11 Facts About the Eric Garner Case the Media Won't Tell You

"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

That's patently ridiculous. Of course the level of force used should be proportional to the "crime" committed. Though in the eyes of government this case it was. They were defending government's ability to turn Gestapo and suspend the Constitution and our Constitutional rights like they are in collecting all other taxes. Due process? Warrants? For tax collection? No, you don't get that.
Go fucking whine about the cig. tax

Strawman. Let's try reading my point again.
You've become a hysterical bore...Go get your check and give us a break
Yes, ISIS is a muslim terrorist group that will kill other muslims indiscriminately!

Yes, so they use ropes and we use drones.
It's all about liberals creating laws to ensure more revenue. They are the ones sending all those cops after one guy illegally selling cigarettes. It was a black cop in charge of the arrest with the white cop following orders. No racism, for sure. And they say there is a difference between an actual choke hold and merely pressing on the carotid artery. I have no idea about any of that, but Obama and the Dems should be revisiting some policies that are popular with liberals. The laws against selling cigarettes to avoid ridiculously high taxes isn't the crime of the century, yet it's treated like one.

I swear people playing the knock out game don't get into as much trouble as the person buying or selling cigarettes on the street. They are only interested in upholding laws that help them gain something.

Sometimes people do die while in police custody and often it's due to a condition they have that is unknown to police. It's terrible, but it happens. Garner should have stayed still and cooperated and he would have just been cuffed and put in the squad car. A person is crazy to resist.

Yeah, a lot of our laws are designed purely for revenue purposes, I think. But to be fair, if you want to have cigarettes regulated and taxed, you cannot allow people who are not licensed to sell them on the streets. If you were to allow that, then you might as well deregulate tobacco products completely, and we all know that is never going to happen because the government makes a KILLING on taxing tobacco products.
you mean prohibition? Remember how well that worked out? Does Capone sound familiar. The stupid on here is amazing to me. And as always, the question I ask is never answered.

I merely asked if the task was to make Garner move and he wouldn't, Liberals, what was the police going to do different than what they did? I am very interested in hearing what that other step would be. The genius on the left ought to know!!!
Yes, ISIS is a muslim terrorist group that will kill other muslims indiscriminately!
And it didn't exist until the illegal US invasion of Iraq.

And it wouldn't exist IF WE HAD A PRESIDENT THAT HAD THE BALLS TO BLOW THEM TO HELL!...Instead we have another B.J. Clinton style president that likes to attack ASPIRIN FACTORIES!!!...Wonder if they would kill you muslim if dropped into the heart of the action?
Yeah, a lot of our laws are designed purely for revenue purposes, I think. But to be fair, if you want to have cigarettes regulated and taxed, you cannot allow people who are not licensed to sell them on the streets. If you were to allow that, then you might as well deregulate tobacco products completely, and we all know that is never going to happen because the government makes a KILLING on taxing tobacco products.

True enough. Thing is, Garner wound up dead because authorities take the law seriously regarding the cigarettes. A black cop was in charge of the scene. It's not about race. There is also no indication that the Brown shooting was about race. And that was justified.

Yet, every time the media or the left discusses either case, they talk about minorities being targeted by racist cops. I would think there are real cases of racism and real cases of police brutality to point out, but they latch onto white cop vs black criminal and try to make it into something it's not. The race baiters never stop. For 6 years, we've heard countless false accusations of racism every time someone disagrees with Obama. After the Trayvon Martin case was successfully used to fuel racial tensions, it's like Sharpton and his ilk have been looking everywhere for another case to keep riling people. In that case, of course a Hispanic man was turned into a white man despite being darker than the black officer next to him in court.

You never see the left address the Hispanic vs black crimes. They only care when it's a white person. Of course, looking at the statistics, they wouldn't have enough air time to cover all the inner city violence. There has been a big problem with Hispanic gangs fighting black gangs.

