11 Facts About the Eric Garner Case the Media Won't Tell You

Do we really need proof of that? The guy was outside of their shops selling untaxed cigarettes and stealing their business away. Hello?
How do you know that?
Garner wasn't in his usual location for selling "loosies" when his homicide occurred as this interview from DemocracyNow reveals:

"HARRY SIEGEL: He (Garner) sold cigarettes by the Staten Island Ferry. If you talk to anyone from that part of Staten Island, he’s a well-known guy.

"That wasn’t where he was.

"These cops recognized him.

"There had been pressure on that exact thing, for a variety of other reasons. And they’re just like, 'Ah, this is a skell. This is not a person.' Is that, at least in some part, because he was black? I don’t doubt it for a second, especially in Staten Island."
A Racist and Unjust System A Discussion on Policing in Wake of Michael Brown and Eric Garner Deaths Democracy Now
Do we really need proof of that? The guy was outside of their shops selling untaxed cigarettes and stealing their business away. Hello?
How do you know that?
Garner wasn't in his usual location for selling "loosies" when his homicide occurred as this interview from DemocracyNow reveals:

"HARRY SIEGEL: He (Garner) sold cigarettes by the Staten Island Ferry. If you talk to anyone from that part of Staten Island, he’s a well-known guy.

"That wasn’t where he was.

"These cops recognized him.

"There had been pressure on that exact thing, for a variety of other reasons. And they’re just like, 'Ah, this is a skell. This is not a person.' Is that, at least in some part, because he was black? I don’t doubt it for a second, especially in Staten Island."
A Racist and Unjust System A Discussion on Policing in Wake of Michael Brown and Eric Garner Deaths Democracy Now

Because the store OWNER reported him as such.... apparently you only read what you want and not the truth, as you do with the muslim terrorists!
so you're ok with black on black death?
What does "black on black death" have to do with the inhumanity shown to Eric Garner by NYPD and other public servants AFTER Garner was in their custody?

What inhumanity? the EMT picked him up and took him to the hospital where he died from SELF INFLICTED causes!
Bullshit... he was dead on that concrete.
He died about an hour after the incident.

They "declared" him dead about an hour after. That does not necessarily mean that he died an hour after.

You can see that he's dead on the concrete... No? They did not perform CPR to revive him for the length of the video. Are we to believe that they revived him on the way back? Then he died a second time of a heart attack?

In the article, it states that he died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. That means that they were still able to detect vital signs before that and he was NOT dead.
Because the store OWNER reported him as such.... apparently you only read what you want and not the truth, as you do with the muslim terrorists!
So, naturally you have a link to which particular store OWNER reported Garner for breaking up a fight in front of his business? Or do you...

So what do you think happened? That this was a conspiracy by those 12 officers to jump some poor little defenseless innocent black man, just so that they could beat and kill him? :lol:
Because the store OWNER reported him as such.... apparently you only read what you want and not the truth, as you do with the muslim terrorists!
So, naturally you have a link to which particular store OWNER reported Garner for breaking up a fight in front of his business? Or do you...

You know how to use a search engine?
Do we really need proof of that? The guy was outside of their shops selling untaxed cigarettes and stealing their business away. Hello?
How do you know that?
Garner wasn't in his usual location for selling "loosies" when his homicide occurred as this interview from DemocracyNow reveals:

"HARRY SIEGEL: He (Garner) sold cigarettes by the Staten Island Ferry. If you talk to anyone from that part of Staten Island, he’s a well-known guy.

"That wasn’t where he was.

"These cops recognized him.

"There had been pressure on that exact thing, for a variety of other reasons. And they’re just like, 'Ah, this is a skell. This is not a person.' Is that, at least in some part, because he was black? I don’t doubt it for a second, especially in Staten Island."
A Racist and Unjust System A Discussion on Policing in Wake of Michael Brown and Eric Garner Deaths Democracy Now

:lmao: At your link "Democracy Now!" and the silly interview. That proves absolutely nothing. NONE of those people were there. The video was edited. All of this is stated in my VALID and good link on one of the prior pages. Perhaps you should read it and learn something about videos and evidence and what the grand jury sees that you and I do not get to see.
Because the store OWNER reported him as such.... apparently you only read what you want and not the truth, as you do with the muslim terrorists!
So, naturally you have a link to which particular store OWNER reported Garner for breaking up a fight in front of his business? Or do you...

“Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny,” writes Newsmax’s Jim Meyers, taking his information from the WSJreport.

(Interesting side note: That would make Garner’s first arrest at just 10-years-old, which calls into question how WSJ got its info since those early records should, by all accounts, be unavailable to the public considering Garner was a juvenile at the time he was brought in for the unspecified offense.)

Meyers notes that at the time of Garner’s death, he was “out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession, and false impersonation.”

Former New York City police commissioner Bernard Kerik, adding meat to Meyers’ report, attempts to place the death of Eric Garner on the man himself, noting that on the day of Garner’s death, he was illegally selling untaxed cigarettes, and that he is technically resisting arrest in the now-viral video depicting his death.

“You cannot resist arrest,” Kerik states.

“If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different. He wouldn’t be dead today… Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don’t have the ability to say, ‘Well, this is a minor arrest, so we’re just going to ignore you.'”

Instead, the people pointing out that Eric Garner was a criminal claim it would have been arrest number 31 over a 34-year period.

Even so, there is the fact that Officer Daniel Pantaleo can be seen on the video below applying a banned chokehold to Garner. To this point, Newsmax notes that the chokehold alone should not have been enough to kill Garner.

At 350 pounds, Garner suffered from “a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea.”

Also, Garner did not die at the scene, a common misconception among those discussing the case on social media. Instead he “suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later,” Newsmax notes.

Last but not least, the site points out that the 23 grand jurors, “including nine non-white jurors,” heard evidence and testimony over a more than two-month period and that unlike in the Ferguson case of Michael Brown, the evidence has not been made public so going by just the video leaves out a lot regarding why and how the grand jury reached its decision.

Read more at Eric Garner Criminal Past Emerges 30 Arrests In 34 Years Including Assault
Former New York City police commissioner Bernard Kerik, adding meat to Meyers’ report, attempts to place the death of Eric Garner on the man himself, noting that on the day of Garner’s death, he was illegally selling untaxed cigarettes, and that he is technically resisting arrest in the now-viral video depicting his death.

“You cannot resist arrest,” Kerik states.
Bernie's you go to source in this matter?
"In 2009, Kerik pleaded guilty[2] before U.S. federal prosecutors to 8 charges including criminal conspiracy, tax fraud, and lying under oath.[3] Kerik was sentenced to four years in federal prison on February 18, 2010.[4]
I'll stick with Amy Goodman and DemocracyNow, myself.
Bernard Kerik - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Former New York City police commissioner Bernard Kerik, adding meat to Meyers’ report, attempts to place the death of Eric Garner on the man himself, noting that on the day of Garner’s death, he was illegally selling untaxed cigarettes, and that he is technically resisting arrest in the now-viral video depicting his death.

“You cannot resist arrest,” Kerik states.
Bernie's you go to source in this matter?
"In 2009, Kerik pleaded guilty[2] before U.S. federal prosecutors to 8 charges including criminal conspiracy, tax fraud, and lying under oath.[3] Kerik was sentenced to four years in federal prison on February 18, 2010.[4]
I'll stick with Amy Goodman and DemocracyNow, myself.
Bernard Kerik - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

That has little to do with the link I posted. I am trying to teach you that you don't know the evidence that the Grand Jury has seen, that the grand jury was composed of white and black people and came to anonymous agreement not to charge the officer. That right that destroys your dumb arguments.
What does "black on black death" have to do with the inhumanity shown to Eric Garner by NYPD and other public servants AFTER Garner was in their custody?

What inhumanity? the EMT picked him up and took him to the hospital where he died from SELF INFLICTED causes!
Bullshit... he was dead on that concrete.
He died about an hour after the incident.

