11 Facts About the Eric Garner Case the Media Won't Tell You

That's not what the law in NY says. You can get arrested for a whole slew of minor offenses, including not paying for moving violations. If you're stupid enough to resist you are to blame for whatever happens.
Yeah well NYC has lots of laws... so what? He still has a right to sell em.

I know NY has a lot of laws, the cops weren't out of line arresting him for it. Especially after the stores owners (minorities themselves) had complained about Garner. If you're a convenience store owner selling cigarettes in your store, you wouldn't want Garner hanging out in front of your entrance, would you? The Muslim Pakistani market owner also has a right to conduct legal business in that neighborhood, without being impeded by characters like Garner.
Yeah only there were no cigs on him.. he wasn't selling cigs.. no one called him in on selling cigs... cigs is the bullshit excuse they came up with to drag his ass in and question him about the fight.

Yeah sure. All those cops were psychos jumping on a guy for nothing and trying to arrest Garner. You actually believe that, don't you? The fact that Garner was engaged in selling illegal loosies is irrefutable.
1) No, I don't. Those cops were not psychos... They jumped on him because he refused to go easy, duh...

2) They didn't help the guy afterwards because they were ignorant of what they had just done. I doubt any one of them even considered that the guy was dying on the ground in front of them and that if they had done CPR maybe he'd be alive today. The one guy kept looking at him to see if he was ok and seemed to care, but did not go as far as to perform CPR. The others probably saw him looking at the guy and figured he was on the case.

3) Your definition of irrefutable and mine... might not be the same. Do you have a link to evidence he was selling cigs at that time? Or is the arrest based on him selling at some other time. Was there a warrant out for his arrest? Link?

I agree with everything except number three. The cops didn't realize what had just happened. So the cops didn't intentionally do anything they normally did not do. That's what the grand Jury found.

But, Garner did have a history of selling loosies and several arrests. This was his livelihood. All in all it's just a sad tragic situation which is now being exploited by those who don't have the best intentions.
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Now the talking heads are saying too many cops were sent to arrest Garner. Two weeks ago the same people were saying more cops should have been called to arrest Brown. What the hell is the difference?
Maybe you should read up on the two incidents.
If I did, what conclusion would I draw?
The same...

That at least one more than one was needed in the Brown case... and that a ridiculous number showed up for the Garner case and still none did their job to perform CPR on the dead guy.
Yeah well NYC has lots of laws... so what? He still has a right to sell em.

I know NY has a lot of laws, the cops weren't out of line arresting him for it. Especially after the stores owners (minorities themselves) had complained about Garner. If you're a convenience store owner selling cigarettes in your store, you wouldn't want Garner hanging out in front of your entrance, would you? The Muslim Pakistani market owner also has a right to conduct legal business in that neighborhood, without being impeded by characters like Garner.
Yeah only there were no cigs on him.. he wasn't selling cigs.. no one called him in on selling cigs... cigs is the bullshit excuse they came up with to drag his ass in and question him about the fight.

Yeah sure. All those cops were psychos jumping on a guy for nothing and trying to arrest Garner. You actually believe that, don't you? The fact that Garner was engaged in selling illegal loosies is irrefutable.
1) No, I don't. Those cops were not psychos... They jumped on him because he refused to go easy, duh...

2) They didn't help the guy afterwards because they were ignorant of what they had just done. I doubt any one of them even considered that the guy was dying on the ground in front of them and that if they had done CPR maybe he'd be alive today. The one guy kept looking at him to see if he was ok and seemed to care, but did not go as far as to perform CPR. The others probably saw him looking at the guy and figured he was on the case.

3) Your definition of irrefutable and mine... might not be the same. Do you have a link to evidence he was selling cigs at that time? Or is the arrest based on him selling at some other time. Was there a warrant out for his arrest? Link?

I agree with everything except number three. The cops didn't realize what had just happened. So the cops didn't intentionally do anything they normally did not do. That's want the grand Jury found.

But, Garner did have a history of selling loosies and several arrests. This was his livelihood. All in all it's just a sad tragic situation which is now being exploited by those who don't have the best intentions.
Agreed. Not sure what the argument is on number 3.. it's just questions.
ok regardless of the facts, let us talk about how the left wing democrats exploit these situations to build on their victim narrative.

That is the only issue with this situation that happened in July.

Fucking liberals. Such hypocrites. Such pawns.
This makes no sense whatsoever.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."
Problem is there are knuckleheads out there that actually believe that shit. Cops have in for the blacks, medics have it in for the blacks, whites have it in for the blacks, justice system has it in for the blacks.
Have you watched the videos of Garner's treatment?
Why were the EMTs disciplined for their performance?

