11 Facts About the Eric Garner Case the Media Won't Tell You

I agree. I don't know what these people expect the police to do when they come charging at them and are being uncooperative and fighting with them! They MUST take some of the blame for their own ridiculous actions.

I also don't understand why a lot of black people have to scream all the time when the police are trying to restrain them. Good Lord, shut up already! :rolleyes-41:

It's so funny on Cops or other shows when they cry like a little baby that their wrist hurts or something. Yeah sure, this is a guy who just spent 10 years in a maximum security prison. Lol!
Yeah cause telling the cops you didn't do anything is stupid, you're just begging to have them kill you when you resist.

Telling a cop something and screaming like a banshi and resisting are two entirely different things. Lol!
Your idea of screaming like a banshi and mine are in two different universes. But I think you might be in the one my wife lives in. Every time I disagree she thinks I'm yelling.

In that newest video that's out, where it a man got his head bashed against the pavement by the cops because he was fighting with them, had drugs in his mouth and wouldn't spit it out, etc., his dumb pregnant wife comes over screaming incoherently, and the cop trips her. Haven't seen that video yet? THAT is the kind of thing I'm talking about. WTH is wrong with these people? Why are they not responsible for their idiotic actions?
nah havn't seen that yet...

Well here it is. Apparently these two morons have garnered much sympathy. I really don't feel sorry for them one bit and feel that they brought it upon themselves for being idiots.

Denver Police Cop Justified in Punching Man Tripping Pregnant Woman Westword

In regards to the article above, the dumb pregnant women comes running up behind the cop, screaming like a banshi. The cop does not know her. He doesn't know if she could plunge a knife into his back or neck or something. People are effing crazy! I don't blame him for tripping her, and she is an idiot for running up on a cop like that.
Those aren't the only two options. Police have refused to enforce many laws, especially pot laws or illegal immigrants. It happens all the time and it doesn't require officers to turn in their badge. They just agree collectively to use prosecutorial discretion.

Link please. :D

Oh stuff it! If you don't know about San Francisco police not arresting people for smoking pot or the "sanctuary cities" in California, then I can't help you. I'm not your link slave. Pay more attention to current events so you can keep up with these conversations.

A link slave? :lol: Oh my, a little dramatic, huh? Post a link to your claim or it didn't happen. :)
If certain laws are not enforced then there is no sense in passing those laws. As such, it makes no sense to pass immigration reform laws if half the country may simply choose not to enforce those laws.

On January 1st 2010 saw 40,627 new laws on the books in the USA and its overseas territories and protectorates and that was on top of all the other laws and regulations already on the books. Due you truly believe the cops are going to enforce each and every one of this laws? In fact do you believe the cops even know what these laws are?
Your question proves my point. If those laws are not going to be enforced, then it is senseless to pass them. That being said, many of those laws are passed at a varity of jurisdiction levels and are enforced by many different agencies. The local police have a very small subset of those laws that fall within their jurisdiction
Link please. :D

Oh stuff it! If you don't know about San Francisco police not arresting people for smoking pot or the "sanctuary cities" in California, then I can't help you. I'm not your link slave. Pay more attention to current events so you can keep up with these conversations.

A link slave? :lol: Oh my, a little dramatic, huh? Post a link to your claim or it didn't happen. :)
If certain laws are not enforced then there is no sense in passing those laws. As such, it makes no sense to pass immigration reform laws if half the country may simply choose not to enforce those laws.

On January 1st 2010 saw 40,627 new laws on the books in the USA and its overseas territories and protectorates and that was on top of all the other laws and regulations already on the books. Due you truly believe the cops are going to enforce each and every one of this laws? In fact do you believe the cops even know what these laws are?
Your question proves my point. If those laws are not going to be enforced, then it is senseless to pass them. That being said, many of those laws are passed at a varity of jurisdiction levels and are enforced by many different agencies. The local police have a very small subset of those laws that fall within their jurisdiction

There certainly are a lot of stupid laws that should be eliminated that are not enforced. I agree. Anyone can google "stupid laws in my state" and see just how many retarded laws there are. Things could be improved, that's for sure.
True even traffic cops have proprietorial discretion, do they write you a ticket for 5 MPH over or 10 MPH over or just a warning usually based on your attitude.
However, this was different because the store over filed a complaint. The cop originally told Garner to move on but he refused. His choice, his mistake led to his death, no one else to blame.

