11 Facts About the Eric Garner Case the Media Won't Tell You

Had Garner obeyed the law, the police- he would still be alive. If he had learned after 29 arrests! he might still be alive!
Had the police and other public servants done their jobs properly after Garner was in handcuffs he might still be alive.
Black lives STILL count for less.


We know George, just as your a muslim terrorist lover and supporter, you're a black hatred supporter! You're dog shit!
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik put it succinctly: "You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different," he told Newsmax. "He wouldn't be dead today.

"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

2. The video of the July 17 incident clearly shows Garner, an African-American, swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

3. Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny.

4. At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation.

5. The chokehold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.

6. Garner did not die at the scene of the confrontation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."

8. The grand jury began hearing the case on Sept. 29 and did not reach a decision until Wednesday, so there is much testimony that was presented that has not been made public.

9. The 23-member grand jury included nine non-white jurors.

10. In order to find Officer Pantaleo criminally negligent, the grand jury would have had to determine that he knew there was a "substantial risk" that Garner would have died due to the takedown.

11. Less than a month after Garner's death, Ramsey Orta, who shot the much-viewed videotape of the encounter, was indicted on weapons charges. Police alleged that Orta had slipped a .25-caliber handgun into a teenage accomplice's waistband outside a New York hotel.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/eric-garner-chokehold-grand-jury-police/2014/12/04/id/611058/#ixzz3KzEJ8JTk

Isn't NewsMax media? :rolleyes:

Do YOU quote from them?
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik put it succinctly: "You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different," he told Newsmax. "He wouldn't be dead today.

"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

2. The video of the July 17 incident clearly shows Garner, an African-American, swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

3. Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny.

4. At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation.

5. The chokehold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.

6. Garner did not die at the scene of the confrontation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."

8. The grand jury began hearing the case on Sept. 29 and did not reach a decision until Wednesday, so there is much testimony that was presented that has not been made public.

9. The 23-member grand jury included nine non-white jurors.

10. In order to find Officer Pantaleo criminally negligent, the grand jury would have had to determine that he knew there was a "substantial risk" that Garner would have died due to the takedown.

11. Less than a month after Garner's death, Ramsey Orta, who shot the much-viewed videotape of the encounter, was indicted on weapons charges. Police alleged that Orta had slipped a .25-caliber handgun into a teenage accomplice's waistband outside a New York hotel.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/eric-garner-chokehold-grand-jury-police/2014/12/04/id/611058/#ixzz3KzEJ8JTk

Isn't NewsMax media? :rolleyes:

Do YOU quote from them?

The title of your thread is misleading. Obviously, you got your info from the media.
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik put it succinctly: "You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different," he told Newsmax. "He wouldn't be dead today.

"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

2. The video of the July 17 incident clearly shows Garner, an African-American, swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

3. Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny.

4. At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation.

5. The chokehold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.

6. Garner did not die at the scene of the confrontation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."

8. The grand jury began hearing the case on Sept. 29 and did not reach a decision until Wednesday, so there is much testimony that was presented that has not been made public.

9. The 23-member grand jury included nine non-white jurors.

10. In order to find Officer Pantaleo criminally negligent, the grand jury would have had to determine that he knew there was a "substantial risk" that Garner would have died due to the takedown.

11. Less than a month after Garner's death, Ramsey Orta, who shot the much-viewed videotape of the encounter, was indicted on weapons charges. Police alleged that Orta had slipped a .25-caliber handgun into a teenage accomplice's waistband outside a New York hotel.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/eric-garner-chokehold-grand-jury-police/2014/12/04/id/611058/#ixzz3KzEJ8JTk

Isn't NewsMax media? :rolleyes:

Do YOU quote from them?

The title of your thread is misleading. Obviously, you got your info from the media.

It's only misleading to racist scum, like yourself, that wants to keep the racial divide going! Are you married to Al Sharpton? Perhaps you have a financial interest in this as he does?
It's pretty funny how the OP lists 11 things the media won't tell you about Garner,

all 11 of which he got from the media.
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik put it succinctly: "You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different," he told Newsmax. "He wouldn't be dead today.

"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

2. The video of the July 17 incident clearly shows Garner, an African-American, swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

3. Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny.

