11 Democrat states have formed a pact to sabotage the Electoral College

Except everyone hated the new Ghostbusters, sight unseen. That was the problem there.

Actually, the movie itself was a big part of the problem. :p It wasn't as bad as many people reviewed it, IMO, but neither was it all that good.

The Electors and Congress, people who SHOULD know better, said, "Meh, he won under the rules that were set up to keep exactly this sort of thing from happening." Or maybe some of you just hated Obama so much you were willing to destroy the country and her reputation to foil him.

The Electors and Congress should know better than what? Following the election rules set out in the Constitution and various laws? And what exactly is it you think the rules were set up to keep from happening?

Apparently, he believes there's some kind of cosmic law that demands Hillary be president despite having lost by the only metric that matters.
I'm telling you just some of the reasons why Hillary lost and you're unable to break out of your, "it was everybody else's fault" mode enough to see it. Heck yeah, her policies kept her out. No one wanted to continue the Obama way. That's why democrats were shut out.

Except---- again- Hillary won the popular vote.

Why the fuck do you keep pretending you have a mandate when you won on a technicality?

It's funny that you simultaneously complain that the EC cost her the throne and say it was set up to give it to her. Might want to check that.

You miss my point entirely. The whole purpose of the EC, according to the Founding Slave Rapists, was that the people generally couldn't be trusted, therefore, they needed an electoral college to protect them from guy like Trump.

Except- again- the people got it right. They saw Trump for what he was and voted against him. Some of them decided to be hipsters and vote for the "Libertarian" who was shilling to get federal funds (no, really, you can't make this shit up.) But the people said no, in a very loud and clear voice.
I'm telling you just some of the reasons why Hillary lost and you're unable to break out of your, "it was everybody else's fault" mode enough to see it. Heck yeah, her policies kept her out. No one wanted to continue the Obama way. That's why democrats were shut out.

Except---- again- Hillary won the popular vote.

Why the fuck do you keep pretending you have a mandate when you won on a technicality?

Because the presidential race was only one of many that were decided that year, and the Republicans decisively won most of those races.

It's funny that you simultaneously complain that the EC cost her the throne and say it was set up to give it to her. Might want to check that.

You miss my point entirely. The whole purpose of the EC, according to the Founding Slave Rapists, was that the people generally couldn't be trusted, therefore, they needed an electoral college to protect them from guy like Trump.

Then the modern usage of the EC, in which the electors vote the way the people want them to, is flawed and we should do away with the popular vote altogether? You do know that the electors of the states voted the way the voters in their states wanted them to. In fact, it was one of Hillary's doomed hopes to get the electors to VIOLATE the popular vote. So it looks like you want the popular vote to count when it gives Hillary the win, and not count when it doesn't.

Except- again- the people got it right. They saw Trump for what he was and voted against him. Some of them decided to be hipsters and vote for the "Libertarian" who was shilling to get federal funds (no, really, you can't make this shit up.) But the people said no, in a very loud and clear voice.
Actually, the voters also said "NO" to Hillary in a very loud and clear voice, as she failed to win a majority. Thus, the system worked as it was designed to work. You just don't like the outcome. You know, had some of those extra votes in CA moved to other states and kept their allegiance to the corrupt party, Hillary might have actually won.
The Electors and Congress should know better than what? Following the election rules set out in the Constitution and various laws? And what exactly is it you think the rules were set up to keep from happening?

They were set up to prevent a populist demagogue like Trump from taking power. Again, read the federalist papers..
Sounds like we need to get rid of the popular vote, as that is what drove the electors, the popular vote in their states.
I'm telling you just some of the reasons why Hillary lost and you're unable to break out of your, "it was everybody else's fault" mode enough to see it. Heck yeah, her policies kept her out. No one wanted to continue the Obama way. That's why democrats were shut out.

Except---- again- Hillary won the popular vote.

Why the fuck do you keep pretending you have a mandate when you won on a technicality?

Because the presidential race was only one of many that were decided that year, and the Republicans decisively won most of those races.