They "declared" him dead about an hour after. That does not necessarily mean that he died an hour after.

You can see that he's dead on the concrete... No? They did not perform CPR to revive him for the length of the video. Are we to believe that they revived him on the way back? Then he died a second time of a heart attack?

In the article, it states that he died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. That means that they were still able to detect vital signs before that and he was NOT dead.
You gonna believe the "article" or the video of them putting the dead guy on the stretcher?
What inhumanity? the EMT picked him up and took him to the hospital where he died from SELF INFLICTED causes!
Bullshit... he was dead on that concrete.
He died about an hour after the incident.

They "declared" him dead about an hour after. That does not necessarily mean that he died an hour after.

You can see that he's dead on the concrete... No? They did not perform CPR to revive him for the length of the video. Are we to believe that they revived him on the way back? Then he died a second time of a heart attack?

In the article, it states that he died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. That means that they were still able to detect vital signs before that and he was NOT dead.
You gonna believe the "article" or the video of them putting the dead guy on the stretcher?

Mike, I think this cop did wrong, but if you watch this video

You can clearly see that when they put him on the stretcher at the 6:09 mark that the guy is clearly alive.

Making the statement that "they put the dead guy on a stretcher" either you not knowing the facts, or you lying.

Hopefully you come watch the video then come back and admit you were wrong, he wasn't dead when they put him on the stretcher.

Disappointing that RKMBrown chose to ignore this post.
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Do we really need proof of that? The guy was outside of their shops selling untaxed cigarettes and stealing their business away. Hello?
How do you know that?
Garner wasn't in his usual location for selling "loosies" when his homicide occurred as this interview from DemocracyNow reveals:

"HARRY SIEGEL: He (Garner) sold cigarettes by the Staten Island Ferry. If you talk to anyone from that part of Staten Island, he’s a well-known guy.

"That wasn’t where he was.

"These cops recognized him.

"There had been pressure on that exact thing, for a variety of other reasons. And they’re just like, 'Ah, this is a skell. This is not a person.' Is that, at least in some part, because he was black? I don’t doubt it for a second, especially in Staten Island."
A Racist and Unjust System A Discussion on Policing in Wake of Michael Brown and Eric Garner Deaths Democracy Now

Because the store OWNER reported him as such.... apparently you only read what you want and not the truth, as you do with the muslim terrorists!
Didn't you know? Moooooslems like George have joined the protesters in Berkley, and the looting and burning has started again. I saw a few asswipes in the TV footage wearing the trademark Islamic terroristic headscarves. Nation of I-slime already warned they will be attending and it won't be peaceful.
You know how to use a search engine?
You made the claim, now provide the name of the store owner who complained about Garner on the day he died.

No store owner is going to want his name to be known publicly, dickhead!

Ironically though it was most likely the Pakistani Muslim convenience store owner who probably told the cops about Garner's constant harassment.

Must piss you off that a fellow Moooooslem Brotha told the cops about Garner, eh? What's wrong with him George? Why couldn't he let Garner make a dishonest living while stealing his customers and causing loss of revenue to his business?
Bullshit... he was dead on that concrete.
He died about an hour after the incident.

They "declared" him dead about an hour after. That does not necessarily mean that he died an hour after.

You can see that he's dead on the concrete... No? They did not perform CPR to revive him for the length of the video. Are we to believe that they revived him on the way back? Then he died a second time of a heart attack?

In the article, it states that he died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. That means that they were still able to detect vital signs before that and he was NOT dead.
You gonna believe the "article" or the video of them putting the dead guy on the stretcher?

Mike, I think this cop did wrong, but if you watch this video

You can clearly see that when they put him on the stretcher at the 6:09 mark that the guy is clearly alive.

Making the statement that "they put the dead guy on a stretcher" either you not knowing the facts, or you lying.

Hopefully you come watch the video then come back and admit you were wrong, he wasn't dead when they put him on the stretcher.

Disappointing that RKMBrown chose to ignore this post.

No that guy's dead.

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