11 Facts About the Eric Garner Case the Media Won't Tell You

Condolences to the Garner family.

I've sold loose cigarettes several times in the past. It is bullshit to suffer like this for such a juvenile act.

Don't commit crimes (even juvenile ones). Don't resist arrest. Follow the civil laws and live.

When I was much younger I got taken in once for having an unpaid moving violation. But I wasn't stupid enough to resist getting arrested when surrounded by cops wearing guns. No one likes to get taken in. I called someone and they paid the ticket and I was out in about an hour. No sex occurred while in the holding area. Ha ha ha.

I used to have a drinking problem many years ago. Well ... let's face it ... I was a "falling down drunk." Anyway, I've been arrested 4 times for alcohol related violations. I never acted belligerently so I was never struck, choked, or thrown to the ground. Moral of the story? Don't resist arrest. I was breaking the law and deserved to be arrested and even in my drunken state of mind I was sensible enough to realize that fighting the cops wouldn't end well.

I agree. I don't know what these people expect the police to do when they come charging at them and are being uncooperative and fighting with them! They MUST take some of the blame for their own ridiculous actions.

I also don't understand why a lot of black people have to scream all the time when the police are trying to restrain them. Good Lord, shut up already! :rolleyes-41:

It's so funny on Cops or other shows when they cry like a little baby that their wrist hurts or something. Yeah sure, this is a guy who just spent 10 years in a maximum security prison. Lol!
Condolences to the Garner family.

I've sold loose cigarettes several times in the past. It is bullshit to suffer like this for such a juvenile act.

Don't commit crimes (even juvenile ones). Don't resist arrest. Follow the civil laws and live.

When I was much younger I got taken in once for having an unpaid moving violation. But I wasn't stupid enough to resist getting arrested when surrounded by cops wearing guns. No one likes to get taken in. I called someone and they paid the ticket and I was out in about an hour. No sex occurred while in the holding area. Ha ha ha.

I used to have a drinking problem many years ago. Well ... let's face it ... I was a "falling down drunk." Anyway, I've been arrested 4 times for alcohol related violations. I never acted belligerently so I was never struck, choked, or thrown to the ground. Moral of the story? Don't resist arrest. I was breaking the law and deserved to be arrested and even in my drunken state of mind I was sensible enough to realize that fighting the cops wouldn't end well.

I agree. I don't know what these people expect the police to do when they come charging at them and are being uncooperative and fighting with them! They MUST take some of the blame for their own ridiculous actions.

I also don't understand why a lot of black people have to scream all the time when the police are trying to restrain them. Good Lord, shut up already! :rolleyes-41:

It's so funny on Cops or other shows when they cry like a little baby that their wrist hurts or something. Yeah sure, this is a guy who just spent 10 years in a maximum security prison. Lol!
Yeah cause telling the cops you didn't do anything is stupid, you're just begging to have them kill you when you resist.
Condolences to the Garner family.

I've sold loose cigarettes several times in the past. It is bullshit to suffer like this for such a juvenile act.

Don't commit crimes (even juvenile ones). Don't resist arrest. Follow the civil laws and live.

When I was much younger I got taken in once for having an unpaid moving violation. But I wasn't stupid enough to resist getting arrested when surrounded by cops wearing guns. No one likes to get taken in. I called someone and they paid the ticket and I was out in about an hour. No sex occurred while in the holding area. Ha ha ha.

I used to have a drinking problem many years ago. Well ... let's face it ... I was a "falling down drunk." Anyway, I've been arrested 4 times for alcohol related violations. I never acted belligerently so I was never struck, choked, or thrown to the ground. Moral of the story? Don't resist arrest. I was breaking the law and deserved to be arrested and even in my drunken state of mind I was sensible enough to realize that fighting the cops wouldn't end well.

I agree. I don't know what these people expect the police to do when they come charging at them and are being uncooperative and fighting with them! They MUST take some of the blame for their own ridiculous actions.

I also don't understand why a lot of black people have to scream all the time when the police are trying to restrain them. Good Lord, shut up already! :rolleyes-41:

It's so funny on Cops or other shows when they cry like a little baby that their wrist hurts or something. Yeah sure, this is a guy who just spent 10 years in a maximum security prison. Lol!
Yeah cause telling the cops you didn't do anything is stupid, you're just begging to have them kill you when you resist.