4. At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation.

5. The chokehold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.

6. Garner did not die at the scene of the confrontation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."

8. The grand jury began hearing the case on Sept. 29 and did not reach a decision until Wednesday, so there is much testimony that was presented that has not been made public.

9. The 23-member grand jury included nine non-white jurors.

10. In order to find Officer Pantaleo criminally negligent, the grand jury would have had to determine that he knew there was a "substantial risk" that Garner would have died due to the takedown.

11. Less than a month after Garner's death, Ramsey Orta, who shot the much-viewed videotape of the encounter, was indicted on weapons charges. Police alleged that Orta had slipped a .25-caliber handgun into a teenage accomplice's waistband outside a New York hotel.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/eric-garner-chokehold-grand-jury-police/2014/12/04/id/611058/#ixzz3KzEJ8JTk

Isn't NewsMax media? :rolleyes:

Do YOU quote from them?

The title of your thread is misleading. Obviously, you got your info from the media.

It's only misleading to racist scum, like yourself, that wants to keep the racial divide going! Are you married to Al Sharpton? Perhaps you have a financial interest in this as he does?

No need to go mental just because your infantile thread turned out to be a diaper full of excrement.
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik put it succinctly: "You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different," he told Newsmax. "He wouldn't be dead today.

"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

2. The video of the July 17 incident clearly shows Garner, an African-American, swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

3. Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny.

4. At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation.

5. The chokehold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.

6. Garner did not die at the scene of the confrontation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."

8. The grand jury began hearing the case on Sept. 29 and did not reach a decision until Wednesday, so there is much testimony that was presented that has not been made public.

9. The 23-member grand jury included nine non-white jurors.

10. In order to find Officer Pantaleo criminally negligent, the grand jury would have had to determine that he knew there was a "substantial risk" that Garner would have died due to the takedown.

11. Less than a month after Garner's death, Ramsey Orta, who shot the much-viewed videotape of the encounter, was indicted on weapons charges. Police alleged that Orta had slipped a .25-caliber handgun into a teenage accomplice's waistband outside a New York hotel.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/eric-garner-chokehold-grand-jury-police/2014/12/04/id/611058/#ixzz3KzEJ8JTk

Isn't NewsMax media? :rolleyes:

Do YOU quote from them?

The title of your thread is misleading. Obviously, you got your info from the media.

It's only misleading to racist scum, like yourself, that wants to keep the racial divide going! Are you married to Al Sharpton? Perhaps you have a financial interest in this as he does?

I don't have time for idiots. Cya.
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik put it succinctly: "You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different," he told Newsmax. "He wouldn't be dead today.

"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

2. The video of the July 17 incident clearly shows Garner, an African-American, swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

3. Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny.

4. At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation.

5. The chokehold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.

6. Garner did not die at the scene of the confrontation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."

8. The grand jury began hearing the case on Sept. 29 and did not reach a decision until Wednesday, so there is much testimony that was presented that has not been made public.

9. The 23-member grand jury included nine non-white jurors.

10. In order to find Officer Pantaleo criminally negligent, the grand jury would have had to determine that he knew there was a "substantial risk" that Garner would have died due to the takedown.

11. Less than a month after Garner's death, Ramsey Orta, who shot the much-viewed videotape of the encounter, was indicted on weapons charges. Police alleged that Orta had slipped a .25-caliber handgun into a teenage accomplice's waistband outside a New York hotel.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/eric-garner-chokehold-grand-jury-police/2014/12/04/id/611058/#ixzz3KzEJ8JTk

Isn't NewsMax media? :rolleyes:

Do YOU quote from them?

The title of your thread is misleading. Obviously, you got your info from the media.

It's only misleading to racist scum, like yourself, that wants to keep the racial divide going! Are you married to Al Sharpton? Perhaps you have a financial interest in this as he does?

No need to go mental just because your infantile thread turned out to be a diaper full of excrement.

Go mental? LOL!
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik put it succinctly: "You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different," he told Newsmax. "He wouldn't be dead today.

"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

2. The video of the July 17 incident clearly shows Garner, an African-American, swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

3. Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny.

4. At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation.

5. The chokehold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.

6. Garner did not die at the scene of the confrontation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."

8. The grand jury began hearing the case on Sept. 29 and did not reach a decision until Wednesday, so there is much testimony that was presented that has not been made public.

