100 shot in Chicago in ONE week!!

To an extent, but we need to look at it more long-term. Improve education levels incrementally over generations.
OK, true, but another option to consider would be to evacuate the city, blast it to rubble, cover it in 20 feet of concrete and leave it as a warning that Democrats cannot be trusted.

Its kind of a toss up....

Okay. My city is doing that to. They are using zoning to go after and destroy low-end rental housing. The War on The Poor must be won. We must eradicate the evil doers!!
Nearly 100 people shot in Chicago in less than a week

Another kick in the balls for the gun grabbers of America! And one wonders why they've never been more unpopular?:2up::bye1::bye1:
THOSE Black Lives DONT Matter; they's just eggs for da Omlette, bro.

Most guns are black...
So, it is black thing after all?

Yep. Democrats reject anything that is not a shade of green.
Danny.....dont put the bulldog on "ignore". To me, we cant get enough of these k00ks in here to make fun of, and isnt that the point, especially in this forum? My eye's light up when a new k00k comes in here........just another person I get to publiclly humiliate!!:2up: Its all good..........
OK OK. Just for you pal.
I get so tired of shooting these ignorant assholes 'fish in a barrel' though.
So fucking easy.
I can't count how many of them have run away.
Remember the LIB 'cop-hater' here who ended up confessing he was a lying piece of shit then running away?
Nearly 100 people shot in Chicago in less than a week

Another kick in the balls for the gun grabbers of America! And one wonders why they've never been more unpopular?:2up::bye1::bye1:

So what would you do to stop 100 shootings in one week?
To be blunt I wouldn't do anything.
It's their reality. Let them work it out.
Every other group has had to.
Why why WHY must it ALWAYS be the White man who must keep dragging the failed negro race behind them?
Darwin had it right.
The survival of the fittest has meant humans, in this case, have either evolved or been left behind.
In the case of the negro the rest of the world hasn't quite got to that point....yet.
A long as the negro is determined to 'self-exterminate' it's their problem.
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So what would you do to stop 100 shootings in one week?
Education. Jobs. Education. Fair wage. Education, Medical services, Education .... and a decent, meaningful education with a minimum of political propaganda, misinformation and disinformation.

Probably need to break up the neighborhoods first. The concentration of poverty into high density areas to keep them out of sight of the day to day affairs of the not poor was a mistake made a couple generations ago we keep compounding.
Better still to clean them up as they are ... I mean implement the changes I already mentioned ... better to give incentive to improvements by example, starting with the most important points first. No one will welcome education if they have no jobs or money to begin with. Don't you think so?
'Frightening' number of unemployed have stopped looking for work
You are an idiot!
There are currently and will be forever into the future NO decent jobs for negroes who were streamed through high school. Fucking ZIP ZERO!
So what would you do to stop 100 shootings in one week?
Education. Jobs. Education. Fair wage. Education, Medical services, Education .... and a decent, meaningful education with a minimum of political propaganda, misinformation and disinformation.

Probably need to break up the neighborhoods first. The concentration of poverty into high density areas to keep them out of sight of the day to day affairs of the not poor was a mistake made a couple generations ago we keep compounding.
Better still to clean them up as they are ... I mean implement the changes I already mentioned ... better to give incentive to improvements by example, starting with the most important points first. No one will welcome education if they have no jobs or money to begin with. Don't you think so?
'Frightening' number of unemployed have stopped looking for work
You are an idiot!
There are currently and will be forever into the future NO decent jobs for negroes who were streamed through high school. Fucking ZIP ZERO!
They don't want to work! These guys won't work. They are insulted by the suggestion. Work! Thems fighting words. They are all rappers and ball players.
Okay. My city is doing that to. They are using zoning to go after and destroy low-end rental housing. The War on The Poor must be won. We must eradicate the evil doers!!

And your method of choice is NOT to eradicate poverty? Yeah, I'm sure that will work really well.
They don't want to work! These guys won't work. They are insulted by the suggestion. Work! Thems fighting words. They are all rappers and ball players.
My wife is from Slovakia. In Czechoslovak days EVERYONE had a job and it was illegal not to work. BUT TAKE NOTE ...... everyone had a job to go to. If you cannot (or will not) provide jobs for your citizens then it's your fault for the rising crime rate.
My wife is from Slovakia. In Czechoslovak days EVERYONE had a job and it was illegal not to work. BUT TAKE NOTE ...... everyone had a job to go to. If you cannot (or will not) provide jobs for your citizens then it's your fault for the rising crime rate.
Yeah, but the working for benefits thing was anathema to the left. Besides, working is apparently for suckers.
My wife is from Slovakia. In Czechoslovak days EVERYONE had a job and it was illegal not to work. BUT TAKE NOTE ...... everyone had a job to go to. If you cannot (or will not) provide jobs for your citizens then it's your fault for the rising crime rate.
Yeah, but the working for benefits thing was anathema to the left. Besides, working is apparently for suckers.
Not if it's illegal not to.
My wife is from Slovakia. In Czechoslovak days EVERYONE had a job and it was illegal not to work. BUT TAKE NOTE ...... everyone had a job to go to. If you cannot (or will not) provide jobs for your citizens then it's your fault for the rising crime rate.
Yeah, but the working for benefits thing was anathema to the left. Besides, working is apparently for suckers.
Not if it's illegal not to.
Seriously, can you imagine the backlash if people weren't supported if they refused work?

The rules that apply to US citizens and legals don't apply to illegals. I'd like to see people getting welfare working in fields, but that ain't gonna happen.

Ask your wife how she feels about the Roma.
Ask your wife how she feels about the Roma.
I don't need to ask her. I have spent much time in Slovakia myself. The Romas ... now they are even here in hoards. But the point is, during Česko-Slovensko times even the Romas had jobs and had to work. Now it's a different story.
Ask your wife how she feels about the Roma.
I don't need to ask her. I have spent much time in Slovakia myself. The Romas ... now they are even here in hoards. But the point is, during Česko-Slovensko times even the Romas had jobs and had to work. Now it's a different story.
Roma working didn't work out. Your wife knows it and so do you.
Ask your wife how she feels about the Roma.
I don't need to ask her. I have spent much time in Slovakia myself. The Romas ... now they are even here in hoards. But the point is, during Česko-Slovensko times even the Romas had jobs and had to work. Now it's a different story.
Roma working didn't work out. Your wife knows it and so do you.
The problem with the Roma today is Capitalism and the free-range mafia. Actually, this is a problem from which everyone is suffering but for the Roma it's even worse. That problem didn't really exist back then. There were jobs and housing for everyone. Today there is nothing.
He-man J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser, heart-throb Rock Hudson was queer, so was Star Trek Sulu, Michael Jackson, Liberace, Gomer Pyle, Quincy Jones, and John Wayne. All the guns in the world won't give you a hard-on any more. So stop pretending.

Doesn't make sense. Try speaking white.
You mean starting a sentence with "basically", filling it with "you know" - "like" - "irregardless" - "in terms of" - "uhhhhhhh" .... then ending it with "basically" again?

No, adult white.

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