11 Facts About the Eric Garner Case the Media Won't Tell You

That's not what the law in NY says. You can get arrested for a whole slew of minor offenses, including not paying for moving violations. If you're stupid enough to resist you are to blame for whatever happens.
Yeah well NYC has lots of laws... so what? He still has a right to sell em.
you don't understand the law that prompted the situation. It goes back thirty plus years in NYC. Street vendors became a serious problem and caused serious injuries and ironically, the owners of the properties the vendors camped in front of were liable. In NYC, if you won a building, you do not own the sidewalk in front of it but you are responsible for all that takes place on it.
Street vendors created serious crowding forcing pedestrians to walk in the street. People were getting hit by cars and by bicycles....and the ones who were sues were the building owners because the street vendors had no identity and would disappear.
To rectify this, NYC outlawed UNLICESNSED street vending and they are quite strict with it. Usually, they simply tell you to "move along"...and in this case, that is exactly what they did. He refused so they had no choice but to arrest him. If they didn't, they would be deemed as showing favoritism to a person who defied the law and defied the police.
It is simple as that.
The local media reported it properly.
The national media....not so much.
Uhmmm... the cops came out to stop a fight... The cops did not come out to stop a street vendor from selling loosies. The big fat guy died because he came out to stop the fight, the cops wanted to take him in for questioning regarding the fight and he said no. The cops decided to teach him a lesson for refusing to get his black ass in the squad car. Now he's dead because they stopped him from breathing and didn't perform CPR afterwards.
Like I said..the national media did not report the facts of what happened. The cops did not approach him for information regarding a fight. That was made up and reported nationally with nothing to back it up. He was approached for street vending. Here is the timeline via the Daily News...a local newspaper.
Timeline from Eric Garner s chokehold death to no indictment - NY Daily News

Why should I believe the NY Daily News over the actual video tape of the event? Why would they send 4 cops for a guy accused of selling 75cent cigs?
Uhmmm... the cops came out to stop a fight... The cops did not come out to stop a street vendor from selling loosies. The big fat guy died because he came out to stop the fight, the cops wanted to take him in for questioning regarding the fight and he said no. The cops decided to teach him a lesson for refusing to get his black ass in the squad car. Now he's dead because they stopped him from breathing and didn't perform CPR afterwards.

Like I said . What a dumb nigga, who want's to have his talking point out, even though they are lies!!

Police officials said Garner had a history of arrests for selling untaxed cigarettes. Cops said they observed him selling his wares Thursday on Bay St. and moved in for an arrest.
VIDEO Man dies after NYPD cop puts him in chokehold - NY Daily News
You mean he has a right to sell them?

That's not what the law in NY says. You can get arrested for a whole slew of minor offenses, including not paying for moving violations. If you're stupid enough to resist you are to blame for whatever happens.
Yeah well NYC has lots of laws... so what? He still has a right to sell em.
you don't understand the law that prompted the situation. It goes back thirty plus years in NYC. Street vendors became a serious problem and caused serious injuries and ironically, the owners of the properties the vendors camped in front of were liable. In NYC, if you won a building, you do not own the sidewalk in front of it but you are responsible for all that takes place on it.
Street vendors created serious crowding forcing pedestrians to walk in the street. People were getting hit by cars and by bicycles....and the ones who were sues were the building owners because the street vendors had no identity and would disappear.
To rectify this, NYC outlawed UNLICESNSED street vending and they are quite strict with it. Usually, they simply tell you to "move along"...and in this case, that is exactly what they did. He refused so they had no choice but to arrest him. If they didn't, they would be deemed as showing favoritism to a person who defied the law and defied the police.
It is simple as that.
The local media reported it properly.
The national media....not so much.
Uhmmm... the cops came out to stop a fight... The cops did not come out to stop a street vendor from selling loosies. The big fat guy died because he came out to stop the fight, the cops wanted to take him in for questioning regarding the fight and he said no. The cops decided to teach him a lesson for refusing to get his black ass in the squad car. Now he's dead because they stopped him from breathing and didn't perform CPR afterwards.

