11 Facts About the Eric Garner Case the Media Won't Tell You

Condolences to the Garner family.

I've sold loose cigarettes several times in the past. It is bullshit to suffer like this for such a juvenile act.
and the stupid continues. Thanks for being so stupid, the board thanks you for joining club stupid.

Why can't you fools read the facts? Do you even know that the store owners were the reason why the cops were there? Or is that lost on your stupid?
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That's not what the law in NY says. You can get arrested for a whole slew of minor offenses, including not paying for moving violations. If you're stupid enough to resist you are to blame for whatever happens.
Yeah well NYC has lots of laws... so what? He still has a right to sell em.
you don't understand the law that prompted the situation. It goes back thirty plus years in NYC. Street vendors became a serious problem and caused serious injuries and ironically, the owners of the properties the vendors camped in front of were liable. In NYC, if you won a building, you do not own the sidewalk in front of it but you are responsible for all that takes place on it.
Street vendors created serious crowding forcing pedestrians to walk in the street. People were getting hit by cars and by bicycles....and the ones who were sues were the building owners because the street vendors had no identity and would disappear.
To rectify this, NYC outlawed UNLICESNSED street vending and they are quite strict with it. Usually, they simply tell you to "move along"...and in this case, that is exactly what they did. He refused so they had no choice but to arrest him. If they didn't, they would be deemed as showing favoritism to a person who defied the law and defied the police.
It is simple as that.
The local media reported it properly.
The national media....not so much.
Uhmmm... the cops came out to stop a fight... The cops did not come out to stop a street vendor from selling loosies. The big fat guy died because he came out to stop the fight, the cops wanted to take him in for questioning regarding the fight and he said no. The cops decided to teach him a lesson for refusing to get his black ass in the squad car. Now he's dead because they stopped him from breathing and didn't perform CPR afterwards.
Like I said..the national media did not report the facts of what happened. The cops did not approach him for information regarding a fight. That was made up and reported nationally with nothing to back it up. He was approached for street vending. Here is the timeline via the Daily News...a local newspaper.
Timeline from Eric Garner s chokehold death to no indictment - NY Daily News
I dont know where the Daily News got its info.
Again, I havent seen anything really definitive here. And do you really send 5 cops for selling loose cigarettes?

It's possible that they were called in for something else, like a fight, or initially Inly ine or two showed up because a store owner had complained. The point is Garner was ticking of the stores owners in the neighborhood. And that's what attracted the cops to him.
You have a 6'4 350 pound man, refusing to be arrested...just how much force do you use?... Unfortunately NYPD does not use Tasers!
They shouldnt have arrested him. Initially all they wanted for him to move on from where he was. It escalated all too quickly into fisticuffs. That's a failure on their part.

No, it was a failure on HIS part! He had the option, he chose POORLY!
There was lots of blame to go around. I've said that already.
What were they arresting him for?

Honestly, it was TAX MONEY!
They were arresting him for tax money? Tax money isnt a crime.
oh god, more stupid. I see you've joined club stupid, I'm sure your leftist friends are glad you joined. How much stupid do you own? Come on now, do you know why the police were there?

That's not what the law in NY says. You can get arrested for a whole slew of minor offenses, including not paying for moving violations. If you're stupid enough to resist you are to blame for whatever happens.
Yeah well NYC has lots of laws... so what? He still has a right to sell em.
you don't understand the law that prompted the situation. It goes back thirty plus years in NYC. Street vendors became a serious problem and caused serious injuries and ironically, the owners of the properties the vendors camped in front of were liable. In NYC, if you won a building, you do not own the sidewalk in front of it but you are responsible for all that takes place on it.
Street vendors created serious crowding forcing pedestrians to walk in the street. People were getting hit by cars and by bicycles....and the ones who were sues were the building owners because the street vendors had no identity and would disappear.
To rectify this, NYC outlawed UNLICESNSED street vending and they are quite strict with it. Usually, they simply tell you to "move along"...and in this case, that is exactly what they did. He refused so they had no choice but to arrest him. If they didn't, they would be deemed as showing favoritism to a person who defied the law and defied the police.
It is simple as that.
The local media reported it properly.
The national media....not so much.
Uhmmm... the cops came out to stop a fight... The cops did not come out to stop a street vendor from selling loosies. The big fat guy died because he came out to stop the fight, the cops wanted to take him in for questioning regarding the fight and he said no. The cops decided to teach him a lesson for refusing to get his black ass in the squad car. Now he's dead because they stopped him from breathing and didn't perform CPR afterwards.
I have to say that seems like the most likely explanation. That's why the cops did a piss poor job. All they wanted to do was question him. Given his history all he wanted was to be left alone. Confronting him like that led to a fight/flight reaction and a 350lb asthmatic can only do one.
They escalated way too quickly for the situation, from what I could tell.