"As a result of Garner's death, four EMTs and paramedics who responded to the scene were suspended without pay on July 21, 2014; officers Damico and Pantaleo were placed on desk duty, and Pantaleo was stripped of his service gun and badge.[16]"
Death of Eric Garner - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
IMO, the point being regardless of the circumstances, he was cuffed and taken into Police custody. At that time the police are responsible for his or your safety and well being .. police are trained to recognize and issue emergency care when and if necessary. It was their responsibility to act and help not sit and watch a person in their custody die.
IMO, the point being regardless of the circumstances, he was cuffed and taken into Police custody. At that time the police are responsible for his or your safety and well being .. police are trained to recognize and issue emergency care when and if necessary. It was their responsibility to act and help not sit and watch a person in their custody die.

They didn't sit and watch him die.

Just to be clear. He died some time later.
IMO, the point being regardless of the circumstances, he was cuffed and taken into Police custody. At that time the police are responsible for his or your safety and well being .. police are trained to recognize and issue emergency care when and if necessary. It was their responsibility to act and help not sit and watch a person in their custody die.

They didn't sit and watch him die.

Just to be clear. He died some time later.
Did you watch the film of them putting the dead body on the stretcher?
Now the talking heads are saying too many cops were sent to arrest Garner. Two weeks ago the same people were saying more cops should have been called to arrest Brown. What the hell is the difference?
Maybe you should read up on the two incidents.
If I did, what conclusion would I draw?
The same...

That at least one more than one was needed in the Brown case... and that a ridiculous number showed up for the Garner case and still none did their job to perform CPR on the dead guy.
Oh. I got it now. 2.5 is the magic number. I'll pass it on. Thanks.
IMO, the point being regardless of the circumstances, he was cuffed and taken into Police custody. At that time the police are responsible for his or your safety and well being .. police are trained to recognize and issue emergency care when and if necessary. It was their responsibility to act and help not sit and watch a person in their custody die.

They didn't sit and watch him die.

Just to be clear. He died some time later.
Did you watch the film of them putting the dead body on the stretcher?

No and neither did you ........................

On July 17, 2014, at 4:45 p.m., Eric Garner was approached by a plainclothes police officer, Justin Damico, in front of a beauty supply store at 202 Bay Street in the Tompkinsville neighborhood in Staten Island. After telling the police officers, "Get away [garbled] for what? Every time you see me, you want to mess with me. I'm tired of it. It stops today. Why would you...? Everyone standing here will tell you I didn't do nothing. I did not sell nothing. Because everytime you see me, you want to harass me. You want to stop me [garbled] Selling cigarettes. I'm minding my business, officer, I'm minding my business. Please just leave me alone. I told you the last time, please just leave me alone."[32] When an attempt to take physical hold of Garner was made, he stated, "Don't touch me, please." He was then put in an apparent chokehold from behind by officer Daniel Pantaleo, and the video shows officer Pantaleo using his hands to push Garner's head down into the sidewalk. Use of the chokehold has been prohibited by New York City Police Department policy since 1993.[33][34] Once down and surrounded by four officers, Garner is heard to repeatedly state, "I can't breathe". According to Police Commissioner Bill Bratton, an ambulance was immediately called to the scene and Garner was transported to Richmond University Medical Center. He went into cardiac arrest while he was in the vehicle and was pronounced dead approximately one hour later at the hospital.[35] However, a second video apparently taken by a bystander was later released that appears to show that Garner lay motionless and unresponsive for several minutes before an ambulance arrived.[20][36]

Garner's death was recorded by Ramsey Orta, a friend of Garner's.[2][37]

Death of Eric Garner - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Now the talking heads are saying too many cops were sent to arrest Garner. Two weeks ago the same people were saying more cops should have been called to arrest Brown. What the hell is the difference?
Maybe you should read up on the two incidents.
If I did, what conclusion would I draw?
The same...

That at least one more than one was needed in the Brown case... and that a ridiculous number showed up for the Garner case and still none did their job to perform CPR on the dead guy.
Oh. I got it now. 2.5 is the magic number. I'll pass it on. Thanks.
ok regardless of the facts, let us talk about how the left wing democrats exploit these situations to build on their victim narrative.

That is the only issue with this situation that happened in July.

Fucking liberals. Such hypocrites. Such pawns.