a fight and selling cigs apparently mean the same thing to Moron Inc.
That's not what the law in NY says. You can get arrested for a whole slew of minor offenses, including not paying for moving violations. If you're stupid enough to resist you are to blame for whatever happens.
Yeah well NYC has lots of laws... so what? He still has a right to sell em.
you don't understand the law that prompted the situation. It goes back thirty plus years in NYC. Street vendors became a serious problem and caused serious injuries and ironically, the owners of the properties the vendors camped in front of were liable. In NYC, if you won a building, you do not own the sidewalk in front of it but you are responsible for all that takes place on it.
Street vendors created serious crowding forcing pedestrians to walk in the street. People were getting hit by cars and by bicycles....and the ones who were sues were the building owners because the street vendors had no identity and would disappear.
To rectify this, NYC outlawed UNLICESNSED street vending and they are quite strict with it. Usually, they simply tell you to "move along"...and in this case, that is exactly what they did. He refused so they had no choice but to arrest him. If they didn't, they would be deemed as showing favoritism to a person who defied the law and defied the police.
It is simple as that.
The local media reported it properly.
The national media....not so much.
Uhmmm... the cops came out to stop a fight... The cops did not come out to stop a street vendor from selling loosies. The big fat guy died because he came out to stop the fight, the cops wanted to take him in for questioning regarding the fight and he said no. The cops decided to teach him a lesson for refusing to get his black ass in the squad car. Now he's dead because they stopped him from breathing and didn't perform CPR afterwards.
Like I said..the national media did not report the facts of what happened. The cops did not approach him for information regarding a fight. That was made up and reported nationally with nothing to back it up. He was approached for street vending. Here is the timeline via the Daily News...a local newspaper.
Timeline from Eric Garner s chokehold death to no indictment - NY Daily News

Why should I believe the NY Daily News over the actual video tape of the event? Why would they send 4 cops for a guy accused of selling 75cent cigs?
the video tape shown nothing about a fight so I don't understand what you are saying..

But that aside, the Daily News one of the top sold papers in NYC....it tends to lean a bit left....but it reports the news. Look at it this way...there is a reason the grand jury did not deem an indictment was warranted. Based on the information the national news gave us, that would be ludicrous...so there must b something wrong with the national news information.
I'll give you that they might have decided to trump up a cig charge after they got there cause they were pissed that the fight had been broken up before they got there...
Yeah well NYC has lots of laws... so what? He still has a right to sell em.
you don't understand the law that prompted the situation. It goes back thirty plus years in NYC. Street vendors became a serious problem and caused serious injuries and ironically, the owners of the properties the vendors camped in front of were liable. In NYC, if you won a building, you do not own the sidewalk in front of it but you are responsible for all that takes place on it.
Street vendors created serious crowding forcing pedestrians to walk in the street. People were getting hit by cars and by bicycles....and the ones who were sues were the building owners because the street vendors had no identity and would disappear.
To rectify this, NYC outlawed UNLICESNSED street vending and they are quite strict with it. Usually, they simply tell you to "move along"...and in this case, that is exactly what they did. He refused so they had no choice but to arrest him. If they didn't, they would be deemed as showing favoritism to a person who defied the law and defied the police.
It is simple as that.
The local media reported it properly.
The national media....not so much.
Uhmmm... the cops came out to stop a fight... The cops did not come out to stop a street vendor from selling loosies. The big fat guy died because he came out to stop the fight, the cops wanted to take him in for questioning regarding the fight and he said no. The cops decided to teach him a lesson for refusing to get his black ass in the squad car. Now he's dead because they stopped him from breathing and didn't perform CPR afterwards.
Like I said..the national media did not report the facts of what happened. The cops did not approach him for information regarding a fight. That was made up and reported nationally with nothing to back it up. He was approached for street vending. Here is the timeline via the Daily News...a local newspaper.
Timeline from Eric Garner s chokehold death to no indictment - NY Daily News

Why should I believe the NY Daily News over the actual video tape of the event? Why would they send 4 cops for a guy accused of selling 75cent cigs?
the video tape shown nothing about a fight so I don't understand what you are saying..