It's funny that you simultaneously complain that the EC cost her the throne and say it was set up to give it to her. Might want to check that.

You miss my point entirely. The whole purpose of the EC, according to the Founding Slave Rapists, was that the people generally couldn't be trusted, therefore, they needed an electoral college to protect them from guy like Trump.

Then the modern usage of the EC, in which the electors vote the way the people want them to, is flawed and we should do away with the popular vote altogether? You do know that the electors of the states voted the way the voters in their states wanted them to. In fact, it was one of Hillary's doomed hopes to get the electors to VIOLATE the popular vote. So it looks like you want the popular vote to count when it gives Hillary the win, and not count when it doesn't.

Except- again- the people got it right. They saw Trump for what he was and voted against him. Some of them decided to be hipsters and vote for the "Libertarian" who was shilling to get federal funds (no, really, you can't make this shit up.) But the people said no, in a very loud and clear voice.
Actually, the voters also said "NO" to Hillary in a very loud and clear voice, as she failed to win a majority. Thus, the system worked as it was designed to work. You just don't like the outcome. You know, had some of those extra votes in CA moved to other states and kept their allegiance to the corrupt party, Hillary might have actually won.

She got three million more votes than anybody else, so no, the voters didn't "say no in a loud and clear voice" at all.

That was a plurality. Nobody got a "majority". Nor did Bush or (Bill) Clinton, either time. Nor did 14 other elections settle that way including Lincoln.
The Electors and Congress should know better than what? Following the election rules set out in the Constitution and various laws? And what exactly is it you think the rules were set up to keep from happening?

They were set up to prevent a populist demagogue like Trump from taking power. Again, read the federalist papers..

I'm pretty sure any failures regarding the EC from the way it was originally set up fall more towards the way it has gravitated to the popular vote. In Federalist 68, Hamilton praises the people choosing not the president, but the electors, who would then decide on the president: "A small number of persons, selected by their fellow-citizens from the general mass, will be most likely to possess the information and discernment requisite to such complicated investigations." The Federalist Papers - Congress.gov Resources -

Hamilton certainly seems to oppose the idea of a direct popular vote in this essay. And while he does bring up a talent for popularity not being enough to get a president elected, he does not claim that a populist candidate will not be elected in the EC system; rather, he says that it will require more than just populism for a president to be elected. Whether Trump has such qualifications is a subjective opinion, although I tend to think that he does not have great presidential qualities personally. However, again, the way the EC is run now is not the way it was originally set up, so it isn't necessarily a failure of the EC you are railing against, but the EC in its current incarnation.

John Jay gives similar sentiments in Federalist 64; the electors were to be men of discernment and would be the ones choosing presidents, not the people.

The failure seems to be on the states and the way they have changed from electors making the decision who to vote for for president, to the people.
I'm telling you just some of the reasons why Hillary lost and you're unable to break out of your, "it was everybody else's fault" mode enough to see it. Heck yeah, her policies kept her out. No one wanted to continue the Obama way. That's why democrats were shut out.

Except---- again- Hillary won the popular vote.

Why the fuck do you keep pretending you have a mandate when you won on a technicality?

Because the presidential race was only one of many that were decided that year, and the Republicans decisively won most of those races.

It's funny that you simultaneously complain that the EC cost her the throne and say it was set up to give it to her. Might want to check that.

You miss my point entirely. The whole purpose of the EC, according to the Founding Slave Rapists, was that the people generally couldn't be trusted, therefore, they needed an electoral college to protect them from guy like Trump.

Then the modern usage of the EC, in which the electors vote the way the people want them to, is flawed and we should do away with the popular vote altogether? You do know that the electors of the states voted the way the voters in their states wanted them to. In fact, it was one of Hillary's doomed hopes to get the electors to VIOLATE the popular vote. So it looks like you want the popular vote to count when it gives Hillary the win, and not count when it doesn't.

