11 Facts About the Eric Garner Case the Media Won't Tell You

Mayor DiBlasio NEW ........

There's plenty of blame to go around here. Officers handled it badly. Garner handled it badly. The officers are supposed to be trained professionals.

Then the black, Female Sgt. in charge of the detail, HOLDS THE BAG for not handling it correctly... Isn't THAT why she is the supervisor?

My guess would be no, affirmative action had more to do as to why she was in charge. Should have stopped those racist cops if she thought what they were doing was wrong. She, being the supervisor,. should be ultimately responsible.
There's plenty of blame to go around here. Officers handled it badly. Garner handled it badly. The officers are supposed to be trained professionals.

Then the black, Female Sgt. in charge of the detail, HOLDS THE BAG for not handling it correctly... Isn't THAT why she is the supervisor?
From the video none of them were aces. They went to force escalation pretty quickly rather than being more sensitive. Maybe they would have ended up doing it anyway. I dont know.

When has it been the police's job to be sensitive? They're authoritarians, they have the badge and gun!
Always. You always try to use the least amount of force to deal with the situation you can. That's just a basic police principle.

Assuming he should have been arrested, what less force could they have used?
There's plenty of blame to go around here. Officers handled it badly. Garner handled it badly. The officers are supposed to be trained professionals.

Then the black, Female Sgt. in charge of the detail, HOLDS THE BAG for not handling it correctly... Isn't THAT why she is the supervisor?
From the video none of them were aces. They went to force escalation pretty quickly rather than being more sensitive. Maybe they would have ended up doing it anyway. I dont know.

When has it been the police's job to be sensitive? They're authoritarians, they have the badge and gun!
Always. You always try to use the least amount of force to deal with the situation you can. That's just a basic police principle.

Assuming he should have been arrested, what less force could they have used?

You know, I have to ask the same question. If you are an average sized person and a huge 350-pound man is getting ready to fight you, you are going to want to take him down in any way possible, I would imagine. Because of his size, when he started putting up a fight, I'm sure it was probably pretty intimidating.

I suspect that if the police had tased him or anything else, the liberals would STILL be crying police brutality and racism! They have such one-track minds.
Then the black, Female Sgt. in charge of the detail, HOLDS THE BAG for not handling it correctly... Isn't THAT why she is the supervisor?
From the video none of them were aces. They went to force escalation pretty quickly rather than being more sensitive. Maybe they would have ended up doing it anyway. I dont know.

When has it been the police's job to be sensitive? They're authoritarians, they have the badge and gun!
Always. You always try to use the least amount of force to deal with the situation you can. That's just a basic police principle.

Assuming he should have been arrested, what less force could they have used?

You know, I have to ask the same question. If you are an average sized person and a huge 350-pound man is getting ready to fight you, you are going to want to take him down in any way possible, I would imagine. Because of his size, when he started putting up a fight, I'm sure it was probably pretty intimidating.

I suspect that if the police had tased him or anything else, the liberals would STILL be crying police brutality and racism! They have such one-track minds.

If I read everything right, then what the police did, was not the direct cause of death. Maybe the struggle caused his heart to later stop but the choke hold did not. I am thinking a much smaller person would have a hard time choking such a big man.
From the video none of them were aces. They went to force escalation pretty quickly rather than being more sensitive. Maybe they would have ended up doing it anyway. I dont know.

When has it been the police's job to be sensitive? They're authoritarians, they have the badge and gun!
Always. You always try to use the least amount of force to deal with the situation you can. That's just a basic police principle.

Assuming he should have been arrested, what less force could they have used?

You know, I have to ask the same question. If you are an average sized person and a huge 350-pound man is getting ready to fight you, you are going to want to take him down in any way possible, I would imagine. Because of his size, when he started putting up a fight, I'm sure it was probably pretty intimidating.

I suspect that if the police had tased him or anything else, the liberals would STILL be crying police brutality and racism! They have such one-track minds.

If I read everything right, then what the police did, was not the direct cause of death. Maybe the struggle caused his heart to later stop but the choke hold did not. I am thinking a much smaller person would have a hard time choking such a big man.

I heard that he died almost an hour later in the ambulance on the ride to the hospital. He was obviously a very unhealthy man who had no business starting trouble with the police.
Why would he resist arrest then? Was he just stupid
Not stupid enough to believe resisting arrest is a capital offense.

Was he stupid enough to believe that if he fought with the police, they would let him go? Obviously, his death was accidental, and happened while they were in the process of trying to restrain a giant fat man. That is what happens when you fight with the police. They are going to take you down to the ground for the safety of themselves, their fellow officers and the public. Why can't he and others understand that? It really is quite simple.
It's all about liberals creating laws to ensure more revenue. They are the ones sending all those cops after one guy illegally selling cigarettes. It was a black cop in charge of the arrest with the white cop following orders. No racism, for sure. And they say there is a difference between an actual choke hold and merely pressing on the carotid artery. I have no idea about any of that, but Obama and the Dems should be revisiting some policies that are popular with liberals. The laws against selling cigarettes to avoid ridiculously high taxes isn't the crime of the century, yet it's treated like one.

