11 Facts About the Eric Garner Case the Media Won't Tell You

1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.

Whew, I'll sleep better at night now that they killed Garner for selling "illegal" cigarettes. Another dangerous criminal caught.

You stupid law and order types are retarded to the max.

You can not tell a VALID CONSTITUTIONAL LAW from an unconstitutional one. I bet you are ab "anti-government" Republican, right?


What are you babbling about asshole? HE KILLED himself! His choice!

You stupid retards never cease to amaze me.

Those blue shirts turn you on, don't they?

You use to root for the brownshirts a little while ago, right?


Your hammer and sickle are imbedded in your ass! Subversive!
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.

Whew, I'll sleep better at night now that they killed Garner for selling "illegal" cigarettes. Another dangerous criminal caught.

You stupid law and order types are retarded to the max.

You can not tell a VALID CONSTITUTIONAL LAW from an unconstitutional one. I bet you are ab "anti-government" Republican, right?


What are you babbling about asshole? HE KILLED himself! His choice!

You stupid retards never cease to amaze me.

Those blue shirts turn you on, don't they?

You use to root for the brownshirts a little while ago, right?


Your hammer and sickle are imbedded in your ass! Subversive!

Yes, indeed.

Supporting and defending the US Constitution (1787) makes me a .........subversive.

Who the fuck am I to disrupt the fascist/socialist axis of evil agenda ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

They said on the Sunday morning shows they could have just given him a ticket. In the words of Marv Ley on refs, who cost the Bills another victory today, "over officious jerks!"...we have a overly prosecutorial prosecutor and police problem. A hard ass legal system for mindless loudmouth "law and order" racist hater dupes...
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.

Whew, I'll sleep better at night now that they killed Garner for selling "illegal" cigarettes. Another dangerous criminal caught.

You stupid law and order types are retarded to the max.

You can not tell a VALID CONSTITUTIONAL LAW from an unconstitutional one. I bet you are ab "anti-government" Republican, right?


30 prior arrests on his long record. Not your average guy on the street.
Now the talking heads are saying too many cops were sent to arrest Garner. Two weeks ago the same people were saying more cops should have been called to arrest Brown. What the hell is the difference?
Maybe you should read up on the two incidents.
If I did, what conclusion would I draw?
The same...

That at least one more than one was needed in the Brown case... and that a ridiculous number showed up for the Garner case and still none did their job to perform CPR on the dead guy.
they didn't perform CPR because he was still breathing, stop with the stupid. Man can't you come down from the stupid club. Your stupids are piling up!
I know NY has a lot of laws, the cops weren't out of line arresting him for it. Especially after the stores owners (minorities themselves) had complained about Garner. If you're a convenience store owner selling cigarettes in your store, you wouldn't want Garner hanging out in front of your entrance, would you? The Muslim Pakistani market owner also has a right to conduct legal business in that neighborhood, without being impeded by characters like Garner.
Yeah only there were no cigs on him.. he wasn't selling cigs.. no one called him in on selling cigs... cigs is the bullshit excuse they came up with to drag his ass in and question him about the fight.

Yeah sure. All those cops were psychos jumping on a guy for nothing and trying to arrest Garner. You actually believe that, don't you? The fact that Garner was engaged in selling illegal loosies is irrefutable.
1) No, I don't. Those cops were not psychos... They jumped on him because he refused to go easy, duh...

2) They didn't help the guy afterwards because they were ignorant of what they had just done. I doubt any one of them even considered that the guy was dying on the ground in front of them and that if they had done CPR maybe he'd be alive today. The one guy kept looking at him to see if he was ok and seemed to care, but did not go as far as to perform CPR. The others probably saw him looking at the guy and figured he was on the case.

3) Your definition of irrefutable and mine... might not be the same. Do you have a link to evidence he was selling cigs at that time? Or is the arrest based on him selling at some other time. Was there a warrant out for his arrest? Link?

I agree with everything except number three. The cops didn't realize what had just happened. So the cops didn't intentionally do anything they normally did not do. That's want the grand Jury found.

But, Garner did have a history of selling loosies and several arrests. This was his livelihood. All in all it's just a sad tragic situation which is now being exploited by those who don't have the best intentions.
Agreed. Not sure what the argument is on number 3.. it's just questions.
and more stupid. He obviously doesn't agree with your number 3. Again, you playing the stupid card. amazing. Almost every post dude.
ok regardless of the facts, let us talk about how the left wing democrats exploit these situations to build on their victim narrative.

