11 Facts About the Eric Garner Case the Media Won't Tell You

The business owners kept calling into the police complaining about Garners illegal activity, and his behavior towards them and their customers. How would you like it if you owned a store and we're trying to earn an honest living, and a guy like Garner was hanging around your store all day messing with you and your customers, and damaging your livelihood? What about the rights of the business owners and those who patronize the stores?

The cops were simply doing their job, serving the community. this was an ongoing problem with Garner victimizng the store owners and the community.
Any other lies you want to make up?

Which part is a lie? It wasn't a choke hold, it was a take down (hence talk of "retraining" the police) and the police were doing what they were trained to do when someone resists arrest. The police appeared in the scone because the local business owners kept calling in and complaining about Garner. After they arrived they verified the validity of the complaints and proceeded to follow orders to arrest Garner. Garner resisted and as a result his asthma and other health breathing conditions during the arrest, which brought about a cardiac arrest.

This is an arrest gone bad, not because of the cops, but because of Garner. Anytime you resist arrest, you are taking your life, health, and well being into your hands, and adding to your jail time. Garner, with his health conditions shouldn't have taken the chance.
No they came because there was a fight. A fight that Garner broke up. It had nothing to do with loosies.
Police have guns. So the last thing they want happening is a guy who's resisting arrest gain control of their gun and end up shooting them. This has happened many times in the past. So when someone resists arrest, things are going to get rough and very physical. He will be thrown to the down, and they will pile on him until he's totally subdued and handcuffed.

The cops were following police procedure. It's heartbreaking to see what happened to Garner, but it is Garner that instigated the whole situation.
The business owners kept calling into the police complaining about Garners illegal activity, and his behavior towards them and their customers. How would you like it if you owned a store and we're trying to earn an honest living, and a guy like Garner was hanging around your store all day messing with you and your customers, and damaging your livelihood? What about the rights of the business owners and those who patronize the stores?

The cops were simply doing their job, serving the community. this was an ongoing problem with Garner victimizng the store owners and the community.
Any other lies you want to make up?

Which part is a lie? It wasn't a choke hold, it was a take down (hence talk of "retraining" the police) and the police were doing what they were trained to do when someone resists arrest. The police appeared in the scone because the local business owners kept calling in and complaining about Garner. After they arrived they verified the validity of the complaints and proceeded to follow orders to arrest Garner. Garner resisted and as a result his asthma and other health breathing conditions during the arrest, which brought about a cardiac arrest.

This is an arrest gone bad, not because of the cops, but because of Garner. Anytime you resist arrest, you are taking your life, health, and well being into your hands, and adding to your jail time. Garner, with his health conditions shouldn't have taken the chance.
No they came because there was a fight. A fight that Garner broke up. It had nothing to do with loosies.

They came because the store owners called. Garner may or may not have have "broken up" a fight, but his career was hanging around stores and selling illegal cigarettes by propositioning and harassing people who enter stores to buy his cheaper cigarettes. Would you as a store owner paying rent and taxes, like a guy like Garner hanging out in front of your store doing what he was doing, harming your business and discouraging people from patronizing your store?
The business owners kept calling into the police complaining about Garners illegal activity, and his behavior towards them and their customers. How would you like it if you owned a store and we're trying to earn an honest living, and a guy like Garner was hanging around your store all day messing with you and your customers, and damaging your livelihood? What about the rights of the business owners and those who patronize the stores?

The cops were simply doing their job, serving the community. this was an ongoing problem with Garner victimizng the store owners and the community.
Any other lies you want to make up?

Which part is a lie? It wasn't a choke hold, it was a take down (hence talk of "retraining" the police) and the police were doing what they were trained to do when someone resists arrest. The police appeared in the scone because the local business owners kept calling in and complaining about Garner. After they arrived they verified the validity of the complaints and proceeded to follow orders to arrest Garner. Garner resisted and as a result his asthma and other health breathing conditions during the arrest, which brought about a cardiac arrest.