It's more effective for Obama and the Democrats to talk about these fake injustices, rather than the high rate of black on black crime, and why they haven't been able to keep their promise of creating jobs for blacks. So not only are they masking their total incompetence and betrayal, they make themselves look like the good guys. It's the same strategy on immigration.
ok regardless of the facts, let us talk about how the left wing democrats exploit these situations to build on their victim narrative.

That is the only issue with this situation that happened in July.

Fucking liberals. Such hypocrites. Such pawns.

It's more effective for Obama and the Democrats to talk about these fake injustices, rather than the high rate of black on black crime, and why they haven't been able to keep their promise of creating jobs for blacks. So not only are they masking their total incompetence and betrayal, they make themselves look like the good guys. It's the same strategy on immigration.

The thing is, from their point of view, they are not being incompetent. It is their stupid voting base.

From a political stand point, it is wise. The democrats are in no way concerned about the well being of America, and they sure as shit do not care or intend to uphold the constitution. They are committed socialists. That is me being kind too.

Look at how effective they are in convincing their stupid base that they care about the poor, or minorities, or women etc etc etc. They have done a great job of keeping their "Ameritopia" dream alive. No matter what goes wrong with their policies, they are able to blame their favorite scapegoat. The white, Christian, American conservative.

All things that are wrong in the world is ALL their fault. You name it.


Like I said, you have to stand in awe at how effectively they use their dumb ignorant base like the pawns they all are.
ok regardless of the facts, let us talk about how the left wing democrats exploit these situations to build on their victim narrative.

That is the only issue with this situation that happened in July.

Fucking liberals. Such hypocrites. Such pawns.

It's more effective for Obama and the Democrats to talk about these fake injustices, rather than the high rate of black on black crime, and why they haven't been able to keep their promise of creating jobs for blacks. So not only are they masking their total incompetence and betrayal, they make themselves look like the good guys. It's the same strategy on immigration.

The thing is, from their point of view, they are not being incompetent. It is their stupid voting base.

From a political stand point, it is wise. The democrats are in no way concerned about the well being of America, and they sure as shit do not care or intend to uphold the constitution. They are committed socialists. That is me being kind too.

Look at how effective they are in convincing their stupid base that they care about the poor, or minorities, or women etc etc etc. They have done a great job of keeping their "Ameritopia" dream alive. No matter what goes wrong with their policies, they are able to blame their favorite scapegoat. The white, Christian, American conservative.

All things that are wrong in the world is ALL their fault. You name it.


Like I said, you have to stand in awe at how effectively they use their dumb ignorant base like the pawns they all are.
Funny part is the democrat dummies know it.... but they also don't have any pride.
ok regardless of the facts, let us talk about how the left wing democrats exploit these situations to build on their victim narrative.

That is the only issue with this situation that happened in July.

Fucking liberals. Such hypocrites. Such pawns.

It's more effective for Obama and the Democrats to talk about these fake injustices, rather than the high rate of black on black crime, and why they haven't been able to keep their promise of creating jobs for blacks. So not only are they masking their total incompetence and betrayal, they make themselves look like the good guys. It's the same strategy on immigration.

The thing is, from their point of view, they are not being incompetent. It is their stupid voting base.

From a political stand point, it is wise. The democrats are in no way concerned about the well being of America, and they sure as shit do not care or intend to uphold the constitution. They are committed socialists. That is me being kind too.

Look at how effective they are in convincing their stupid base that they care about the poor, or minorities, or women etc etc etc. They have done a great job of keeping their "Ameritopia" dream alive. No matter what goes wrong with their policies, they are able to blame their favorite scapegoat. The white, Christian, American conservative.

All things that are wrong in the world is ALL their fault. You name it.


Like I said, you have to stand in awe at how effectively they use their dumb ignorant base like the pawns they all are.

You have to hand it to them. They are very effective manipulators and propagandists. If the republican leadership had half the brains the democrat leadership had, they'd be in a very different place.

It's amazing how this whole situation has been choreographed from the beginning and nobody realizes this. People were at the Michael Brown indictment announcement with signs already made up for protesting and riots. And today Hillary catches a pass from Obama, and gives a speech about the "injustices in the legal system towards blacks". So in essence she's positioning herself for collecting all the black and Hispanic cites when she runs in 2016. The Democrats have cashed in on a big chuck of voters, all in matter of two weeks and two moves on the political chess board. And all Hillary needs to do now is bring the women home, and she has 2016 in the bag. :clap2:
This makes no sense whatsoever.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."