That is the only issue with this situation that happened in July.

Fucking liberals. Such hypocrites. Such pawns.

It's more effective for Obama and the Democrats to talk about these fake injustices, rather than the high rate of black on black crime, and why they haven't been able to keep their promise of creating jobs for blacks. So not only are they masking their total incompetence and betrayal, they make themselves look like the good guys. It's the same strategy on immigration.

The thing is, from their point of view, they are not being incompetent. It is their stupid voting base.

From a political stand point, it is wise. The democrats are in no way concerned about the well being of America, and they sure as shit do not care or intend to uphold the constitution. They are committed socialists. That is me being kind too.

Look at how effective they are in convincing their stupid base that they care about the poor, or minorities, or women etc etc etc. They have done a great job of keeping their "Ameritopia" dream alive. No matter what goes wrong with their policies, they are able to blame their favorite scapegoat. The white, Christian, American conservative.

All things that are wrong in the world is ALL their fault. You name it.


Like I said, you have to stand in awe at how effectively they use their dumb ignorant base like the pawns they all are.
fifty years of it. fifty years and the same arguments are being made by the same taking heads. Dah, maybe it's the talking heads that is the problem.
ok regardless of the facts, let us talk about how the left wing democrats exploit these situations to build on their victim narrative.

That is the only issue with this situation that happened in July.

Fucking liberals. Such hypocrites. Such pawns.

It's more effective for Obama and the Democrats to talk about these fake injustices, rather than the high rate of black on black crime, and why they haven't been able to keep their promise of creating jobs for blacks. So not only are they masking their total incompetence and betrayal, they make themselves look like the good guys. It's the same strategy on immigration.

The thing is, from their point of view, they are not being incompetent. It is their stupid voting base.

From a political stand point, it is wise. The democrats are in no way concerned about the well being of America, and they sure as shit do not care or intend to uphold the constitution. They are committed socialists. That is me being kind too.

Look at how effective they are in convincing their stupid base that they care about the poor, or minorities, or women etc etc etc. They have done a great job of keeping their "Ameritopia" dream alive. No matter what goes wrong with their policies, they are able to blame their favorite scapegoat. The white, Christian, American conservative.

All things that are wrong in the world is ALL their fault. You name it.


Like I said, you have to stand in awe at how effectively they use their dumb ignorant base like the pawns they all are.
Funny part is the democrat dummies know it.... but they also don't have any pride.
Nice, finally something I can agree with!!!!!!!
What were they arresting him for? Are you kidding? Why was he resisting arrest? Why did it take six cops to subdue him if he wasn't doing anything wrong? Come on, kid. Something smells rotten in Denmark.

Lots of questions. Here's another one that bothers me. Why do conservatives, who say they are for liberty, side with the oppressor time and time again? With the sheer number of laws criminalizing Americans for anything and everything, why do "freedom loving" conservatives continue to defend the all powerful state no matter what it does?
As someone who is conservative, I think the incredibly high taxes on a legal product is a big problem in that it created a black market on cigarettes. That being said, police are expected to enforce laws, even those that we don't like. How much liberty will the inner city communities have without the police being able to enforce the law!

Really? So there isn't a line in which police should push back and refuse to enforce the law? What if a law was passed bringing back Japanese internment camps. Should police go ahead and start rounding up the Japs? How about the gun confiscation that happened in the wake of Hurricane Katrina? It's absurd to suggest that police should enforce any and all laws because laws aren't always for the benefit of society, and many laws these days just get people killed.
why should the cops not enforce the law. Are you saying those who do not break laws are not worthy of protection from those who do? Just saying, stop with the stupid. STOP WIH THE STUPID!!!!!
Condolences to the Garner family.

I've sold loose cigarettes several times in the past. It is bullshit to suffer like this for such a juvenile act.

Don't commit crimes (even juvenile ones). Don't resist arrest. Follow the civil laws and live.

When I was much younger I got taken in once for having an unpaid moving violation. But I wasn't stupid enough to resist getting arrested when surrounded by cops wearing guns. No one likes to get taken in. I called someone and they paid the ticket and I was out in about an hour. No sex occurred while in the holding area. Ha ha ha.

I used to have a drinking problem many years ago. Well ... let's face it ... I was a "falling down drunk." Anyway, I've been arrested 4 times for alcohol related violations. I never acted belligerently so I was never struck, choked, or thrown to the ground. Moral of the story? Don't resist arrest. I was breaking the law and deserved to be arrested and even in my drunken state of mind I was sensible enough to realize that fighting the cops wouldn't end well.

