100 shot in Chicago in ONE week!!

He-man J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser, heart-throb Rock Hudson was queer, so was Star Trek Sulu, Michael Jackson, Liberace, Gomer Pyle, Quincy Jones, and John Wayne. All the guns in the world won't give you a hard-on any more. So stop pretending.

Doesn't make sense. Try speaking white.
You mean starting a sentence with "basically", filling it with "you know" - "like" - "irregardless" - "in terms of" - "uhhhhhhh" .... then ending it with "basically" again?

No, adult white.
There's no distinction between the two.
He-man J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser, heart-throb Rock Hudson was queer, so was Star Trek Sulu, Michael Jackson, Liberace, Gomer Pyle, Quincy Jones, and John Wayne. All the guns in the world won't give you a hard-on any more. So stop pretending.

Doesn't make sense. Try speaking white.
You mean starting a sentence with "basically", filling it with "you know" - "like" - "irregardless" - "in terms of" - "uhhhhhhh" .... then ending it with "basically" again?

No, adult white.
There's no distinction between the two.

We all look alike to black people.
He-man J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser, heart-throb Rock Hudson was queer, so was Star Trek Sulu, Michael Jackson, Liberace, Gomer Pyle, Quincy Jones, and John Wayne. All the guns in the world won't give you a hard-on any more. So stop pretending.

Doesn't make sense. Try speaking white.
You mean starting a sentence with "basically", filling it with "you know" - "like" - "irregardless" - "in terms of" - "uhhhhhhh" .... then ending it with "basically" again?

No, adult white.
There's no distinction between the two.

We all look alike to black people.
Ain't that the truth.
Ask your wife how she feels about the Roma.
I don't need to ask her. I have spent much time in Slovakia myself. The Romas ... now they are even here in hoards. But the point is, during Česko-Slovensko times even the Romas had jobs and had to work. Now it's a different story.
Roma working didn't work out. Your wife knows it and so do you.
The problem with the Roma today is Capitalism and the free-range mafia. Actually, this is a problem from which everyone is suffering but for the Roma it's even worse. That problem didn't really exist back then. There were jobs and housing for everyone. Today there is nothing.
Yes, Czechoslovakia was a veritable worker's paradise. All those countries were until Reagan brought in capitalism. I know this because my now-deceased father-in-law used to tell me. Of course he was an incompetent gynecologist made hospital director so he would stop his practice and just happened to be a leading communist party hack in his community, as were his factory-worker parents.
Yes, Czechoslovakia was a veritable worker's paradise. All those countries were until Reagan brought in capitalism. I know this because my now-deceased father-in-law used to tell me. Of course he was an incompetent gynecologist made hospital director so he would stop his practice and just happened to be a leading communist party hack in his community, as were his factory-worker parents.
I think it is incorrect to say that ČS was a paradise. But it might have been if Breshnjev hadn't taken power ..... and Dubček had been allowed to continue his reforms. They even had a second opportunity to achieve paradise with Gorbatjov's blessing ... but it was too late, and (as you say) the monkey-boy Bonzo Reagan had his day in the sun and buggered it all to hell.
Yes, Czechoslovakia was a veritable worker's paradise. All those countries were until Reagan brought in capitalism. I know this because my now-deceased father-in-law used to tell me. Of course he was an incompetent gynecologist made hospital director so he would stop his practice and just happened to be a leading communist party hack in his community, as were his factory-worker parents.
I think it is incorrect to say that ČS was a paradise. But it might have been if Breshnjev hadn't taken power ..... and Dubček had been allowed to continue his reforms. They even had a second opportunity to achieve paradise with Gorbatjov's blessing ... but it was too late, and (as you say) the monkey-boy Bonzo Reagan had his day in the sun and buggered it all to hell.
You're channeling my dead father-in-law. He was an idiot too.

I am grateful that his daughter and our son did not take after him. I wish yours the best.
Nearly 100 people shot in Chicago in less than a week

Another kick in the balls for the gun grabbers of America! And one wonders why they've never been more unpopular?:2up::bye1::bye1:

So what would you do to stop 100 shootings in one week?
To be blunt I wouldn't do anything.
It's their reality. Let them work it out.
Every other group has had to.
Why why WHY must it ALWAYS be the White man who must keep dragging the failed negro race behind them?
Darwin had it right.
The survival of the fittest has meant humans, in this case, have either evolved or been left behind.
In the case of the negro the rest of the world hasn't quite got to that point....yet.
A long as the negro is determined to 'self-exterminate' it's their problem.