Yes, and that's probably what the Grand Jury found. They probably realized that this was a standard takedown technique as opposed to the "chokehold" lie that the media is now promoting. Just as the "hands up don't shoot" slogan is a myth that never happened, so is the chokehold that was actually a takedown.
Anyone with a man card that ever participated in back yard wrestling matches as a kid would know that the probability of killing someone with that brief choke hold is slim to none. For Eric Garner to die because of it he must of already had one foot in the grave with his other foot on a banana peel.

This was a Shit Happens moment. Garner died of a heart attack. What method should the cops have used to take him into custody, the use of a taser? You think that would not have triggered Garner's heart attack.

Considering that the United States has a population of about 320 million and fewer than 600 (most of them white) die due to confrontations with cops each year, with most of the deaths being justified, this is not a problem that will be solved by marching in the streets.
ok regardless of the facts, let us talk about how the left wing democrats exploit these situations to build on their victim narrative.

That is the only issue with this situation that happened in July.

Fucking liberals. Such hypocrites. Such pawns.

It's more effective for Obama and the Democrats to talk about these fake injustices, rather than the high rate of black on black crime, and why they haven't been able to keep their promise of creating jobs for blacks. So not only are they masking their total incompetence and betrayal, they make themselves look like the good guys. It's the same strategy on immigration.

The thing is, from their point of view, they are not being incompetent. It is their stupid voting base.

From a political stand point, it is wise. The democrats are in no way concerned about the well being of America, and they sure as shit do not care or intend to uphold the constitution. They are committed socialists. That is me being kind too.

Look at how effective they are in convincing their stupid base that they care about the poor, or minorities, or women etc etc etc. They have done a great job of keeping their "Ameritopia" dream alive. No matter what goes wrong with their policies, they are able to blame their favorite scapegoat. The white, Christian, American conservative.

All things that are wrong in the world is ALL their fault. You name it.


Like I said, you have to stand in awe at how effectively they use their dumb ignorant base like the pawns they all are.

You have to hand it to them. They are very effective manipulators and propagandists. If the republican leadership had half the brains the democrat leadership had, they'd be in a very different place.

It's amazing how this whole situation has been choreographed from the beginning and nobody realizes this. People were at the Michael Brown indictment announcement with signs already made up for protesting and riots. And today Hillary catches a pass from Obama, and gives a speech about the "injustices in the legal system towards blacks". So in essence she's positioning herself for collecting all the black and Hispanic cites when she runs in 2016. The Democrats have cashed in on a big chuck of voters, all in matter of two weeks and two moves on the political chess board. And all Hillary needs to do now is bring the women home, and she has 2016 in the bag. :clap2:
You do realize the republican leadership is a bunch of democrats that switched hats to be socialist republicans, right?
ok regardless of the facts, let us talk about how the left wing democrats exploit these situations to build on their victim narrative.

That is the only issue with this situation that happened in July.

Fucking liberals. Such hypocrites. Such pawns.

It's more effective for Obama and the Democrats to talk about these fake injustices, rather than the high rate of black on black crime, and why they haven't been able to keep their promise of creating jobs for blacks. So not only are they masking their total incompetence and betrayal, they make themselves look like the good guys. It's the same strategy on immigration.

The thing is, from their point of view, they are not being incompetent. It is their stupid voting base.

From a political stand point, it is wise. The democrats are in no way concerned about the well being of America, and they sure as shit do not care or intend to uphold the constitution. They are committed socialists. That is me being kind too.

Look at how effective they are in convincing their stupid base that they care about the poor, or minorities, or women etc etc etc. They have done a great job of keeping their "Ameritopia" dream alive. No matter what goes wrong with their policies, they are able to blame their favorite scapegoat. The white, Christian, American conservative.

All things that are wrong in the world is ALL their fault. You name it.


Like I said, you have to stand in awe at how effectively they use their dumb ignorant base like the pawns they all are.

You have to hand it to them. They are very effective manipulators and propagandists. If the republican leadership had half the brains the democrat leadership had, they'd be in a very different place.

It's amazing how this whole situation has been choreographed from the beginning and nobody realizes this. People were at the Michael Brown indictment announcement with signs already made up for protesting and riots. And today Hillary catches a pass from Obama, and gives a speech about the "injustices in the legal system towards blacks". So in essence she's positioning herself for collecting all the black and Hispanic cites when she runs in 2016. The Democrats have cashed in on a big chuck of voters, all in matter of two weeks and two moves on the political chess board. And all Hillary needs to do now is bring the women home, and she has 2016 in the bag. :clap2:
You do realize the republican leadership is a bunch of democrats that switched hats to be socialist republicans, right?

Yes. Old lady in the post office said something very true to me once, after hearing that Obama got elected in 2008: "What's the difference? One group of thieves left and another took over." :clap2:

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