy so that China's exports are 45% more expensive, than their exports to US will drop.

The products that our consumers want will then be manufactured elsewhere.

We would then NOT be competing with the workers of China.

We would still be competing with everyone else in the world.

Hopefully more fairly.

We would still have INTERNAL competition.

The rest of your post is touchy feely filler.
If we make Chinese products 45% more expensive they will retaliate and make our products more expensive. Good bye export market.
American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for products across the board. Hello, recession. Recall that the Smoot-Hawley tariff did pretty much what you suggest. What we got was the Great Depression.
People who never Econ 101 are so easy to pwn.

The Chinese are buying 100 billion a year in exports from an economy of 18 trillion. Their leverage on US is tiny.

American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for stuff coming from China, not across the board. That was so obvious that it smacks of dishonesty.

They could avoid the tariff by buying crap manufactured in a nation that were not complete and total dicks to US.

Maybe even in the US, ITSELF!
Why are the Chinese more "dicks to the US" than other nations we trade with? What difference does it make that they are "dicks"? WHo really cares?
Again, tariffs don't work. Ask Mr Smoot an Mr Hawley how things worked out for them.

The biggest trade deficit of all Time, and not from Free Trade and Fair Competition, but from them being dicks.

YOu did not address my point about the impact of 100 billion of Trade to an economy of 18 trillion.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

Stating your opinion again is not the same as supporting or defending it.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

If we put a tariff on Chinese steel, other steel prices remain unchanged?
If a bunch of economists are against it...argues pretty strongly in favor of it.

When was the last time an economist was right about anything.

All the time, lol, just because YOU'RE too stupid to understand their mathematically proven science, doesn't make them the ones that are wrong.
If a bunch of economists are against it...argues pretty strongly in favor of it.

When was the last time an economist was right about anything.

so that's your response.... if someone know nothing about the subject we should listen to them?

that says so much about the radical right. :cuckoo:

Well, you seem to think they know something, yet they're consistently wrong.

Hell the CBO can't get year to year projections right, much less their 10 year outs....and they employ a lot of those economists.

Know a man by his deeds, not his words.
If a bunch of economists are against it...argues pretty strongly in favor of it.

When was the last time an economist was right about anything.

All the time, lol, just because YOU'RE too stupid to understand their mathematically proven science, doesn't make them the ones that are wrong.

And yet this country is currently $18,891,869,602,125.16 in debt as of Jan 11th, which was the last reporting date. That's the math. That's the path your "highly respected" economists have directed the country down.

Not one of your much beloved Keynesian economists has the least clue of how to change that. Those are the ones you're listening to....and you call anyone else stupid. That's priceless.
If we craft trade policy so that China's exports are 45% more expensive, than their exports to US will drop.

The products that our consumers want will then be manufactured elsewhere.

We would then NOT be competing with the workers of China.

We would still be competing with everyone else in the world.

Hopefully more fairly.

We would still have INTERNAL competition.

The rest of your post is touchy feely filler.
If we make Chinese products 45% more expensive they will retaliate and make our products more expensive. Good bye export market.
American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for products across the board. Hello, recession. Recall that the Smoot-Hawley tariff did pretty much what you suggest. What we got was the Great Depression.
People who never Econ 101 are so easy to pwn.

The Chinese are buying 100 billion a year in exports from an economy of 18 trillion. Their leverage on US is tiny.

American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for stuff coming from China, not across the board. That was so obvious that it smacks of dishonesty.

They could avoid the tariff by buying crap manufactured in a nation that were not complete and total dicks to US.

Maybe even in the US, ITSELF!
Why are the Chinese more "dicks to the US" than other nations we trade with? What difference does it make that they are "dicks"? WHo really cares?
Again, tariffs don't work. Ask Mr Smoot an Mr Hawley how things worked out for them.

The biggest trade deficit of all Time, and not from Free Trade and Fair Competition, but from them being dicks.

YOu did not address my point about the impact of 100 billion of Trade to an economy of 18 trillion.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

Stating your opinion again is not the same as supporting or defending it.
Your first point is mere assertion
Trade is trade. If you think we can do without exports you are mistaken
Trade wars have a way of escalating so if we cut out the Chinese we will end up cutting out the Vietnamese, Burmese and everyone else trying to get in on the gap left by tariffs.

We can do without that 100 billion in exports, if that is what it comes to.

Yes, Trade Wars can escalate.

Maybe those who are so heavily benefiting from trade with US should be careful about how they handle US, and our concerns.

Yes, other will try to get in the "gap". They should consider what happened to China as they operate.

Or is it only America that has to be a grown up in your world?
If we craft trade policy so that China's exports are 45% more expensive, than their exports to US will drop.

The products that our consumers want will then be manufactured elsewhere.

We would then NOT be competing with the workers of China.

We would still be competing with everyone else in the world.

Hopefully more fairly.

We would still have INTERNAL competition.

The rest of your post is touchy feely filler.
If we make Chinese products 45% more expensive they will retaliate and make our products more expensive. Good bye export market.
American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for products across the board. Hello, recession. Recall that the Smoot-Hawley tariff did pretty much what you suggest. What we got was the Great Depression.
People who never Econ 101 are so easy to pwn.

The Chinese are buying 100 billion a year in exports from an economy of 18 trillion. Their leverage on US is tiny.

American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for stuff coming from China, not across the board. That was so obvious that it smacks of dishonesty.

They could avoid the tariff by buying crap manufactured in a nation that were not complete and total dicks to US.

Maybe even in the US, ITSELF!
Why are the Chinese more "dicks to the US" than other nations we trade with? What difference does it make that they are "dicks"? WHo really cares?
Again, tariffs don't work. Ask Mr Smoot an Mr Hawley how things worked out for them.

