11 Democrat states have formed a pact to sabotage the Electoral College

Once AGAIN the Constitution does not need changing to effect this plan. It's deliberately set up to work WITHIN the Constitution. AS IS.

Maybe you should actually read it some day.

Why? I don't give shit. I don't worship at the alter of 'democracy'. I want government that's sane and protects individual rights.

"Why"? Because you made a comment that reveals you as completely uninformed about what's in the Constitution, that's "why". I corrected you. On a point that's already been laid down in this thread about 478 times.

You know --- the one you cut out from the quote so you could pretend it never happened. That one.

Oh fuck off. I'm informed enough to know that I don't give a rat's ass about ensuring majority rule, and that's what this is all about. It doesn't matter to me whether Hillary got more votes then Trump. Get it? Probably not. Why don't you strut around in a circle and claim 'victory' instead?

You might want to be more clear in your posts. You said something about the Constitution needing to be changed, and Pogo responded by saying that the compact doesn't require any Constitutional changes. You then responded by saying you don't give a shit.

It may not be what you meant, but it certainly gave the impression that you were saying you don't give a shit what's in the Constitution the way the posts were written. :dunno:

If we want majority rule to be the law of the land, we'll need to change the Constitution. Maybe we should. But the system didn't fail. It worked as intended.

Um, no, it failed miserably. The problem is, most people didn't even realize that this awful system even existed until Bush stole the election in 2000.

The system worked as it has since it was put in place. The same system that put Bubba in office and Obama. The only time you complain about it is when the outcome isn't what you want.

Except Bubba and Obama won the popular vote. The people got what they wanted.

The people didn't want Bush. They knew he was an idiot.
The people didn't want Trump. They know he's an idiot.

The system did not fail miserably. It was not created to have the presidency be determined by popular vote, or even by the will of the voters. States did not always even have voting for president.

The EC system may have failed to do what you think it should, but it functioned as designed in the 2016 election and in previous elections.

About 63 million votes were cast for Trump in 2016 compared to a bit under 66 million for Clinton. All of the people didn't want Trump (or Clinton), but enough did in the right places for Trump to gain the presidency.

Similarly, over 50 million votes were cast for Bush in 2000 compared to 51 million for Gore. All of the people didn't want Bush (or Gore), but enough did in the right places for Bush to gain the presidency.

Declarations about what "the people" want based on who wins a relatively close election are, and always have been, ridiculous.
You said it more eloquently, but this is the point I was trying to make. And since the EC was established by a Constitutional amendment, it would need to be repealed via another amendment. Pogo saw the word "Constitution", got a hard-on, and assumed I was saying that the plan cooked up by the states in question was unconstitutional. I never have. I think the state's should be able to award their electors how ever they like.
Oh, so now you're changing it from having experience to the experience only matters for certain candidates?

I'll agree that Johnson was not a great candidate. Weld would have been better as the top of that ticket from the little I saw and heard from him. That said, neither Trump nor Clinton were great candidates, either.

Clinton was a fine candidate.

8 years as a senator, 8 years as first lady, 4 years as secretary of state. She was more qualified than Trump, Bush, Romney, or a lot of other people, if you just looked at her resume and not her name.

Of course, what made her a bad candidate was people didn't like her on a personal level and never did.

Which means she was a terrible candidate in the age of the popularity contest.
Oh, so now you're changing it from having experience to the experience only matters for certain candidates?

I'll agree that Johnson was not a great candidate. Weld would have been better as the top of that ticket from the little I saw and heard from him. That said, neither Trump nor Clinton were great candidates, either.

Clinton was a fine candidate.

8 years as a senator, 8 years as first lady, 4 years as secretary of state. She was more qualified than Trump, Bush, Romney, or a lot of other people, if you just looked at her resume and not her name.

Of course, what made her a bad candidate was people didn't like her on a personal level and never did.

I don't think disliking her personally was the only, or the main, problem many people had with her as a candidate.
Which means she was a terrible candidate in the age of the popularity contest.

But is that a reflection on her or us?

Trump is the ultimate incarnation of "Reality TV", where we make people eat bugs for money and make people famous for being in the public eye.

But one more time. THE PEOPLE GOT THIS RIGHT. The electors and congress had the ability to stop Trump before he got to the white house, they just refused to so. They could remove him right now using the 25th Amendment. They won't. Not until he does something to really endanger the country, and then it's too late.
I don't think disliking her personally was the only, or the main, problem many people had with her as a candidate

Yeah, I think it actually was.

Whenever any conversation about her involved the words "bitch", "Hag", witch and that word we can't use on USMB, and very little about her policy stances, it was about the misogyny, not the policy.
Which means she was a terrible candidate in the age of the popularity contest.

But is that a reflection on her or us?

Trump is the ultimate incarnation of "Reality TV", where we make people eat bugs for money and make people famous for being in the public eye.