Telling a cop something and screaming like a banshi and resisting are two entirely different things. Lol!
What were they arresting him for? Are you kidding? Why was he resisting arrest? Why did it take six cops to subdue him if he wasn't doing anything wrong? Come on, kid. Something smells rotten in Denmark.

Lots of questions. Here's another one that bothers me. Why do conservatives, who say they are for liberty, side with the oppressor time and time again? With the sheer number of laws criminalizing Americans for anything and everything, why do "freedom loving" conservatives continue to defend the all powerful state no matter what it does?
As someone who is conservative, I think the incredibly high taxes on a legal product is a big problem in that it created a black market on cigarettes. That being said, police are expected to enforce laws, even those that we don't like. How much liberty will the inner city communities have without the police being able to enforce the law!

Really? So there isn't a line in which police should push back and refuse to enforce the law? What if a law was passed bringing back Japanese internment camps. Should police go ahead and start rounding up the Japs? How about the gun confiscation that happened in the wake of Hurricane Katrina? It's absurd to suggest that police should enforce any and all laws because laws aren't always for the benefit of society, and many laws these days just get people killed.
If such a line is reached, then the cops that do not think it is right to enforce those bad laws should turn in their badges. The other side of this is what should a cop do if someone refuses to obey a minor law. At some point, the person needs to be arrested. Should a person have immunity from such laws because that person refuses to be arrested? If the suspect continues to say don't touch me, leave me alone, what's a cop to do?
What were they arresting him for? Are you kidding? Why was he resisting arrest? Why did it take six cops to subdue him if he wasn't doing anything wrong? Come on, kid. Something smells rotten in Denmark.

Lots of questions. Here's another one that bothers me. Why do conservatives, who say they are for liberty, side with the oppressor time and time again? With the sheer number of laws criminalizing Americans for anything and everything, why do "freedom loving" conservatives continue to defend the all powerful state no matter what it does?
As someone who is conservative, I think the incredibly high taxes on a legal product is a big problem in that it created a black market on cigarettes. That being said, police are expected to enforce laws, even those that we don't like. How much liberty will the inner city communities have without the police being able to enforce the law!

Really? So there isn't a line in which police should push back and refuse to enforce the law? What if a law was passed bringing back Japanese internment camps. Should police go ahead and start rounding up the Japs? How about the gun confiscation that happened in the wake of Hurricane Katrina? It's absurd to suggest that police should enforce any and all laws because laws aren't always for the benefit of society, and many laws these days just get people killed.
If such a line is reached, then the cops that do not think it is right to enforce those bad laws should turn in their badges. The other side of this is what should a cop do if someone refuses to obey a minor law. At some point, the person needs to be arrested. Should a person have immunity from such laws because that person refuses to be arrested? If the suspect continues to say don't touch me, leave me alone, what's a cop to do?

That's what I'm wondering too. What exactly do they expect the cop to do? Let the suspect go because he says he "didn't do it?" I also agree that if a cop does not believe in the laws he is enforcing, then he should probably not be a cop anymore.
What were they arresting him for? Are you kidding? Why was he resisting arrest? Why did it take six cops to subdue him if he wasn't doing anything wrong? Come on, kid. Something smells rotten in Denmark.

Lots of questions. Here's another one that bothers me. Why do conservatives, who say they are for liberty, side with the oppressor time and time again? With the sheer number of laws criminalizing Americans for anything and everything, why do "freedom loving" conservatives continue to defend the all powerful state no matter what it does?
As someone who is conservative, I think the incredibly high taxes on a legal product is a big problem in that it created a black market on cigarettes. That being said, police are expected to enforce laws, even those that we don't like. How much liberty will the inner city communities have without the police being able to enforce the law!

Really? So there isn't a line in which police should push back and refuse to enforce the law? What if a law was passed bringing back Japanese internment camps. Should police go ahead and start rounding up the Japs? How about the gun confiscation that happened in the wake of Hurricane Katrina? It's absurd to suggest that police should enforce any and all laws because laws aren't always for the benefit of society, and many laws these days just get people killed.
If such a line is reached, then the cops that do not think it is right to enforce those bad laws should turn in their badges. The other side of this is what should a cop do if someone refuses to obey a minor law. At some point, the person needs to be arrested. Should a person have immunity from such laws because that person refuses to be arrested? If the suspect continues to say don't touch me, leave me alone, what's a cop to do?