I agree. I don't know what these people expect the police to do when they come charging at them and are being uncooperative and fighting with them! They MUST take some of the blame for their own ridiculous actions.

I also don't understand why a lot of black people have to scream all the time when the police are trying to restrain them. Good Lord, shut up already! :rolleyes-41:

It's so funny on Cops or other shows when they cry like a little baby that their wrist hurts or something. Yeah sure, this is a guy who just spent 10 years in a maximum security prison. Lol!
Yeah cause telling the cops you didn't do anything is stupid, you're just begging to have them kill you when you resist.
Because everyone admits they're guilty, right? Geez dude you can't stop the stupid can you. You're amazingly the lead of the stupid club on here.
What were they arresting him for? Are you kidding? Why was he resisting arrest? Why did it take six cops to subdue him if he wasn't doing anything wrong? Come on, kid. Something smells rotten in Denmark.

Lots of questions. Here's another one that bothers me. Why do conservatives, who say they are for liberty, side with the oppressor time and time again? With the sheer number of laws criminalizing Americans for anything and everything, why do "freedom loving" conservatives continue to defend the all powerful state no matter what it does?
As someone who is conservative, I think the incredibly high taxes on a legal product is a big problem in that it created a black market on cigarettes. That being said, police are expected to enforce laws, even those that we don't like. How much liberty will the inner city communities have without the police being able to enforce the law!

Really? So there isn't a line in which police should push back and refuse to enforce the law? What if a law was passed bringing back Japanese internment camps. Should police go ahead and start rounding up the Japs? How about the gun confiscation that happened in the wake of Hurricane Katrina? It's absurd to suggest that police should enforce any and all laws because laws aren't always for the benefit of society, and many laws these days just get people killed.
If such a line is reached, then the cops that do not think it is right to enforce those bad laws should turn in their badges. The other side of this is what should a cop do if someone refuses to obey a minor law. At some point, the person needs to be arrested. Should a person have immunity from such laws because that person refuses to be arrested? If the suspect continues to say don't touch me, leave me alone, what's a cop to do?
Well for the stupids on here, walk away and get fired!!!! Especially when your immediate supervisor is out on patrol with you!
Don't commit crimes (even juvenile ones). Don't resist arrest. Follow the civil laws and live.

When I was much younger I got taken in once for having an unpaid moving violation. But I wasn't stupid enough to resist getting arrested when surrounded by cops wearing guns. No one likes to get taken in. I called someone and they paid the ticket and I was out in about an hour. No sex occurred while in the holding area. Ha ha ha.

I used to have a drinking problem many years ago. Well ... let's face it ... I was a "falling down drunk." Anyway, I've been arrested 4 times for alcohol related violations. I never acted belligerently so I was never struck, choked, or thrown to the ground. Moral of the story? Don't resist arrest. I was breaking the law and deserved to be arrested and even in my drunken state of mind I was sensible enough to realize that fighting the cops wouldn't end well.

I agree. I don't know what these people expect the police to do when they come charging at them and are being uncooperative and fighting with them! They MUST take some of the blame for their own ridiculous actions.

I also don't understand why a lot of black people have to scream all the time when the police are trying to restrain them. Good Lord, shut up already! :rolleyes-41:

It's so funny on Cops or other shows when they cry like a little baby that their wrist hurts or something. Yeah sure, this is a guy who just spent 10 years in a maximum security prison. Lol!
Yeah cause telling the cops you didn't do anything is stupid, you're just begging to have them kill you when you resist.
Because everyone admits they're guilty, right? Geez dude you can't stop the stupid can you. You're amazingly the lead of the stupid club on here.

I know, right? They are ALL innocent. They didn't do it! "These are not my pants. I found them and don't know how the drugs got in there!" :lol:
Had Garner obeyed the law, the police- he would still be alive. If he had learned after 29 arrests! he might still be alive!
Had the police and other public servants done their jobs properly after Garner was in handcuffs he might still be alive.
Black lives STILL count for less.
yeah, so how many deaths are due to black on black killings. Since Aug 9 at least 70 in the St. Louis area, and I'm sure since two more weeks passed since that stat was given out, there are more. Yet no outrage. None. Where is your concern for black life if you don't call out for those other 70 black victims? Where? Come on all you stupids out there let's hear from ya all!!!!!
When I was much younger I got taken in once for having an unpaid moving violation. But I wasn't stupid enough to resist getting arrested when surrounded by cops wearing guns. No one likes to get taken in. I called someone and they paid the ticket and I was out in about an hour. No sex occurred while in the holding area. Ha ha ha.

