11 Facts About the Eric Garner Case the Media Won't Tell You

1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik put it succinctly: "You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different," he told Newsmax. "He wouldn't be dead today.

"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

2. The video of the July 17 incident clearly shows Garner, an African-American, swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

3. Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny.

4. At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation.

5. The chokehold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.

6. Garner did not die at the scene of the confrontation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."

8. The grand jury began hearing the case on Sept. 29 and did not reach a decision until Wednesday, so there is much testimony that was presented that has not been made public.

9. The 23-member grand jury included nine non-white jurors.

10. In order to find Officer Pantaleo criminally negligent, the grand jury would have had to determine that he knew there was a "substantial risk" that Garner would have died due to the takedown.

11. Less than a month after Garner's death, Ramsey Orta, who shot the much-viewed videotape of the encounter, was indicted on weapons charges. Police alleged that Orta had slipped a .25-caliber handgun into a teenage accomplice's waistband outside a New York hotel.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/eric-garner-chokehold-grand-jury-police/2014/12/04/id/611058/#ixzz3KzEJ8JTk
He was

I find it offensive that as a right on USB it is my duty to defend cops who fuck up blacks & defend whites who are also oppressed by the VERY SAME LAW ENFORCEMENT.


The rancher was within his rights despite a court stating otherwise but a black man selling cigarettes doesn't deserve my same sympathies? Is it because he didn't have a militia behind him? Is it because he was poor? Tell me, Wtf is so god damn different. Why was it OK for the rancher to rebel against the man with guns but not this man without a weapon?
Condolences to the Garner family.

I've sold loose cigarettes several times in the past. It is bullshit to suffer like this for such a juvenile act.

I guess you missed V's points post about Garner? And the fact he was resisting arrest.
I've resisted officers before. Guess I am lucky to be alive huh?

yes you are. Why would you resist arrest for?
Because the cops aren't always right. I know it's hard to grasp but that is a fact. They also have the ability to exercise discretion and grasp what is really important.
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik put it succinctly: "You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different," he told Newsmax. "He wouldn't be dead today.

"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

2. The video of the July 17 incident clearly shows Garner, an African-American, swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

3. Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny.

4. At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation.

5. The chokehold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.

6. Garner did not die at the scene of the confrontation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."

8. The grand jury began hearing the case on Sept. 29 and did not reach a decision until Wednesday, so there is much testimony that was presented that has not been made public.

9. The 23-member grand jury included nine non-white jurors.

10. In order to find Officer Pantaleo criminally negligent, the grand jury would have had to determine that he knew there was a "substantial risk" that Garner would have died due to the takedown.

11. Less than a month after Garner's death, Ramsey Orta, who shot the much-viewed videotape of the encounter, was indicted on weapons charges. Police alleged that Orta had slipped a .25-caliber handgun into a teenage accomplice's waistband outside a New York hotel.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/eric-garner-chokehold-grand-jury-police/2014/12/04/id/611058/#ixzz3KzEJ8JTk
He was


SO WHAT!!!! He was arrested 9 times for the same fucking thing, he KNEW it was a night in jail, a fine and out....HE ACTED STUPIDLY AND STUPID KILLED HIM!
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik put it succinctly: "You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different," he told Newsmax. "He wouldn't be dead today.

"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

2. The video of the July 17 incident clearly shows Garner, an African-American, swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

3. Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny.

4. At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation.

5. The chokehold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.

6. Garner did not die at the scene of the confrontation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."

8. The grand jury began hearing the case on Sept. 29 and did not reach a decision until Wednesday, so there is much testimony that was presented that has not been made public.

9. The 23-member grand jury included nine non-white jurors.

10. In order to find Officer Pantaleo criminally negligent, the grand jury would have had to determine that he knew there was a "substantial risk" that Garner would have died due to the takedown.

11. Less than a month after Garner's death, Ramsey Orta, who shot the much-viewed videotape of the encounter, was indicted on weapons charges. Police alleged that Orta had slipped a .25-caliber handgun into a teenage accomplice's waistband outside a New York hotel.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/eric-garner-chokehold-grand-jury-police/2014/12/04/id/611058/#ixzz3KzEJ8JTk
He was


SO WHAT!!!! He was arrested 9 times for the same fucking thing, he KNEW it was a night in jail, a fine and out....HE ACTED STUPIDLY AND STUPID KILLED HIM!


Stupidity put him at risk of MINOR criminal infractions. Cops killed him.
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik put it succinctly: "You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different," he told Newsmax. "He wouldn't be dead today.

"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

2. The video of the July 17 incident clearly shows Garner, an African-American, swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

3. Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny.

