11 Facts About the Eric Garner Case the Media Won't Tell You

He died about an hour after the incident.

They "declared" him dead about an hour after. That does not necessarily mean that he died an hour after.

You can see that he's dead on the concrete... No? They did not perform CPR to revive him for the length of the video. Are we to believe that they revived him on the way back? Then he died a second time of a heart attack?

In the article, it states that he died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. That means that they were still able to detect vital signs before that and he was NOT dead.
You gonna believe the "article" or the video of them putting the dead guy on the stretcher?

Mike, I think this cop did wrong, but if you watch this video

You can clearly see that when they put him on the stretcher at the 6:09 mark that the guy is clearly alive.

Making the statement that "they put the dead guy on a stretcher" either you not knowing the facts, or you lying.

Hopefully you come watch the video then come back and admit you were wrong, he wasn't dead when they put him on the stretcher.

Disappointing that RKMBrown chose to ignore this post.

No that guy's dead.

Dude, he was moving around? Come on..
Is there a reason to resist arrest that I haven't heard of yet? All Garner had to do is comply with officers. Is there a legal reason why you think he should have resisted?

That he wasn't doing anything that warranted arrest? Well except for being big and black. They came onto him.

None of those facts have anything to do with the fact that the chokehold killed him. It doesn't matter what the cameraman did because the camera doesn't lie. The force was excessive and cops each and every day get off for killing black people. Not one cop goes to jail. No one. Not all killings can be that perfectly justified.
Didn't you know? Moooooslems like George have joined the protesters in Berkley, and the looting and burning has started again. I saw a few asswipes in the TV footage wearing the trademark Islamic terroristic headscarves. Nation of I-slime already warned they will be attending and it won't be peaceful.

"Several rabbis were among dozens of people arrested Thursday night for blocking the intersection of 96th street and Broadway to mourn Eric Garner and protest the lack of accountability for his death.

"The rabbis were part of a group of several hundred people who had gathered at B’nai Jeshurun on West 88th street to pray and organize.

"The group also included Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers. JFREJ, the Jews For Racial and Economic Justice, helped organize. Gale Brewer and Jerry Nadler were at B’nai Jeshurun, said Pamela Shifman, one of the people who attended."

Is there a reason to resist arrest that I haven't heard of yet? All Garner had to do is comply with officers. Is there a legal reason why you think he should have resisted?

That he wasn't doing anything that warranted arrest? Well except for being big and black. They came onto him.

None of those facts have anything to do with the fact that the chokehold killed him. It doesn't matter what the cameraman did because the camera doesn't lie. The force was excessive and cops each and every day get off for killing black people. Not one cop goes to jail. No one. Not all killings can be that perfectly justified.
Well they weren't arresting him. First line of debate is to have the facts. They were telling him to move on. he refused. hmmmm....

If you watched the video you will see they had a conversation and Mr. Garner refused. It isn't that difficult to find out the facts. Now, why do you supposed they took him down? Hmmmmm he wouldn't move maybe? So the gentleman challenged the police officers. You think that was a smart idea today?

It's sad, all the guy had to do was move and then come back later when the cops left. He had had enough, he said so. So his ultimatum was his ultimatum.

Now for you, what was the other choice that the cops had, except to forcibly move him? I asked that question before here. The cops were not going to leave him there. So what would have been the alternative move to make by the cops? I'm really curious how else they perform their job.
Didn't you know? Moooooslems like George have joined the protesters in Berkley, and the looting and burning has started again. I saw a few asswipes in the TV footage wearing the trademark Islamic terroristic headscarves. Nation of I-slime already warned they will be attending and it won't be peaceful.

"Several rabbis were among dozens of people arrested Thursday night for blocking the intersection of 96th street and Broadway to mourn Eric Garner and protest the lack of accountability for his death.

"The rabbis were part of a group of several hundred people who had gathered at B’nai Jeshurun on West 88th street to pray and organize.

"The group also included Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers. JFREJ, the Jews For Racial and Economic Justice, helped organize. Gale Brewer and Jerry Nadler were at B’nai Jeshurun, said Pamela Shifman, one of the people who attended."


George did you fail geography too? New York is about 3000 miles from Berkeley. Protest in New York remained peaceful, while protests in Berkeley became violent because Moooooslims joined in and took advantage. What a friggin knucklehead. Ha ha ha.
They "declared" him dead about an hour after. That does not necessarily mean that he died an hour after.