I swear people playing the knock out game don't get into as much trouble as the person buying or selling cigarettes on the street. They are only interested in upholding laws that help them gain something.

Sometimes people do die while in police custody and often it's due to a condition they have that is unknown to police. It's terrible, but it happens. Garner should have stayed still and cooperated and he would have just been cuffed and put in the squad car. A person is crazy to resist.
It's all about liberals creating laws to ensure more revenue. They are the ones sending all those cops after one guy illegally selling cigarettes. It was a black cop in charge of the arrest with the white cop following orders. No racism, for sure. And they say there is a difference between an actual choke hold and merely pressing on the carotid artery. I have no idea about any of that, but Obama and the Dems should be revisiting some policies that are popular with liberals. The laws against selling cigarettes to avoid ridiculously high taxes isn't the crime of the century, yet it's treated like one.

I swear people playing the knock out game don't get into as much trouble as the person buying or selling cigarettes on the street. They are only interested in upholding laws that help them gain something.

Sometimes people do die while in police custody and often it's due to a condition they have that is unknown to police. It's terrible, but it happens. Garner should have stayed still and cooperated and he would have just been cuffed and put in the squad car. A person is crazy to resist.

Yeah, a lot of our laws are designed purely for revenue purposes, I think. But to be fair, if you want to have cigarettes regulated and taxed, you cannot allow people who are not licensed to sell them on the streets. If you were to allow that, then you might as well deregulate tobacco products completely, and we all know that is never going to happen because the government makes a KILLING on taxing tobacco products.
Yeah, a lot of our laws are designed purely for revenue purposes, I think. But to be fair, if you want to have cigarettes regulated and taxed, you cannot allow people who are not licensed to sell them on the streets. If you were to allow that, then you might as well deregulate tobacco products completely, and we all know that is never going to happen because the government makes a KILLING on taxing tobacco products.

True enough. Thing is, Garner wound up dead because authorities take the law seriously regarding the cigarettes. A black cop was in charge of the scene. It's not about race. There is also no indication that the Brown shooting was about race. And that was justified.

Yet, every time the media or the left discusses either case, they talk about minorities being targeted by racist cops. I would think there are real cases of racism and real cases of police brutality to point out, but they latch onto white cop vs black criminal and try to make it into something it's not. The race baiters never stop. For 6 years, we've heard countless false accusations of racism every time someone disagrees with Obama. After the Trayvon Martin case was successfully used to fuel racial tensions, it's like Sharpton and his ilk have been looking everywhere for another case to keep riling people. In that case, of course a Hispanic man was turned into a white man despite being darker than the black officer next to him in court.

You never see the left address the Hispanic vs black crimes. They only care when it's a white person. Of course, looking at the statistics, they wouldn't have enough air time to cover all the inner city violence. There has been a big problem with Hispanic gangs fighting black gangs.

The media and the race baiters make it sound like a white cop just decided to choke Garner for no apparent reason. And I kept hearing that it's rampant across the country. They want black people to fear white people because they are just dangerous and kill blacks on sight. Crime statistics show that it might be the other way around in certain neighborhoods.

I wonder if everyone is watching the same video of the Garner arrest. He wasn't cooperating. The race baiters want us to believe that cops get a thrill from torturing unarmed blacks. All the focus is on color and not behavior of individuals. It explains the selective reporting that doesn't even attempt to reveal lies and goes so far as to hide facts that contradict the narrative. The video that was aired over and over didn't show the black cop in charge of the scene. There is footage available, but it didn't interest the race baiters, for obvious reasons.
When has it been the police's job to be sensitive? They're authoritarians, they have the badge and gun!
Always. You always try to use the least amount of force to deal with the situation you can. That's just a basic police principle.

Assuming he should have been arrested, what less force could they have used?

You know, I have to ask the same question. If you are an average sized person and a huge 350-pound man is getting ready to fight you, you are going to want to take him down in any way possible, I would imagine. Because of his size, when he started putting up a fight, I'm sure it was probably pretty intimidating.

I suspect that if the police had tased him or anything else, the liberals would STILL be crying police brutality and racism! They have such one-track minds.

If I read everything right, then what the police did, was not the direct cause of death. Maybe the struggle caused his heart to later stop but the choke hold did not. I am thinking a much smaller person would have a hard time choking such a big man.

I heard that he died almost an hour later in the ambulance on the ride to the hospital. He was obviously a very unhealthy man who had no business starting trouble with the police.

Some apparently think it is his constitutional right to fight with police, I think they believe that was what Salem was all about.

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