Those aren't the only two options. Police have refused to enforce many laws, especially pot laws or illegal immigrants. It happens all the time and it doesn't require officers to turn in their badge. They just agree collectively to use prosecutorial discretion.
What were they arresting him for? Are you kidding? Why was he resisting arrest? Why did it take six cops to subdue him if he wasn't doing anything wrong? Come on, kid. Something smells rotten in Denmark.

Lots of questions. Here's another one that bothers me. Why do conservatives, who say they are for liberty, side with the oppressor time and time again? With the sheer number of laws criminalizing Americans for anything and everything, why do "freedom loving" conservatives continue to defend the all powerful state no matter what it does?
As someone who is conservative, I think the incredibly high taxes on a legal product is a big problem in that it created a black market on cigarettes. That being said, police are expected to enforce laws, even those that we don't like. How much liberty will the inner city communities have without the police being able to enforce the law!

Really? So there isn't a line in which police should push back and refuse to enforce the law? What if a law was passed bringing back Japanese internment camps. Should police go ahead and start rounding up the Japs? How about the gun confiscation that happened in the wake of Hurricane Katrina? It's absurd to suggest that police should enforce any and all laws because laws aren't always for the benefit of society, and many laws these days just get people killed.
If such a line is reached, then the cops that do not think it is right to enforce those bad laws should turn in their badges. The other side of this is what should a cop do if someone refuses to obey a minor law. At some point, the person needs to be arrested. Should a person have immunity from such laws because that person refuses to be arrested? If the suspect continues to say don't touch me, leave me alone, what's a cop to do?

Those aren't the only two options. Police have refused to enforce many laws, especially pot laws or illegal immigrants. It happens all the time and it doesn't require officers to turn in their badge. They just agree collectively to use prosecutorial discretion.

Link please. :D
Lots of questions. Here's another one that bothers me. Why do conservatives, who say they are for liberty, side with the oppressor time and time again? With the sheer number of laws criminalizing Americans for anything and everything, why do "freedom loving" conservatives continue to defend the all powerful state no matter what it does?
As someone who is conservative, I think the incredibly high taxes on a legal product is a big problem in that it created a black market on cigarettes. That being said, police are expected to enforce laws, even those that we don't like. How much liberty will the inner city communities have without the police being able to enforce the law!

Really? So there isn't a line in which police should push back and refuse to enforce the law? What if a law was passed bringing back Japanese internment camps. Should police go ahead and start rounding up the Japs? How about the gun confiscation that happened in the wake of Hurricane Katrina? It's absurd to suggest that police should enforce any and all laws because laws aren't always for the benefit of society, and many laws these days just get people killed.
If such a line is reached, then the cops that do not think it is right to enforce those bad laws should turn in their badges. The other side of this is what should a cop do if someone refuses to obey a minor law. At some point, the person needs to be arrested. Should a person have immunity from such laws because that person refuses to be arrested? If the suspect continues to say don't touch me, leave me alone, what's a cop to do?

Those aren't the only two options. Police have refused to enforce many laws, especially pot laws or illegal immigrants. It happens all the time and it doesn't require officers to turn in their badge. They just agree collectively to use prosecutorial discretion.

Link please. :D

Oh stuff it! If you don't know about San Francisco police not arresting people for smoking pot or the "sanctuary cities" in California, then I can't help you. I'm not your link slave. Pay more attention to current events so you can keep up with these conversations.
As someone who is conservative, I think the incredibly high taxes on a legal product is a big problem in that it created a black market on cigarettes. That being said, police are expected to enforce laws, even those that we don't like. How much liberty will the inner city communities have without the police being able to enforce the law!

Really? So there isn't a line in which police should push back and refuse to enforce the law? What if a law was passed bringing back Japanese internment camps. Should police go ahead and start rounding up the Japs? How about the gun confiscation that happened in the wake of Hurricane Katrina? It's absurd to suggest that police should enforce any and all laws because laws aren't always for the benefit of society, and many laws these days just get people killed.
If such a line is reached, then the cops that do not think it is right to enforce those bad laws should turn in their badges. The other side of this is what should a cop do if someone refuses to obey a minor law. At some point, the person needs to be arrested. Should a person have immunity from such laws because that person refuses to be arrested? If the suspect continues to say don't touch me, leave me alone, what's a cop to do?

