11 Democrat states have formed a pact to sabotage the Electoral College

Run with that then. Don't listen to anyone who tells you different. Don't listen to people who point out that lots of people were deeply frustrated with the way Democrats, and the Clintons, governed.

Here's the thing, buddy, back in the 1990's, I was one of those people who was frustrated with the way the Clintons acted.

And then Bush fucked up, well everything he touched, and I realized they just weren't all that bad.
So are you saying you were a misogynist, but saw the error of your ways?
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Run with that then. Don't listen to anyone who tells you different. Don't listen to people who point out that lots of people were deeply frustrated with the way Democrats, and the Clintons, governed.

Here's the thing, buddy, back in the 1990's, I was one of those people who was frustrated with the way the Clintons acted.

And then Bush fucked up, well everything he touched, and I realized they just weren't all that bad.

Just tell yourself it was only misogynists and racists who didn't like Hillary. Whatever you do, don't admit to any mistakes. Stay the course! It's the winning strategy!

Again, guy, I'm a pragmatist. Uneducated White People weren't going to change their votes when Bush ran the economy into the ground, they weren't going to change them when Trump acted like a buffoon.

Trump won because of a flawed system,a nd because too many self-righteous assholes voted third party.

Besides, when we are in a full burn recession in 2020, nobody is even going to admit they voted for Trump, much less do it again.

Now voting third party makes one a self-righteous asshole?
Of course. And not voting for Hilary makes one a misogynist. Voting Libertarian makes one an "enemy of the people"
So are you saying wee a misogynist, but saw the error of your ways?

Back then, my problem was with Bill, not Hil...

but okay, anything to avoid the point made, I get that.

Of course. And not voting for Hilary makes one a misogynist. Voting Libertarian makes one an "enemy of the people"

Naw, voting Libertarian makes you stupid.

Now voting third party makes one a self-righteous asshole? You sure do embrace the duopoly, huh?

It is when the stakes were as high as they were in 2016.

They all knew Trump had no business in the White House, but they all voted for third parties assuming that Hillary would win, anyway.

You just keep going and going. Now those who voted third party assumed Clinton would win.

Everyone who voted for a candidate other than Hillary Clinton was either a self-righteous asshole who assumed she would win anyway, or a misogynist. How comforting it must be for you to live in a world where people are so simple and easily understood. :lol:
You just keep going and going. Now those who voted third party assumed Clinton would win.

Everyone who voted for a candidate other than Hillary Clinton was either a self-righteous asshole who assumed she would win anyway, or a misogynist. How comforting it must be for you to live in a world where people are so simple and easily understood.

again, can't really tell what goes through the addled brain of an idiot who votes third party... and don't care all that much.
You just keep going and going. Now those who voted third party assumed Clinton would win.

Everyone who voted for a candidate other than Hillary Clinton was either a self-righteous asshole who assumed she would win anyway, or a misogynist. How comforting it must be for you to live in a world where people are so simple and easily understood.

again, can't really tell what goes through the addled brain of an idiot who votes third party... and don't care all that much.

Bottom line, Hillary lost and Trump won. By almost literally every talking head's opinion, she should have won easily, but didn't. Your ongoing slavish allegience to her never ending "it wasn't my fault" tour just keeps her loss front and center. At some point, for your own sanity, you're just going to have to acknowledge that she blew it, big time.
You just keep going and going. Now those who voted third party assumed Clinton would win.

Everyone who voted for a candidate other than Hillary Clinton was either a self-righteous asshole who assumed she would win anyway, or a misogynist. How comforting it must be for you to live in a world where people are so simple and easily understood.

again, can't really tell what goes through the addled brain of an idiot who votes third party... and don't care all that much.

This is the attitude that is dooming Democrats. Everyone who opposes them is either stupid or evil, or both. It's not exactly a persuasive sales pitch.
You just keep going and going. Now those who voted third party assumed Clinton would win.

Everyone who voted for a candidate other than Hillary Clinton was either a self-righteous asshole who assumed she would win anyway, or a misogynist. How comforting it must be for you to live in a world where people are so simple and easily understood.

again, can't really tell what goes through the addled brain of an idiot who votes third party... and don't care all that much.

This is the attitude that is dooming Democrats. Everyone who opposes them is either stupid or evil, or both. It's not exactly a persuasive sales pitch.

But it makes them feel better about themselves. As long as everyone else has something wrong with them, they don't have to acknowledge their own lack.
This is the attitude that is dooming Democrats. Everyone who opposes them is either stupid or evil, or both. It's not exactly a persuasive sales pitch.

But it makes them feel better about themselves. As long as everyone else has something wrong with them, they don't have to acknowledge their own lack.

At least they're not bigots!
You just keep going and going. Now those who voted third party assumed Clinton would win.

Everyone who voted for a candidate other than Hillary Clinton was either a self-righteous asshole who assumed she would win anyway, or a misogynist. How comforting it must be for you to live in a world where people are so simple and easily understood.

again, can't really tell what goes through the addled brain of an idiot who votes third party... and don't care all that much.

