11 Facts About the Eric Garner Case the Media Won't Tell You

It's all about liberals creating laws to ensure more revenue. They are the ones sending all those cops after one guy illegally selling cigarettes. It was a black cop in charge of the arrest with the white cop following orders. No racism, for sure. And they say there is a difference between an actual choke hold and merely pressing on the carotid artery. I have no idea about any of that, but Obama and the Dems should be revisiting some policies that are popular with liberals. The laws against selling cigarettes to avoid ridiculously high taxes isn't the crime of the century, yet it's treated like one.

I swear people playing the knock out game don't get into as much trouble as the person buying or selling cigarettes on the street. They are only interested in upholding laws that help them gain something.

Sometimes people do die while in police custody and often it's due to a condition they have that is unknown to police. It's terrible, but it happens. Garner should have stayed still and cooperated and he would have just been cuffed and put in the squad car. A person is crazy to resist.

Yeah, a lot of our laws are designed purely for revenue purposes, I think. But to be fair, if you want to have cigarettes regulated and taxed, you cannot allow people who are not licensed to sell them on the streets. If you were to allow that, then you might as well deregulate tobacco products completely, and we all know that is never going to happen because the government makes a KILLING on taxing tobacco products.
you mean prohibition? Remember how well that worked out? Does Capone sound familiar. The stupid on here is amazing to me. And as always, the question I ask is never answered.

I merely asked if the task was to make Garner move and he wouldn't, Liberals, what was the police going to do different than what they did? I am very interested in hearing what that other step would be. The genius on the left ought to know!!!

Sorry, but I'm not sure I understand your post. Prohibition? No that is not what I was talking about. I was talking about cigarettes and that if they were allowed to sell cigarettes on the street, they could no longer be regulated and taxed. That doesn't have anything to do with prohibition.
yeah, and what other product would take its place? if you're not supposed to do it because it is illegal, it is illegal. Why is that hard to understand? Doing it is just like what was done in the past during prohibition, selling product illegally. Liquor then, cigarettes now. Thugs who think they don't have to comply with the law. What the hell is the difference?
He doesn't. :D He wasn't there, nor is he privy to any more of the evidence than any of the rest of us. He just WANTS to think that the police misbehaved in some way. Why the liberals get off on this stuff, I don't know.
Do you know why the police and other public servants failed to treat Garner after he was in custody? For starters, why did your heroes fail to administer oxygen to a man who had just said "I can't breathe" eleven times prior to losing consciousness?
So again, what would you have done? If you were a cop on the scene, and your job was to move the 350 lb man, what would you have done differently. I'm trying to understand how the cops do their jobs without ending up in these scenarios. Please, I'm all eyes.
Why do they refuse to admit that there are problems in the black community with crime and violence.
No one I know disputes the existence of crime and violence in the black community. They also know why the crime and violence exists; why are you clueless?
why does it exist? Please, I'm always willing to understand a position. Why?

And, in fifty years, what has the left helped with that has made it better?
He doesn't. :D He wasn't there, nor is he privy to any more of the evidence than any of the rest of us. He just WANTS to think that the police misbehaved in some way. Why the liberals get off on this stuff, I don't know.
Do you know why the police and other public servants failed to treat Garner after he was in custody? For starters, why did your heroes fail to administer oxygen to a man who had just said "I can't breathe" eleven times prior to losing consciousness?
Well, from the cops position, they didn't have oxygen to give him. Next?
So again, what would you have done? If you were a cop on the scene, and your job was to move the 350 lb man, what would you have done differently. I'm trying to understand how the cops do their jobs without ending up in these scenarios. Please, I'm all eyes.
Since I don't know why the police engaged Garner in the first place, I can't tell you what I would have done differently to arrest him. The point I was making dealt with police and EMT response to Garner's condition after he was in custody.

I would have made sure his airways were clear, administered oxygen and CPR if needed, and used his inhaler to keep him oxygenated.
yeah, and what other product would take its place? if you're not supposed to do it because it is illegal, it is illegal. Why is that hard to understand? Doing it is just like what was done in the past during prohibition, selling product illegally. Liquor then, cigarettes now. Thugs who think they don't have to comply with the law. What the hell is the difference?

Well, we have a president who has unilaterally ignored parts of O-care and thumbs his nose at immigration laws. He gets away with it. I wonder how much influence he really has over his supporters and whether his own actions encourage people to ignore what isn't convenient for them.

Yes, once laws are passed and regardless of how stupid they may be, they must be followed until they are changed. When one law is ignored, it sets a precedent for others to be broken with no consequences.

Many believe, and I am one, that the high taxes on cigarettes is unfair. However, it's the law and trying to get around it should land you in trouble.

I find it incredible that so many officers responded to a single guy selling cigarettes on the street. That would be expected if someone reported a violent act, but you'd think a couple officers could have respond in this case. Should have been an easy call for them to answer, but when a person doesn't cooperate it causes things to escalate fast. Not that officers are perfect, but the fact that they got physical with this guy, under direct orders from the black officer at the scene, it is clear that it's not a racial problem. All you have left is cops being too gung ho or cops doing what is necessary to arrest the guy. I am sick of hearing that the guy was targeted due to his race. Had that been the case, certainly the black officer in charge would have quickly put a stop to any unnecessary measures.

I read an article about a college professor who tried to make students aware of the problem with 'racist cops.' In a mass email she sent out, she used the title "All Lives Matter." Believe it or not, leftists were upset about that title because it differed from the current narrative, which is "Black Lives Matter." Of course, black lives matter, as do all lives. But the leftists who complained said that stating that all lives matter strayed from their message. They aren't concerned about whites, browns or others and had a fit when ALL people were included in the message. The college professor made a public apology. She foolishly did not separate people and that is just wrong in the eyes of radical activists.
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Well, from the cops position, they didn't have oxygen to give him. Next?
The cops knew how to clear his airways, administer CPR, and use Garner's inhaler, didn't they?