This is an arrest gone bad, not because of the cops, but because of Garner. Anytime you resist arrest, you are taking your life, health, and well being into your hands, and adding to your jail time. Garner, with his health conditions shouldn't have taken the chance.
No they came because there was a fight. A fight that Garner broke up. It had nothing to do with loosies.

They came because the store owners called. Garner may or may not have have "broken up" a fight, but his career was hanging around stores and selling illegal cigarettes by propositioning and harassing people who enter stores to buy his cheaper cigarettes. Would you as a store owner paying rent and taxes, like a guy like Garner hanging out in front of your store doing what he was doing, harming your business and discouraging people from patronizing your store?
They called because of the fight. Garner's career selling loosies is irrelevant and immaterial.
The business owners kept calling into the police complaining about Garners illegal activity, and his behavior towards them and their customers. How would you like it if you owned a store and we're trying to earn an honest living, and a guy like Garner was hanging around your store all day messing with you and your customers, and damaging your livelihood? What about the rights of the business owners and those who patronize the stores?

The cops were simply doing their job, serving the community. this was an ongoing problem with Garner victimizng the store owners and the community.

"New York Congressman Peter King was on Megyn Kelly last night defending the actions of the police in the Eric Garner case arguing that police didn’t go too far, rather it was Garner himself refusing arrest and continuing to fight with officers that led to his death. He is clear though that he doesn’t believe Garner deserved to die, but he doesn’t believe you can blame it on the officers who took him down.

He also adds that the police were out there in the first place because the minority business owners had complained to police that Garner was disrupting the area and thus preventing people from coming in the stores."
Do you have any evidence that's what happened? BEcause if so then we have a guy getting arrested essentially for standing still and dying as a result. No one can tolerate that.
Then Why do they arrest moonshiners? It is all about tax money.
Moonshiners are arrested for producing whiskey without the necessary tax stamps etc.
What was Garner being arrested for? I just can't get a straight answer on this one.
Garner was arrested for selling cigarettes without the necessary tax stamps and thinking he was above the law, what is so hard to understand?
The man was selling illegal cigarettes in front of a store selling legal ones, cheap. He was taking away business from a legal tax paying store and the store was continuously calling the police to stop him, he would go to jail, get out and do it again to the same store owner. Many times this happened and finally, when the police tried to arrest him the last time, he said he was tired of being arrested and was going to stand his ground and sell illegal cigarettes so he dared the police to stop arresting him and let him break the law.
.Cigarette And Liquor Stamp Taxes Why Garner Had To Be Arrested And Why Cops Couldn 8217 t Back Down Culture of Life News
I havent seen anything in the official record that corroborates that. If true it would change how I feel about the incident.
Even so, how did an arrest for a small time crime like selling loose cigarettes end up in homicide?
Rabbi, the guy was obese, and had a heart condition...that he knew of! What is so difficult about this? Because you don't like the fact he was hassled for a small time crime? How about if he waved his dick at school girls, would THAT be reason enough?

the guy was fat, and you're a POS.

He had asthma, diabetes, and a heart condition. It was foolish of him to resist arrest when he saw he was surrounded by cops. What the fuck Did he think was about to happen? The cops changing their minds and walk away? They had orders to arrest. :cuckoo:
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik put it succinctly: "You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different," he told Newsmax. "He wouldn't be dead today.

"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

2. The video of the July 17 incident clearly shows Garner, an African-American, swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

3. Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny.

4. At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation.

5. The chokehold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.

6. Garner did not die at the scene of the confrontation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."

8. The grand jury began hearing the case on Sept. 29 and did not reach a decision until Wednesday, so there is much testimony that was presented that has not been made public.

9. The 23-member grand jury included nine non-white jurors.

10. In order to find Officer Pantaleo criminally negligent, the grand jury would have had to determine that he knew there was a "substantial risk" that Garner would have died due to the takedown.