Throwing your hands in the air and saying, "Don't shoot" is one strategy I suppose.
Okay. My city is doing that to. They are using zoning to go after and destroy low-end rental housing. The War on The Poor must be won. We must eradicate the evil doers!!

And your method of choice is NOT to eradicate poverty? Yeah, I'm sure that will work really well.

My method of choice is to ship them to Chicago and let Obama hire them in his library. Ideally, they could find jobs locally, but Obama isn't building here, so as a practical matter, off they go.
Nearly 100 people shot in Chicago in less than a week

Another kick in the balls for the gun grabbers of America! And one wonders why they've never been more unpopular?:2up::bye1::bye1:

So what would you do to stop 100 shootings in one week?

The answer is easy........when you catch a felon with a gun......you put them in jail for 30 years.......they are not doing this in Chicago........they are catching felons with guns over and over again and they are giving them bail...and then giving them less than 2 years............the guy who murdered Hiday pendleton on obama's block.....was caught as a felon in possession of a gun....was released and killed that girl with a stray bullet........

America Should Be Prosecuting Straw Purchasers, Not Gun Dealers


I visited Chicago a few years back to write about the city’s gang-driven murder problem, and a retired police official told me that the nature of the people making straw purchases — young relatives, girlfriends who may or may not have been facing the threat of physical violence, grandmothers, etc. — made prosecuting those cases unattractive. In most of those cases, the authorities emphatically should put the straw purchasers in prison for as long as possible. Throw a few gangsters’ grandmothers behind bars for 20 years and see if that gets anybody’s attention. In the case of the young women suborned into breaking the law, that should be just another charge to put on the main offender.
Nearly 100 people shot in Chicago in less than a week

Another kick in the balls for the gun grabbers of America! And one wonders why they've never been more unpopular?:2up::bye1::bye1:

So what would you do to stop 100 shootings in one week?

And this is why we have gun crime in Chicago....

The Left’s Phony War on Guns, by Kevin D. Williamson, National Review

Chicago has Wild West levels of homicide.

(Worse, in fact; the criminality and violence of the ungoverned West has been greatly exaggerated, and some of those old cow towns had lower per capita crime rates back when they had no formal government than they do today.)

Do you know what kind of crime illegal possession of a firearm is in the state of Illinois?

It is a misdemeanor.

A 2014 study conducted by the Chicago Sun-Times found that in most cases, Cook County judges handed down the minimum sentence for gun possession, and in most cases, the criminals ended up serving far less than that, doing only a few months.

Those charged with simple possession had an average of four prior arrests; those charged with the more serious crime of being a felon in possession of a firearm had an average of ten previous arrests.

Ten arrests, and the eleventh is for a gun-related crime.

One wonders how many undetected crimes are covered by such criminal careers.

Many in Illinois have argued that, given the state of crime there, stiffer sentences are warranted.

A bill was introduced to that end, and it was opposed by Democrats who argued that stiffer sentences for those actually committing crimes with guns would “unfairly target African-Americans,” as the Sun-Times put it.

The NRA, to its discredit, opposed that bill, too, arguing that the penalties for simple possession in absence of other criminal activity were too stiff.
But that’s an argument for liberalizing Illinois gun laws, not for forgoing the punishment of criminals.
The NRA did support harsher punishment for felons in possession of firearms, and for the use of firearms in crimes. Democrats have generally opposed them.

Read more at: The Left’s Phony War on Guns

So what would you do to stop 100 shootings in one week?
Education. Jobs. Education. Fair wage. Education, Medical services, Education .... and a decent, meaningful education with a minimum of political propaganda, misinformation and disinformation.

No....first......you lock up criminals who use guns......for 30 years....you announce this new sentence in all the prisons in the country and add it to all the information parole officers tell their criminal wards.....

That will dry up almost all of the shooting.....but that isn't the point...they need dead people to push gun control.
He-man J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser, heart-throb Rock Hudson was queer, so was Star Trek Sulu, Michael Jackson, Liberace, Gomer Pyle, Quincy Jones, and John Wayne. All the guns in the world won't give you a hard-on any more. So stop pretending.
Permanent Ignore.
That's it? All you've got?.
Not the first time someone's told you that right?