Did he have an inhaler? The point is, the grand jury decided not to indict. If they had "killed" this man, like some of you claim, I don't think he would be a free man right now. We don't know the details. We don't have all the officers' testimonies or bystanders.
It's all about liberals creating laws to ensure more revenue. They are the ones sending all those cops after one guy illegally selling cigarettes. It was a black cop in charge of the arrest with the white cop following orders. No racism, for sure. And they say there is a difference between an actual choke hold and merely pressing on the carotid artery. I have no idea about any of that, but Obama and the Dems should be revisiting some policies that are popular with liberals. The laws against selling cigarettes to avoid ridiculously high taxes isn't the crime of the century, yet it's treated like one.

I swear people playing the knock out game don't get into as much trouble as the person buying or selling cigarettes on the street. They are only interested in upholding laws that help them gain something.

Sometimes people do die while in police custody and often it's due to a condition they have that is unknown to police. It's terrible, but it happens. Garner should have stayed still and cooperated and he would have just been cuffed and put in the squad car. A person is crazy to resist.

Yeah, a lot of our laws are designed purely for revenue purposes, I think. But to be fair, if you want to have cigarettes regulated and taxed, you cannot allow people who are not licensed to sell them on the streets. If you were to allow that, then you might as well deregulate tobacco products completely, and we all know that is never going to happen because the government makes a KILLING on taxing tobacco products.
you mean prohibition? Remember how well that worked out? Does Capone sound familiar. The stupid on here is amazing to me. And as always, the question I ask is never answered.

I merely asked if the task was to make Garner move and he wouldn't, Liberals, what was the police going to do different than what they did? I am very interested in hearing what that other step would be. The genius on the left ought to know!!!

Sorry, but I'm not sure I understand your post. Prohibition? No that is not what I was talking about. I was talking about cigarettes and that if they were allowed to sell cigarettes on the street, they could no longer be regulated and taxed. That doesn't have anything to do with prohibition.
yeah, and what other product would take its place? if you're not supposed to do it because it is illegal, it is illegal. Why is that hard to understand? Doing it is just like what was done in the past during prohibition, selling product illegally. Liquor then, cigarettes now. Thugs who think they don't have to comply with the law. What the hell is the difference?

Sorry, but I still don't know what point you are trying to make here. Cigarettes are not illegal. Selling them without being licensed (as with pretty much every product) is illegal. I am not disagreeing with that, nor am I saying that they should be unregulated or anything. Prohibition was a bit different in that the product (alcohol) was actually banned. That is not the case with tobacco products.
Did he have an inhaler? The point is, the grand jury decided not to indict. If they had "killed" this man, like some of you claim, I don't think he would be a free man right now. We don't know the details. We don't have all the officers' testimonies or bystanders.
I don't know if Garner had an inhaler or not. In fact, if we knew the contents of his pockets when he died, it would be easier to understand why the NYPD challenged him in the first place. I don't think New York makes this kind of information available to the general public.
Well, from the cops position, they didn't have oxygen to give him. Next?
The cops knew how to clear his airways, administer CPR, and use Garner's inhaler, didn't they?

Did he have an inhaler? The point is, the grand jury decided not to indict. If they had "killed" this man, like some of you claim, I don't think he would be a free man right now. We don't know the details. We don't have all the officers' testimonies or bystanders.

The wife was there. She was yelling at cops to let him go. Did she say anything about him having bad health or needing his inhaler? Just wondering. If someone I cared about was in that position, I would be screaming that they need medical attention.

The grand jury heard everything and much hasn't been made public yet. Even if the officer did some stupid things, the point is that it didn't rise to the level of intent to injure or kill. Wasn't that the issue on the table that the jury had to decide? Wonder if it would have turned out differently if the issue they had to decide was whether the officer was guilty of a lesser offense.
So again, what would you have done? If you were a cop on the scene, and your job was to move the 350 lb man, what would you have done differently. I'm trying to understand how the cops do their jobs without ending up in these scenarios. Please, I'm all eyes.
Since I don't know why the police engaged Garner in the first place, I can't tell you what I would have done differently to arrest him. The point I was making dealt with police and EMT response to Garner's condition after he was in custody.

I would have made sure his airways were clear, administered oxygen and CPR if needed, and used his inhaler to keep him oxygenated.
first off, get the facts. Second read them. Third understand what CPR is.
Did he have an inhaler? The point is, the grand jury decided not to indict. If they had "killed" this man, like some of you claim, I don't think he would be a free man right now. We don't know the details. We don't have all the officers' testimonies or bystanders.
I don't know if Garner had an inhaler or not. In fact, if we knew the contents of his pockets when he died, it would be easier to understand why the NYPD challenged him in the first place. I don't think New York makes this kind of information available to the general public.
then why did you make the statement to use his inhaler?
well........Do you even know what CPR is and when to use it?

Excellent point!!! You would never do CPR or insert an airway into a conscious patient. All they knew was that Garner said he couldn't breathe, which they probably hear from most when holding them in that position, and that he wasn't calming down so had to be considered combative.

His wife could have been warning of a medical emergency if one was likely.
And, in fifty years, what has the left helped with that has made it better?
"President Lyndon Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law, abolishing racial segregation in the United States."
July 1964 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
So again, for the stupid on here, what has changed since this? Are there not still inner city violence as there has always been. Is crime down? Are there still unnecessary deaths? And yet you all come on here and scream bloody BS about two criminals. doesn't matter their color, two criminals who died because they didn't follow the authority of the cops. I don't know, but to stay alive, I see one direction to take. AGain, the stupid on here is overwhelming.

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