11 Democrat states have formed a pact to sabotage the Electoral College

Even with her abrasive personality and the way she sounded like every guy's ex, Hillary should have coasted to an easy victory. The fact is, her baggage and corruption cost her and Trump beat her.

Uh, no.

The fact is, we just don't like uppity women. You even slipped a bit of misogyny in there yourself...

Look how many people are losing their shit over the new Star Wars movies and their strong female characters.

Look at how many people are losing their shit over the fact the next Doctor Who is going to be a woman.

You might not like uppity women, but we like them just fine. Hillary sounding like an ex has less to do with misogyny than with the fact that she shrieks and lectures and hectors from the stage. Obama at least could read a speech and sound convincing. His anger at America came out in different ways.

Are those who whine about Trump being orange doing it because they hate men? If I were to utilize your standard, I could proclaim it to be so.

As for the entertainment world's female roles, so what? The good ones will survive, ala Wonder Woman, while the bad ones won't, witness the female ghost busters.

Bottom line, Hillary was the worse candidate and lost to Trump. The worse you try to make him look, the worse she looks by comparison because inevitably, the question always comes up, "if he was so bad, so weak, so stupid, why didn't she beat him easily?".
Now voting third party makes one a self-righteous asshole? You sure do embrace the duopoly, huh?

It is when the stakes were as high as they were in 2016.

They all knew Trump had no business in the White House, but they all voted for third parties assuming that Hillary would win, anyway.

And then Christians were not supposed to vote for Trump. The right wing was not supposed to vote for Trump. Women were not supposed to vote for Trump, all because he was not the perfect candidate for them, according to those who are not them. Maybe the taking heads shouldn't have been so gleefully smug about the whole thing, huh?

Hillary should have won going away, at least that's what we were told day after day. Instead, she lost, she failed, she was defeated, she was given her walking papers, she was told she was not needed and Trump showed her the door. Should I go on?
Bottom line, Hillary lost and Trump won. By almost literally every talking head's opinion, she should have won easily, but didn't. Your ongoing slavish allegience to her never ending "it wasn't my fault" tour just keeps her loss front and center. At some point, for your own sanity, you're just going to have to acknowledge that she blew it, big time.

Bottom line, your side abandoned every principle to put a Russian Puppet in the White House because you couldn't get over the fact Hillary spanked you 20 years ago.

You Trump cultists define Santayana's definition of a fanatic.

And Hillary is still unemployed.
This is the attitude that is dooming Democrats. Everyone who opposes them is either stupid or evil, or both. It's not exactly a persuasive sales pitch.

Or maybe we just got bored with trying to point out to old stupid white people that they are stupid and evil.

Look, if you were some white working class dude who looked at his busted 401K and underwater mortgage in 2009, and you kept voting Republican after that, because OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!, exactly what am I going to say to you that is going to reason with you?

Nope, we should just wait for demographics to render these folks irrelevant. We can speed that up by getting rid of the EC, restoring voting rights for felons and minorities, and so on.

But trying to convince mr. Dumb White Working Class that the sixth recession to happen on a Republican Watch isn't a bug, it's a design feature, isn't going to happen.

"Point out to old stupid white people that they are stupid and evil"? "OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!"?

You are turning into a caricature. Everyone who isn't a Democrat is an old white misogynist racist with low intelligence! :lmao:
You just keep going and going. Now those who voted third party assumed Clinton would win.

Everyone who voted for a candidate other than Hillary Clinton was either a self-righteous asshole who assumed she would win anyway, or a misogynist. How comforting it must be for you to live in a world where people are so simple and easily understood. :lol:

Actually I could see where some would have voted 3P under the assumption that their state would go blue and therefore they could use the vote to make a statement (a "protest vote"), if we consider that there was early voting available in a lot of places and in fact considerably earlier than the point in time where the polls tightened up, so that's plausible.

That's probably a lesson in 'never assume', while at the same time another demonstration of how the WTA-EC shuts out third parties and requires a vote for the Duopoly even if it's a negative vote to block the other candy -- which I suspect was a Yuge portion of the vote if not most of it.

Yes, but I imagine there were also some who voted third party in states where they assumed Trump would win. That happens every presidential election.