9. The 23-member grand jury included nine non-white jurors.

10. In order to find Officer Pantaleo criminally negligent, the grand jury would have had to determine that he knew there was a "substantial risk" that Garner would have died due to the takedown.

11. Less than a month after Garner's death, Ramsey Orta, who shot the much-viewed videotape of the encounter, was indicted on weapons charges. Police alleged that Orta had slipped a .25-caliber handgun into a teenage accomplice's waistband outside a New York hotel.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/eric-garner-chokehold-grand-jury-police/2014/12/04/id/611058/#ixzz3KzEJ8JTk

Isn't NewsMax media? :rolleyes:

Do YOU quote from them?

The title of your thread is misleading. Obviously, you got your info from the media.

It's only misleading to racist scum, like yourself, that wants to keep the racial divide going! Are you married to Al Sharpton? Perhaps you have a financial interest in this as he does?

I don't have time for idiots. Cya.
Then you are on the wrong message board.
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik put it succinctly: "You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different," he told Newsmax. "He wouldn't be dead today.

"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

2. The video of the July 17 incident clearly shows Garner, an African-American, swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

3. Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny.

4. At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation.

5. The chokehold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.

6. Garner did not die at the scene of the confrontation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."

8. The grand jury began hearing the case on Sept. 29 and did not reach a decision until Wednesday, so there is much testimony that was presented that has not been made public.

9. The 23-member grand jury included nine non-white jurors.

10. In order to find Officer Pantaleo criminally negligent, the grand jury would have had to determine that he knew there was a "substantial risk" that Garner would have died due to the takedown.

11. Less than a month after Garner's death, Ramsey Orta, who shot the much-viewed videotape of the encounter, was indicted on weapons charges. Police alleged that Orta had slipped a .25-caliber handgun into a teenage accomplice's waistband outside a New York hotel.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/eric-garner-chokehold-grand-jury-police/2014/12/04/id/611058/#ixzz3KzEJ8JTk

Isn't NewsMax media? :rolleyes:

Do YOU quote from them?

The title of your thread is misleading. Obviously, you got your info from the media.

It's only misleading to racist scum, like yourself, that wants to keep the racial divide going! Are you married to Al Sharpton? Perhaps you have a financial interest in this as he does?

No need to go mental just because your infantile thread turned out to be a diaper full of excrement.

Not my title, the ARTICLES title...but you're too stupid to figure that out! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::ahole-1:
Isn't NewsMax media? :rolleyes:

Do YOU quote from them?

The title of your thread is misleading. Obviously, you got your info from the media.

It's only misleading to racist scum, like yourself, that wants to keep the racial divide going! Are you married to Al Sharpton? Perhaps you have a financial interest in this as he does?

I don't have time for idiots. Cya.
Then you are on the wrong message board.

She wouldn't know, it had a dick and placed it in her open mouth!
Do YOU quote from them?

The title of your thread is misleading. Obviously, you got your info from the media.

It's only misleading to racist scum, like yourself, that wants to keep the racial divide going! Are you married to Al Sharpton? Perhaps you have a financial interest in this as he does?

I don't have time for idiots. Cya.
Then you are on the wrong message board.

She wouldn't know, it had a dick and placed it in her open mouth!
ah a democrat
The title of your thread is misleading. Obviously, you got your info from the media.

It's only misleading to racist scum, like yourself, that wants to keep the racial divide going! Are you married to Al Sharpton? Perhaps you have a financial interest in this as he does?

I don't have time for idiots. Cya.
Then you are on the wrong message board.

She wouldn't know, it had a dick and placed it in her open mouth!
ah a democrat
We know George, just as your a muslim terrorist lover and supporter, you're a black hatred supporter! You're dog shit!
You're not capable of connecting the racist space between Ferguson and Gaza, are you, Golda?
"These two spaces are linked by the US government-financed militarization that has supported sieges on communities with unequal access to power worldwide.

"In the Middle East, according to a collective of US professors writing in 2011, the US government has offered some 8.6 million dollars per day to Israeli forces for the occupation of the West Bank.

"While paying lip service to the idea of peace talks, the US government has unhesitatingly shared damaging intelligence with, and supplied weapons and ammunition to, the Israeli state.

