11 Facts About the Eric Garner Case the Media Won't Tell You

I hit the nail on the head didn't I? You're one of those wannabees huh? This man did what you've only dreamed of and it Pisces you off huh?

Cigarettes man. A god damn LEGAL product cost this man his life.

How many speeding tickets have you gotten? Perhaps next time they should just shoot you & save the courts the hassle?

What sell 75 cents cigarettes? And those cigarettes weren't legal, as they did not have the NYS tax stamp on them when he was selling them. Kind of like a NOISE COMPLAINT, where the old man made a big stink about his making noise and the cop simply locked him up for being stupid! Perhaps next time you mouth off, the cop won't be so nice, and will knock you foul mouth onto the other side of your head!
Hey numbnuts. Years ago in KS I bought smokes on Indian reservations to avoid the sales tax.

Guess you a big tax man now eh? Long as the black man dies any liberal scam is okay huh?

Fuckin scrub
I hit the nail on the head didn't I? You're one of those wannabees huh? This man did what you've only dreamed of and it Pisces you off huh?

Cigarettes man. A god damn LEGAL product cost this man his life.

How many speeding tickets have you gotten? Perhaps next time they should just shoot you & save the courts the hassle?

What sell 75 cents cigarettes? And those cigarettes weren't legal, as they did not have the NYS tax stamp on them when he was selling them. Kind of like a NOISE COMPLAINT, where the old man made a big stink about his making noise and the cop simply locked him up for being stupid! Perhaps next time you mouth off, the cop won't be so nice, and will knock you foul mouth onto the other side of your head!
Hey numbnuts. Years ago in KS I bought smokes on Indian reservations to avoid the sales tax.

Guess you a big tax man now eh? Long as the black man dies any liberal scam is okay huh?

Fuckin scrub
Indian cigarettes are LEGAL, apparently you're so old and senile, you forget that small fact!

I don't like tax any better than you do, but since you diverted the discussion of this guy that through his stupidity was killed, I figured I'd go with it!
I hit the nail on the head didn't I? You're one of those wannabees huh? This man did what you've only dreamed of and it Pisces you off huh?

Cigarettes man. A god damn LEGAL product cost this man his life.

How many speeding tickets have you gotten? Perhaps next time they should just shoot you & save the courts the hassle?

What sell 75 cents cigarettes? And those cigarettes weren't legal, as they did not have the NYS tax stamp on them when he was selling them. Kind of like a NOISE COMPLAINT, where the old man made a big stink about his making noise and the cop simply locked him up for being stupid! Perhaps next time you mouth off, the cop won't be so nice, and will knock you foul mouth onto the other side of your head!
Hey numbnuts. Years ago in KS I bought smokes on Indian reservations to avoid the sales tax.

Guess you a big tax man now eh? Long as the black man dies any liberal scam is okay huh?

Fuckin scrub
Indian cigarettes are LEGAL, apparently you're so old and senile, you forget that small fact!

I don't like tax any better than you do, but since you diverted the discussion of this guy that through his stupidity was killed, I figured I'd go with it!
Fair enough. You think Indians avoiding taxes are OK but blacks not so much.
I hit the nail on the head didn't I? You're one of those wannabees huh? This man did what you've only dreamed of and it Pisces you off huh?

Cigarettes man. A god damn LEGAL product cost this man his life.

How many speeding tickets have you gotten? Perhaps next time they should just shoot you & save the courts the hassle?

What sell 75 cents cigarettes? And those cigarettes weren't legal, as they did not have the NYS tax stamp on them when he was selling them. Kind of like a NOISE COMPLAINT, where the old man made a big stink about his making noise and the cop simply locked him up for being stupid! Perhaps next time you mouth off, the cop won't be so nice, and will knock you foul mouth onto the other side of your head!
Hey numbnuts. Years ago in KS I bought smokes on Indian reservations to avoid the sales tax.

Guess you a big tax man now eh? Long as the black man dies any liberal scam is okay huh?

Fuckin scrub
Indian cigarettes are LEGAL, apparently you're so old and senile, you forget that small fact!

I don't like tax any better than you do, but since you diverted the discussion of this guy that through his stupidity was killed, I figured I'd go with it!
Fair enough. You think Indians avoiding taxes are OK but blacks not so much.

Do you understand that one is legal, and the other isn't?... Hard concept for you to grasp?
I hit the nail on the head didn't I? You're one of those wannabees huh? This man did what you've only dreamed of and it Pisces you off huh?

Cigarettes man. A god damn LEGAL product cost this man his life.

How many speeding tickets have you gotten? Perhaps next time they should just shoot you & save the courts the hassle?