I have no idea how many third party votes might have been "protest votes." I'd like to think it isn't a large percentage, but I wouldn't bet on it. :dunno:

Maybe in Utah where Evan McMullen got some votes, but what I'm saying is that early voting was going on long enough before the election that it could have happened in states assumed to be going blue, that later, just before election, got real close (I live in such a state). I can't think of states with or without early voting that trended the other way.

I don't know. It may have only been the 'battleground' states that were close enough for third party votes to have made any difference. Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Minnesota, all could have gone the other way if all the third party votes went to the losing big party candidate. I think New Hampshire and Michigan were the two closest contests, percentage wise.

If enough people put in early "protest votes" and ended up regretting it later, maybe they'll think about just voting for the candidate they prefer next time.
It never turns out that all the third party votes go to one side though. Libertarians especially come from both sides in mostly equal measure.

I agree completely, especially with the more middle-of-the-road message from someone like Johnson. I was just looking at which states were close enough that third party voters could conceivably swung the results. :)
You just keep going and going. Now those who voted third party assumed Clinton would win.

Everyone who voted for a candidate other than Hillary Clinton was either a self-righteous asshole who assumed she would win anyway, or a misogynist. How comforting it must be for you to live in a world where people are so simple and easily understood. :lol:

Actually I could see where some would have voted 3P under the assumption that their state would go blue and therefore they could use the vote to make a statement (a "protest vote"), if we consider that there was early voting available in a lot of places and in fact considerably earlier than the point in time where the polls tightened up, so that's plausible.

That's probably a lesson in 'never assume', while at the same time another demonstration of how the WTA-EC shuts out third parties and requires a vote for the Duopoly even if it's a negative vote to block the other candy -- which I suspect was a Yuge portion of the vote if not most of it.

Yes, but I imagine there were also some who voted third party in states where they assumed Trump would win. That happens every presidential election.

I have no idea how many third party votes might have been "protest votes." I'd like to think it isn't a large percentage, but I wouldn't bet on it. :dunno:

Maybe in Utah where Evan McMullen got some votes, but what I'm saying is that early voting was going on long enough before the election that it could have happened in states assumed to be going blue, that later, just before election, got real close (I live in such a state). I can't think of states with or without early voting that trended the other way.

I don't know. It may have only been the 'battleground' states that were close enough for third party votes to have made any difference. Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Minnesota, all could have gone the other way if all the third party votes went to the losing big party candidate. I think New Hampshire and Michigan were the two closest contests, percentage wise.

If enough people put in early "protest votes" and ended up regretting it later, maybe they'll think about just voting for the candidate they prefer next time.
It never turns out that all the third party votes go to one side though. Libertarians especially come from both sides in mostly equal measure.

Yeah I agree with this, and what evidence there is supports it. Anybody voting 3P is already signaling they're not OK with either Duopoly party or at least candidate (John Anderson and Ross Perot for two examples). It's equally likely that had those 3P voters not voted 3P they would not have voted at all. In other words rather that a choice between "R" and "D" there should be a significant number of those who chose between voting 3P and not voting at all -- therefore we can't assume a scenario where 3P votes could have gone to either Duopoly side.
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Now voting third party makes one a self-righteous asshole? You sure do embrace the duopoly, huh?

It is when the stakes were as high as they were in 2016.

They all knew Trump had no business in the White House, but they all voted for third parties assuming that Hillary would win, anyway.
There was a campaign on social media aimed at discouraging people from voting for Hillary, or voting at all.

The following article is just a small sample.
Did Russia's Social Media Campaign To Discourage Black Voters Cost Clinton The Election?

If FB posts discourage you from voting, you probably shouldn't be voting at all.
how many rubles did you get for that post?
Now voting third party makes one a self-righteous asshole? You sure do embrace the duopoly, huh?

It is when the stakes were as high as they were in 2016.

They all knew Trump had no business in the White House, but they all voted for third parties assuming that Hillary would win, anyway.
There was a campaign on social media aimed at discouraging people from voting for Hillary, or voting at all.

The following article is just a small sample.
Did Russia's Social Media Campaign To Discourage Black Voters Cost Clinton The Election?

So you are saying blacks are to stupid to THINK for themselves?
Now voting third party makes one a self-righteous asshole? You sure do embrace the duopoly, huh?