The biggest trade deficit of all Time, and not from Free Trade and Fair Competition, but from them being dicks.

YOu did not address my point about the impact of 100 billion of Trade to an economy of 18 trillion.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

Stating your opinion again is not the same as supporting or defending it.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

If we put a tariff on Chinese steel, other steel prices remain unchanged?

They wouldn't jump 45%m as Rabbi claimed.
If we make Chinese products 45% more expensive they will retaliate and make our products more expensive. Good bye export market.
American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for products across the board. Hello, recession. Recall that the Smoot-Hawley tariff did pretty much what you suggest. What we got was the Great Depression.
People who never Econ 101 are so easy to pwn.

The Chinese are buying 100 billion a year in exports from an economy of 18 trillion. Their leverage on US is tiny.

American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for stuff coming from China, not across the board. That was so obvious that it smacks of dishonesty.

They could avoid the tariff by buying crap manufactured in a nation that were not complete and total dicks to US.

Maybe even in the US, ITSELF!
Why are the Chinese more "dicks to the US" than other nations we trade with? What difference does it make that they are "dicks"? WHo really cares?
Again, tariffs don't work. Ask Mr Smoot an Mr Hawley how things worked out for them.

The biggest trade deficit of all Time, and not from Free Trade and Fair Competition, but from them being dicks.

YOu did not address my point about the impact of 100 billion of Trade to an economy of 18 trillion.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

Stating your opinion again is not the same as supporting or defending it.
Your first point is mere assertion
Trade is trade. If you think we can do without exports you are mistaken
Trade wars have a way of escalating so if we cut out the Chinese we will end up cutting out the Vietnamese, Burmese and everyone else trying to get in on the gap left by tariffs.

We can do without that 100 billion in exports, if that is what it comes to.

Yes, Trade Wars can escalate.

Maybe those who are so heavily benefiting from trade with US should be careful about how they handle US, and our concerns.

Yes, other will try to get in the "gap". They should consider what happened to China as they operate.

Or is it only America that has to be a grown up in your world?
OK so you want to trash businesses and jobs because you think China isnt being nice to us.
That pretty much establishes your level of maturity, intelligence and knowledge on this topic. You are incompetent to discuss this and a waste of my time.
If we make Chinese products 45% more expensive they will retaliate and make our products more expensive. Good bye export market.
American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for products across the board. Hello, recession. Recall that the Smoot-Hawley tariff did pretty much what you suggest. What we got was the Great Depression.
People who never Econ 101 are so easy to pwn.

The Chinese are buying 100 billion a year in exports from an economy of 18 trillion. Their leverage on US is tiny.

American consumers and companies will be paying 45% more for stuff coming from China, not across the board. That was so obvious that it smacks of dishonesty.

They could avoid the tariff by buying crap manufactured in a nation that were not complete and total dicks to US.

Maybe even in the US, ITSELF!
Why are the Chinese more "dicks to the US" than other nations we trade with? What difference does it make that they are "dicks"? WHo really cares?
Again, tariffs don't work. Ask Mr Smoot an Mr Hawley how things worked out for them.

The biggest trade deficit of all Time, and not from Free Trade and Fair Competition, but from them being dicks.

YOu did not address my point about the impact of 100 billion of Trade to an economy of 18 trillion.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

Stating your opinion again is not the same as supporting or defending it.

You did not address my point that a tariff on Chinese goods only affects Chinese goods, not "across the board" as you claimed.

If we put a tariff on Chinese steel, other steel prices remain unchanged?

They wouldn't jump 45%m as Rabbi claimed.

How much would it jump?
Thats wrong.
Who else at CNBC supports Trump's tax plan?
Just as I thought.

Damn, this is too easy sometimes.
*bump* once again.

It's a day later, and The Rabbi is still a little bitch!
Not surprising, given that economists - regardless of political stripe - agree that free trade is good for Americans.

Donald Trump’s solution is to ... levy a 45% tax on Chinese imports. The idea is to make Chinese goods more expensive so that American producers who pay their workers more can gain a competitive edge.

There’s a painful side effect to this plan, however: It would, well, make a lot of products more expensive, and most of the price hikes would come straight out of consumer wallets. ... A 45% tariff on Chinese imports would encourage other low-cost exporters, such as Vietnam, Bangladesh and Mexico, to ship more goods to America. Whether U.S. producers would gain an edge is debatable. ...

Trump’s tariff plan would likely meet firm public resistance. Economists would also protest. “Economists disagree about a lot,” says Ozimek, “but there’s very strong agreement that free trade benefits Americans, on average.” A poll of economists by the University of Chicago, for instance, found that 100% of them believe U.S. trade with China makes most Americans better off.

Most economists also agree that free trade—like anything that improves efficiency and market performance—produces winners and losers. And the losers usually include people who get the job done slower, at a higher cost than competitors. Protecting underperformers isn’t likely to help the U.S. economy. Helping them perform better would.​

Donald Trump wants you to pay more for smartphones, TVs and a lot else

Interesting. Seeing that Liberal Democrats will also associate trade in aiding a corporation's decision to look overseas, establish a new business in places like China, while bringing those jobs with them.
Last edited:
Thats wrong.
Who else at CNBC supports Trump's tax plan?
Just as I thought.

Damn, this is too easy sometimes.
*bump* once again.

It's a day later, and The Rabbi is still a little bitch!
What a maroon. You dont have a leg to stand on or a pot to piss in.
Just admit that you have failed to name anyone other than Kudlow who supports Trump's plan at CNBC.

While you're at it, also admit that you're a little bitch who runs away when you can't back up your bullshit.
Let this thread die already as it has been proven that 100% of economists do NOT disagree with Trump. The entire OP / premise was a partisan LlE ...

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