What sell 75 cents cigarettes? And those cigarettes weren't legal, as they did not have the NYS tax stamp on them when he was selling them. Kind of like a NOISE COMPLAINT, where the old man made a big stink about his making noise and the cop simply locked him up for being stupid! Perhaps next time you mouth off, the cop won't be so nice, and will knock you foul mouth onto the other side of your head!
Hey numbnuts. Years ago in KS I bought smokes on Indian reservations to avoid the sales tax.

Guess you a big tax man now eh? Long as the black man dies any liberal scam is okay huh?

Fuckin scrub
Indian cigarettes are LEGAL, apparently you're so old and senile, you forget that small fact!

I don't like tax any better than you do, but since you diverted the discussion of this guy that through his stupidity was killed, I figured I'd go with it!
Fair enough. You think Indians avoiding taxes are OK but blacks not so much.

Do you understand that one is legal, and the other isn't?... Hard concept for you to grasp?
Do you undestand that the end result is THE SAME? Well, except for the death of course
What sell 75 cents cigarettes? And those cigarettes weren't legal, as they did not have the NYS tax stamp on them when he was selling them. Kind of like a NOISE COMPLAINT, where the old man made a big stink about his making noise and the cop simply locked him up for being stupid! Perhaps next time you mouth off, the cop won't be so nice, and will knock you foul mouth onto the other side of your head!
Hey numbnuts. Years ago in KS I bought smokes on Indian reservations to avoid the sales tax.

Guess you a big tax man now eh? Long as the black man dies any liberal scam is okay huh?

Fuckin scrub
Indian cigarettes are LEGAL, apparently you're so old and senile, you forget that small fact!

I don't like tax any better than you do, but since you diverted the discussion of this guy that through his stupidity was killed, I figured I'd go with it!
Fair enough. You think Indians avoiding taxes are OK but blacks not so much.

Do you understand that one is legal, and the other isn't?... Hard concept for you to grasp?
Do you undestand that the end result is THE SAME? Well, except for the death of course

And all 3 of the black men could still be alive today except for THEIR STUPIDITY! I'd wager that STUPID kills more people than guns!
Hey numbnuts. Years ago in KS I bought smokes on Indian reservations to avoid the sales tax.

Guess you a big tax man now eh? Long as the black man dies any liberal scam is okay huh?

Fuckin scrub
Indian cigarettes are LEGAL, apparently you're so old and senile, you forget that small fact!

I don't like tax any better than you do, but since you diverted the discussion of this guy that through his stupidity was killed, I figured I'd go with it!
Fair enough. You think Indians avoiding taxes are OK but blacks not so much.

Do you understand that one is legal, and the other isn't?... Hard concept for you to grasp?
Do you undestand that the end result is THE SAME? Well, except for the death of course

And all 3 of the black men could still be alive today except for THEIR STUPIDITY! I'd wager that STUPID kills more people than guns!
You are correct in that fact but I have to remind you that stupidity is not a death sentence. If it were we'd all have been executed years ago.
Indian cigarettes are LEGAL, apparently you're so old and senile, you forget that small fact!

I don't like tax any better than you do, but since you diverted the discussion of this guy that through his stupidity was killed, I figured I'd go with it!
Fair enough. You think Indians avoiding taxes are OK but blacks not so much.

Do you understand that one is legal, and the other isn't?... Hard concept for you to grasp?
Do you undestand that the end result is THE SAME? Well, except for the death of course

And all 3 of the black men could still be alive today except for THEIR STUPIDITY! I'd wager that STUPID kills more people than guns!
You are correct in that fact but I have to remind you that stupidity is not a death sentence. If it were we'd all have been executed years ago.

I didn't want to post the bloody ones...


From the video none of them were aces. They went to force escalation pretty quickly rather than being more sensitive. Maybe they would have ended up doing it anyway. I dont know.

When has it been the police's job to be sensitive? They're authoritarians, they have the badge and gun!
Always. You always try to use the least amount of force to deal with the situation you can. That's just a basic police principle.

You have a 6'4 350 pound man, refusing to be arrested...just how much force do you use?... Unfortunately NYPD does not use Tasers!
They shouldnt have arrested him. Initially all they wanted for him to move on from where he was. It escalated all too quickly into fisticuffs. That's a failure on their part.

No, it was a failure on HIS part! He had the option, he chose POORLY!

Choosing poorly is not a capital crime punishable by summary execution.
When has it been the police's job to be sensitive? They're authoritarians, they have the badge and gun!
Always. You always try to use the least amount of force to deal with the situation you can. That's just a basic police principle.

You have a 6'4 350 pound man, refusing to be arrested...just how much force do you use?... Unfortunately NYPD does not use Tasers!
They shouldnt have arrested him. Initially all they wanted for him to move on from where he was. It escalated all too quickly into fisticuffs. That's a failure on their part.