4. At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation.

5. The chokehold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.

6. Garner did not die at the scene of the confrontation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."

8. The grand jury began hearing the case on Sept. 29 and did not reach a decision until Wednesday, so there is much testimony that was presented that has not been made public.

9. The 23-member grand jury included nine non-white jurors.

10. In order to find Officer Pantaleo criminally negligent, the grand jury would have had to determine that he knew there was a "substantial risk" that Garner would have died due to the takedown.

11. Less than a month after Garner's death, Ramsey Orta, who shot the much-viewed videotape of the encounter, was indicted on weapons charges. Police alleged that Orta had slipped a .25-caliber handgun into a teenage accomplice's waistband outside a New York hotel.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/eric-garner-chokehold-grand-jury-police/2014/12/04/id/611058/#ixzz3KzEJ8JTk
He was


SO WHAT!!!! He was arrested 9 times for the same fucking thing, he KNEW it was a night in jail, a fine and out....HE ACTED STUPIDLY AND STUPID KILLED HIM!
I have been cited a half dozen times for a noise ordinance violation. On one occasion I was actually arrested. Had I resisted would I have deserved his outcome?

You guys have no god damn perspective. None...
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik put it succinctly: "You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different," he told Newsmax. "He wouldn't be dead today.

"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

2. The video of the July 17 incident clearly shows Garner, an African-American, swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

3. Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny.

4. At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation.

5. The chokehold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.

6. Garner did not die at the scene of the confrontation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."

8. The grand jury began hearing the case on Sept. 29 and did not reach a decision until Wednesday, so there is much testimony that was presented that has not been made public.

9. The 23-member grand jury included nine non-white jurors.

10. In order to find Officer Pantaleo criminally negligent, the grand jury would have had to determine that he knew there was a "substantial risk" that Garner would have died due to the takedown.

11. Less than a month after Garner's death, Ramsey Orta, who shot the much-viewed videotape of the encounter, was indicted on weapons charges. Police alleged that Orta had slipped a .25-caliber handgun into a teenage accomplice's waistband outside a New York hotel.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/eric-garner-chokehold-grand-jury-police/2014/12/04/id/611058/#ixzz3KzEJ8JTk
He was


SO WHAT!!!! He was arrested 9 times for the same fucking thing, he KNEW it was a night in jail, a fine and out....HE ACTED STUPIDLY AND STUPID KILLED HIM!


Stupidity put him at risk of MINOR criminal infractions. Cops killed him.

The GRAND JURY said the cop didn't kill him, now you want to dispute those that had access to all info that YOU didn't have!.. 1/3 of the Grand Jury were BLACK, all they needed was 4 LIBERAL WHITES to agree that the cop was wrong, do you think in LIBERAL NYC that there wasn't 4 wacko liberals in that group of 15 whites? Those people took their job seriously, 4 months of testimony and then made the judgment. HIS FUCKING STUPIDITY< his HEART condition, his Asthma, and a host of other illness, plus him having been locked up 9 times before for the same thing,,,and he was released the next day 9 times for those infractions, made it HIS FUCKING FAULT. If he would have pulled his dick out on the street, harming NO ONE but got his ass locked up for it, would THAT have made you feel better?
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik put it succinctly: "You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different," he told Newsmax. "He wouldn't be dead today.

"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

2. The video of the July 17 incident clearly shows Garner, an African-American, swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

3. Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny.

4. At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation.

5. The chokehold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.

6. Garner did not die at the scene of the confrontation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."

8. The grand jury began hearing the case on Sept. 29 and did not reach a decision until Wednesday, so there is much testimony that was presented that has not been made public.

9. The 23-member grand jury included nine non-white jurors.

10. In order to find Officer Pantaleo criminally negligent, the grand jury would have had to determine that he knew there was a "substantial risk" that Garner would have died due to the takedown.

11. Less than a month after Garner's death, Ramsey Orta, who shot the much-viewed videotape of the encounter, was indicted on weapons charges. Police alleged that Orta had slipped a .25-caliber handgun into a teenage accomplice's waistband outside a New York hotel.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/eric-garner-chokehold-grand-jury-police/2014/12/04/id/611058/#ixzz3KzEJ8JTk
He was


SO WHAT!!!! He was arrested 9 times for the same fucking thing, he KNEW it was a night in jail, a fine and out....HE ACTED STUPIDLY AND STUPID KILLED HIM!
I have been cited a half dozen times for a noise ordinance violation. On one occasion I was actually arrested. Had I resisted would I have deserved his outcome?

You guys have no god damn perspective. None...