Those aren't the only two options. Police have refused to enforce many laws, especially pot laws or illegal immigrants. It happens all the time and it doesn't require officers to turn in their badge. They just agree collectively to use prosecutorial discretion.

Link please. :D

Oh stuff it! If you don't know about San Francisco police not arresting people for smoking pot or the "sanctuary cities" in California, then I can't help you. I'm not your link slave. Pay more attention to current events so you can keep up with these conversations.

A link slave? :lol: Oh my, a little dramatic, huh? Post a link to your claim or it didn't happen. :)
What were they arresting him for? Are you kidding? Why was he resisting arrest? Why did it take six cops to subdue him if he wasn't doing anything wrong? Come on, kid. Something smells rotten in Denmark.

Lots of questions. Here's another one that bothers me. Why do conservatives, who say they are for liberty, side with the oppressor time and time again? With the sheer number of laws criminalizing Americans for anything and everything, why do "freedom loving" conservatives continue to defend the all powerful state no matter what it does?
As someone who is conservative, I think the incredibly high taxes on a legal product is a big problem in that it created a black market on cigarettes. That being said, police are expected to enforce laws, even those that we don't like. How much liberty will the inner city communities have without the police being able to enforce the law!

Really? So there isn't a line in which police should push back and refuse to enforce the law? What if a law was passed bringing back Japanese internment camps. Should police go ahead and start rounding up the Japs? How about the gun confiscation that happened in the wake of Hurricane Katrina? It's absurd to suggest that police should enforce any and all laws because laws aren't always for the benefit of society, and many laws these days just get people killed.
If such a line is reached, then the cops that do not think it is right to enforce those bad laws should turn in their badges. The other side of this is what should a cop do if someone refuses to obey a minor law. At some point, the person needs to be arrested. Should a person have immunity from such laws because that person refuses to be arrested? If the suspect continues to say don't touch me, leave me alone, what's a cop to do?

Those aren't the only two options. Police have refused to enforce many laws, especially pot laws or illegal immigrants. It happens all the time and it doesn't require officers to turn in their badge. They just agree collectively to use prosecutorial discretion.
The cops on the street are not allowed to exercise such prosecutorial discretion. Such a decision would need to be made at the top levels of law enforcement. That being said, it's the will of the people of New York City through the representives that they continue to elect that they have a high cigarette tax and that they have made selling loosies illegal.
Post a link to your claim or it didn't happen.
On what basis do you make that claim?

Link please.

See what I did there?

No because you didn't really do anything. :D Now, you made a claim, yet you cannot provide anything to substantiate your claim. We are just supposed to take your word for it? I've never heard of the police just ignoring a law, and if they did, I imagine that they didn't remain officers of the law for very long.

Also, you stated that the police refuse to enforce "many" laws? Yes, I think a link is in order here. :)
What were they arresting him for? Are you kidding? Why was he resisting arrest? Why did it take six cops to subdue him if he wasn't doing anything wrong? Come on, kid. Something smells rotten in Denmark.

Lots of questions. Here's another one that bothers me. Why do conservatives, who say they are for liberty, side with the oppressor time and time again? With the sheer number of laws criminalizing Americans for anything and everything, why do "freedom loving" conservatives continue to defend the all powerful state no matter what it does?
As someone who is conservative, I think the incredibly high taxes on a legal product is a big problem in that it created a black market on cigarettes. That being said, police are expected to enforce laws, even those that we don't like. How much liberty will the inner city communities have without the police being able to enforce the law!

Really? So there isn't a line in which police should push back and refuse to enforce the law? What if a law was passed bringing back Japanese internment camps. Should police go ahead and start rounding up the Japs? How about the gun confiscation that happened in the wake of Hurricane Katrina? It's absurd to suggest that police should enforce any and all laws because laws aren't always for the benefit of society, and many laws these days just get people killed.
If such a line is reached, then the cops that do not think it is right to enforce those bad laws should turn in their badges. The other side of this is what should a cop do if someone refuses to obey a minor law. At some point, the person needs to be arrested. Should a person have immunity from such laws because that person refuses to be arrested? If the suspect continues to say don't touch me, leave me alone, what's a cop to do?

