100 year old Oregon Pioneer statue must come down

Do you guys on the left really see why millions of us, hate you bastards ?

View attachment 265804

Pioneer statue called ā€˜monument to violent white supremacy,ā€™ students, faculty demand its removal

100-year-old University of Oregon statue draws controversy

In celebration of Oregonā€™s roots in pioneering, a statue of a pioneer, known simply as ā€œThe Pioneer,ā€ was erected a century ago at the University of Oregon. And now, as the 100-year anniversary of the statue arrives, some in the campus community demand it be removed.

The Pioneer was the focus of a recent protest, at which dozens of students and faculty and others called for its removal and circulated a petition demanding as much, NPR Oregon reported.

Some of the protesters held signs stating things such as ā€œwhose history does UO honorā€ and ā€œWho is the pioneer? It was evident that killing ā€˜Injunsā€™ was not a very unnatural happening.ā€

Some see the statue as a celebration of colonialism.

Pioneer statue called ā€˜monument to violent white supremacy,ā€™ students, faculty demand its removal | The College Fix

You admitted that there are millions of Americans that are full of hate. I'm sorry you are so full of hate.

And all of this hate because of some statue in Oregon, a state that many USMB members have previously posted nothing but contempt for.

Why would you folk be full of hate over a state you already hate?

Because this is a rejection of the America that we were raised as a part of. This is you people saying to US, that you will have no place in the new America that demographic shift and political indoctrination is bringing.

That you are surprised by this, does not put you in a good light.

Guess what Bubba; I have nothing to do with Oregon but nice try. Not.
White people are a daily reminder of violent white supremacy. They will get around to it.

what about the tanner ones ?

Jun 21 2019
War on the West Claims Mission Bell in Santa Cruz
Moonbats must be down in the dumps, after only two of the Supremes proved malevolent enough to want to tear down a 40-foot-high, 100-year-old World War I memorial in Maryland for being shaped like a cross. Letā€™s cheer them up a bit. Despite a few minor setbacks, their war on heritage, on history, and on Christianity continues to go well for them. From University of California, Santa Cruz:

In partnership with the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band, UC Santa Cruz will be removing the mission bell that is located on campus. The bell was originally donated to the campus by a local womenā€™s club many years ago and is located near the Hahn Student Services Building.

The historic bell is a thought crime. Hereā€™s why:

Mission bells, which were installed across the state to memorialize the California Missions, are viewed by many populations as a symbol of racism and dehumanization of their ancestors.

These ā€œmany populationsā€ should not include regular Americans, obviously. Nor should they include Hispanics. California missions were outposts of Christianity established by the Spanish before California became American.

However, militantly aggrieved Indians donā€™t like Spanish missions like San Juan Bautista and Santa Cruz, which represent the spread of Western Civilization, supposedly at the expense of their ancestors, whom the missions were established to evangelize.

Therefore, the bell must go, just like Chief Wahoo. Look out, San Diego Padres. You could be next.

The bell is scheduled to be removed today. The event will comprise one more nail in the coffin of the West.

On tips from Mr. Freemarket and 1-Bodhisattva.
Do you guys on the left really see why millions of us, hate you bastards ?

View attachment 265804

Pioneer statue called ā€˜monument to violent white supremacy,ā€™ students, faculty demand its removal

100-year-old University of Oregon statue draws controversy

In celebration of Oregonā€™s roots in pioneering, a statue of a pioneer, known simply as ā€œThe Pioneer,ā€ was erected a century ago at the University of Oregon. And now, as the 100-year anniversary of the statue arrives, some in the campus community demand it be removed.

The Pioneer was the focus of a recent protest, at which dozens of students and faculty and others called for its removal and circulated a petition demanding as much, NPR Oregon reported.

Some of the protesters held signs stating things such as ā€œwhose history does UO honorā€ and ā€œWho is the pioneer? It was evident that killing ā€˜Injunsā€™ was not a very unnatural happening.ā€

Some see the statue as a celebration of colonialism.

Pioneer statue called ā€˜monument to violent white supremacy,ā€™ students, faculty demand its removal | The College Fix
Oregon, Washington and California need to secede from the US and ask to become China or North Korea territories.
Do you guys on the left really see why millions of us, hate you bastards ?

View attachment 265804

Pioneer statue called ā€˜monument to violent white supremacy,ā€™ students, faculty demand its removal

100-year-old University of Oregon statue draws controversy

In celebration of Oregonā€™s roots in pioneering, a statue of a pioneer, known simply as ā€œThe Pioneer,ā€ was erected a century ago at the University of Oregon. And now, as the 100-year anniversary of the statue arrives, some in the campus community demand it be removed.

The Pioneer was the focus of a recent protest, at which dozens of students and faculty and others called for its removal and circulated a petition demanding as much, NPR Oregon reported.

Some of the protesters held signs stating things such as ā€œwhose history does UO honorā€ and ā€œWho is the pioneer? It was evident that killing ā€˜Injunsā€™ was not a very unnatural happening.ā€

Some see the statue as a celebration of colonialism.

Pioneer statue called ā€˜monument to violent white supremacy,ā€™ students, faculty demand its removal | The College Fix

You admitted that there are millions of Americans that are full of hate. I'm sorry you are so full of hate.

And all of this hate because of some statue in Oregon, a state that many USMB members have previously posted nothing but contempt for.