You can't tell, but you're sure ready to make claims about it anyway! :rofl:
Now voting third party makes one a self-righteous asshole? You sure do embrace the duopoly, huh?

It is when the stakes were as high as they were in 2016.

They all knew Trump had no business in the White House, but they all voted for third parties assuming that Hillary would win, anyway.
There was a campaign on social media aimed at discouraging people from voting for Hillary, or voting at all.

The following article is just a small sample.
Did Russia's Social Media Campaign To Discourage Black Voters Cost Clinton The Election?
Now voting third party makes one a self-righteous asshole? You sure do embrace the duopoly, huh?

It is when the stakes were as high as they were in 2016.

They all knew Trump had no business in the White House, but they all voted for third parties assuming that Hillary would win, anyway.

You just keep going and going. Now those who voted third party assumed Clinton would win.

Everyone who voted for a candidate other than Hillary Clinton was either a self-righteous asshole who assumed she would win anyway, or a misogynist. How comforting it must be for you to live in a world where people are so simple and easily understood. :lol:

Actually I could see where some would have voted 3P under the assumption that their state would go blue and therefore they could use the vote to make a statement (a "protest vote"), if we consider that there was early voting available in a lot of places and in fact considerably earlier than the point in time where the polls tightened up, so that's plausible.

That's probably a lesson in 'never assume', while at the same time another demonstration of how the WTA-EC shuts out third parties and requires a vote for the Duopoly even if it's a negative vote to block the other candy -- which I suspect was a Yuge portion of the vote if not most of it.
Now voting third party makes one a self-righteous asshole? You sure do embrace the duopoly, huh?

It is when the stakes were as high as they were in 2016.

They all knew Trump had no business in the White House, but they all voted for third parties assuming that Hillary would win, anyway.

You just keep going and going. Now those who voted third party assumed Clinton would win.

Everyone who voted for a candidate other than Hillary Clinton was either a self-righteous asshole who assumed she would win anyway, or a misogynist. How comforting it must be for you to live in a world where people are so simple and easily understood. :lol:

Actually I could see where some would have voted 3P under the assumption that their state would go blue and therefore they could use the vote to make a statement (a "protest vote"), if we consider that there was early voting available in a lot of places and in fact considerably earlier than the point in time where the polls tightened up, so that's plausible.

That's probably a lesson in 'never assume', while at the same time another demonstration of how the WTA-EC shuts out third parties and requires a vote for the Duopoly even if it's a negative vote to block the other candy -- which I suspect was a Yuge portion of the vote if not most of it.

Yes, but I imagine there were also some who voted third party in states where they assumed Trump would win. That happens every presidential election.

I have no idea how many third party votes might have been "protest votes." I'd like to think it isn't a large percentage, but I wouldn't bet on it. :dunno:
Now voting third party makes one a self-righteous asshole? You sure do embrace the duopoly, huh?

It is when the stakes were as high as they were in 2016.

They all knew Trump had no business in the White House, but they all voted for third parties assuming that Hillary would win, anyway.

You just keep going and going. Now those who voted third party assumed Clinton would win.

Everyone who voted for a candidate other than Hillary Clinton was either a self-righteous asshole who assumed she would win anyway, or a misogynist. How comforting it must be for you to live in a world where people are so simple and easily understood. :lol:

Actually I could see where some would have voted 3P under the assumption that their state would go blue and therefore they could use the vote to make a statement (a "protest vote"), if we consider that there was early voting available in a lot of places and in fact considerably earlier than the point in time where the polls tightened up, so that's plausible.

That's probably a lesson in 'never assume', while at the same time another demonstration of how the WTA-EC shuts out third parties and requires a vote for the Duopoly even if it's a negative vote to block the other candy -- which I suspect was a Yuge portion of the vote if not most of it.

Yes, but I imagine there were also some who voted third party in states where they assumed Trump would win. That happens every presidential election.

I have no idea how many third party votes might have been "protest votes." I'd like to think it isn't a large percentage, but I wouldn't bet on it. :dunno:

Maybe in Utah where Evan McMullen got some votes, but what I'm saying is that early voting was going on long enough before the election that it could have happened in states assumed to be going blue, that later, just before election, got real close (I live in such a state). I can't think of states with or without early voting that trended the other way.
Now voting third party makes one a self-righteous asshole? You sure do embrace the duopoly, huh?

It is when the stakes were as high as they were in 2016.

They all knew Trump had no business in the White House, but they all voted for third parties assuming that Hillary would win, anyway.

You just keep going and going. Now those who voted third party assumed Clinton would win.

Everyone who voted for a candidate other than Hillary Clinton was either a self-righteous asshole who assumed she would win anyway, or a misogynist. How comforting it must be for you to live in a world where people are so simple and easily understood. :lol:

Actually I could see where some would have voted 3P under the assumption that their state would go blue and therefore they could use the vote to make a statement (a "protest vote"), if we consider that there was early voting available in a lot of places and in fact considerably earlier than the point in time where the polls tightened up, so that's plausible.