The media and the race baiters make it sound like a white cop just decided to choke Garner for no apparent reason. And I kept hearing that it's rampant across the country. They want black people to fear white people because they are just dangerous and kill blacks on sight. Crime statistics show that it might be the other way around in certain neighborhoods.

I wonder if everyone is watching the same video of the Garner arrest. He wasn't cooperating. The race baiters want us to believe that cops get a thrill from torturing unarmed blacks. All the focus is on color and not behavior of individuals. It explains the selective reporting that doesn't even attempt to reveal lies and goes so far as to hide facts that contradict the narrative. The video that was aired over and over didn't show the black cop in charge of the scene. There is footage available, but it didn't interest the race baiters, for obvious reasons.

Awesome post! I totally agree with all of it. The word "racist" is thrown around so much it's lost all meaning.
Obviously, his death was accidental, and happened while they were in the process of trying to restrain a giant fat man
Except there was nothing accidental about the criminal neglect shown by the NYPD and EMTs after Garner was in custody, was there?

They should have given him medical attention. I don't agree with that part, but I still don't consider it a murder or even close. It was still an accident.
"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

That's patently ridiculous. Of course the level of force used should be proportional to the "crime" committed. Though in the eyes of government this case it was. They were defending government's ability to turn Gestapo and suspend the Constitution and our Constitutional rights like they are in collecting all other taxes. Due process? Warrants? For tax collection? No, you don't get that.

Not if you fight and resist. If you fight and resist, you are going to be taken down and brought to jail. You must remember that they police do not know who they are dealing with or what that person is capable of doing. Cops get killed in the line of duty all the time.
They were defending government's ability to turn Gestapo and suspend the Constitution and our Constitutional rights like they are in collecting all other taxes. Due process?
Do we even know why the NYPD confronted Garner on the day he died? If he was selling untaxed cigarettes he was doing so at a location different from his regular perch at the Staten Island Ferry terminal. Some accounts claim the cops responded to a fight call on Bay Street which Garner was involved in? What was the actual reason the NYPD decided to arrest him?

Some accounts that I have read say a business owner/s called the police on him.
Well in that case what are you basing your opinion on?
Since I haven't seen the GJ instructions, my opinion at this time is limited to the criminal neglect shown by the NYPD, four EMTs and paramedics who made no effort to treat Garner after he was in handcuffs.

Yeah I got that much, what I mean is how do you know what you are saying is true? Other then him dying of a heart attack?

He doesn't. :D He wasn't there, nor is he privy to any more of the evidence than any of the rest of us. He just WANTS to think that the police misbehaved in some way. Why the liberals get off on this stuff, I don't know.
"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

That's patently ridiculous. Of course the level of force used should be proportional to the "crime" committed. Though in the eyes of government this case it was. They were defending government's ability to turn Gestapo and suspend the Constitution and our Constitutional rights like they are in collecting all other taxes. Due process? Warrants? For tax collection? No, you don't get that.

Not if you fight and resist. If you fight and resist, you are going to be taken down and brought to jail. You must remember that they police do not know who they are dealing with or what that person is capable of doing. Cops get killed in the line of duty all the time.

Possibly, but it assumes facts not in evidence.
It's all about liberals creating laws to ensure more revenue. They are the ones sending all those cops after one guy illegally selling cigarettes. It was a black cop in charge of the arrest with the white cop following orders. No racism, for sure. And they say there is a difference between an actual choke hold and merely pressing on the carotid artery. I have no idea about any of that, but Obama and the Dems should be revisiting some policies that are popular with liberals. The laws against selling cigarettes to avoid ridiculously high taxes isn't the crime of the century, yet it's treated like one.

I swear people playing the knock out game don't get into as much trouble as the person buying or selling cigarettes on the street. They are only interested in upholding laws that help them gain something.

Sometimes people do die while in police custody and often it's due to a condition they have that is unknown to police. It's terrible, but it happens. Garner should have stayed still and cooperated and he would have just been cuffed and put in the squad car. A person is crazy to resist.