No, it was a failure on HIS part! He had the option, he chose POORLY!

Choosing poorly is not a capital crime punishable by summary execution.

their intent wasn't to indirectly kill him. He later died due to various complications. Again- if he would have just obeyed the police it would not have happened. When will blacks learn to obey the police? He had been arrested over 30 times before this.
You have a 6'4 350 pound man, refusing to be arrested...just how much force do you use?... Unfortunately NYPD does not use Tasers!
They shouldnt have arrested him. Initially all they wanted for him to move on from where he was. It escalated all too quickly into fisticuffs. That's a failure on their part.

No, it was a failure on HIS part! He had the option, he chose POORLY!
There was lots of blame to go around. I've said that already.
What were they arresting him for?

Honestly, it was TAX MONEY!
They were arresting him for tax money? Tax money isnt a crime.
Then Why do they arrest moonshiners? It is all about tax money.
When has it been the police's job to be sensitive? They're authoritarians, they have the badge and gun!
Always. You always try to use the least amount of force to deal with the situation you can. That's just a basic police principle.

You have a 6'4 350 pound man, refusing to be arrested...just how much force do you use?... Unfortunately NYPD does not use Tasers!
They shouldnt have arrested him. Initially all they wanted for him to move on from where he was. It escalated all too quickly into fisticuffs. That's a failure on their part.

No, it was a failure on HIS part! He had the option, he chose POORLY!

Choosing poorly is not a capital crime punishable by summary execution.
A summary execution is a variety of execution in which a person is
accused of a crime and then immediately killed without benefit of a full and fair trial.

He wasn't "summarily executed"...he died because he was unhealthy.
Again, this was a bad decision. Garner suffered from a range of medical ailments —
advanced diabetes, plus heart disease and asthma so severe that either malady might have killed him, it was said at the time.

There were 228,000 misdemeanor arrests in New York City in 2013, the last year for which there are audited figures, and every one of them had at least the potential to turn into an Eric Garner-like case.
None did.
ONE out of 228,000! "summarily executed"??
Always. You always try to use the least amount of force to deal with the situation you can. That's just a basic police principle.

You have a 6'4 350 pound man, refusing to be arrested...just how much force do you use?... Unfortunately NYPD does not use Tasers!
They shouldnt have arrested him. Initially all they wanted for him to move on from where he was. It escalated all too quickly into fisticuffs. That's a failure on their part.

No, it was a failure on HIS part! He had the option, he chose POORLY!

Choosing poorly is not a capital crime punishable by summary execution.
A summary execution is a variety of execution in which a person is
accused of a crime and then immediately killed without benefit of a full and fair trial.

He wasn't "summarily executed"...he died because he was unhealthy.
Again, this was a bad decision. Garner suffered from a range of medical ailments —
advanced diabetes, plus heart disease and asthma so severe that either malady might have killed him, it was said at the time.

There were 228,000 misdemeanor arrests in New York City in 2013, the last year for which there are audited figures, and every one of them had at least the potential to turn into an Eric Garner-like case.
None did.
ONE out of 228,000! "summarily executed"??

It is likely that just 25 years ago the cops would have either ignored the selling of loose cigs or given him a warning to stop. Today you get arrested and just maybe, end up dead.

Americans break the law on average three times a day...mostly unknowingly. Thanks to a government that is out of control and instituting an ever increasing police state.

One is best to avoid police at all costs but when confronted, do not resist in any way, because they might kill you.

You May Think You Have Nothing to Hide ... But You Are Still Breaking Laws Which Government Spying Could Discover and Use Against You Washington s Blog

As Stalin’s notorious chief of secret police famously said: Show me the man and I will find the crime.
There's plenty of blame to go around here. Officers handled it badly. Garner handled it badly. The officers are supposed to be trained professionals.
So would you suggest they throw a net over him?
I am like most Americans, when a law officer tells me something I will do what he asks.
Garner had experienced 30 arrests he should have had experience enough NOT to resist.
Stupidity not racist as the Sharptons of the world are making it out to be.
Will there be two different kinds of treatment for whites and for blacks now? Whites obey but blacks don't need to?
I have not seen any reliable report as to why they were confronting him to begin with. That's really the question. Were they there to arrest him for selling cigarettes illegally? That's one scenario. Were they there to tell him to stop loitering? That's another scenario. Again, it escalated very quickly and I don't find the justification for that anywhere.
You have a 6'4 350 pound man, refusing to be arrested...just how much force do you use?... Unfortunately NYPD does not use Tasers!
They shouldnt have arrested him. Initially all they wanted for him to move on from where he was. It escalated all too quickly into fisticuffs. That's a failure on their part.

What? Only for black people resisting arrest? That's the fault of the police department? Bullshit.[/QUOTE]
What were they arresting him for?

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