100 shot in Chicago in ONE week!!

Yes, Czechoslovakia was a veritable worker's paradise. All those countries were until Reagan brought in capitalism. I know this because my now-deceased father-in-law used to tell me. Of course he was an incompetent gynecologist made hospital director so he would stop his practice and just happened to be a leading communist party hack in his community, as were his factory-worker parents.
I think it is incorrect to say that ČS was a paradise. But it might have been if Breshnjev hadn't taken power ..... and Dubček had been allowed to continue his reforms. They even had a second opportunity to achieve paradise with Gorbatjov's blessing ... but it was too late, and (as you say) the monkey-boy Bonzo Reagan had his day in the sun and buggered it all to hell.
You're channeling my dead father-in-law. He was an idiot too.

I am grateful that his daughter and our son did not take after him. I wish yours the best.
You understand nothing about Czechoslovakia (you haven't shown any knowledge pertaining to it, anyway) but you are calling me an idiot over that very subject? He-he. I don't think that you understood anything I told you.
He-man J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser, heart-throb Rock Hudson was queer, so was Star Trek Sulu, Michael Jackson, Liberace, Gomer Pyle, Quincy Jones, and John Wayne. All the guns in the world won't give you a hard-on any more. So stop pretending.
Does the attendant know you are posting on the internet in the day room?

Nobody cares about who is gay or not.

We have violent cities, totally out of control and this is all you have to offer.

Fuck dude. Grow up.
You think it's about homosexuality? You've got some growing to do yourself, sonny.
We need to enforce our antitrust laws so small business have a easier time forming in these places(as well as everywhere else). It is wrong that big corporate won't take the risk while little joes could do it.

Also we need to invest more into education so these people can turn towards developing their own business instead of killing their neighbor.
No....first......you lock up criminals who use guns......for 30 years....you announce this new sentence in all the prisons in the country and add it to all the information parole officers tell their criminal wards.....

That will dry up almost all of the shooting.....but that isn't the point...they need dead people to push gun control.
That would work in better circumstances. But what you are doing is starving a dog ...... and punishing it for stealing food. In fact by locking up these 'starving' people you are creating a sub-society that finds itself better off in prison, than on the outside. In fact, that is exactly what you have right now. The never-ending circle is already in motion. You need to quit starving your people if you want a huge reduction in crime.
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Also we need to invest more into education so these people can turn towards developing their own business instead of killing their neighbor.

America spends more per student than any other country. As we've spent more, the results have not improved. And your answer is to spend more?

One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.

How about we stop letting government RUN the schools, from what's in the text books to how many tater tots are served at lunch? Any possible chance it's the bureaucrats that face no competition that have fucked up the education system? Any chance at all you might see this possibility?
America spends more per student than any other country. As we've spent more, the results have not improved. And your answer is to spend more?

And with a population of ca. 320 million inhabitants you think you ought to be spending the same as Luxembourg does ..... with a population of ca. 550 thousands and has much less crime, is that right?

One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.
No. Your mistake is an illogical placement of statistics to try proving the world is flat.
America spends more per student than any other country. As we've spent more, the results have not improved. And your answer is to spend more?

And with a population of ca. 320 million inhabitants you think you ought to be spending the same as Luxembourg does ..... with a population of ca. 550 thousands and has much less crime, is that right?

One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.
No. Your mistake is an illogical placement of statistics to try proving the world is flat.

Oh...my...God. Are you really that stupid? I clearly stated "per student". Are you unable to comprehend what that means? If not, perhaps we can blame your public school education?
America spends more per student than any other country. As we've spent more, the results have not improved. And your answer is to spend more?

And with a population of ca. 320 million inhabitants you think you ought to be spending the same as Luxembourg does ..... with a population of ca. 550 thousands and has much less crime, is that right?

One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.
No. Your mistake is an illogical placement of statistics to try proving the world is flat.

Oh...my...God. Are you really that stupid? I clearly stated "per student". Are you unable to comprehend what that means? If not, perhaps we can blame your public school education?
I implied he was an idiot, yet he took exception. Go figure.

I think the politically-correct awarding people for "participation" in public education facilities may be at the root of the problem.

"I post, therefore I am not an idiot."
He-man J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser, heart-throb Rock Hudson was queer, so was Star Trek Sulu, Michael Jackson, Liberace, Gomer Pyle, Quincy Jones, and John Wayne. All the guns in the world won't give you a hard-on any more. So stop pretending.
Permanent Ignore.
That's it? All you've got?.
Not the first time someone's told you that right?

I don't even understand what you just said. What does "permanent ignore" mean?

And stupid to boot....
So what would you do to stop 100 shootings in one week?
Education. Jobs. Education. Fair wage. Education, Medical services, Education .... and a decent, meaningful education with a minimum of political propaganda, misinformation and disinformation.

Probably need to break up the neighborhoods first. The concentration of poverty into high density areas to keep them out of sight of the day to day affairs of the not poor was a mistake made a couple generations ago we keep compounding.

Why dont you just move to the ghetto?
You know those poor black folk cant afford to move.
I clearly stated "per student".
First of all I doubt very much this is true. Secondly, it makes not the slightest difference how much money you spend. It is how it is spent that makes the difference. US schools are probably at rock bottom in terms of actual education than any other western educational system. For starters, Americans can't even speak English.

Black Lives Matter bruh
What race were the shooters and victims? Whites and Hispanics kill each other too in large numbers/

There's never any shootings in my neighborhood.......but than blacks only make up around 1.4% of the population. I wonder if there is a correlation?
There aren't any shootings in MY neighborhood either but White people are killing each other somewhere. View attachment 85365
What's an "unknown race"? Is that like Michael Jackson and purchasers of his patented skin cream?
Black Lives Matter bruh
What race were the shooters and victims? Whites and Hispanics kill each other too in large numbers/

There's never any shootings in my neighborhood.......but than blacks only make up around 1.4% of the population. I wonder if there is a correlation?
There aren't any shootings in MY neighborhood either but White people are killing each other somewhere. View attachment 85365
This is classic trying to pick up a turd by the clean end. No Delashaun, it can't be done.
He-man J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dresser, heart-throb Rock Hudson was queer, so was Star Trek Sulu, Michael Jackson, Liberace, Gomer Pyle, Quincy Jones, and John Wayne. All the guns in the world won't give you a hard-on any more. So stop pretending.
Does the attendant know you are posting on the internet in the day room?

Nobody cares about who is gay or not.

We have violent cities, totally out of control and this is all you have to offer.

Fuck dude. Grow up.
You think it's about homosexuality? You've got some growing to do yourself, sonny.
No. I don't think it is about homosexuality.

It's about violence in the streets.

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