And you think the Grand Jury was that corrupt and stupid that they didn't see through it? Come on.
By the time the cops realized Garner wasn't kidding, it was too late. Who's responsible if someone has a heart attack during an arrest? The police?
Garner had his heart attack in the ambulance on the way to the hospital after the police had deliberately withheld medical care for a period of at least seven minutes:
"Garner had a heart attack in the ambulance, and died.

"As he lay dying, he was treated like a piece of meat. By Pantaleo.

"By the other cops on the scene.

"Even by the medical technicians.

"Had Garner been treated with basic human dignity after he was violently, and needlessly, taken down, he might not be dead.

"I’m no lawyer, but this is section 125.15 of New York’s penal code: 'A person is guilty of manslaughter in the second degree when: 1. He recklessly causes the death of another person.'”

Harry Siegel The lonesome death of Eric Garner - NY Daily News
Then the black, Female Sgt. in charge of the detail, HOLDS THE BAG for not handling it correctly... Isn't THAT why she is the supervisor?
From the video none of them were aces. They went to force escalation pretty quickly rather than being more sensitive. Maybe they would have ended up doing it anyway. I dont know.

When has it been the police's job to be sensitive? They're authoritarians, they have the badge and gun!

I think we ought to expect to see some "sensitivity" from those police at about the third "I can't breathe".

Eleven is too many. Its Negligent Homicide.

IF he can't breathe, he can't speak! ......Try it!

BTW the cause for his arrest was this.....I found out today that there are HUNDREDS of these people selling UNTAXED cigarettes from out of state and skipping the tax on them. It's so bad that the police have to ARREST these people, instead of just giving them a desk appearance ticket so they can CONFISCATE the cigarettes they are selling.... In the mean time, the cigarettes recovered, and some recoveries have been TRUCK LOADS, are then RESOLD to venders that have SPECIAL licenses from the state to RESELL these cigarettes again IN STATE, supposedly brings in a few MILLION dollars a year!
That isnt a cause of arrest. Arrests are made for suspicion of violating the law. What law was he violating? The correct answer is none. That's why the initial contact was not an arrest at all but a request to move on, which quickly escalated out of control.
and you move up in club stupid!!!!

That's not what the law in NY says. You can get arrested for a whole slew of minor offenses, including not paying for moving violations. If you're stupid enough to resist you are to blame for whatever happens.
Yeah well NYC has lots of laws... so what? He still has a right to sell em.

I know NY has a lot of laws, the cops weren't out of line arresting him for it. Especially after the stores owners (minorities themselves) had complained about Garner. If you're a convenience store owner selling cigarettes in your store, you wouldn't want Garner hanging out in front of your entrance, would you? The Muslim Pakistani market owner also has a right to conduct legal business in that neighborhood, without being impeded by characters like Garner.
Yeah only there were no cigs on him.. he wasn't selling cigs.. no one called him in on selling cigs... cigs is the bullshit excuse they came up with to drag his ass in and question him about the fight.

Yeah sure. All those cops were psychos jumping on a guy for nothing and trying to arrest Garner. You actually believe that, don't you? The fact that Garner was engaged in selling illegal loosies is irrefutable.
1) No, I don't. Those cops were not psychos... They jumped on him because he refused to go easy, duh...

2) They didn't help the guy afterwards because they were ignorant of what they had just done. I doubt any one of them even considered that the guy was dying on the ground in front of them and that if they had done CPR maybe he'd be alive today. The one guy kept looking at him to see if he was ok and seemed to care, but did not go as far as to perform CPR. The others probably saw him looking at the guy and figured he was on the case.

3) Your definition of irrefutable and mine... might not be the same. Do you have a link to evidence he was selling cigs at that time? Or is the arrest based on him selling at some other time. Was there a warrant out for his arrest? Link?
When has it been the police's job to be sensitive? They're authoritarians, they have the badge and gun!

I think we ought to expect to see some "sensitivity" from those police at about the third "I can't breathe".