11. Less than a month after Garner's death, Ramsey Orta, who shot the much-viewed videotape of the encounter, was indicted on weapons charges. Police alleged that Orta had slipped a .25-caliber handgun into a teenage accomplice's waistband outside a New York hotel.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/eric-garner-chokehold-grand-jury-police/2014/12/04/id/611058/#ixzz3KzEJ8JTk
Rush says there was no chokehold. Rush is correct 99% of the time.
The business owners kept calling into the police complaining about Garners illegal activity, and his behavior towards them and their customers. How would you like it if you owned a store and we're trying to earn an honest living, and a guy like Garner was hanging around your store all day messing with you and your customers, and damaging your livelihood? What about the rights of the business owners and those who patronize the stores?

The cops were simply doing their job, serving the community. this was an ongoing problem with Garner victimizng the store owners and the community.
Any other lies you want to make up?

Which part is a lie? It wasn't a choke hold, it was a take down (hence talk of "retraining" the police) and the police were doing what they were trained to do when someone resists arrest. The police appeared in the scone because the local business owners kept calling in and complaining about Garner. After they arrived they verified the validity of the complaints and proceeded to follow orders to arrest Garner. Garner resisted and as a result his asthma and other health breathing conditions during the arrest, which brought about a cardiac arrest.

This is an arrest gone bad, not because of the cops, but because of Garner. Anytime you resist arrest, you are taking your life, health, and well being into your hands, and adding to your jail time. Garner, with his health conditions shouldn't have taken the chance.
No they came because there was a fight. A fight that Garner broke up. It had nothing to do with loosies.

They came because the store owners called. Garner may or may not have have "broken up" a fight, but his career was hanging around stores and selling illegal cigarettes by propositioning and harassing people who enter stores to buy his cheaper cigarettes. Would you as a store owner paying rent and taxes, like a guy like Garner hanging out in front of your store doing what he was doing, harming your business and discouraging people from patronizing your store?
His career is irrelevant. What was he doing that warranted that kind of police response?
Moonshiners are arrested for producing whiskey without the necessary tax stamps etc.
What was Garner being arrested for? I just can't get a straight answer on this one.
Garner was arrested for selling cigarettes without the necessary tax stamps and thinking he was above the law, what is so hard to understand?
The man was selling illegal cigarettes in front of a store selling legal ones, cheap. He was taking away business from a legal tax paying store and the store was continuously calling the police to stop him, he would go to jail, get out and do it again to the same store owner. Many times this happened and finally, when the police tried to arrest him the last time, he said he was tired of being arrested and was going to stand his ground and sell illegal cigarettes so he dared the police to stop arresting him and let him break the law.
.Cigarette And Liquor Stamp Taxes Why Garner Had To Be Arrested And Why Cops Couldn 8217 t Back Down Culture of Life News
I havent seen anything in the official record that corroborates that. If true it would change how I feel about the incident.
Even so, how did an arrest for a small time crime like selling loose cigarettes end up in homicide?
Rabbi, the guy was obese, and had a heart condition...that he knew of! What is so difficult about this? Because you don't like the fact he was hassled for a small time crime? How about if he waved his dick at school girls, would THAT be reason enough?

the guy was fat, and you're a POS.

He had asthma, diabetes, and a heart condition. It was foolish of him to resist arrest when he saw he was surrounded by cops. What the fuck Did he think was about to happen? The cops changing their minds and walk away? They had orders to arrest. :cuckoo:
There was no arrest. There was no order to arrest. You are a POS liar.
Garner was arrested for selling cigarettes without the necessary tax stamps and thinking he was above the law, what is so hard to understand?
.Cigarette And Liquor Stamp Taxes Why Garner Had To Be Arrested And Why Cops Couldn 8217 t Back Down Culture of Life News
I havent seen anything in the official record that corroborates that. If true it would change how I feel about the incident.
Even so, how did an arrest for a small time crime like selling loose cigarettes end up in homicide?
Rabbi, the guy was obese, and had a heart condition...that he knew of! What is so difficult about this? Because you don't like the fact he was hassled for a small time crime? How about if he waved his dick at school girls, would THAT be reason enough?

the guy was fat, and you're a POS.

He had asthma, diabetes, and a heart condition. It was foolish of him to resist arrest when he saw he was surrounded by cops. What the fuck Did he think was about to happen? The cops changing their minds and walk away? They had orders to arrest. :cuckoo:
There was no arrest. There was no order to arrest. You are a POS liar.