Those aren't the only two options. Police have refused to enforce many laws, especially pot laws or illegal immigrants. It happens all the time and it doesn't require officers to turn in their badge. They just agree collectively to use prosecutorial discretion.

True even traffic cops have proprietorial discretion, do they write you a ticket for 5 MPH over or 10 MPH over or just a warning usually based on your attitude.
However, this was different because the store over filed a complaint. The cop originally told Garner to move on but he refused. His choice, his mistake led to his death, no one else to blame.
Really? So there isn't a line in which police should push back and refuse to enforce the law? What if a law was passed bringing back Japanese internment camps. Should police go ahead and start rounding up the Japs? How about the gun confiscation that happened in the wake of Hurricane Katrina? It's absurd to suggest that police should enforce any and all laws because laws aren't always for the benefit of society, and many laws these days just get people killed.
If such a line is reached, then the cops that do not think it is right to enforce those bad laws should turn in their badges. The other side of this is what should a cop do if someone refuses to obey a minor law. At some point, the person needs to be arrested. Should a person have immunity from such laws because that person refuses to be arrested? If the suspect continues to say don't touch me, leave me alone, what's a cop to do?

Those aren't the only two options. Police have refused to enforce many laws, especially pot laws or illegal immigrants. It happens all the time and it doesn't require officers to turn in their badge. They just agree collectively to use prosecutorial discretion.

Link please. :D

Oh stuff it! If you don't know about San Francisco police not arresting people for smoking pot or the "sanctuary cities" in California, then I can't help you. I'm not your link slave. Pay more attention to current events so you can keep up with these conversations.

A link slave? :lol: Oh my, a little dramatic, huh? Post a link to your claim or it didn't happen. :)
If certain laws are not enforced then there is no sense in passing those laws. As such, it makes no sense to pass immigration reform laws if half the country may simply choose not to enforce those laws.
If such a line is reached, then the cops that do not think it is right to enforce those bad laws should turn in their badges. The other side of this is what should a cop do if someone refuses to obey a minor law. At some point, the person needs to be arrested. Should a person have immunity from such laws because that person refuses to be arrested? If the suspect continues to say don't touch me, leave me alone, what's a cop to do?

Those aren't the only two options. Police have refused to enforce many laws, especially pot laws or illegal immigrants. It happens all the time and it doesn't require officers to turn in their badge. They just agree collectively to use prosecutorial discretion.

Link please. :D

Oh stuff it! If you don't know about San Francisco police not arresting people for smoking pot or the "sanctuary cities" in California, then I can't help you. I'm not your link slave. Pay more attention to current events so you can keep up with these conversations.

A link slave? :lol: Oh my, a little dramatic, huh? Post a link to your claim or it didn't happen. :)
If certain laws are not enforced then there is no sense in passing those laws. As such, it makes no sense to pass immigration reform laws if half the country may simply choose not to enforce those laws.

On January 1st 2010 saw 40,627 new laws on the books in the USA and its overseas territories and protectorates and that was on top of all the other laws and regulations already on the books. Due you truly believe the cops are going to enforce each and every one of this laws? In fact do you believe the cops even know what these laws are?
Don't commit crimes (even juvenile ones). Don't resist arrest. Follow the civil laws and live.

When I was much younger I got taken in once for having an unpaid moving violation. But I wasn't stupid enough to resist getting arrested when surrounded by cops wearing guns. No one likes to get taken in. I called someone and they paid the ticket and I was out in about an hour. No sex occurred while in the holding area. Ha ha ha.

I used to have a drinking problem many years ago. Well ... let's face it ... I was a "falling down drunk." Anyway, I've been arrested 4 times for alcohol related violations. I never acted belligerently so I was never struck, choked, or thrown to the ground. Moral of the story? Don't resist arrest. I was breaking the law and deserved to be arrested and even in my drunken state of mind I was sensible enough to realize that fighting the cops wouldn't end well.

I agree. I don't know what these people expect the police to do when they come charging at them and are being uncooperative and fighting with them! They MUST take some of the blame for their own ridiculous actions.

I also don't understand why a lot of black people have to scream all the time when the police are trying to restrain them. Good Lord, shut up already! :rolleyes-41:

It's so funny on Cops or other shows when they cry like a little baby that their wrist hurts or something. Yeah sure, this is a guy who just spent 10 years in a maximum security prison. Lol!
Yeah cause telling the cops you didn't do anything is stupid, you're just begging to have them kill you when you resist.