I don't even understand what you just said. What does "permanent ignore" mean?

If you use it, it means you're a coward.
Nearly 100 people shot in Chicago in less than a week

Another kick in the balls for the gun grabbers of America! And one wonders why they've never been more unpopular?:2up::bye1::bye1:
A firearms kills thread.

Without Joey?

Oh No's! This won't do.

If it saves one life. Ban the arms.

But seriously. This is a sad state of affairs and the blame is placed on everyone but those who commit these crimes and those who cheerlead for them.

Well paid elected officials who are too stupid to face the truth and too cowardly to grow a pair and take control of the situation. The wrong people control the narrative and as in Baltimore, LA and the cities in between, the wrong people control the streets.
He-man J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser, heart-throb Rock Hudson was queer, so was Star Trek Sulu, Michael Jackson, Liberace, Gomer Pyle, Quincy Jones, and John Wayne. All the guns in the world won't give you a hard-on any more. So stop pretending.
Does the attendant know you are posting on the internet in the day room?

Nobody cares about who is gay or not.

We have violent cities, totally out of control and this is all you have to offer.

Fuck dude. Grow up.
For every innocent child and adult that has been murdered in Chicago, my sympathy. For every dead gang-banger, no loss.
Nearly 100 people shot in Chicago in less than a week

Another kick in the balls for the gun grabbers of America! And one wonders why they've never been more unpopular?:2up::bye1::bye1:

So what would you do to stop 100 shootings in one week?

And this is why we have gun crime in Chicago....

The Left’s Phony War on Guns, by Kevin D. Williamson, National Review

Chicago has Wild West levels of homicide.

(Worse, in fact; the criminality and violence of the ungoverned West has been greatly exaggerated, and some of those old cow towns had lower per capita crime rates back when they had no formal government than they do today.)

Do you know what kind of crime illegal possession of a firearm is in the state of Illinois?

It is a misdemeanor.

A 2014 study conducted by the Chicago Sun-Times found that in most cases, Cook County judges handed down the minimum sentence for gun possession, and in most cases, the criminals ended up serving far less than that, doing only a few months.

Those charged with simple possession had an average of four prior arrests; those charged with the more serious crime of being a felon in possession of a firearm had an average of ten previous arrests.

Ten arrests, and the eleventh is for a gun-related crime.

One wonders how many undetected crimes are covered by such criminal careers.

Many in Illinois have argued that, given the state of crime there, stiffer sentences are warranted.

A bill was introduced to that end, and it was opposed by Democrats who argued that stiffer sentences for those actually committing crimes with guns would “unfairly target African-Americans,” as the Sun-Times put it.

The NRA, to its discredit, opposed that bill, too, arguing that the penalties for simple possession in absence of other criminal activity were too stiff.
But that’s an argument for liberalizing Illinois gun laws, not for forgoing the punishment of criminals.
The NRA did support harsher punishment for felons in possession of firearms, and for the use of firearms in crimes. Democrats have generally opposed them.

Read more at: The Left’s Phony War on Guns


Democrats bad democrats bad guns good guns good. None of that answers the question
Nearly 100 people shot in Chicago in less than a week

Another kick in the balls for the gun grabbers of America! And one wonders why they've never been more unpopular?:2up::bye1::bye1:

So what would you do to stop 100 shootings in one week?

The answer is easy........when you catch a felon with a gun......you put them in jail for 30 years.......they are not doing this in Chicago........they are catching felons with guns over and over again and they are giving them bail...and then giving them less than 2 years............the guy who murdered Hiday pendleton on obama's block.....was caught as a felon in possession of a gun....was released and killed that girl with a stray bullet........

America Should Be Prosecuting Straw Purchasers, Not Gun Dealers


I visited Chicago a few years back to write about the city’s gang-driven murder problem, and a retired police official told me that the nature of the people making straw purchases — young relatives, girlfriends who may or may not have been facing the threat of physical violence, grandmothers, etc. — made prosecuting those cases unattractive. In most of those cases, the authorities emphatically should put the straw purchasers in prison for as long as possible. Throw a few gangsters’ grandmothers behind bars for 20 years and see if that gets anybody’s attention. In the case of the young women suborned into breaking the law, that should be just another charge to put on the main offender.

Sounds awfully expensive. The GOP willing to raise taxes to pay for this proposal are they?

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