But that aside, the Daily News one of the top sold papers in NYC....it tends to lean a bit left....but it reports the news. Look at it this way...there is a reason the grand jury did not deem an indictment was warranted. Based on the information the national news gave us, that would be ludicrous...so there must b something wrong with the national news information.
Or there's something wrong with the GJ system. Your gonna have a hard time convincing me that "mass" of cops came out to arrest a guy for selling 75 cent cigarettes. If true.. THAT IS THE MOST AMAZING PART OF THIS THING.. We are paying our governments enough money to send a half dozen cops for a guy selling loosies for 75 cents? Insane.
you don't understand the law that prompted the situation. It goes back thirty plus years in NYC. Street vendors became a serious problem and caused serious injuries and ironically, the owners of the properties the vendors camped in front of were liable. In NYC, if you won a building, you do not own the sidewalk in front of it but you are responsible for all that takes place on it.
Street vendors created serious crowding forcing pedestrians to walk in the street. People were getting hit by cars and by bicycles....and the ones who were sues were the building owners because the street vendors had no identity and would disappear.
To rectify this, NYC outlawed UNLICESNSED street vending and they are quite strict with it. Usually, they simply tell you to "move along"...and in this case, that is exactly what they did. He refused so they had no choice but to arrest him. If they didn't, they would be deemed as showing favoritism to a person who defied the law and defied the police.
It is simple as that.
The local media reported it properly.
The national media....not so much.
Uhmmm... the cops came out to stop a fight... The cops did not come out to stop a street vendor from selling loosies. The big fat guy died because he came out to stop the fight, the cops wanted to take him in for questioning regarding the fight and he said no. The cops decided to teach him a lesson for refusing to get his black ass in the squad car. Now he's dead because they stopped him from breathing and didn't perform CPR afterwards.
Like I said..the national media did not report the facts of what happened. The cops did not approach him for information regarding a fight. That was made up and reported nationally with nothing to back it up. He was approached for street vending. Here is the timeline via the Daily News...a local newspaper.
Timeline from Eric Garner s chokehold death to no indictment - NY Daily News

Why should I believe the NY Daily News over the actual video tape of the event? Why would they send 4 cops for a guy accused of selling 75cent cigs?
the video tape shown nothing about a fight so I don't understand what you are saying..

But that aside, the Daily News one of the top sold papers in NYC....it tends to lean a bit left....but it reports the news. Look at it this way...there is a reason the grand jury did not deem an indictment was warranted. Based on the information the national news gave us, that would be ludicrous...so there must b something wrong with the national news information.
Or there's something wrong with the GJ system. Your gonna have a hard time convincing me that "mass" of cops came out to arrest a guy for selling 75 cent cigarettes.
You don't know NYC.
When you approach a 350 pound man with 30 arrests including assault, Yugo with back up. It is basic police protocol.
Look, I get it. You want to think the guy was a victim. Based on what the media told you, he most certainly looks like a victim.
He was warned he would be arrested again if they received a complaint by another store owner
It was not an "outlawed" choke hold. It was an academy taught neck hold used to gain AND KEEP control
He did not die of strangulation. He died of a heart attack.
He had trouble breathing due to his asthma...not due to the hold.
It was called a homicide because anytime someone dies due to the actions of another, it is a homicide. It does not mean it was murder.

He was not a victim. Yes, it is sad, but he was not a victim.
Uhmmm... the cops came out to stop a fight... The cops did not come out to stop a street vendor from selling loosies. The big fat guy died because he came out to stop the fight, the cops wanted to take him in for questioning regarding the fight and he said no. The cops decided to teach him a lesson for refusing to get his black ass in the squad car. Now he's dead because they stopped him from breathing and didn't perform CPR afterwards.
Like I said..the national media did not report the facts of what happened. The cops did not approach him for information regarding a fight. That was made up and reported nationally with nothing to back it up. He was approached for street vending. Here is the timeline via the Daily News...a local newspaper.
Timeline from Eric Garner s chokehold death to no indictment - NY Daily News

Why should I believe the NY Daily News over the actual video tape of the event? Why would they send 4 cops for a guy accused of selling 75cent cigs?
the video tape shown nothing about a fight so I don't understand what you are saying..