Except- again- the people got it right. They saw Trump for what he was and voted against him. Some of them decided to be hipsters and vote for the "Libertarian" who was shilling to get federal funds (no, really, you can't make this shit up.) But the people said no, in a very loud and clear voice.
Actually, the voters also said "NO" to Hillary in a very loud and clear voice, as she failed to win a majority. Thus, the system worked as it was designed to work. You just don't like the outcome. You know, had some of those extra votes in CA moved to other states and kept their allegiance to the corrupt party, Hillary might have actually won.

She got three million more votes than anybody else, so no, the voters didn't "say no in a loud and clear voice" at all.

That was a plurality. Nobody got a "majority". Nor did Bush or (Bill) Clinton, either time. Nor did 14 other elections settle that way including Lincoln.

And yet it seems as if every presidential election is touted as a 'mandate by the people'. :lol:
I'm telling you just some of the reasons why Hillary lost and you're unable to break out of your, "it was everybody else's fault" mode enough to see it. Heck yeah, her policies kept her out. No one wanted to continue the Obama way. That's why democrats were shut out.

Except---- again- Hillary won the popular vote.

Why the fuck do you keep pretending you have a mandate when you won on a technicality?

Because the presidential race was only one of many that were decided that year, and the Republicans decisively won most of those races.

It's funny that you simultaneously complain that the EC cost her the throne and say it was set up to give it to her. Might want to check that.

You miss my point entirely. The whole purpose of the EC, according to the Founding Slave Rapists, was that the people generally couldn't be trusted, therefore, they needed an electoral college to protect them from guy like Trump.

Then the modern usage of the EC, in which the electors vote the way the people want them to, is flawed and we should do away with the popular vote altogether? You do know that the electors of the states voted the way the voters in their states wanted them to. In fact, it was one of Hillary's doomed hopes to get the electors to VIOLATE the popular vote. So it looks like you want the popular vote to count when it gives Hillary the win, and not count when it doesn't.

Except- again- the people got it right. They saw Trump for what he was and voted against him. Some of them decided to be hipsters and vote for the "Libertarian" who was shilling to get federal funds (no, really, you can't make this shit up.) But the people said no, in a very loud and clear voice.
Actually, the voters also said "NO" to Hillary in a very loud and clear voice, as she failed to win a majority. Thus, the system worked as it was designed to work. You just don't like the outcome. You know, had some of those extra votes in CA moved to other states and kept their allegiance to the corrupt party, Hillary might have actually won.

She got three million more votes than anybody else, so no, the voters didn't "say no in a loud and clear voice" at all.

That was a plurality. Nobody got a "majority". Nor did Bush or (Bill) Clinton, either time. Nor did 14 other elections settle that way including Lincoln.

And yet it seems as if every presidential election is touted as a 'mandate by the people'. :lol:

Which souds eerily like bringing out a terrible product and defending it with "hey, we're just giving people what they want". :rolleyes:
I'm telling you just some of the reasons why Hillary lost and you're unable to break out of your, "it was everybody else's fault" mode enough to see it. Heck yeah, her policies kept her out. No one wanted to continue the Obama way. That's why democrats were shut out.

Except---- again- Hillary won the popular vote.

Why the fuck do you keep pretending you have a mandate when you won on a technicality?

Because the presidential race was only one of many that were decided that year, and the Republicans decisively won most of those races.

It's funny that you simultaneously complain that the EC cost her the throne and say it was set up to give it to her. Might want to check that.

You miss my point entirely. The whole purpose of the EC, according to the Founding Slave Rapists, was that the people generally couldn't be trusted, therefore, they needed an electoral college to protect them from guy like Trump.

Then the modern usage of the EC, in which the electors vote the way the people want them to, is flawed and we should do away with the popular vote altogether? You do know that the electors of the states voted the way the voters in their states wanted them to. In fact, it was one of Hillary's doomed hopes to get the electors to VIOLATE the popular vote. So it looks like you want the popular vote to count when it gives Hillary the win, and not count when it doesn't.

Except- again- the people got it right. They saw Trump for what he was and voted against him. Some of them decided to be hipsters and vote for the "Libertarian" who was shilling to get federal funds (no, really, you can't make this shit up.) But the people said no, in a very loud and clear voice.
Actually, the voters also said "NO" to Hillary in a very loud and clear voice, as she failed to win a majority. Thus, the system worked as it was designed to work. You just don't like the outcome. You know, had some of those extra votes in CA moved to other states and kept their allegiance to the corrupt party, Hillary might have actually won.