It is when the stakes were as high as they were in 2016.

They all knew Trump had no business in the White House, but they all voted for third parties assuming that Hillary would win, anyway.
There was a campaign on social media aimed at discouraging people from voting for Hillary, or voting at all.

The following article is just a small sample.
Did Russia's Social Media Campaign To Discourage Black Voters Cost Clinton The Election?

So you are saying blacks are to stupid to THINK for themselves?
Only a dickhead racist, as well as Russtroll like yourself could think up something like that.

I said that's just one group of voters your people attempted to discourage from voting.

I said
Connecticut To Give Its Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Victor

Connecticut voted to give its Electoral College Votes to the national popular vote victor. The state Senate voted 21-14 on Saturday to join the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which includes 10 states and the District of Columbia. The state House passed the measure last week, 77 to 73. California, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia have already signed the accord.

This might give the Corrupt Democratic Party permanent control.
With permanent control the Corrupt Democrats will be able ignore the laws and the constitution and nobody could stop them. What do you think will happen to America if the Democrats are undefeatable?
If this keeps up, Trump will have no path to defeat Hillary.
Don't worry, I'm sure Vladimir will be there to assist again.
Is he going to have his Kremlin agents create another dossier for the DNC?
Now voting third party makes one a self-righteous asshole? You sure do embrace the duopoly, huh?

It is when the stakes were as high as they were in 2016.

They all knew Trump had no business in the White House, but they all voted for third parties assuming that Hillary would win, anyway.
There was a campaign on social media aimed at discouraging people from voting for Hillary, or voting at all.

The following article is just a small sample.
Did Russia's Social Media Campaign To Discourage Black Voters Cost Clinton The Election?

If FB posts discourage you from voting, you probably shouldn't be voting at all.
how many rubles did you get for that post?

The better question is, why should FB have an impact on the election?
Now voting third party makes one a self-righteous asshole? You sure do embrace the duopoly, huh?

It is when the stakes were as high as they were in 2016.

They all knew Trump had no business in the White House, but they all voted for third parties assuming that Hillary would win, anyway.
There was a campaign on social media aimed at discouraging people from voting for Hillary, or voting at all.

The following article is just a small sample.
Did Russia's Social Media Campaign To Discourage Black Voters Cost Clinton The Election?

If FB posts discourage you from voting, you probably shouldn't be voting at all.
how many rubles did you get for that post?

The better question is, why should FB have an impact on the election?

Indeed why should Fecesbook have an impact on anything? And ditter for Twitto?

The answer to both is in the old adage "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". If it weren't Fecesbook and Twitto it would be TV, and in the past it was and still is. It would be, and is, message boards like this. It would be, and is, psychologically-engineered language in speeches and subliminal advertising.

Whatever works in that time and place to flood the populace with bullshit, will be used, however dishonestly, milking innocent gullibility in the cause of manipulating reality into what serves the agenda. That's equally true for selling a candidate as it is for selling a consumer product where the same dishonest manipulations were born and raised before they got applied to selling candidates.

For better or worse it's on the voter to sift the proverbial wheat from the bullshit. That's why it's crucial to ignore those instruments of bullshit, Fecesbook, Twitto and TV.
Now voting third party makes one a self-righteous asshole? You sure do embrace the duopoly, huh?

It is when the stakes were as high as they were in 2016.

They all knew Trump had no business in the White House, but they all voted for third parties assuming that Hillary would win, anyway.
There was a campaign on social media aimed at discouraging people from voting for Hillary, or voting at all.

The following article is just a small sample.
Did Russia's Social Media Campaign To Discourage Black Voters Cost Clinton The Election?

So you are saying blacks are to stupid to THINK for themselves?
Only a dickhead racist, as well as Russtroll like yourself could think up something like that.

I said that's just one group of voters your people attempted to discourage from voting.

I said

So the racist calling me,a racist?

Again your the one that said blacks are to stupid to vote their brain..
You might not like uppity women, but we like them just fine. Hillary sounding like an ex has less to do with misogyny than with the fact that she shrieks and lectures and hectors from the stage. Obama at least could read a speech and sound convincing. His anger at America came out in different ways.

Right, you keep using Misogynist language like this, but you know what I don't hear from you? Actual substantive criticism of her policy positions.