But that aside, the Daily News one of the top sold papers in NYC....it tends to lean a bit left....but it reports the news. Look at it this way...there is a reason the grand jury did not deem an indictment was warranted. Based on the information the national news gave us, that would be ludicrous...so there must b something wrong with the national news information.
Or there's something wrong with the GJ system. Your gonna have a hard time convincing me that "mass" of cops came out to arrest a guy for selling 75 cent cigarettes.
You don't know NYC.
When you approach a 350 pound man with 30 arrests including assault, Yugo with back up. It is basic police protocol.
Look, I get it. You want to think the guy was a victim. Based on what the media told you, he most certainly looks like a victim.
He was warned he would be arrested again if they received a complaint by another store owner
It was not an "outlawed" choke hold. It was an academy taught neck hold used to gain AND KEEP control
He did not die of strangulation. He died of a heart attack.
He had trouble breathing due to his asthma...not due to the hold.
It was called a homicide because anytime someone dies due to the actions of another, it is a homicide. It does not mean it was murder.

He was not a victim. Yes, it is sad, but he was not a victim.
ok... ignoring why they were or were not there for a second...

He did not really resist much he said no.. then barely swatted one hand. The cops went commando.. Yes, the neck hold was not to "choke" him. I can see that. The reason he can't breathe is because he's way way overweight.. they have him in a prone position with guys on top of him pressing his back down so they can cuff him and restrain him, which would've resulted in his stomach pushing up against his lungs and making it extremely hard to breathe... he then clearly passes out .. I heard this guy has sleep apnea and asthma. If true, that means his body is not likely to "automatically" start breathing again. This is probably not something the cops would know about. But the guy was begging for help and they did nothing. Then he's motionless, listless, and they did nothing.

No CPR. Even the EMT guys that showed up did not perform CPR.
if a NYC hot dog vendor breaks a package of weenies and sells you one is that considered a "loosie" .... does the vendor give you a check showing you paid tax, and he collected tax
Like I said..the national media did not report the facts of what happened. The cops did not approach him for information regarding a fight. That was made up and reported nationally with nothing to back it up. He was approached for street vending. Here is the timeline via the Daily News...a local newspaper.
Timeline from Eric Garner s chokehold death to no indictment - NY Daily News

Why should I believe the NY Daily News over the actual video tape of the event? Why would they send 4 cops for a guy accused of selling 75cent cigs?
the video tape shown nothing about a fight so I don't understand what you are saying..

But that aside, the Daily News one of the top sold papers in NYC....it tends to lean a bit left....but it reports the news. Look at it this way...there is a reason the grand jury did not deem an indictment was warranted. Based on the information the national news gave us, that would be ludicrous...so there must b something wrong with the national news information.
Or there's something wrong with the GJ system. Your gonna have a hard time convincing me that "mass" of cops came out to arrest a guy for selling 75 cent cigarettes.
You don't know NYC.
When you approach a 350 pound man with 30 arrests including assault, Yugo with back up. It is basic police protocol.
Look, I get it. You want to think the guy was a victim. Based on what the media told you, he most certainly looks like a victim.
He was warned he would be arrested again if they received a complaint by another store owner
It was not an "outlawed" choke hold. It was an academy taught neck hold used to gain AND KEEP control
He did not die of strangulation. He died of a heart attack.
He had trouble breathing due to his asthma...not due to the hold.
It was called a homicide because anytime someone dies due to the actions of another, it is a homicide. It does not mean it was murder.

He was not a victim. Yes, it is sad, but he was not a victim.
ok... ignoring why they were or were not there for a second...

He did not really resist much he said no.. then barely swatted one hand. The cops went commando.. Yes, the neck hold was not to "choke" him. I can see that. The reason he can't breathe is because he's way way overweight.. they have him in a prone position with guys on top of him pressing his back down so they can cuff him and restrain him, which would've resulted in his stomach pushing up against his lungs and making it extremely hard to breathe... he then clearly passes out .. I heard this guy has sleep apnea and asthma. If true, that means his body is not likely to "automatically" start breathing again. This is probably not something the cops would know about. But the guy was begging for help and they did nothing. Then he's motionless, listless, and they did nothing.

