100 shot in Chicago in ONE week!!

He-man J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser, heart-throb Rock Hudson was queer, so was Star Trek Sulu, Michael Jackson, Liberace, Gomer Pyle, Quincy Jones, and John Wayne. All the guns in the world won't give you a hard-on any more. So stop pretending.

Doesn't make sense. Try speaking white.
Chicago is a shooting gallery in a lot of places. Add in the heat we've had and shootings go up.

Considering the fallout from the LaQuan McDonald incident and what most people see as a cop work slowdown and it's no surprise.

And I guess it's easy to say well fuck em, they're just killing each other anyway, but that's not the case. One of the victims was a 9 year old kid playing in his yard, another I heard on the radio yesterday was a 30-something father sitting at the kitchen table and took a stray bullet in the neck, killing him. That just fucking sucks.

I have no idea what can realistically be done either. Bulletproof windows? Vests for the kids while they're playing outside? Hell if the people there could afford those kinds of measures they'd get the hell out. Bad, bad, bad situation....
He-man J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser, heart-throb Rock Hudson was queer, so was Star Trek Sulu, Michael Jackson, Liberace, Gomer Pyle, Quincy Jones, and John Wayne. All the guns in the world won't give you a hard-on any more. So stop pretending.

Doesn't make sense. Try speaking white.
You mean starting a sentence with "basically", filling it with "you know" - "like" - "irregardless" - "in terms of" - "uhhhhhhh" .... then ending it with "basically" again?
So what would you do to stop 100 shootings in one week?
Education. Jobs. Education. Fair wage. Education, Medical services, Education .... and a decent, meaningful education with a minimum of political propaganda, misinformation and disinformation.
How does a race of people with an average IQ in the low eighties "get an education" in an education system designed for a race of people with average IQs in the three digits????????
It's not fucking possible.
Negroes have the 'warrior gene' that other races do not.
Negroes have endemic levels of HPD which makes their ability to learn even the most basic things virtually impossible. They literally are unable to sit still in class.
Jobs? What fucking jobs?
There are millions of high graduates, (ones who weren't 'streamed through the system just to get them out of the classroom) who can't find a decent secure job. They never will!
Obama and now Hillary want hundreds of thousands of 'immigrants' (the DEM voter base of the future) to come to the country and compete for what few jobs are out there.
Face it pal. Negroes are the world's 'Special Needs' race.
Always have been always will be for all time.
So what would you do to stop 100 shootings in one week?
Education. Jobs. Education. Fair wage. Education, Medical services, Education .... and a decent, meaningful education with a minimum of political propaganda, misinformation and disinformation.

Probably need to break up the neighborhoods first. The concentration of poverty into high density areas to keep them out of sight of the day to day affairs of the not poor was a mistake made a couple generations ago we keep compounding.
So what would you do to stop 100 shootings in one week?
Education. Jobs. Education. Fair wage. Education, Medical services, Education .... and a decent, meaningful education with a minimum of political propaganda, misinformation and disinformation.

Probably need to break up the neighborhoods first. The concentration of poverty into high density areas to keep them out of sight of the day to day affairs of the not poor was a mistake made a couple generations ago we keep compounding.
Better still to clean them up as they are ... I mean implement the changes I already mentioned ... better to give incentive to improvements by example, starting with the most important points first. No one will welcome education if they have no jobs or money to begin with. Don't you think so?
So what would you do to stop 100 shootings in one week?
Education. Jobs. Education. Fair wage. Education, Medical services, Education .... and a decent, meaningful education with a minimum of political propaganda, misinformation and disinformation.

Probably need to break up the neighborhoods first. The concentration of poverty into high density areas to keep them out of sight of the day to day affairs of the not poor was a mistake made a couple generations ago we keep compounding.
Better still to clean them up as they are ... I mean implement the changes I already mentioned ... better to give incentive to improvements by example, starting with the most important points first. No one will welcome education if they have no jobs or money to begin with. Don't you think so?

obviously I don't. scattering the residents scatters the crime which makes it more likely authorities can break the cone of silence and catch the people who don't want to do well who interfere with those who want to do better. My city has done it somewhat. Initially is does spread the crime as critics allege, but they are do a better job of identifying/catching the more violent offenders more quickly.
So what would you do to stop 100 shootings in one week?
Education. Jobs. Education. Fair wage. Education, Medical services, Education .... and a decent, meaningful education with a minimum of political propaganda, misinformation and disinformation.
These people cannot be educated. The best you could do is give them a piece of paper that says they have an education. But not giving them an education.
So what would you do to stop 100 shootings in one week?
Education. Jobs. Education. Fair wage. Education, Medical services, Education .... and a decent, meaningful education with a minimum of political propaganda, misinformation and disinformation.
These people cannot be educated. The best you could do is give them a piece of paper that says they have an education. But not giving them an education.

To an extent, but we need to look at it more long-term. Improve education levels incrementally over generations.
To an extent, but we need to look at it more long-term. Improve education levels incrementally over generations.
OK, true, but another option to consider would be to evacuate the city, blast it to rubble, cover it in 20 feet of concrete and leave it as a warning that Democrats cannot be trusted.

Its kind of a toss up....

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