"Less than two weeks ago, US lawmakers demonstrated their unfaltering support for Israel by approving 225 million dollars to maintain the Iron Dome, despite the perverse death toll of Palestinian residents as a result of offensive Israeli military operations in Gaza."
Linking Violence In Solidarity Ferguson Gaza and the US State
Had Garner obeyed the law, the police- he would still be alive. If he had learned after 29 arrests! he might still be alive!
Had the police and other public servants done their jobs properly after Garner was in handcuffs he might still be alive.
Black lives STILL count for less.


We know George, just as your a muslim terrorist lover and supporter, you're a black hatred supporter! You're dog shit!

He's worse than dog shit. He's probably one of these Nation of Islam Louis Farrakhan chip on the shoulder assholes.
We know George, just as your a muslim terrorist lover and supporter, you're a black hatred supporter! You're dog shit!
You're not capable of connecting the racist space between Ferguson and Gaza, are you, Golda?
"These two spaces are linked by the US government-financed militarization that has supported sieges on communities with unequal access to power worldwide.

"In the Middle East, according to a collective of US professors writing in 2011, the US government has offered some 8.6 million dollars per day to Israeli forces for the occupation of the West Bank.

"While paying lip service to the idea of peace talks, the US government has unhesitatingly shared damaging intelligence with, and supplied weapons and ammunition to, the Israeli state.

"Less than two weeks ago, US lawmakers demonstrated their unfaltering support for Israel by approving 225 million dollars to maintain the Iron Dome, despite the perverse death toll of Palestinian residents as a result of offensive Israeli military operations in Gaza."
Linking Violence In Solidarity Ferguson Gaza and the US State

"US govt. militarization....blah blah błah blah." George is incapable of doing anything but repeating Nation of Islam hate America / hate Whitey propaganda, like a donkey.

What does that have to do with a black guy who robs a store and then attacks a police officer, and another who resists arrest after being caught selling illegal cigarettes? There isn't a shred of proof of racism in either of the two cases.
We know George, just as your a muslim terrorist lover and supporter, you're a black hatred supporter! You're dog shit!
You're not capable of connecting the racist space between Ferguson and Gaza, are you, Golda?
"These two spaces are linked by the US government-financed militarization that has supported sieges on communities with unequal access to power worldwide.

"In the Middle East, according to a collective of US professors writing in 2011, the US government has offered some 8.6 million dollars per day to Israeli forces for the occupation of the West Bank.

"While paying lip service to the idea of peace talks, the US government has unhesitatingly shared damaging intelligence with, and supplied weapons and ammunition to, the Israeli state.

"Less than two weeks ago, US lawmakers demonstrated their unfaltering support for Israel by approving 225 million dollars to maintain the Iron Dome, despite the perverse death toll of Palestinian residents as a result of offensive Israeli military operations in Gaza."
Linking Violence In Solidarity Ferguson Gaza and the US State
You are truly a psychopath that needs to be dispatched! You fucks kill indiscriminately, and DESERVE to be eliminated off this planet!

1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.

Whew, I'll sleep better at night now that they killed Garner for selling "illegal" cigarettes. Another dangerous criminal caught.

You stupid law and order types are retarded to the max.

You can not tell a VALID CONSTITUTIONAL LAW from an unconstitutional one. I bet you are ab "anti-government" Republican, right?

1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.

Whew, I'll sleep better at night now that they killed Garner for selling "illegal" cigarettes. Another dangerous criminal caught.

You stupid law and order types are retarded to the max.

You can not tell a VALID CONSTITUTIONAL LAW from an unconstitutional one. I bet you are ab "anti-government" Republican, right?


What are you babbling about asshole? HE KILLED himself! His choice!
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.

Whew, I'll sleep better at night now that they killed Garner for selling "illegal" cigarettes. Another dangerous criminal caught.

You stupid law and order types are retarded to the max.

You can not tell a VALID CONSTITUTIONAL LAW from an unconstitutional one. I bet you are ab "anti-government" Republican, right?


What are you babbling about asshole? HE KILLED himself! His choice!

You stupid retards never cease to amaze me.

Those blue shirts turn you on, don't they?

You use to root for the brownshirts a little while ago, right?


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