No CPR. Even the EMT guys that showed up did not perform CPR.
The no CPR is something I have no answer to. As for the begging for help and the "I cant breathe" part of it......when arrests are made with a struggle, the police are trained to ignore such "claims" during the struggle for it could simply be a ploy for them to put their guard down...so they are trained to ignore it and cuff the guy....and THEN address any "ailment"....

In this case?

I have no clue why they let him die. And until I here something rational, I will see it that they let him die and they should be brought up on charges of negligence.

But they did not do anything wrong up until that point. He went into cardiac arrest due to his resisting arrest.....He died, in my eyes, due to negligence of the EMT's and officers...until I hear otherwise.
There was no arrest. There was no order to arrest. You are a POS liar.

Superior officer on the scene issued the order dipshit.
What was the charge?

Selling untaxed cigarettes and harassing store owners probably. Who cares. Nobody is claiming the cops were illegally trying to arrest him.
Who cares? I care. It makes a huge difference. "probably" wont cut it here.
In one scenario we've got a guy standing in front of a store doing absolutely nothing wrong. Police come to hassle him and when he resists their hassling they go ninja on his ass and wrestle him to the ground and he dies as a result.
If that's what happened (and I dont know it did) that's a horrible mark on an overzealous police force using brute muscle to subdue someone who basically was doing nothing wrong.

A different scenario is a guy engaging in illegal activity resisting a lawful arrest. In which case too bad he died but thats what happens sometimes.

I just odnt know which one we're talking about.

The second one. Garner is a victim of his own bad choices.
You mean he has a right to sell them?

That's not what the law in NY says. You can get arrested for a whole slew of minor offenses, including not paying for moving violations. If you're stupid enough to resist you are to blame for whatever happens.
Yeah well NYC has lots of laws... so what? He still has a right to sell em.
you don't understand the law that prompted the situation. It goes back thirty plus years in NYC. Street vendors became a serious problem and caused serious injuries and ironically, the owners of the properties the vendors camped in front of were liable. In NYC, if you won a building, you do not own the sidewalk in front of it but you are responsible for all that takes place on it.
Street vendors created serious crowding forcing pedestrians to walk in the street. People were getting hit by cars and by bicycles....and the ones who were sues were the building owners because the street vendors had no identity and would disappear.
To rectify this, NYC outlawed UNLICESNSED street vending and they are quite strict with it. Usually, they simply tell you to "move along"...and in this case, that is exactly what they did. He refused so they had no choice but to arrest him. If they didn't, they would be deemed as showing favoritism to a person who defied the law and defied the police.
It is simple as that.
The local media reported it properly.
The national media....not so much.
Uhmmm... the cops came out to stop a fight... The cops did not come out to stop a street vendor from selling loosies. The big fat guy died because he came out to stop the fight, the cops wanted to take him in for questioning regarding the fight and he said no. The cops decided to teach him a lesson for refusing to get his black ass in the squad car. Now he's dead because they stopped him from breathing and didn't perform CPR afterwards.
I have to say that seems like the most likely explanation. That's why the cops did a piss poor job. All they wanted to do was question him. Given his history all he wanted was to be left alone. Confronting him like that led to a fight/flight reaction and a 350lb asthmatic can only do one.
They escalated way too quickly for the situation, from what I could tell.