Some what of a lame example and in our state completely false.
Our laws state that you must be doing 11 miles over the posted speed limit to be stopped by any electronic means(ie. Radar / Laser).
The cops do not use discretion, though it is a humorous talking point.
Our streets are posted 10 miles below what they would like you to drive .......... that first ten is a gimme ............

Oh yeah, schools zones are no tolerance zones ..................
My Father in Law was a motor cycle officer and I will take his word over yours.
He has written tickets for as little as 5 over and has given warnings to drivers doing 20 plus over.
I have also been with a friend who got ticketed for doing 32 in a 30. So I would double check where you got your information.
When I was much younger I got taken in once for having an unpaid moving violation. But I wasn't stupid enough to resist getting arrested when surrounded by cops wearing guns. No one likes to get taken in. I called someone and they paid the ticket and I was out in about an hour. No sex occurred while in the holding area. Ha ha ha.

I used to have a drinking problem many years ago. Well ... let's face it ... I was a "falling down drunk." Anyway, I've been arrested 4 times for alcohol related violations. I never acted belligerently so I was never struck, choked, or thrown to the ground. Moral of the story? Don't resist arrest. I was breaking the law and deserved to be arrested and even in my drunken state of mind I was sensible enough to realize that fighting the cops wouldn't end well.

I agree. I don't know what these people expect the police to do when they come charging at them and are being uncooperative and fighting with them! They MUST take some of the blame for their own ridiculous actions.

I also don't understand why a lot of black people have to scream all the time when the police are trying to restrain them. Good Lord, shut up already! :rolleyes-41:

It's so funny on Cops or other shows when they cry like a little baby that their wrist hurts or something. Yeah sure, this is a guy who just spent 10 years in a maximum security prison. Lol!
Yeah cause telling the cops you didn't do anything is stupid, you're just begging to have them kill you when you resist.

Telling a cop something and screaming like a banshi and resisting are two entirely different things. Lol!
Your idea of screaming like a banshi and mine are in two different universes. But I think you might be in the one my wife lives in. Every time I disagree she thinks I'm yelling.

My wife too. And the kids pick up on that too and use it themselves.
I used to have a drinking problem many years ago. Well ... let's face it ... I was a "falling down drunk." Anyway, I've been arrested 4 times for alcohol related violations. I never acted belligerently so I was never struck, choked, or thrown to the ground. Moral of the story? Don't resist arrest. I was breaking the law and deserved to be arrested and even in my drunken state of mind I was sensible enough to realize that fighting the cops wouldn't end well.

I agree. I don't know what these people expect the police to do when they come charging at them and are being uncooperative and fighting with them! They MUST take some of the blame for their own ridiculous actions.

I also don't understand why a lot of black people have to scream all the time when the police are trying to restrain them. Good Lord, shut up already! :rolleyes-41:

It's so funny on Cops or other shows when they cry like a little baby that their wrist hurts or something. Yeah sure, this is a guy who just spent 10 years in a maximum security prison. Lol!
Yeah cause telling the cops you didn't do anything is stupid, you're just begging to have them kill you when you resist.

Telling a cop something and screaming like a banshi and resisting are two entirely different things. Lol!
Your idea of screaming like a banshi and mine are in two different universes. But I think you might be in the one my wife lives in. Every time I disagree she thinks I'm yelling.

In that newest video that's out, where it a man got his head bashed against the pavement by the cops because he was fighting with them, had drugs in his mouth and wouldn't spit it out, etc., his dumb pregnant wife comes over screaming incoherently, and the cop trips her. Haven't seen that video yet? THAT is the kind of thing I'm talking about. WTH is wrong with these people? Why are they not responsible for their idiotic actions?

Did any of them die in police custody?
My Father in Law was a motor cycle officer and I will take his word over yours.
He has written tickets for as little as 5 over and has given warnings to drivers doing 20 plus over.
I have also been with a friend who got ticketed for doing 32 in a 30. So I would double check where you got your information.

Why is it dick heads like you think you have all the answer??
Look little boy read carefully, apologize and then go fuck off!!


the Georgia $peedingTICKETKILLER

Life in the Fast Lane page

Let’s face it; virtually everyone speeds, at least in this state. It’s a fast paced world and most of us are just trying to keep up. But is their a tolerance limit to how fast you can actually speed and routinely still get away with it? In the state of Georgia, the answer is YES!