Telling a cop something and screaming like a banshi and resisting are two entirely different things. Lol!
Your idea of screaming like a banshi and mine are in two different universes. But I think you might be in the one my wife lives in. Every time I disagree she thinks I'm yelling.
When I was much younger I got taken in once for having an unpaid moving violation. But I wasn't stupid enough to resist getting arrested when surrounded by cops wearing guns. No one likes to get taken in. I called someone and they paid the ticket and I was out in about an hour. No sex occurred while in the holding area. Ha ha ha.

I used to have a drinking problem many years ago. Well ... let's face it ... I was a "falling down drunk." Anyway, I've been arrested 4 times for alcohol related violations. I never acted belligerently so I was never struck, choked, or thrown to the ground. Moral of the story? Don't resist arrest. I was breaking the law and deserved to be arrested and even in my drunken state of mind I was sensible enough to realize that fighting the cops wouldn't end well.

I agree. I don't know what these people expect the police to do when they come charging at them and are being uncooperative and fighting with them! They MUST take some of the blame for their own ridiculous actions.

I also don't understand why a lot of black people have to scream all the time when the police are trying to restrain them. Good Lord, shut up already! :rolleyes-41:

It's so funny on Cops or other shows when they cry like a little baby that their wrist hurts or something. Yeah sure, this is a guy who just spent 10 years in a maximum security prison. Lol!
Yeah cause telling the cops you didn't do anything is stupid, you're just begging to have them kill you when you resist.

Telling a cop something and screaming like a banshi and resisting are two entirely different things. Lol!
Your idea of screaming like a banshi and mine are in two different universes. But I think you might be in the one my wife lives in. Every time I disagree she thinks I'm yelling.

In that newest video that's out, where it a man got his head bashed against the pavement by the cops because he was fighting with them, had drugs in his mouth and wouldn't spit it out, etc., his dumb pregnant wife comes over screaming incoherently, and the cop trips her. Haven't seen that video yet? THAT is the kind of thing I'm talking about. WTH is wrong with these people? Why are they not responsible for their idiotic actions?
I used to have a drinking problem many years ago. Well ... let's face it ... I was a "falling down drunk." Anyway, I've been arrested 4 times for alcohol related violations. I never acted belligerently so I was never struck, choked, or thrown to the ground. Moral of the story? Don't resist arrest. I was breaking the law and deserved to be arrested and even in my drunken state of mind I was sensible enough to realize that fighting the cops wouldn't end well.

I agree. I don't know what these people expect the police to do when they come charging at them and are being uncooperative and fighting with them! They MUST take some of the blame for their own ridiculous actions.

I also don't understand why a lot of black people have to scream all the time when the police are trying to restrain them. Good Lord, shut up already! :rolleyes-41:

It's so funny on Cops or other shows when they cry like a little baby that their wrist hurts or something. Yeah sure, this is a guy who just spent 10 years in a maximum security prison. Lol!
Yeah cause telling the cops you didn't do anything is stupid, you're just begging to have them kill you when you resist.

Telling a cop something and screaming like a banshi and resisting are two entirely different things. Lol!
Your idea of screaming like a banshi and mine are in two different universes. But I think you might be in the one my wife lives in. Every time I disagree she thinks I'm yelling.

In that newest video that's out, where it a man got his head bashed against the pavement by the cops because he was fighting with them, had drugs in his mouth and wouldn't spit it out, etc., his dumb pregnant wife comes over screaming incoherently, and the cop trips her. Haven't seen that video yet? THAT is the kind of thing I'm talking about. WTH is wrong with these people? Why are they not responsible for their idiotic actions?
nah havn't seen that yet...
True even traffic cops have proprietorial discretion, do they write you a ticket for 5 MPH over or 10 MPH over or just a warning usually based on your attitude.
However, this was different because the store over filed a complaint. The cop originally told Garner to move on but he refused. His choice, his mistake led to his death, no one else to blame.

Some what of a lame example and in our state completely false.
Our laws state that you must be doing 11 miles over the posted speed limit to be stopped by any electronic means(ie. Radar / Laser).
The cops do not use discretion, though it is a humorous talking point.
Our streets are posted 10 miles below what they would like you to drive .......... that first ten is a gimme ............

Oh yeah, schools zones are no tolerance zones ..................

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