That's not what the law in NY says. You can get arrested for a whole slew of minor offenses, including not paying for moving violations. If you're stupid enough to resist you are to blame for whatever happens.
Yeah well NYC has lots of laws... so what? He still has a right to sell em.
you don't understand the law that prompted the situation. It goes back thirty plus years in NYC. Street vendors became a serious problem and caused serious injuries and ironically, the owners of the properties the vendors camped in front of were liable. In NYC, if you won a building, you do not own the sidewalk in front of it but you are responsible for all that takes place on it.
Street vendors created serious crowding forcing pedestrians to walk in the street. People were getting hit by cars and by bicycles....and the ones who were sues were the building owners because the street vendors had no identity and would disappear.
To rectify this, NYC outlawed UNLICESNSED street vending and they are quite strict with it. Usually, they simply tell you to "move along"...and in this case, that is exactly what they did. He refused so they had no choice but to arrest him. If they didn't, they would be deemed as showing favoritism to a person who defied the law and defied the police.
It is simple as that.
The local media reported it properly.
The national media....not so much.
Uhmmm... the cops came out to stop a fight... The cops did not come out to stop a street vendor from selling loosies. The big fat guy died because he came out to stop the fight, the cops wanted to take him in for questioning regarding the fight and he said no. The cops decided to teach him a lesson for refusing to get his black ass in the squad car. Now he's dead because they stopped him from breathing and didn't perform CPR afterwards.
Like I said..the national media did not report the facts of what happened. The cops did not approach him for information regarding a fight. That was made up and reported nationally with nothing to back it up. He was approached for street vending. Here is the timeline via the Daily News...a local newspaper.
Timeline from Eric Garner s chokehold death to no indictment - NY Daily News
I dont know where the Daily News got its info.
Again, I havent seen anything really definitive here. And do you really send 5 cops for selling loose cigarettes?
Why should I believe the NY Daily News over the actual video tape of the event? Why would they send 4 cops for a guy accused of selling 75cent cigs?
the video tape shown nothing about a fight so I don't understand what you are saying..

But that aside, the Daily News one of the top sold papers in NYC....it tends to lean a bit left....but it reports the news. Look at it this way...there is a reason the grand jury did not deem an indictment was warranted. Based on the information the national news gave us, that would be ludicrous...so there must b something wrong with the national news information.
Or there's something wrong with the GJ system. Your gonna have a hard time convincing me that "mass" of cops came out to arrest a guy for selling 75 cent cigarettes.
You don't know NYC.
When you approach a 350 pound man with 30 arrests including assault, Yugo with back up. It is basic police protocol.
Look, I get it. You want to think the guy was a victim. Based on what the media told you, he most certainly looks like a victim.
He was warned he would be arrested again if they received a complaint by another store owner
It was not an "outlawed" choke hold. It was an academy taught neck hold used to gain AND KEEP control
He did not die of strangulation. He died of a heart attack.
He had trouble breathing due to his asthma...not due to the hold.
It was called a homicide because anytime someone dies due to the actions of another, it is a homicide. It does not mean it was murder.

He was not a victim. Yes, it is sad, but he was not a victim.
ok... ignoring why they were or were not there for a second...

He did not really resist much he said no.. then barely swatted one hand. The cops went commando.. Yes, the neck hold was not to "choke" him. I can see that. The reason he can't breathe is because he's way way overweight.. they have him in a prone position with guys on top of him pressing his back down so they can cuff him and restrain him, which would've resulted in his stomach pushing up against his lungs and making it extremely hard to breathe... he then clearly passes out .. I heard this guy has sleep apnea and asthma. If true, that means his body is not likely to "automatically" start breathing again. This is probably not something the cops would know about. But the guy was begging for help and they did nothing. Then he's motionless, listless, and they did nothing.

No CPR. Even the EMT guys that showed up did not perform CPR.
The no CPR is something I have no answer to. As for the begging for help and the "I cant breathe" part of it......when arrests are made with a struggle, the police are trained to ignore such "claims" during the struggle for it could simply be a ploy for them to put their guard down...so they are trained to ignore it and cuff the guy....and THEN address any "ailment"....

In this case?

I have no clue why they let him die. And until I here something rational, I will see it that they let him die and they should be brought up on charges of negligence.