She got three million more votes than anybody else, so no, the voters didn't "say no in a loud and clear voice" at all.

That was a plurality. Nobody got a "majority". Nor did Bush or (Bill) Clinton, either time. Nor did 14 other elections settle that way including Lincoln.

And those who voted were far from all the people, so many more did NOT vote for Hillary than voted for her.
I'm telling you just some of the reasons why Hillary lost and you're unable to break out of your, "it was everybody else's fault" mode enough to see it. Heck yeah, her policies kept her out. No one wanted to continue the Obama way. That's why democrats were shut out.

Except---- again- Hillary won the popular vote.

Why the fuck do you keep pretending you have a mandate when you won on a technicality?

Because the presidential race was only one of many that were decided that year, and the Republicans decisively won most of those races.

It's funny that you simultaneously complain that the EC cost her the throne and say it was set up to give it to her. Might want to check that.

You miss my point entirely. The whole purpose of the EC, according to the Founding Slave Rapists, was that the people generally couldn't be trusted, therefore, they needed an electoral college to protect them from guy like Trump.

Then the modern usage of the EC, in which the electors vote the way the people want them to, is flawed and we should do away with the popular vote altogether? You do know that the electors of the states voted the way the voters in their states wanted them to. In fact, it was one of Hillary's doomed hopes to get the electors to VIOLATE the popular vote. So it looks like you want the popular vote to count when it gives Hillary the win, and not count when it doesn't.

Except- again- the people got it right. They saw Trump for what he was and voted against him. Some of them decided to be hipsters and vote for the "Libertarian" who was shilling to get federal funds (no, really, you can't make this shit up.) But the people said no, in a very loud and clear voice.
Actually, the voters also said "NO" to Hillary in a very loud and clear voice, as she failed to win a majority. Thus, the system worked as it was designed to work. You just don't like the outcome. You know, had some of those extra votes in CA moved to other states and kept their allegiance to the corrupt party, Hillary might have actually won.

She got three million more votes than anybody else, so no, the voters didn't "say no in a loud and clear voice" at all.

That was a plurality. Nobody got a "majority". Nor did Bush or (Bill) Clinton, either time. Nor did 14 other elections settle that way including Lincoln.

And those who voted were far from all the people, so many more did NOT vote for Hillary than voted for her.

Matter of fact 45 percent of all eligible voters didn't bother to vote at all. They looked at the ballot and figured 'what's the point?'

And ZINGO, we're back on topic. Hope you enjoyed the rest stop.
I'm telling you just some of the reasons why Hillary lost and you're unable to break out of your, "it was everybody else's fault" mode enough to see it. Heck yeah, her policies kept her out. No one wanted to continue the Obama way. That's why democrats were shut out.

Except---- again- Hillary won the popular vote.

Why the fuck do you keep pretending you have a mandate when you won on a technicality?

Because the presidential race was only one of many that were decided that year, and the Republicans decisively won most of those races.

It's funny that you simultaneously complain that the EC cost her the throne and say it was set up to give it to her. Might want to check that.

You miss my point entirely. The whole purpose of the EC, according to the Founding Slave Rapists, was that the people generally couldn't be trusted, therefore, they needed an electoral college to protect them from guy like Trump.

Then the modern usage of the EC, in which the electors vote the way the people want them to, is flawed and we should do away with the popular vote altogether? You do know that the electors of the states voted the way the voters in their states wanted them to. In fact, it was one of Hillary's doomed hopes to get the electors to VIOLATE the popular vote. So it looks like you want the popular vote to count when it gives Hillary the win, and not count when it doesn't.