You have heart disease, asthma, and other physical conditions that would put you in jeopardy. and YOU KNEW, as he did that it was possible, then YOU deserve whatever happens to you from YOUR STUPIDITY! You been drinking again? Cited half a dozen times?...You are lucky you only got locked up once! A clear indication of your stupidity.
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik put it succinctly: "You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different," he told Newsmax. "He wouldn't be dead today.

"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

2. The video of the July 17 incident clearly shows Garner, an African-American, swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

3. Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny.

4. At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation.

5. The chokehold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.

6. Garner did not die at the scene of the confrontation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."

8. The grand jury began hearing the case on Sept. 29 and did not reach a decision until Wednesday, so there is much testimony that was presented that has not been made public.

9. The 23-member grand jury included nine non-white jurors.

10. In order to find Officer Pantaleo criminally negligent, the grand jury would have had to determine that he knew there was a "substantial risk" that Garner would have died due to the takedown.

11. Less than a month after Garner's death, Ramsey Orta, who shot the much-viewed videotape of the encounter, was indicted on weapons charges. Police alleged that Orta had slipped a .25-caliber handgun into a teenage accomplice's waistband outside a New York hotel.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/eric-garner-chokehold-grand-jury-police/2014/12/04/id/611058/#ixzz3KzEJ8JTk
He was


SO WHAT!!!! He was arrested 9 times for the same fucking thing, he KNEW it was a night in jail, a fine and out....HE ACTED STUPIDLY AND STUPID KILLED HIM!


Stupidity put him at risk of MINOR criminal infractions. Cops killed him.

The GRAND JURY said the cop didn't kill him, now you want to dispute those that had access to all info that YOU didn't have!.. 1/3 of the Grand Jury were BLACK, all they needed was 4 LIBERAL WHITES to agree that the cop was wrong, do you think in LIBERAL NYC that there wasn't 4 wacko liberals in that group of 15 whites? Those people took their job seriously, 4 months of testimony and then made the judgment. HIS FUCKING STUPIDITY< his HEART condition, his Asthma, and a host of other illness, plus him having been locked up 9 times before for the same thing,,,and he was released the next day 9 times for those infractions, made it HIS FUCKING FAULT. If he would have pulled his dick out on the street, harming NO ONE but got his ass locked up for it, would THAT have made you feel better?
Change your panties before you soil them anymore ya fool. The supreme court also said Obama care was constitutional so I guess you are fine with that right? No one ever gets it wrong right?
Thread is fucking stupid. The man was killed over .75 cents and you ass holes are fine with it because he didn't bend over & take it up the ass from the man. Yet more than half of you BRAG about being ready to take on the man when they cross you.....

Fucking wannabees. This man did what you jackasses have wet dreams about doing and you can't wait to condemn him.

To me that boils down to two things...
Political hypocrisy or racism
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik put it succinctly: "You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different," he told Newsmax. "He wouldn't be dead today.

"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

2. The video of the July 17 incident clearly shows Garner, an African-American, swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

3. Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny.

4. At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation.

5. The chokehold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.

6. Garner did not die at the scene of the confrontation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."

8. The grand jury began hearing the case on Sept. 29 and did not reach a decision until Wednesday, so there is much testimony that was presented that has not been made public.

9. The 23-member grand jury included nine non-white jurors.

10. In order to find Officer Pantaleo criminally negligent, the grand jury would have had to determine that he knew there was a "substantial risk" that Garner would have died due to the takedown.

11. Less than a month after Garner's death, Ramsey Orta, who shot the much-viewed videotape of the encounter, was indicted on weapons charges. Police alleged that Orta had slipped a .25-caliber handgun into a teenage accomplice's waistband outside a New York hotel.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/eric-garner-chokehold-grand-jury-police/2014/12/04/id/611058/#ixzz3KzEJ8JTk
He was


SO WHAT!!!! He was arrested 9 times for the same fucking thing, he KNEW it was a night in jail, a fine and out....HE ACTED STUPIDLY AND STUPID KILLED HIM!


Stupidity put him at risk of MINOR criminal infractions. Cops killed him.

The GRAND JURY said the cop didn't kill him, now you want to dispute those that had access to all info that YOU didn't have!.. 1/3 of the Grand Jury were BLACK, all they needed was 4 LIBERAL WHITES to agree that the cop was wrong, do you think in LIBERAL NYC that there wasn't 4 wacko liberals in that group of 15 whites? Those people took their job seriously, 4 months of testimony and then made the judgment. HIS FUCKING STUPIDITY< his HEART condition, his Asthma, and a host of other illness, plus him having been locked up 9 times before for the same thing,,,and he was released the next day 9 times for those infractions, made it HIS FUCKING FAULT. If he would have pulled his dick out on the street, harming NO ONE but got his ass locked up for it, would THAT have made you feel better?
Change your panties before you soil them anymore ya fool. The supreme court also said Obama care was constitutional so I guess you are fine with that right? No one ever gets it wrong right?