Are those who whine about Trump being orange doing it because they hate men? If I were to utilize your standard, I could proclaim it to be so.

You could, but you'd sound stupid. I don't know that many "orange" men. Probably because most men don't spray tan themselves a weird color not found in nature.

As for the entertainment world's female roles, so what? The good ones will survive, ala Wonder Woman, while the bad ones won't, witness the female ghost busters.

Except everyone hated the new Ghostbusters, sight unseen. That was the problem there. Same thing with the new Doctor Who... some of the nuttiness you see out there from fans... (Again, you are okay with the magic time travelling phone box, but man, turn him into a her, and you lose your shit!)

And then Christians were not supposed to vote for Trump. The right wing was not supposed to vote for Trump. Women were not supposed to vote for Trump, all because he was not the perfect candidate for them, according to those who are not them. Maybe the taking heads shouldn't have been so gleefully smug about the whole thing, huh?

Frankly, I think the talking heads thought Americans were smarter than they actually are. We make the Kardashians famous because they are on TV, not because they've actually accomplished anything.

But one more time, buddy. THE PEOPLE GOT THIS RIGHT. Trump lost the popular vote.

The Electors and Congress, people who SHOULD know better, said, "Meh, he won under the rules that were set up to keep exactly this sort of thing from happening." Or maybe some of you just hated Obama so much you were willing to destroy the country and her reputation to foil him.

Good work.

And Hillary is still unemployed.

Don't worry, when the Orange Shitgibbon gets done, she'll have lots of company.
You might not like uppity women, but we like them just fine. Hillary sounding like an ex has less to do with misogyny than with the fact that she shrieks and lectures and hectors from the stage. Obama at least could read a speech and sound convincing. His anger at America came out in different ways.

Right, you keep using Misogynist language like this, but you know what I don't hear from you? Actual substantive criticism of her policy positions.

Are those who whine about Trump being orange doing it because they hate men? If I were to utilize your standard, I could proclaim it to be so.

You could, but you'd sound stupid. I don't know that many "orange" men. Probably because most men don't spray tan themselves a weird color not found in nature.

As for the entertainment world's female roles, so what? The good ones will survive, ala Wonder Woman, while the bad ones won't, witness the female ghost busters.

Except everyone hated the new Ghostbusters, sight unseen. That was the problem there. Same thing with the new Doctor Who... some of the nuttiness you see out there from fans... (Again, you are okay with the magic time travelling phone box, but man, turn him into a her, and you lose your shit!)

And then Christians were not supposed to vote for Trump. The right wing was not supposed to vote for Trump. Women were not supposed to vote for Trump, all because he was not the perfect candidate for them, according to those who are not them. Maybe the taking heads shouldn't have been so gleefully smug about the whole thing, huh?

Frankly, I think the talking heads thought Americans were smarter than they actually are. We make the Kardashians famous because they are on TV, not because they've actually accomplished anything.

But one more time, buddy. THE PEOPLE GOT THIS RIGHT. Trump lost the popular vote.

The Electors and Congress, people who SHOULD know better, said, "Meh, he won under the rules that were set up to keep exactly this sort of thing from happening." Or maybe some of you just hated Obama so much you were willing to destroy the country and her reputation to foil him.

Good work.

And Hillary is still unemployed.

Don't worry, when the Orange Shitgibbon gets done, she'll have lots of company.

I'm telling you just some of the reasons why Hillary lost and you're unable to break out of your, "it was everybody else's fault" mode enough to see it. Heck yeah, her policies kept her out. No one wanted to continue the Obama way. That's why democrats were shut out.

It's funny that you simultaneously complain that the EC cost her the throne and say it was set up to give it to her. Might want to check that.
Except everyone hated the new Ghostbusters, sight unseen. That was the problem there.

Actually, the movie itself was a big part of the problem. :p It wasn't as bad as many people reviewed it, IMO, but neither was it all that good.

The Electors and Congress, people who SHOULD know better, said, "Meh, he won under the rules that were set up to keep exactly this sort of thing from happening." Or maybe some of you just hated Obama so much you were willing to destroy the country and her reputation to foil him.

The Electors and Congress should know better than what? Following the election rules set out in the Constitution and various laws? And what exactly is it you think the rules were set up to keep from happening?

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