Except- again- the people got it right. They saw Trump for what he was and voted against him. Some of them decided to be hipsters and vote for the "Libertarian" who was shilling to get federal funds (no, really, you can't make this shit up.) But the people said no, in a very loud and clear voice.
Actually, the voters also said "NO" to Hillary in a very loud and clear voice, as she failed to win a majority. Thus, the system worked as it was designed to work. You just don't like the outcome. You know, had some of those extra votes in CA moved to other states and kept their allegiance to the corrupt party, Hillary might have actually won.

She got three million more votes than anybody else, so no, the voters didn't "say no in a loud and clear voice" at all.

That was a plurality. Nobody got a "majority". Nor did Bush or (Bill) Clinton, either time. Nor did 14 other elections settle that way including Lincoln.

And those who voted were far from all the people, so many more did NOT vote for Hillary than voted for her.

Matter of fact 45 percent of all eligible voters didn't bother to vote at all. They looked at the ballot and figured 'what's the point?'

And ZINGO, we're back on topic. Hope you enjoyed the rest stop.
I would say that is only half true to be honest. There are millions out there who are disenfranchised but I am willing to bet that the majority of those that did not vote simply did not care to and would not have cared to no matter who was on the ballot. At the end of the day we are victims of our own success. In general, no matter who wins the election, peoples daily lives are unaffected or at least effected in a manner that they really do not notice.

It is the bane of any democratic process - people tend not to notice until the shit really hits the fan. By then, it is FAR to late to do anything.
Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?

Just to make sure I understand...

If the John Doe gets the most popular votes in CT and Jane Doe gets the most popular votes nationwide, CT's electors will vote for Jane Doe?
Except---- again- Hillary won the popular vote.

Why the fuck do you keep pretending you have a mandate when you won on a technicality?

Because the presidential race was only one of many that were decided that year, and the Republicans decisively won most of those races.

You miss my point entirely. The whole purpose of the EC, according to the Founding Slave Rapists, was that the people generally couldn't be trusted, therefore, they needed an electoral college to protect them from guy like Trump.

Then the modern usage of the EC, in which the electors vote the way the people want them to, is flawed and we should do away with the popular vote altogether? You do know that the electors of the states voted the way the voters in their states wanted them to. In fact, it was one of Hillary's doomed hopes to get the electors to VIOLATE the popular vote. So it looks like you want the popular vote to count when it gives Hillary the win, and not count when it doesn't.

Except- again- the people got it right. They saw Trump for what he was and voted against him. Some of them decided to be hipsters and vote for the "Libertarian" who was shilling to get federal funds (no, really, you can't make this shit up.) But the people said no, in a very loud and clear voice.
Actually, the voters also said "NO" to Hillary in a very loud and clear voice, as she failed to win a majority. Thus, the system worked as it was designed to work. You just don't like the outcome. You know, had some of those extra votes in CA moved to other states and kept their allegiance to the corrupt party, Hillary might have actually won.

She got three million more votes than anybody else, so no, the voters didn't "say no in a loud and clear voice" at all.

That was a plurality. Nobody got a "majority". Nor did Bush or (Bill) Clinton, either time. Nor did 14 other elections settle that way including Lincoln.

And those who voted were far from all the people, so many more did NOT vote for Hillary than voted for her.

Matter of fact 45 percent of all eligible voters didn't bother to vote at all. They looked at the ballot and figured 'what's the point?'

And ZINGO, we're back on topic. Hope you enjoyed the rest stop.
I would say that is only half true to be honest. There are millions out there who are disenfranchised but I am willing to bet that the majority of those that did not vote simply did not care to and would not have cared to no matter who was on the ballot. At the end of the day we are victims of our own success. In general, no matter who wins the election, peoples daily lives are unaffected or at least effected in a manner that they really do not notice.

It is the bane of any democratic process - people tend not to notice until the shit really hits the fan. By then, it is FAR to late to do anything.

Incredibly few nationwide initiatives have a direct impact on the daily lives of John Q. Citizen. Conversely, a great many local and state initiatives have a dramatic impact on their day to day lives. Where fire hydrants are located in your neighborhood, if your kid will go to a school that isn't falling down, if your public pools will be open during the Summer or not at all; these decisions are made at the basic level of government and they are often decided by nameless, faceless bureaucrats that most couldn't pick out of a police line up. Until they say something that is targeted by either the right wing or left wing outrage factory. Then they have a national presence either for praise or scorn.
I'm telling you just some of the reasons why Hillary lost and you're unable to break out of your, "it was everybody else's fault" mode enough to see it. Heck yeah, her policies kept her out. No one wanted to continue the Obama way. That's why democrats were shut out.