But they did not do anything wrong up until that point. He went into cardiac arrest due to his resisting arrest.....He died, in my eyes, due to negligence of the EMT's and officers...until I hear otherwise.
I agree with you 100%. I don't think they were being overly aggressive in his take down. It was the negligence after that ticks me off.
That's not what the law in NY says. You can get arrested for a whole slew of minor offenses, including not paying for moving violations. If you're stupid enough to resist you are to blame for whatever happens.
Yeah well NYC has lots of laws... so what? He still has a right to sell em.
you don't understand the law that prompted the situation. It goes back thirty plus years in NYC. Street vendors became a serious problem and caused serious injuries and ironically, the owners of the properties the vendors camped in front of were liable. In NYC, if you won a building, you do not own the sidewalk in front of it but you are responsible for all that takes place on it.
Street vendors created serious crowding forcing pedestrians to walk in the street. People were getting hit by cars and by bicycles....and the ones who were sues were the building owners because the street vendors had no identity and would disappear.
To rectify this, NYC outlawed UNLICESNSED street vending and they are quite strict with it. Usually, they simply tell you to "move along"...and in this case, that is exactly what they did. He refused so they had no choice but to arrest him. If they didn't, they would be deemed as showing favoritism to a person who defied the law and defied the police.
It is simple as that.
The local media reported it properly.
The national media....not so much.
Uhmmm... the cops came out to stop a fight... The cops did not come out to stop a street vendor from selling loosies. The big fat guy died because he came out to stop the fight, the cops wanted to take him in for questioning regarding the fight and he said no. The cops decided to teach him a lesson for refusing to get his black ass in the squad car. Now he's dead because they stopped him from breathing and didn't perform CPR afterwards.
Like I said..the national media did not report the facts of what happened. The cops did not approach him for information regarding a fight. That was made up and reported nationally with nothing to back it up. He was approached for street vending. Here is the timeline via the Daily News...a local newspaper.
Timeline from Eric Garner s chokehold death to no indictment - NY Daily News
I dont know where the Daily News got its info.
Again, I havent seen anything really definitive here. And do you really send 5 cops for selling loose cigarettes?
I'm betting they came out for the fight then said hey let's take this guy in for cigs again so we didn't waste our time coming out here maybe we can get him to "squeal" on the people who were fighting.
They came because the store owners called. Garner may or may not have have "broken up" a fight, but his career was hanging around stores and selling illegal cigarettes by propositioning and harassing people who enter stores to buy his cheaper cigarettes. Would you as a store owner paying rent and taxes, like a guy like Garner hanging out in front of your store doing what he was doing, harming your business and discouraging people from patronizing your store?
They called because of the fight. Garner's career selling loosies is irrelevant and immaterial.

You mean he has a right to sell them?

That's not what the law in NY says. You can get arrested for a whole slew of minor offenses, including not paying for moving violations. If you're stupid enough to resist you are to blame for whatever happens.
Yeah well NYC has lots of laws... so what? He still has a right to sell em.

I know NY has a lot of laws, the cops weren't out of line arresting him for it. Especially after the stores owners (minorities themselves) had complained about Garner. If you're a convenience store owner selling cigarettes in your store, you wouldn't want Garner hanging out in front of your entrance, would you? The Muslim Pakistani market owner also has a right to conduct legal business in that neighborhood, without being impeded by characters like Garner.
They called because of the fight. Garner's career selling loosies is irrelevant and immaterial.

You mean he has a right to sell them?

That's not what the law in NY says. You can get arrested for a whole slew of minor offenses, including not paying for moving violations. If you're stupid enough to resist you are to blame for whatever happens.
Yeah well NYC has lots of laws... so what? He still has a right to sell em.

I know NY has a lot of laws, the cops weren't out of line arresting him for it. Especially after the stores owners (minorities themselves) had complained about Garner. If you're a convenience store owner selling cigarettes in your store, you wouldn't want Garner hanging out in front of your entrance, would you? The Muslim Pakistani market owner also has a right to conduct legal business in that neighborhood, without being impeded by characters like Garner.
Yeah only there were no cigs on him.. he wasn't selling cigs.. no one called him in on selling cigs... cigs is the bullshit excuse they came up with to drag his ass in and question him about the fight.
Yeah well NYC has lots of laws... so what? He still has a right to sell em.
you don't understand the law that prompted the situation. It goes back thirty plus years in NYC. Street vendors became a serious problem and caused serious injuries and ironically, the owners of the properties the vendors camped in front of were liable. In NYC, if you won a building, you do not own the sidewalk in front of it but you are responsible for all that takes place on it.
Street vendors created serious crowding forcing pedestrians to walk in the street. People were getting hit by cars and by bicycles....and the ones who were sues were the building owners because the street vendors had no identity and would disappear.
To rectify this, NYC outlawed UNLICESNSED street vending and they are quite strict with it. Usually, they simply tell you to "move along"...and in this case, that is exactly what they did. He refused so they had no choice but to arrest him. If they didn't, they would be deemed as showing favoritism to a person who defied the law and defied the police.
It is simple as that.
The local media reported it properly.
The national media....not so much.
Uhmmm... the cops came out to stop a fight... The cops did not come out to stop a street vendor from selling loosies. The big fat guy died because he came out to stop the fight, the cops wanted to take him in for questioning regarding the fight and he said no. The cops decided to teach him a lesson for refusing to get his black ass in the squad car. Now he's dead because they stopped him from breathing and didn't perform CPR afterwards.
Like I said..the national media did not report the facts of what happened. The cops did not approach him for information regarding a fight. That was made up and reported nationally with nothing to back it up. He was approached for street vending. Here is the timeline via the Daily News...a local newspaper.
Timeline from Eric Garner s chokehold death to no indictment - NY Daily News
I dont know where the Daily News got its info.
Again, I havent seen anything really definitive here. And do you really send 5 cops for selling loose cigarettes?
I'm betting they came out for the fight then said hey let's take this guy in for cigs again so we didn't waste our time coming out here maybe we can get him to "squeal" on the people who were fighting.