In the state of Georgia there are 2 categories of law enforcement officers and it is critical to understand the differences. Those categories are:

  1. the Georgia State Patrol Troopers
  1. the local officers (which includes all city, county, sheriff deputies, and campus or college university officers). Basically every officer in the state of Georgia except the GSP would fall into this 2nd category.
Georgia law under Georgia code prohibits any city, county, sheriff deputies or college officers (your local officers)from issuing speeding citations based on the use of a speed detection device unless the driver is accused of exceeding the posted speed limit by 11 MPH or greater.

Life in the Fast Lane page

Now, you don't know a fucking thing, grow the fuck up and keep your mouth shut others will have no clue how ignorant you are!!
My Father in Law was a motor cycle officer and I will take his word over yours.
He has written tickets for as little as 5 over and has given warnings to drivers doing 20 plus over.
I have also been with a friend who got ticketed for doing 32 in a 30. So I would double check where you got your information.

Why is it dick heads like you think you have all the answer??
Look little boy read carefully, apologize and then go fuck off!!


the Georgia $peedingTICKETKILLER

Life in the Fast Lane page

Let’s face it; virtually everyone speeds, at least in this state. It’s a fast paced world and most of us are just trying to keep up. But is their a tolerance limit to how fast you can actually speed and routinely still get away with it? In the state of Georgia, the answer is YES!

In the state of Georgia there are 2 categories of law enforcement officers and it is critical to understand the differences. Those categories are:

  1. the Georgia State Patrol Troopers
  1. the local officers (which includes all city, county, sheriff deputies, and campus or college university officers). Basically every officer in the state of Georgia except the GSP would fall into this 2nd category.
Georgia law under Georgia code prohibits any city, county, sheriff deputies or college officers (your local officers)from issuing speeding citations based on the use of a speed detection device unless the driver is accused of exceeding the posted speed limit by 11 MPH or greater.

Life in the Fast Lane page

Now, you don't know a fucking thing, grow the fuck up and keep your mouth shut others will have no clue how ignorant you are!!

So why doesn't Georgia just add 11MPH to their Speed Limit signs and be honest about it.?
Seems from you language, attitude and knowledge of Georgia Speeding laws you must be one of those Georgia State Patrol Officers.
Just a hint, Georgia is just one state and there are 49 others with different rules for speeding..
A visual always helps put things in perspective, especially as the SUPERVISOR was on scene when the incident went down, and was given IMMUNITY to testify before the Grand Jury... Now why would that be when she was ostentatiously there, as this picture shows?

Not a chokehold: Truth of the Garner arrest

NY Post ^

It wasn’t a chokehold. That’s just the biggest single distortion in all the talk about the Eric Garner case, in which the public has been misinformed and misled from the start. The Rev. Al Sharpton has never had to put himself in harm’s way to protect our streets against crime, as our police officers do every day. He’s in no way qualified to stand on his soapbox and dictate procedures. I spent decades in law enforcement. During my time with the NYPD, I was responsible for over 1,400 felony arrests — any of which could’ve required the use of deadly...
There's plenty of blame to go around here. Officers handled it badly. Garner handled it badly. The officers are supposed to be trained professionals.

Then the black, Female Sgt. in charge of the detail, HOLDS THE BAG for not handling it correctly... Isn't THAT why she is the supervisor?
From the video none of them were aces. They went to force escalation pretty quickly rather than being more sensitive. Maybe they would have ended up doing it anyway. I dont know.

When has it been the police's job to be sensitive? They're authoritarians, they have the badge and gun!

All things considered, they really should try not to kill people in their custody. On the other hand, last time I checked, "due process" isn't decided by armchair quarterbacks in the media, on the Internet, and marching in the streets in this country. Agree with the decision or not, the legal system has weighed in on this case, and it has been decided by the people with the legal authority to do so. We do our society no favors by deciding to blow that off when it suits us.
By the time the cops realized Garner wasn't kidding, it was too late. Who's responsible if someone has a heart attack during an arrest? The police?
Garner had his heart attack in the ambulance on the way to the hospital after the police had deliberately withheld medical care for a period of at least seven minutes:
"Garner had a heart attack in the ambulance, and died.

"As he lay dying, he was treated like a piece of meat. By Pantaleo.

"By the other cops on the scene.

"Even by the medical technicians.

"Had Garner been treated with basic human dignity after he was violently, and needlessly, taken down, he might not be dead.