Eleven is too many. Its Negligent Homicide.

IF he can't breathe, he can't speak! ......Try it!

BTW the cause for his arrest was this.....I found out today that there are HUNDREDS of these people selling UNTAXED cigarettes from out of state and skipping the tax on them. It's so bad that the police have to ARREST these people, instead of just giving them a desk appearance ticket so they can CONFISCATE the cigarettes they are selling.... In the mean time, the cigarettes recovered, and some recoveries have been TRUCK LOADS, are then RESOLD to venders that have SPECIAL licenses from the state to RESELL these cigarettes again IN STATE, supposedly brings in a few MILLION dollars a year!
That isnt a cause of arrest. Arrests are made for suspicion of violating the law. What law was he violating? The correct answer is none. That's why the initial contact was not an arrest at all but a request to move on, which quickly escalated out of control.

Rabbi, don't act like pond scum over this, he was arrested for selling UNTAXED CIGARETTES! I have no idea if he was told to move on or not, or if it's a lie someone made up to make him look good, I could find NO REFERENCE to this in anything official...if you can please post it!
I cannot find anything to bare this out. The video doesnt show it. I have no idea why the police approached him initially. But suddenly there were like 5 of them there. Why? What had he done to attract their attention? I dont see it.
well stupid perhaps you should research before entering club stupid. Oh wait you're a loontune liberal!! ahh, no wonder the stupid.
By the time the cops realized Garner wasn't kidding, it was too late. Who's responsible if someone has a heart attack during an arrest? The police?
Garner had his heart attack in the ambulance on the way to the hospital after the police had deliberately withheld medical care for a period of at least seven minutes:
"Garner had a heart attack in the ambulance, and died.

"As he lay dying, he was treated like a piece of meat. By Pantaleo.

"By the other cops on the scene.

"Even by the medical technicians.

"Had Garner been treated with basic human dignity after he was violently, and needlessly, taken down, he might not be dead.

"I’m no lawyer, but this is section 125.15 of New York’s penal code: 'A person is guilty of manslaughter in the second degree when: 1. He recklessly causes the death of another person.'”

Harry Siegel The lonesome death of Eric Garner - NY Daily News
Watch the tape again .. he was already dead when they put his lifeless body on the stretcher.
That's not what the law in NY says. You can get arrested for a whole slew of minor offenses, including not paying for moving violations. If you're stupid enough to resist you are to blame for whatever happens.
Yeah well NYC has lots of laws... so what? He still has a right to sell em.

I know NY has a lot of laws, the cops weren't out of line arresting him for it. Especially after the stores owners (minorities themselves) had complained about Garner. If you're a convenience store owner selling cigarettes in your store, you wouldn't want Garner hanging out in front of your entrance, would you? The Muslim Pakistani market owner also has a right to conduct legal business in that neighborhood, without being impeded by characters like Garner.
Yeah only there were no cigs on him.. he wasn't selling cigs.. no one called him in on selling cigs... cigs is the bullshit excuse they came up with to drag his ass in and question him about the fight.

Yeah sure. All those cops were psychos jumping on a guy for nothing and trying to arrest Garner. You actually believe that, don't you? The fact that Garner was engaged in selling illegal loosies is irrefutable.
1) No, I don't. Those cops were not psychos... They jumped on him because he refused to go easy, duh...

2) They didn't help the guy afterwards because they were ignorant of what they had just done. I doubt any one of them even considered that the guy was dying on the ground in front of them and that if they had done CPR maybe he'd be alive today. The one guy kept looking at him to see if he was ok and seemed to care, but did not go as far as to perform CPR. The others probably saw him looking at the guy and figured he was on the case.

3) Your definition of irrefutable and mine... might not be the same. Do you have a link to evidence he was selling cigs at that time? Or is the arrest based on him selling at some other time. Was there a warrant out for his arrest? Link?
i see you're still working the club stupid. Now on another thread. get the facts stupid. Why don't you actually find out why the cops were there. Kind of I M P O R T A N T!!!!!! but alas, you're buried in stupid.
go to 8:50

The cop said he's breathing.. but you can see he's not breathing.