Because we have feckless Congressmen that don't challenge any of the 30+ changes he made in the law unconstitutionally, doesn't make it Constitutional, you have to work within the system.... They should have challenged it when Roberts declared it UNCONSTITUTIONALLY a TAX, which the regime stated it wasn't! NO ONE DID!
Thread is fucking stupid. The man was killed over .75 cents and you ass holes are fine with it because he didn't bend over & take it up the ass from the man. Yet more than half of you BRAG about being ready to take on the man when they cross you.....

Fucking wannabees. This man did what you jackasses have wet dreams about doing and you can't wait to condemn him.

To me that boils down to two things...
Political hypocrisy or racism
So he was selling ONE cigarette? or was he selling cartons full at those single prices? Do you have that info? You have NO FUCKING IDEA what the circumstance were, just speculation on your part, and because you have a HARD ON for cops because of your 6 NOISE VIOLATIONS and an arrest, undoubtedly for being a BAD ASS to the cops, you STILL have a hard on for them and this is a convenient way of getting it off your chest!...lie to me and tell me that's not true!
Thread is fucking stupid. The man was killed over .75 cents and you ass holes are fine with it because he didn't bend over & take it up the ass from the man. Yet more than half of you BRAG about being ready to take on the man when they cross you.....

Fucking wannabees. This man did what you jackasses have wet dreams about doing and you can't wait to condemn him.

To me that boils down to two things...
Political hypocrisy or racism
So he was selling ONE cigarette? or was he selling cartons full at those single prices? Do you have that info? You have NO FUCKING IDEA what the circumstance were, just speculation on your part, and because you have a HARD ON for cops because of your 6 NOISE VIOLATIONS and an arrest, undoubtedly for being a BAD ASS to the cops, you STILL have a hard on for them and this is a convenient way of getting it off your chest!...lie to me and tell me that's not true!
You really are clueless. I have so much of a hard on for cops that I defended the one who shot Michael Brown.

You can't defend your position without attacking me can you?
I hit the nail on the head didn't I? You're one of those wannabees huh? This man did what you've only dreamed of and it Pisces you off huh?

Cigarettes man. A god damn LEGAL product cost this man his life.

How many speeding tickets have you gotten? Perhaps next time they should just shoot you & save the courts the hassle?
Thread is fucking stupid. The man was killed over .75 cents and you ass holes are fine with it because he didn't bend over & take it up the ass from the man. Yet more than half of you BRAG about being ready to take on the man when they cross you.....

Fucking wannabees. This man did what you jackasses have wet dreams about doing and you can't wait to condemn him.

To me that boils down to two things...
Political hypocrisy or racism
So he was selling ONE cigarette? or was he selling cartons full at those single prices? Do you have that info? You have NO FUCKING IDEA what the circumstance were, just speculation on your part, and because you have a HARD ON for cops because of your 6 NOISE VIOLATIONS and an arrest, undoubtedly for being a BAD ASS to the cops, you STILL have a hard on for them and this is a convenient way of getting it off your chest!...lie to me and tell me that's not true!
You really are clueless. I have so much of a hard on for cops that I defended the one who shot Michael Brown.

You can't defend your position without attacking me can you?

Congrats, apparently you lost your mind after Brown! Or was it the fact the Brown ACTUALLY attacked the cop? So Garner didn't attack the cop, he just refused to let them cuff him.... a person has NO RECOURSE when placed under arrest than to submit to the officer or get charged with additional charges! You get cleared of charges, get a good shyster and sue the shit out of the cop, and the municipality. NYC has this thing about what they call QUALITY OF LIFE crimes.
I hit the nail on the head didn't I? You're one of those wannabees huh? This man did what you've only dreamed of and it Pisces you off huh?

Cigarettes man. A god damn LEGAL product cost this man his life.

How many speeding tickets have you gotten? Perhaps next time they should just shoot you & save the courts the hassle?

What sell 75 cents cigarettes? And those cigarettes weren't legal, as they did not have the NYS tax stamp on them when he was selling them. Kind of like a NOISE COMPLAINT, where the old man made a big stink about his making noise and the cop simply locked him up for being stupid! Perhaps next time you mouth off, the cop won't be so nice, and will knock you foul mouth onto the other side of your head!

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