But one more time. THE PEOPLE GOT THIS RIGHT. The electors and congress had the ability to stop Trump before he got to the white house, they just refused to so. They could remove him right now using the 25th Amendment. They won't. Not until he does something to really endanger the country, and then it's too late.

Like what meth head joe, create world peace for a 1000 years?

You couldn't have that could you, it would be the end of the Democrat party ...
Like what meth head joe, create world peace for a 1000 years?

You couldn't have that could you, it would be the end of the Democrat party ...

Trump isn't going to bring us world peace. He might even bring us a war, given the Zionists are playing him like a harp.

Hillary brought us to a useless war killing the duck, so far no war yet and NK is coming to the table.
Hillary brought us to a useless war killing the duck, so far no war yet and NK is coming to the table.

No war with NK as coming to the table. NK is doing the same shit they did for the last 30 years. Act a little bellicose, make some concessions, get a big aid package from the west. This is really nothing new.

as for Libya, I think it was dumb for Obama and Hillary to involve us in that civil war.

But Khadafy was going down, regardless.
Which means she was a terrible candidate in the age of the popularity contest.

But is that a reflection on her or us?

Trump is the ultimate incarnation of "Reality TV", where we make people eat bugs for money and make people famous for being in the public eye.

But one more time. THE PEOPLE GOT THIS RIGHT. The electors and congress had the ability to stop Trump before he got to the white house, they just refused to so. They could remove him right now using the 25th Amendment. They won't. Not until he does something to really endanger the country, and then it's too late.

Even with her abrasive personality and the way she sounded like every guy's ex, Hillary should have coasted to an easy victory. The fact is, her baggage and corruption cost her and Trump beat her.
I don't think disliking her personally was the only, or the main, problem many people had with her as a candidate

Yeah, I think it actually was.

Whenever any conversation about her involved the words "bitch", "Hag", witch and that word we can't use on USMB, and very little about her policy stances, it was about the misogyny, not the policy.

That might make sense if misogyny and policy are the only two choices for why someone would dislike or disapprove of her as a candidate.
Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?
let's see if they honor this in 2020 after Trump wins the popular vote...
I don't think disliking her personally was the only, or the main, problem many people had with her as a candidate

Yeah, I think it actually was.

Whenever any conversation about her involved the words "bitch", "Hag", witch and that word we can't use on USMB, and very little about her policy stances, it was about the misogyny, not the policy.

Run with that then. Don't listen to anyone who tells you different. Don't listen to people who point out that lots of people were deeply frustrated with the way Democrats, and the Clintons, governed. Just tell yourself it was only misogynists and racists who didn't like Hillary. Whatever you do, don't admit to any mistakes. Stay the course! It's the winning strategy!
Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?
let's see if they honor this in 2020 after Trump wins the popular vote...

Unless multiple states join before the 2020 election, it won't be in effect.
Even with her abrasive personality and the way she sounded like every guy's ex, Hillary should have coasted to an easy victory. The fact is, her baggage and corruption cost her and Trump beat her.

Uh, no.

The fact is, we just don't like uppity women. You even slipped a bit of misogyny in there yourself...

Look how many people are losing their shit over the new Star Wars movies and their strong female characters.

Look at how many people are losing their shit over the fact the next Doctor Who is going to be a woman.
Run with that then. Don't listen to anyone who tells you different. Don't listen to people who point out that lots of people were deeply frustrated with the way Democrats, and the Clintons, governed.

Here's the thing, buddy, back in the 1990's, I was one of those people who was frustrated with the way the Clintons acted.

And then Bush fucked up, well everything he touched, and I realized they just weren't all that bad.

Just tell yourself it was only misogynists and racists who didn't like Hillary. Whatever you do, don't admit to any mistakes. Stay the course! It's the winning strategy!

Again, guy, I'm a pragmatist. Uneducated White People weren't going to change their votes when Bush ran the economy into the ground, they weren't going to change them when Trump acted like a buffoon.

Trump won because of a flawed system,a nd because too many self-righteous assholes voted third party.

Besides, when we are in a full burn recession in 2020, nobody is even going to admit they voted for Trump, much less do it again.
Run with that then. Don't listen to anyone who tells you different. Don't listen to people who point out that lots of people were deeply frustrated with the way Democrats, and the Clintons, governed.

Here's the thing, buddy, back in the 1990's, I was one of those people who was frustrated with the way the Clintons acted.

And then Bush fucked up, well everything he touched, and I realized they just weren't all that bad.

Just tell yourself it was only misogynists and racists who didn't like Hillary. Whatever you do, don't admit to any mistakes. Stay the course! It's the winning strategy!

Again, guy, I'm a pragmatist. Uneducated White People weren't going to change their votes when Bush ran the economy into the ground, they weren't going to change them when Trump acted like a buffoon.

Trump won because of a flawed system,a nd because too many self-righteous assholes voted third party.

Besides, when we are in a full burn recession in 2020, nobody is even going to admit they voted for Trump, much less do it again.

Now voting third party makes one a self-righteous asshole? You sure do embrace the duopoly, huh? :lol:

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