That's probably a lesson in 'never assume', while at the same time another demonstration of how the WTA-EC shuts out third parties and requires a vote for the Duopoly even if it's a negative vote to block the other candy -- which I suspect was a Yuge portion of the vote if not most of it.

Yes, but I imagine there were also some who voted third party in states where they assumed Trump would win. That happens every presidential election.

I have no idea how many third party votes might have been "protest votes." I'd like to think it isn't a large percentage, but I wouldn't bet on it. :dunno:

Maybe in Utah where Evan McMullen got some votes, but what I'm saying is that early voting was going on long enough before the election that it could have happened in states assumed to be going blue, that later, just before election, got real close (I live in such a state). I can't think of states with or without early voting that trended the other way.

I don't know. It may have only been the 'battleground' states that were close enough for third party votes to have made any difference. Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Minnesota, all could have gone the other way if all the third party votes went to the losing big party candidate. I think New Hampshire and Michigan were the two closest contests, percentage wise.

If enough people put in early "protest votes" and ended up regretting it later, maybe they'll think about just voting for the candidate they prefer next time.
It is when the stakes were as high as they were in 2016.

They all knew Trump had no business in the White House, but they all voted for third parties assuming that Hillary would win, anyway.

You just keep going and going. Now those who voted third party assumed Clinton would win.

Everyone who voted for a candidate other than Hillary Clinton was either a self-righteous asshole who assumed she would win anyway, or a misogynist. How comforting it must be for you to live in a world where people are so simple and easily understood. :lol:

Actually I could see where some would have voted 3P under the assumption that their state would go blue and therefore they could use the vote to make a statement (a "protest vote"), if we consider that there was early voting available in a lot of places and in fact considerably earlier than the point in time where the polls tightened up, so that's plausible.

That's probably a lesson in 'never assume', while at the same time another demonstration of how the WTA-EC shuts out third parties and requires a vote for the Duopoly even if it's a negative vote to block the other candy -- which I suspect was a Yuge portion of the vote if not most of it.

Yes, but I imagine there were also some who voted third party in states where they assumed Trump would win. That happens every presidential election.

I have no idea how many third party votes might have been "protest votes." I'd like to think it isn't a large percentage, but I wouldn't bet on it. :dunno:

Maybe in Utah where Evan McMullen got some votes, but what I'm saying is that early voting was going on long enough before the election that it could have happened in states assumed to be going blue, that later, just before election, got real close (I live in such a state). I can't think of states with or without early voting that trended the other way.

I don't know. It may have only been the 'battleground' states that were close enough for third party votes to have made any difference. Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Minnesota, all could have gone the other way if all the third party votes went to the losing big party candidate. I think New Hampshire and Michigan were the two closest contests, percentage wise.

If enough people put in early "protest votes" and ended up regretting it later, maybe they'll think about just voting for the candidate they prefer next time.
It never turns out that all the third party votes go to one side though. Libertarians especially come from both sides in mostly equal measure.
Bottom line, Hillary lost and Trump won. By almost literally every talking head's opinion, she should have won easily, but didn't. Your ongoing slavish allegience to her never ending "it wasn't my fault" tour just keeps her loss front and center. At some point, for your own sanity, you're just going to have to acknowledge that she blew it, big time.

Bottom line, your side abandoned every principle to put a Russian Puppet in the White House because you couldn't get over the fact Hillary spanked you 20 years ago.

You Trump cultists define Santayana's definition of a fanatic.
This is the attitude that is dooming Democrats. Everyone who opposes them is either stupid or evil, or both. It's not exactly a persuasive sales pitch.

Or maybe we just got bored with trying to point out to old stupid white people that they are stupid and evil.

Look, if you were some white working class dude who looked at his busted 401K and underwater mortgage in 2009, and you kept voting Republican after that, because OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!, exactly what am I going to say to you that is going to reason with you?

Nope, we should just wait for demographics to render these folks irrelevant. We can speed that up by getting rid of the EC, restoring voting rights for felons and minorities, and so on.

But trying to convince mr. Dumb White Working Class that the sixth recession to happen on a Republican Watch isn't a bug, it's a design feature, isn't going to happen.
Now voting third party makes one a self-righteous asshole? You sure do embrace the duopoly, huh?

It is when the stakes were as high as they were in 2016.

They all knew Trump had no business in the White House, but they all voted for third parties assuming that Hillary would win, anyway.
There was a campaign on social media aimed at discouraging people from voting for Hillary, or voting at all.

The following article is just a small sample.
Did Russia's Social Media Campaign To Discourage Black Voters Cost Clinton The Election?

If FB posts discourage you from voting, you probably shouldn't be voting at all.
This is the attitude that is dooming Democrats. Everyone who opposes them is either stupid or evil, or both. It's not exactly a persuasive sales pitch.

Or maybe we just got bored with trying to point out to old stupid white people that they are stupid and evil.

Who's tired of it? It seems to be THE talking point of Democrats these days. From what I've seen, it's the only thing they've come up with in response to Trump.

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