11/4/15 PODCAST Replay Link Inside

can you really be sure?

that is the point.

What if somebody has been playing at being somebody else? Ask Ravi what could happen in a situation like that

Your opening song, "Don't let me fall", pretty good, nice G.T.
That's an artist named b.o.b. and the album is the adventures of bobby ray, and I love it dearly.
One Bobby Ray: one was a douchebagh I knew during the 1970s. He was a fag, a drug dealer and hustler who was unfairly blamed for turning innocents and his own brother into junkies and ultimately killing them.

The other Bobby Ray(spelling?) was a Puerto Rican drag queen entertainer who Dante met along with Andy Warhol's star.... what was her name? Never mind

Dante got around. Many worlds. Started a company in NYC that had him meeting Steve Jobs/ Life is strange. Lost much and had a blast living life. Still do. Coming to a town near you :eek: :ack-1: :laugh2:
This bobby ray is from the atlanta area and is younger

Your opening song, "Don't let me fall", pretty good, nice G.T.
That's an artist named b.o.b. and the album is the adventures of bobby ray, and I love it dearly.
One Bobby Ray: one was a douchebagh I knew during the 1970s. He was a fag, a drug dealer and hustler who was unfairly blamed for turning innocents and his own brother into junkies and ultimately killing them.

The other Bobby Ray(spelling?) was a Puerto Rican drag queen entertainer who Dante met along with Andy Warhol's star.... what was her name? Never mind

Dante got around. Many worlds. Started a company in NYC that had him meeting Steve Jobs/ Life is strange. Lost much and had a blast living life. Still do. Coming to a town near you :eek: :ack-1: :laugh2:
This bobby ray is from the atlanta area and is younger
Dante was an uncalled witness to a murder with Bobby Ray, but because h e came form the neighborhood he did, he felt a need to keep quite.

Does he regret anything? No, but he does regret ever buying into the idea that people can...
One day, maybe in excerpts here, I will tell Dante's story

It is wilder and more entertaining than...oh whatever...you people probably believe Quentin Tarantino is a genius

hah, thanks for giving us a listen Bones, you're a great gal
if i could stay up past 8 pm i would call in ....what a hoot.....your sister is giving you hell....

now grumpys family did that....your best memories not a letter....
gt grumpy had a vas on friday....he iced it with cold 18 ozers

they turned all colors of black, blue and green...and swelled to the size of a basketball.....but by monday he was fine

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