Watch the cop go to throw up when he realizes what they just did. The one that coughs and walks away after he helps put him on the stretcher.
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Watch the tape again .. he was already dead when they put his lifeless body on the stretcher.
I'm not able to tell from watching the videos; Wiki says he was pronounced dead an hour later at the hospital:
"According to Police Commissioner Bill Bratton, an ambulance was immediately called to the scene and Garner was transported to Richmond University Medical Center. He went into cardiac arrest while he was in the vehicle and was pronounced dead approximately one hour later at the hospital."
I'm thinking it's more important to know why he was approached in the first place? Was it for selling untaxed cigarettes or because he broke up a fight?

Was the NYPD responding to a fight call or a complaint about Garner selling loosies?

Death of Eric Garner - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Then Why do they arrest moonshiners? It is all about tax money.
Moonshiners are arrested for producing whiskey without the necessary tax stamps etc.
What was Garner being arrested for? I just can't get a straight answer on this one.
Garner was arrested for selling cigarettes without the necessary tax stamps and thinking he was above the law, what is so hard to understand?
The man was selling illegal cigarettes in front of a store selling legal ones, cheap. He was taking away business from a legal tax paying store and the store was continuously calling the police to stop him, he would go to jail, get out and do it again to the same store owner. Many times this happened and finally, when the police tried to arrest him the last time, he said he was tired of being arrested and was going to stand his ground and sell illegal cigarettes so he dared the police to stop arresting him and let him break the law.
.Cigarette And Liquor Stamp Taxes Why Garner Had To Be Arrested And Why Cops Couldn 8217 t Back Down Culture of Life News
I havent seen anything in the official record that corroborates that. If true it would change how I feel about the incident.
Even so, how did an arrest for a small time crime like selling loose cigarettes end up in homicide?
Rabbi, the guy was obese, and had a heart condition...that he knew of! What is so difficult about this? Because you don't like the fact he was hassled for a small time crime? How about if he waved his dick at school girls, would THAT be reason enough?

the guy was fat, and you're a POS.

And you suck dick, we all have our places in life, dick sucking is yours!
Now the talking heads are saying too many cops were sent to arrest Garner. Two weeks ago the same people were saying more cops should have been called to arrest Brown. What the hell is the difference?

Maybe it's the relative weight of the ******?
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Now the talking heads are saying too many cops were sent to arrest Garner. Two weeks ago the same people were saying more cops should have been called to arrest Brown. What the hell is the difference?
Maybe you should read up on the two incidents.
By the time the cops realized Garner wasn't kidding, it was too late. Who's responsible if someone has a heart attack during an arrest? The police?
Garner had his heart attack in the ambulance on the way to the hospital after the police had deliberately withheld medical care for a period of at least seven minutes:
"Garner had a heart attack in the ambulance, and died.

"As he lay dying, he was treated like a piece of meat. By Pantaleo.

"By the other cops on the scene.

"Even by the medical technicians.

"Had Garner been treated with basic human dignity after he was violently, and needlessly, taken down, he might not be dead.

"I’m no lawyer, but this is section 125.15 of New York’s penal code: 'A person is guilty of manslaughter in the second degree when: 1. He recklessly causes the death of another person.'”

Harry Siegel The lonesome death of Eric Garner - NY Daily News

"Even the medics didn't treat him like they treated others." :cuckoo:

Problem is there are knuckleheads out there that actually believe that shit. Cops have it in for the blacks, medics have it in for the blacks, whites have it in for the blacks, justice system has it in for the blacks.

This is what happens when you let a bunch of corrupt, lying race baiters like Sharpton, Jackson speak for an entire community.
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go to 8:50

The cop said he's breathing.. but you can see he's not breathing.

Watch the cop go to throw up when he realizes what they just did. The one that coughs and walks away after he helps put him on the stretcher.

Oh so you can see he's breathing from a video. You know better than the medics who examined him and found him breathing. Ya okay.

Did you catch the part where Garner stated "every time you see me you arrest me!" So maybe this guy has a record of engaging in this behavior. And maybe, just maybe, the store owners had a right to complain.

No, this case is all about hundreds of years of racism. What am I saying.
Eric Garner s Daughter Makes a Surprising Statement Race Baiters Will HATE VIDEO

“This is not a black and white issue,” she stated during an interview with CNN.
Instead of seeing it as a matter of race, Erica said that she saw an overall problem with how police deal with suspects.
CNN reporter Don Lemon, himself a black man, asked a second time if the police were being racist.
“I really doubt it,” Garner answered.
“It was about the officer’s pride. It was about my father being 6’4″ and 350 pounds and he wants to be the top cop that brings a big man down,” she said.

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