The were called in possibly for the fight, and then one or more of the store owners complained about Garner's activities. And Garner's behavior only escalated the situation.
you don't understand the law that prompted the situation. It goes back thirty plus years in NYC. Street vendors became a serious problem and caused serious injuries and ironically, the owners of the properties the vendors camped in front of were liable. In NYC, if you won a building, you do not own the sidewalk in front of it but you are responsible for all that takes place on it.
Street vendors created serious crowding forcing pedestrians to walk in the street. People were getting hit by cars and by bicycles....and the ones who were sues were the building owners because the street vendors had no identity and would disappear.
To rectify this, NYC outlawed UNLICESNSED street vending and they are quite strict with it. Usually, they simply tell you to "move along"...and in this case, that is exactly what they did. He refused so they had no choice but to arrest him. If they didn't, they would be deemed as showing favoritism to a person who defied the law and defied the police.
It is simple as that.
The local media reported it properly.
The national media....not so much.
Uhmmm... the cops came out to stop a fight... The cops did not come out to stop a street vendor from selling loosies. The big fat guy died because he came out to stop the fight, the cops wanted to take him in for questioning regarding the fight and he said no. The cops decided to teach him a lesson for refusing to get his black ass in the squad car. Now he's dead because they stopped him from breathing and didn't perform CPR afterwards.
Like I said..the national media did not report the facts of what happened. The cops did not approach him for information regarding a fight. That was made up and reported nationally with nothing to back it up. He was approached for street vending. Here is the timeline via the Daily News...a local newspaper.
Timeline from Eric Garner s chokehold death to no indictment - NY Daily News
I dont know where the Daily News got its info.
Again, I havent seen anything really definitive here. And do you really send 5 cops for selling loose cigarettes?
I'm betting they came out for the fight then said hey let's take this guy in for cigs again so we didn't waste our time coming out here maybe we can get him to "squeal" on the people who were fighting.

The were called in possibly for the fight, and then one or more of the store owners complained about Garner's activities. And Garner's behavior only escalated the situation.
You mean he has a right to sell them?

That's not what the law in NY says. You can get arrested for a whole slew of minor offenses, including not paying for moving violations. If you're stupid enough to resist you are to blame for whatever happens.
Yeah well NYC has lots of laws... so what? He still has a right to sell em.

I know NY has a lot of laws, the cops weren't out of line arresting him for it. Especially after the stores owners (minorities themselves) had complained about Garner. If you're a convenience store owner selling cigarettes in your store, you wouldn't want Garner hanging out in front of your entrance, would you? The Muslim Pakistani market owner also has a right to conduct legal business in that neighborhood, without being impeded by characters like Garner.
Yeah only there were no cigs on him.. he wasn't selling cigs.. no one called him in on selling cigs... cigs is the bullshit excuse they came up with to drag his ass in and question him about the fight.

Yeah sure. All those cops were psychos jumping on a guy for nothing and trying to arrest Garner. You actually believe that, don't you? The fact that Garner was engaged in selling illegal loosies is irrefutable.

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