Except---- again- Hillary won the popular vote.

Why the fuck do you keep pretending you have a mandate when you won on a technicality?

It's funny that you simultaneously complain that the EC cost her the throne and say it was set up to give it to her. Might want to check that.

You miss my point entirely. The whole purpose of the EC, according to the Founding Slave Rapists, was that the people generally couldn't be trusted, therefore, they needed an electoral college to protect them from guy like Trump.

Except- again- the people got it right. They saw Trump for what he was and voted against him. Some of them decided to be hipsters and vote for the "Libertarian" who was shilling to get federal funds (no, really, you can't make this shit up.) But the people said no, in a very loud and clear voice.

A technically ? Meth head Joe its to early yo be smoking ... those,are the fucking rules to the game, not your made up shit.
I'm telling you just some of the reasons why Hillary lost and you're unable to break out of your, "it was everybody else's fault" mode enough to see it. Heck yeah, her policies kept her out. No one wanted to continue the Obama way. That's why democrats were shut out.

Except---- again- Hillary won the popular vote.

Why the fuck do you keep pretending you have a mandate when you won on a technicality?

Because the presidential race was only one of many that were decided that year, and the Republicans decisively won most of those races.

It's funny that you simultaneously complain that the EC cost her the throne and say it was set up to give it to her. Might want to check that.

You miss my point entirely. The whole purpose of the EC, according to the Founding Slave Rapists, was that the people generally couldn't be trusted, therefore, they needed an electoral college to protect them from guy like Trump.

Then the modern usage of the EC, in which the electors vote the way the people want them to, is flawed and we should do away with the popular vote altogether? You do know that the electors of the states voted the way the voters in their states wanted them to. In fact, it was one of Hillary's doomed hopes to get the electors to VIOLATE the popular vote. So it looks like you want the popular vote to count when it gives Hillary the win, and not count when it doesn't.

Except- again- the people got it right. They saw Trump for what he was and voted against him. Some of them decided to be hipsters and vote for the "Libertarian" who was shilling to get federal funds (no, really, you can't make this shit up.) But the people said no, in a very loud and clear voice.
Actually, the voters also said "NO" to Hillary in a very loud and clear voice, as she failed to win a majority. Thus, the system worked as it was designed to work. You just don't like the outcome. You know, had some of those extra votes in CA moved to other states and kept their allegiance to the corrupt party, Hillary might have actually won.

She got three million more votes than anybody else, so no, the voters didn't "say no in a loud and clear voice" at all.

That was a plurality. Nobody got a "majority". Nor did Bush or (Bill) Clinton, either time. Nor did 14 other elections settle that way including Lincoln.

3 million illegal votes in a sanctuary state is prohibited..now prove to me 3 million illegals didn't vote...

Oh you can't because something like 36 state's refuse to release their voter info.
Because the presidential race was only one of many that were decided that year, and the Republicans decisively won most of those races.

Actually, they lost ground in the House and Senate.. but do keep babbling about how you guys can barely win rigged elections.

I'm pretty sure any failures regarding the EC from the way it was originally set up fall more towards the way it has gravitated to the popular vote. In Federalist 68, Hamilton praises the people choosing not the president, but the electors, who would then decide on the president: "A small number of persons, selected by their fellow-citizens from the general mass, will be most likely to possess the information and discernment requisite to such complicated investigations."

I'm sorry you wasted so much time proving my point.

Yes. Exactly. The electors SHOULD have realized, "Shit, Trump is nuts. We can't make him president!" This is exactly what the Founding Slave Rapists intended. By the time the electors met, it was not only clear that Trump was nuts, but that he probably colluded with the Russians.

and the electors all voted for him anyway.

The people got this right, the EC got this wrong.

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