You can see that he's dead on the concrete... No? They did not perform CPR to revive him for the length of the video. Are we to believe that they revived him on the way back? Then he died a second time of a heart attack?

In the article, it states that he died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. That means that they were still able to detect vital signs before that and he was NOT dead.
You gonna believe the "article" or the video of them putting the dead guy on the stretcher?

Mike, I think this cop did wrong, but if you watch this video

You can clearly see that when they put him on the stretcher at the 6:09 mark that the guy is clearly alive.

Making the statement that "they put the dead guy on a stretcher" either you not knowing the facts, or you lying.

Hopefully you come watch the video then come back and admit you were wrong, he wasn't dead when they put him on the stretcher.

Disappointing that RKMBrown chose to ignore this post.

No that guy's dead.

Dude, he was moving around? Come on..

No, he did not move a single inch, not one twitch, not one eye lid, not one breath. Nothing.

The only movement on that video is from the alive people around him that are "rolling" him around and moving him to the stretcher.
In the article, it states that he died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. That means that they were still able to detect vital signs before that and he was NOT dead.
You gonna believe the "article" or the video of them putting the dead guy on the stretcher?

Mike, I think this cop did wrong, but if you watch this video

You can clearly see that when they put him on the stretcher at the 6:09 mark that the guy is clearly alive.

Making the statement that "they put the dead guy on a stretcher" either you not knowing the facts, or you lying.

Hopefully you come watch the video then come back and admit you were wrong, he wasn't dead when they put him on the stretcher.

Disappointing that RKMBrown chose to ignore this post.

No that guy's dead.

Dude, he was moving around? Come on..

No, he did not move a single inch, not one twitch, not one eye lid, not one breath. Nothing.

The only movement on that video is from the alive people around him.

so again, the EMT lied?
You gonna believe the "article" or the video of them putting the dead guy on the stretcher?

Mike, I think this cop did wrong, but if you watch this video

You can clearly see that when they put him on the stretcher at the 6:09 mark that the guy is clearly alive.

Making the statement that "they put the dead guy on a stretcher" either you not knowing the facts, or you lying.

Hopefully you come watch the video then come back and admit you were wrong, he wasn't dead when they put him on the stretcher.

Disappointing that RKMBrown chose to ignore this post.

No that guy's dead.

Dude, he was moving around? Come on..

No, he did not move a single inch, not one twitch, not one eye lid, not one breath. Nothing.

The only movement on that video is from the alive people around him.

so again, the EMT lied?

Obviously he has no idea what he is talking about and thinks he can diagnose death by looking at a person on a video. :rolleyes-41:
Okay, I'm sure you're all getting sick of me by now, so I just want to make one more observation about this thread and that is that, the OP is almost like saying, "we use these women for sex, and they keep having babies, why? Why do these women have sex and make babies? Those damn women!"

And the statement "we only tolerate those rug rats for sex" kind of says it all. "I know this woman is irresponsible with at least her sexual habits, but I'm going to use her my sexual pleasure anyways."

Am I the ONLY one here who sees how hypocritical and wrong that is?
George did you fail geography too? New York is about 3000 miles from Berkeley. Protest in New York remained peaceful, while protests in Berkeley became violent because Moooooslims joined in and took advantage. What a friggin knucklehead. Ha ha ha.
If Berkeley is 3000 miles from New York, why did you bring Muslims into a thread about Eric Garner's killing in Staten Island?

Are you Jewish?
George did you fail geography too? New York is about 3000 miles from Berkeley. Protest in New York remained peaceful, while protests in Berkeley became violent because Moooooslims joined in and took advantage. What a friggin knucklehead. Ha ha ha.
If Berkeley is 3000 miles from New York, why did you bring Muslims into a thread about Eric Garner's killing in Staten Island?

Are you Jewish?

Because I saw people wearing Islamic garb on the TV footage showing the Berkeley protests, asshole. Keep up.
Well they weren't arresting him. First line of debate is to have the facts. They were telling him to move on. he refused. hmmmm...
Do you have a credible link for this claim?
yeah the video added to this thread by Mike Brown aka RMK Brown. Look for it in here and play it or go look for it. A brother taped it. Listen to the responses. Means you'll have to turn on the speakers.

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