11 Facts About the Eric Garner Case the Media Won't Tell You

Lessons to be learned.

Primarily if you mess with the revenue of the government they are going to come down hard on you. I mean, come on all this mess over some taxes on some cigarettes? Really?

I think with the stuff going on in the world the government could pick something just a tad more important to pick on.

If stopped by police, cooperate. They see thugs and aholes everyday and unfortunately come accustom to dealing with thugs and aholes. YOU, if you act like a thug or an ahole are going to be treated like a thug or ahole. If is what you are then you are getting what you deserve. If you want to play the part of a street punk then guess what, you're going to get you ass kicked.
"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

That's patently ridiculous. Of course the level of force used should be proportional to the "crime" committed. Though in the eyes of government this case it was. They were defending government's ability to turn Gestapo and suspend the Constitution and our Constitutional rights like they are in collecting all other taxes. Due process? Warrants? For tax collection? No, you don't get that.
wake up people


HOROWITZ: The Left’s War Against Justice And Peace: What Conservatives Still Must Understand About Progressives

When rioters and “protesters” defend criminals and attack the police it is not a protest. It is an attack. When radicals and rioters defend the guilty and attempt to prosecute the innocent, it is not a protest. It is an attack. When they make race an issue when it is clearly not an issue, it is an attack. When whites are regarded as guilty before the fact and blacks guiltless even after the facts show they are guilty, it is not a protest; it is an attack. It is a calculated attack and the target is America, is us.

“No Justice, No Peace!” is the cry of modern lynch mobs. It means “Our Justice, Or Else” - or else we will burn your city down. Or else we will burn your system down. This is the agenda of the left in the streets and of their supporters in the White House and the Democratic Party: “We are going to fundamentally transform the United States of America: your system of justice, your system of governance and your system of laws. If we can’t do that, we are going to burn it down.

Conservatives need to stop dropping their jaws when progressives say “My mind is made up don’t confuse me with the facts” – and mean it. Conservatives need to recognize that the only facts that matter to progressives are the ones that justify their attacks. The mobs who have occupied our streets are not protesting injustice. They are a lynch mob demanding their due. They want officers of the law handcuffed and hung, and criminals (aka “political prisoners”) set free. They want honest juries disbanded, and racist judgments the rule.

Understand that our president and his chief civil rights officer, who are encouraging the “protests,” are racists, as is the Democratic Party which exerts monopoly control over every major inner city in America. Why else would Obama and Holder look to Al Sharpton, who is certainly the nation’s most prominent racist, as their chief adviser on race relations?

all of it here:

HOROWITZ The Left s War Against Justice And Peace What Conservatives Still Must Understand About Progressives Truth Revolt
They were defending government's ability to turn Gestapo and suspend the Constitution and our Constitutional rights like they are in collecting all other taxes. Due process?
Do we even know why the NYPD confronted Garner on the day he died? If he was selling untaxed cigarettes he was doing so at a location different from his regular perch at the Staten Island Ferry terminal. Some accounts claim the cops responded to a fight call on Bay Street which Garner was involved in? What was the actual reason the NYPD decided to arrest him?
They were defending government's ability to turn Gestapo and suspend the Constitution and our Constitutional rights like they are in collecting all other taxes. Due process?
Do we even know why the NYPD confronted Garner on the day he died? If he was selling untaxed cigarettes he was doing so at a location different from his regular perch at the Staten Island Ferry terminal. Some accounts claim the cops responded to a fight call on Bay Street which Garner was involved in? What was the actual reason the NYPD decided to arrest him?

what we should know is he wasn't arrested just for being a big black man. There are men that fit that description on every street corner.
Well in that case what are you basing your opinion on?
Since I haven't seen the GJ instructions, my opinion at this time is limited to the criminal neglect shown by the NYPD, four EMTs and paramedics who made no effort to treat Garner after he was in handcuffs.

Yeah I got that much, what I mean is how do you know what you are saying is true? Other then him dying of a heart attack?
They were defending government's ability to turn Gestapo and suspend the Constitution and our Constitutional rights like they are in collecting all other taxes. Due process?
Do we even know why the NYPD confronted Garner on the day he died? If he was selling untaxed cigarettes he was doing so at a location different from his regular perch at the Staten Island Ferry terminal. Some accounts claim the cops responded to a fight call on Bay Street which Garner was involved in? What was the actual reason the NYPD decided to arrest him?

I'm not sure what you're driving at.
I'm not sure what you're driving at.
Because of Garner's history of selling "loosies" most accounts of this incident have jumped to the conclusion that was why the NYPD approached him on the day of his homicide. I would like to know why he was arrested; although, I suppose that wouldn't really change what happened during the arrest or the criminal neglect that occurred afterwards:eek:
Yeah I got that much, what I mean is how do you know what you are saying is true? Other then him dying of a heart attack?
After Garner was in custody, paramedics, EMTs, and police officers made no attempt to administer oxygen, CPR, check Garner's air passages, or even employ an inhaler to assist in oxygenation. If that lack of oxygen over several minutes precipitated Garner's heart attack, future civil proceedings may call that negligent homicide.
"As a result of Garner's death, four EMTs and paramedics who responded to the scene were suspended without pay on July 21, 2014;[21] the two paramedics have since been returned to their regular duties."
Death of Eric Garner - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Anyone care about a these cases anymore?

it's the LEFT/progressives with the help of the left leaning LAMEstream MEDIA that is DRIVING THIS and all these protesting on YOU the innocent American citizen

Anyone care about a these cases anymore?

Do you?
"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

That's patently ridiculous. Of course the level of force used should be proportional to the "crime" committed. Though in the eyes of government this case it was. They were defending government's ability to turn Gestapo and suspend the Constitution and our Constitutional rights like they are in collecting all other taxes. Due process? Warrants? For tax collection? No, you don't get that.
Go fucking whine about the cig. tax to that fucking asshole LIB NYC mayor. HE and HE alone hired someone to enforce the 'Broken Window' law.........which INCLUDES selling illegal smokes.
BTW asshole Garner as long as he was on parole could be detained at any time by any law enforcement officer for any reason........or no apparent reason. Garner knew this of course having been charged and convicted over thirty times, some for violent crimes.
The cops just took the garbage out.

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