I used to have a drinking problem many years ago. Well ... let's face it ... I was a "falling down drunk." Anyway, I've been arrested 4 times for alcohol related violations. I never acted belligerently so I was never struck, choked, or thrown to the ground. Moral of the story? Don't resist arrest. I was breaking the law and deserved to be arrested and even in my drunken state of mind I was sensible enough to realize that fighting the cops wouldn't end well.

I agree. I don't know what these people expect the police to do when they come charging at them and are being uncooperative and fighting with them! They MUST take some of the blame for their own ridiculous actions.

I also don't understand why a lot of black people have to scream all the time when the police are trying to restrain them. Good Lord, shut up already! :rolleyes-41:

It's so funny on Cops or other shows when they cry like a little baby that their wrist hurts or something. Yeah sure, this is a guy who just spent 10 years in a maximum security prison. Lol!
Yeah cause telling the cops you didn't do anything is stupid, you're just begging to have them kill you when you resist.
Because everyone admits they're guilty, right? Geez dude you can't stop the stupid can you. You're amazingly the lead of the stupid club on here.

I know, right? They are ALL innocent. They didn't do it! "These are not my pants. I found them and don't know how the drugs got in there!" :lol:
A few quotes from this article examining the criminalization of individual choices.
When does a nanny state go too far in protecting us from ourselves?

Eric Garner and the criminalization of everyday life

http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/eric-garner-and-the-criminalization-of-everyday-life/article/2557005?utm_campaign=Washington Examiner: Opinion Digest&utm_source=Washington Examiner: Opinion Digest - 12/05/14&utm_medium=email

"We all know politicians love their tax revenue. But is it worth risking killing someone over a few bucks?"

"Punitive taxes and a legal minimum price of $10.50 were imposed in an effort to push prices ever-upward, so that a brand-name pack of 20 cigarettes now costs as much as $14 in New York City.

As a result, the illicit sale of loose and untaxed cigarettes became more commonplace. Lawmakers had turned every non-wealthy smoker into a criminal, and police made it a priority to curb this criminal creation of political meddling.

The hyper-criminalization added to the pressure on every good cop to become a bad one."


"Enough people die in police confrontations already — justifiable and otherwise. But New York's crusading politicians have discovered a way to maximize the number of needless tests of their cops' restraint and common sense. Their excessive preoccupation with snuffing out citizens' private decisions made it inevitable that an Eric Garner would eventually die, and surely he will not be the last."
I used to have a drinking problem many years ago. Well ... let's face it ... I was a "falling down drunk." Anyway, I've been arrested 4 times for alcohol related violations. I never acted belligerently so I was never struck, choked, or thrown to the ground. Moral of the story? Don't resist arrest. I was breaking the law and deserved to be arrested and even in my drunken state of mind I was sensible enough to realize that fighting the cops wouldn't end well.

I agree. I don't know what these people expect the police to do when they come charging at them and are being uncooperative and fighting with them! They MUST take some of the blame for their own ridiculous actions.

I also don't understand why a lot of black people have to scream all the time when the police are trying to restrain them. Good Lord, shut up already! :rolleyes-41:

It's so funny on Cops or other shows when they cry like a little baby that their wrist hurts or something. Yeah sure, this is a guy who just spent 10 years in a maximum security prison. Lol!
Yeah cause telling the cops you didn't do anything is stupid, you're just begging to have them kill you when you resist.
Because everyone admits they're guilty, right? Geez dude you can't stop the stupid can you. You're amazingly the lead of the stupid club on here.

I know, right? They are ALL innocent. They didn't do it! "These are not my pants. I found them and don't know how the drugs got in there!" :lol:
na....just your stupid!!!!!
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes.

Whew, I'll sleep better at night now that they killed Garner for selling "illegal" cigarettes. Another dangerous criminal caught.

You stupid law and order types are retarded to the max.

You can not tell a VALID CONSTITUTIONAL LAW from an unconstitutional one. I bet you are ab "anti-government" Republican, right?


What are you babbling about asshole? HE KILLED himself! His choice!

You stupid retards never cease to amaze me.

Those blue shirts turn you on, don't they?

You use to root for the brownshirts a little while ago, right?

do you have anything useful to say, or are you just stuck in Stupid Land?

I have you as stuck in stupid land.

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