Superior officer on the scene issued the order dipshit.
The business owners kept calling into the police complaining about Garners illegal activity, and his behavior towards them and their customers. How would you like it if you owned a store and we're trying to earn an honest living, and a guy like Garner was hanging around your store all day messing with you and your customers, and damaging your livelihood? What about the rights of the business owners and those who patronize the stores?

The cops were simply doing their job, serving the community. this was an ongoing problem with Garner victimizng the store owners and the community.
Any other lies you want to make up?

Which part is a lie? It wasn't a choke hold, it was a take down (hence talk of "retraining" the police) and the police were doing what they were trained to do when someone resists arrest. The police appeared in the scone because the local business owners kept calling in and complaining about Garner. After they arrived they verified the validity of the complaints and proceeded to follow orders to arrest Garner. Garner resisted and as a result his asthma and other health breathing conditions during the arrest, which brought about a cardiac arrest.

This is an arrest gone bad, not because of the cops, but because of Garner. Anytime you resist arrest, you are taking your life, health, and well being into your hands, and adding to your jail time. Garner, with his health conditions shouldn't have taken the chance.
No they came because there was a fight. A fight that Garner broke up. It had nothing to do with loosies.

Garner tells the cops he can't breathe ... several times.

The business owners kept calling into the police complaining about Garners illegal activity, and his behavior towards them and their customers. How would you like it if you owned a store and we're trying to earn an honest living, and a guy like Garner was hanging around your store all day messing with you and your customers, and damaging your livelihood? What about the rights of the business owners and those who patronize the stores?

The cops were simply doing their job, serving the community. this was an ongoing problem with Garner victimizng the store owners and the community.

"New York Congressman Peter King was on Megyn Kelly last night defending the actions of the police in the Eric Garner case arguing that police didn’t go too far, rather it was Garner himself refusing arrest and continuing to fight with officers that led to his death. He is clear though that he doesn’t believe Garner deserved to die, but he doesn’t believe you can blame it on the officers who took him down.

He also adds that the police were out there in the first place because the minority business owners had complained to police that Garner was disrupting the area and thus preventing people from coming in the stores."
Do you have any evidence that's what happened? BEcause if so then we have a guy getting arrested essentially for standing still and dying as a result. No one can tolerate that.

Why do you think so many officers were there? Store owners called the cops and when they showed up he resisted arrest. They called for backup and the rest is history. Of course no store owner is going to step forward now, they'll burn his store down. There was a Muslim owned convenience store, I would say he probably got sick and tired of Garners bullshit.

SI shops wait warily for Eric Garner grand jury decision - NY Daily News

The manager of the beauty supply shop that Garner was standing in front of when he was killed said he didn't believe protests would become violent. But he's ready to "shut the door and pull the gate down."

"People from here, they're not going to be violent," said Rodney Lee, 37, who has been the manager of Bay Beauty Supply for more than a decade.

Still, Lee said he intended to err on the side of caution no matter what happened. He said he was threatened after the Garner video emerged because it was reported that he called the cops.

Susan Watts/New York Daily News
"I'm Asian, working in a beauty supply shop and it happened to a black guy so people just assumed I called the police, which I didn't," he said.
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The business owners kept calling into the police complaining about Garners illegal activity, and his behavior towards them and their customers. How would you like it if you owned a store and we're trying to earn an honest living, and a guy like Garner was hanging around your store all day messing with you and your customers, and damaging your livelihood? What about the rights of the business owners and those who patronize the stores?

The cops were simply doing their job, serving the community. this was an ongoing problem with Garner victimizng the store owners and the community.
Any other lies you want to make up?

Which part is a lie? It wasn't a choke hold, it was a take down (hence talk of "retraining" the police) and the police were doing what they were trained to do when someone resists arrest. The police appeared in the scone because the local business owners kept calling in and complaining about Garner. After they arrived they verified the validity of the complaints and proceeded to follow orders to arrest Garner. Garner resisted and as a result his asthma and other health breathing conditions during the arrest, which brought about a cardiac arrest.