"I’m no lawyer, but this is section 125.15 of New York’s penal code: 'A person is guilty of manslaughter in the second degree when: 1. He recklessly causes the death of another person.'”

Harry Siegel The lonesome death of Eric Garner - NY Daily News

Had Garner obeyed the law, the police- he would still be alive. If he had learned after 29 arrests! he might still be alive!
What I find hilarious about all of this is that the militia type righties now love the cops but the racist left now hates the law. Just saying.

The left doesn't hate cops, there union workers, and once they get in line, they can be used to rape all of us from our hard earned money under the presence of "taxes".
There's plenty of blame to go around here. Officers handled it badly. Garner handled it badly. The officers are supposed to be trained professionals.

Then the black, Female Sgt. in charge of the detail, HOLDS THE BAG for not handling it correctly... Isn't THAT why she is the supervisor?
From the video none of them were aces. They went to force escalation pretty quickly rather than being more sensitive. Maybe they would have ended up doing it anyway. I dont know.

When has it been the police's job to be sensitive? They're authoritarians, they have the badge and gun!

All things considered, they really should try not to kill people in their custody. On the other hand, last time I checked, "due process" isn't decided by armchair quarterbacks in the media, on the Internet, and marching in the streets in this country. Agree with the decision or not, the legal system has weighed in on this case, and it has been decided by the people with the legal authority to do so. We do our society no favors by deciding to blow that off when it suits us.

They did to try to harm anybody. Someone with Garner's health issues shouldn't have resisted arrest, knowing well what it entailed.
What I find hilarious about all of this is that the militia type righties now love the cops but the racist left now hates the law. Just saying.

The left doesn't hate cops, there union workers, and once they get in line, they can be used to rape all of us from our hard earned money under the presence of "taxes".

I agree with that. In fact the Left was very proud of cops when they went door to door after Katrina to take away the guns of law abiding citizens.
1. There is no doubt that Garner was resisting an arrest for illegally selling untaxed cigarettes. Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik put it succinctly: "You cannot resist arrest. If Eric Garner did not resist arrest, the outcome of this case would have been very different," he told Newsmax. "He wouldn't be dead today.

"Regardless of what the arrest was for, the officers don't have the ability to say, 'Well, this is a minor arrest, so we're just going to ignore you.'"

2. The video of the July 17 incident clearly shows Garner, an African-American, swatting away the arms of a white officer seeking to take him into custody, telling him: "Don't touch me!"

3. Garner, 43, had history of more than 30 arrests dating back to 1980, on charges including assault and grand larceny.

4. At the time of his death, Garner was out on bail after being charged with illegally selling cigarettes, driving without a license, marijuana possession and false impersonation.

5. The chokehold that Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo put on Garner was reported to have contributed to his death. But Garner, who was 6-foot-3 and weighed 350 pounds, suffered from a number of health problems, including heart disease, severe asthma, diabetes, obesity, and sleep apnea. Pantaleo's attorney and police union officials argued that Garner's poor health was the main cause of his death.

6. Garner did not die at the scene of the confrontation. He suffered cardiac arrest in the ambulance taking him to the hospital and was pronounced dead about an hour later.

7. Much has been made of the fact that the use of chokeholds by police is prohibited in New York City. But officers reportedly still use them. Between 2009 and mid-2014, the Civilian Complaint Review Board received 1,128 chokehold allegations.

Patrick Lynch, president of the New York City Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said: "It was clear that the officer's intention was to do nothing more than take Mr. Garner into custody as instructed, and that he used the takedown technique that he learned in the academy when Mr. Garner refused."

8. The grand jury began hearing the case on Sept. 29 and did not reach a decision until Wednesday, so there is much testimony that was presented that has not been made public.

9. The 23-member grand jury included nine non-white jurors.

10. In order to find Officer Pantaleo criminally negligent, the grand jury would have had to determine that he knew there was a "substantial risk" that Garner would have died due to the takedown.

11. Less than a month after Garner's death, Ramsey Orta, who shot the much-viewed videotape of the encounter, was indicted on weapons charges. Police alleged that Orta had slipped a .25-caliber handgun into a teenage accomplice's waistband outside a New York hotel.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.Newsmax.com/Newsfront/eric-garner-chokehold-grand-jury-police/2014/12/04/id/611058/#ixzz3KzEJ8JTk

Isn't NewsMax media? :rolleyes:

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