Why would you folk be full of hate over a state you already hate?

Because this is a rejection of the America that we were raised as a part of. This is you people saying to US, that you will have no place in the new America that demographic shift and political indoctrination is bringing.

That you are surprised by this, does not put you in a good light.

Guess what Bubba; I have nothing to do with Oregon but nice try. Not.

Your dodging of the point, is not surprising.
Boeing is in Wash. State but you are on the same path. Boeing was something. Not anymore. Come on Airbus.... keep us safe. And let us get dome foreign help on our weapons systems. We need to complete the refueling tankers, ford class carrier, f 35, SLS rocket and more.
Do you guys on the left really see why millions of us, hate you bastards ?

View attachment 265804

Pioneer statue called ā€˜monument to violent white supremacy,ā€™ students, faculty demand its removal

100-year-old University of Oregon statue draws controversy

In celebration of Oregonā€™s roots in pioneering, a statue of a pioneer, known simply as ā€œThe Pioneer,ā€ was erected a century ago at the University of Oregon. And now, as the 100-year anniversary of the statue arrives, some in the campus community demand it be removed.

The Pioneer was the focus of a recent protest, at which dozens of students and faculty and others called for its removal and circulated a petition demanding as much, NPR Oregon reported.

Some of the protesters held signs stating things such as ā€œwhose history does UO honorā€ and ā€œWho is the pioneer? It was evident that killing ā€˜Injunsā€™ was not a very unnatural happening.ā€

Some see the statue as a celebration of colonialism.

Pioneer statue called ā€˜monument to violent white supremacy,ā€™ students, faculty demand its removal | The College Fix

You admitted that there are millions of Americans that are full of hate. I'm sorry you are so full of hate.

And all of this hate because of some statue in Oregon, a state that many USMB members have previously posted nothing but contempt for.

Why would you folk be full of hate over a state you already hate?

This is more about teaching college kids systematically to be intolerant and weak minded, incapable of discussion but rather destroying things they would rather not look at. It's not about one statue in Oregon its about symbols and statues all over the united states that leftists find offensive and become the vehicle for this lesson in power transfer to a more vulcanized America.
It is sickening to see what is slowly happening across this country. If we don't stand up to these assholes, the country will be lost forever, and our history destroyed.
I think it's already too late. Even though our elected officials have moved SLIGHTLY RIGHT the last couple years, the cultural leftism hasnt slowed down a bit. The country is over.
How long before they find Paul Bunion and the Blue ox offensive? It will have to come down you know.
First of all Paul Bunion cut down trees, displaced the spotted owl , probably is a symbol of displacing native Americans because he was working on their land. Secondly he put a damn yoke on Blue ox most likely... treated blue ox like a slave instead of an equal.... yep how long? how long before white racists depicted in the photo below will no longer be able to amuse themselves with such symbols of superiority ( please note sarcasm),????

And next....

no doubt this one will also be found offensive.... first of all he's called Big, which will be construed as fat shaming, secondly he's called a "boy" and thirdly, oversized beef burgers promote global warming tendencies!

Sorry America, soon we will be saying good bye to BOB!

Boeing is in Wash. State but you are on the same path. Boeing was something. Not anymore. Come on Airbus.... keep us safe. And let us get dome foreign help on our weapons systems. We need to complete the refueling tankers, ford class carrier, f 35, SLS rocket and more.
Sorry to say this, but Boeing moved their headquarters from Wash state to St Louis where they make the F-15s.
Its Oregon....no surprise. People with no place to live move there....many oddballs and America haters. A forgotten state....this will be one of the biggest stories of the year out of Oregon.:iyfyus.jpg:
Do you guys on the left really see why millions of us, hate you bastards ?

View attachment 265804

Pioneer statue called ā€˜monument to violent white supremacy,ā€™ students, faculty demand its removal

100-year-old University of Oregon statue draws controversy

In celebration of Oregonā€™s roots in pioneering, a statue of a pioneer, known simply as ā€œThe Pioneer,ā€ was erected a century ago at the University of Oregon. And now, as the 100-year anniversary of the statue arrives, some in the campus community demand it be removed.

The Pioneer was the focus of a recent protest, at which dozens of students and faculty and others called for its removal and circulated a petition demanding as much, NPR Oregon reported.

Some of the protesters held signs stating things such as ā€œwhose history does UO honorā€ and ā€œWho is the pioneer? It was evident that killing ā€˜Injunsā€™ was not a very unnatural happening.ā€

Some see the statue as a celebration of colonialism.

Pioneer statue called ā€˜monument to violent white supremacy,ā€™ students, faculty demand its removal | The College Fix
It is all George Soros doings. Anyone that doesn't submit to him. That he will take them down. But the city of Berkeley, does what he ask them to do. And so, he leaves them alone.

At first glance, Berkeley -- an anti-imperialist city if there ever was one -- seems to have egg on its political face.

The city that replaced Columbus Day with "Indigenous Peoples Day" is commemorating its largely forgotten namesake, the 18th century Irish-born philosopher, Bishop George Berkeley, whose name was glued to the city because of a line of poetry he wrote extolling the spread of empire:
Gasp! Berkeley will celebrate its namesake / City to honor bishop despite his possible imperialist bent

Recovering Bishop Berkeley

The Works of George Berkeley ...


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