Yeah, a lot of our laws are designed purely for revenue purposes, I think. But to be fair, if you want to have cigarettes regulated and taxed, you cannot allow people who are not licensed to sell them on the streets. If you were to allow that, then you might as well deregulate tobacco products completely, and we all know that is never going to happen because the government makes a KILLING on taxing tobacco products.
you mean prohibition? Remember how well that worked out? Does Capone sound familiar. The stupid on here is amazing to me. And as always, the question I ask is never answered.

I merely asked if the task was to make Garner move and he wouldn't, Liberals, what was the police going to do different than what they did? I am very interested in hearing what that other step would be. The genius on the left ought to know!!!

Sorry, but I'm not sure I understand your post. Prohibition? No that is not what I was talking about. I was talking about cigarettes and that if they were allowed to sell cigarettes on the street, they could no longer be regulated and taxed. That doesn't have anything to do with prohibition.
"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

That's patently ridiculous. Of course the level of force used should be proportional to the "crime" committed. Though in the eyes of government this case it was. They were defending government's ability to turn Gestapo and suspend the Constitution and our Constitutional rights like they are in collecting all other taxes. Due process? Warrants? For tax collection? No, you don't get that.

Not if you fight and resist. If you fight and resist, you are going to be taken down and brought to jail. You must remember that they police do not know who they are dealing with or what that person is capable of doing. Cops get killed in the line of duty all the time.

Possibly, but it assumes facts not in evidence.

Huh? If a person fights and resists, that is the only fact that the police would be concerned with at that moment in time. Any other facts would be completely irrelevant once a person starts fighting with the police.
You've become a hysterical bore...Go get your check and give us a break

What the hell is that all about? Are you okay? Why would you post something like that? How tasteless.

The post is representative of what the left does when they are losing an argument. They play the race card. If you agree with the grand jury decisions in either the Brown or Garner case, based solely on the fact that the evidence didn't show criminal behavior, the left accuses you of wanting to kill blacks because you are racist. It's their way of stopping conversation and then they don't have to listen to other points of view or even facts. It's their defense mechanism. Playing the race card and pretending that others want to bring back slavery or support the KKK torturing people is a cheap shot and when you see it, know that you have won the argument with reason but the left won't accept that.
You've become a hysterical bore...Go get your check and give us a break

What the hell is that all about? Are you okay? Why would you post something like that? How tasteless.

The post is representative of what the left does when they are losing an argument. They play the race card. If you agree with the grand jury decisions in either the Brown or Garner case, based solely on the fact that the evidence didn't show criminal behavior, the left accuses you of wanting to kill blacks because you are racist. It's their way of stopping conversation and then they don't have to listen to other points of view or even facts. It's their defense mechanism. Playing the race card and pretending that others want to bring back slavery or support the KKK torturing people is a cheap shot and when you see it, know that you have won the argument with reason but the left won't accept that.

It is pure hyperbolic BS. I have to wonder what is the motive for this behavior by the left? Why do they refuse to admit that there are problems in the black community with crime and violence. This much is obvious, yet they would rather blame anything else.
Yes, ISIS is a muslim terrorist group that will kill other muslims indiscriminately!
And it didn't exist until the illegal US invasion of Iraq.

Oh God, they had plenty of terrorist groups there and still do and probably always will. That is an effed up part of the world with a bunch of effed up people living there, a product of their violent environment. You wouldn't last 10 minutes over there, guaranteed. :D They would be torturing you, raping you and sawing your head off before you knew what was happening, and all the women and children would be cheering and screaming for your blood, laughing and celebrating your screams of agony.
He doesn't. :D He wasn't there, nor is he privy to any more of the evidence than any of the rest of us. He just WANTS to think that the police misbehaved in some way. Why the liberals get off on this stuff, I don't know.
Do you know why the police and other public servants failed to treat Garner after he was in custody? For starters, why did your heroes fail to administer oxygen to a man who had just said "I can't breathe" eleven times prior to losing consciousness?

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