This is an arrest gone bad, not because of the cops, but because of Garner. Anytime you resist arrest, you are taking your life, health, and well being into your hands, and adding to your jail time. Garner, with his health conditions shouldn't have taken the chance.
No they came because there was a fight. A fight that Garner broke up. It had nothing to do with loosies.

Garner tells the cops he can't breathe ... several times.

Meaning what? He had to be subdued first. How do the cops mow he isn't pulling a fast one? Seriously.
I havent seen anything in the official record that corroborates that. If true it would change how I feel about the incident.
Even so, how did an arrest for a small time crime like selling loose cigarettes end up in homicide?
Rabbi, the guy was obese, and had a heart condition...that he knew of! What is so difficult about this? Because you don't like the fact he was hassled for a small time crime? How about if he waved his dick at school girls, would THAT be reason enough?

the guy was fat, and you're a POS.

He had asthma, diabetes, and a heart condition. It was foolish of him to resist arrest when he saw he was surrounded by cops. What the fuck Did he think was about to happen? The cops changing their minds and walk away? They had orders to arrest. :cuckoo:
There was no arrest. There was no order to arrest. You are a POS liar.

Superior officer on the scene issued the order dipshit.
What was the charge?
I havent seen anything in the official record that corroborates that. If true it would change how I feel about the incident.
Even so, how did an arrest for a small time crime like selling loose cigarettes end up in homicide?
Rabbi, the guy was obese, and had a heart condition...that he knew of! What is so difficult about this? Because you don't like the fact he was hassled for a small time crime? How about if he waved his dick at school girls, would THAT be reason enough?

the guy was fat, and you're a POS.

He had asthma, diabetes, and a heart condition. It was foolish of him to resist arrest when he saw he was surrounded by cops. What the fuck Did he think was about to happen? The cops changing their minds and walk away? They had orders to arrest. :cuckoo:
There was no arrest. There was no order to arrest. You are a POS liar.

Superior officer on the scene issued the order dipshit.
Bull shit. There was no arrest order.
The business owners kept calling into the police complaining about Garners illegal activity, and his behavior towards them and their customers. How would you like it if you owned a store and we're trying to earn an honest living, and a guy like Garner was hanging around your store all day messing with you and your customers, and damaging your livelihood? What about the rights of the business owners and those who patronize the stores?

The cops were simply doing their job, serving the community. this was an ongoing problem with Garner victimizng the store owners and the community.
Any other lies you want to make up?

Which part is a lie? It wasn't a choke hold, it was a take down (hence talk of "retraining" the police) and the police were doing what they were trained to do when someone resists arrest. The police appeared in the scone because the local business owners kept calling in and complaining about Garner. After they arrived they verified the validity of the complaints and proceeded to follow orders to arrest Garner. Garner resisted and as a result his asthma and other health breathing conditions during the arrest, which brought about a cardiac arrest.

This is an arrest gone bad, not because of the cops, but because of Garner. Anytime you resist arrest, you are taking your life, health, and well being into your hands, and adding to your jail time. Garner, with his health conditions shouldn't have taken the chance.
No they came because there was a fight. A fight that Garner broke up. It had nothing to do with loosies.

They came because the store owners called. Garner may or may not have have "broken up" a fight, but his career was hanging around stores and selling illegal cigarettes by propositioning and harassing people who enter stores to buy his cheaper cigarettes. Would you as a store owner paying rent and taxes, like a guy like Garner hanging out in front of your store doing what he was doing, harming your business and discouraging people from patronizing your store?
They called because of the fight. Garner's career selling loosies is irrelevant and immaterial.

You mean he has a right to sell them?
Rabbi, the guy was obese, and had a heart condition...that he knew of! What is so difficult about this? Because you don't like the fact he was hassled for a small time crime? How about if he waved his dick at school girls, would THAT be reason enough?

the guy was fat, and you're a POS.

He had asthma, diabetes, and a heart condition. It was foolish of him to resist arrest when he saw he was surrounded by cops. What the fuck Did he think was about to happen? The cops changing their minds and walk away? They had orders to arrest. :cuckoo:
There was no arrest. There was no order to arrest. You are a POS liar.

Superior officer on the scene issued the order dipshit.
Bull shit. There was no arrest order.
I dont know what happened. I havent seen anything.
We've got one big black guy standing in front of a store. A cop approches him. Im not clear what the cop told him and he threw a fit. Then we've got like 5 cops on top of him subduing him to arrest him.
1) What was he doing that attracted their attention?
2) What did they tell him to do in the initial encounter?
3) Why were there 5 cops there all of a sudden?

Those seem like key questions I've never seen definitive evidence for. And it makes a huge difference.
Any other lies you want to make up?

Which part is a lie? It wasn't a choke hold, it was a take down (hence talk of "retraining" the police) and the police were doing what they were trained to do when someone resists arrest. The police appeared in the scone because the local business owners kept calling in and complaining about Garner. After they arrived they verified the validity of the complaints and proceeded to follow orders to arrest Garner. Garner resisted and as a result his asthma and other health breathing conditions during the arrest, which brought about a cardiac arrest.

This is an arrest gone bad, not because of the cops, but because of Garner. Anytime you resist arrest, you are taking your life, health, and well being into your hands, and adding to your jail time. Garner, with his health conditions shouldn't have taken the chance.
No they came because there was a fight. A fight that Garner broke up. It had nothing to do with loosies.

They came because the store owners called. Garner may or may not have have "broken up" a fight, but his career was hanging around stores and selling illegal cigarettes by propositioning and harassing people who enter stores to buy his cheaper cigarettes. Would you as a store owner paying rent and taxes, like a guy like Garner hanging out in front of your store doing what he was doing, harming your business and discouraging people from patronizing your store?
They called because of the fight. Garner's career selling loosies is irrelevant and immaterial.

You mean he has a right to sell them?
He means no one has shown that's what Garner was doing at the time.
Rabbi, the guy was obese, and had a heart condition...that he knew of! What is so difficult about this? Because you don't like the fact he was hassled for a small time crime? How about if he waved his dick at school girls, would THAT be reason enough?

the guy was fat, and you're a POS.

He had asthma, diabetes, and a heart condition. It was foolish of him to resist arrest when he saw he was surrounded by cops. What the fuck Did he think was about to happen? The cops changing their minds and walk away? They had orders to arrest. :cuckoo:
There was no arrest. There was no order to arrest. You are a POS liar.

Superior officer on the scene issued the order dipshit.
What was the charge?

Selling untaxed cigarettes and harassing store owners probably. Who cares. Nobody is claiming the cops were illegally trying to arrest him.
The business owners kept calling into the police complaining about Garners illegal activity, and his behavior towards them and their customers. How would you like it if you owned a store and we're trying to earn an honest living, and a guy like Garner was hanging around your store all day messing with you and your customers, and damaging your livelihood? What about the rights of the business owners and those who patronize the stores?

The cops were simply doing their job, serving the community. this was an ongoing problem with Garner victimizng the store owners and the community.
Any other lies you want to make up?

Which part is a lie? It wasn't a choke hold, it was a take down (hence talk of "retraining" the police) and the police were doing what they were trained to do when someone resists arrest. The police appeared in the scone because the local business owners kept calling in and complaining about Garner. After they arrived they verified the validity of the complaints and proceeded to follow orders to arrest Garner. Garner resisted and as a result his asthma and other health breathing conditions during the arrest, which brought about a cardiac arrest.

This is an arrest gone bad, not because of the cops, but because of Garner. Anytime you resist arrest, you are taking your life, health, and well being into your hands, and adding to your jail time. Garner, with his health conditions shouldn't have taken the chance.
No they came because there was a fight. A fight that Garner broke up. It had nothing to do with loosies.

Garner tells the cops he can't breathe ... several times.

Meaning what? He had to be subdued first. How do the cops mow he isn't pulling a fast one? Seriously.

gee, I don't know. Maybe when you go limp and quit breathing could be a clue. When you die you weren't pulling a fast one.

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