11 Facts About the Eric Garner Case the Media Won't Tell You

There's plenty of blame to go around here. Officers handled it badly. Garner handled it badly. The officers are supposed to be trained professionals.

I have a friend who is an ex-NYC homicide detective. He said the officers should have just taken out one of Garner's kneecaps with a billy stick. That would have brought him down.

I believe those officers were acting with incredible restraint, considering this a-hole's criminal record.
ok regardless of the facts, let us talk about how the left wing democrats exploit these situations to build on their victim narrative.

That is the only issue with this situation that happened in July.

Fucking liberals. Such hypocrites. Such pawns.

It's more effective for Obama and the Democrats to talk about these fake injustices, rather than the high rate of black on black crime, and why they haven't been able to keep their promise of creating jobs for blacks. So not only are they masking their total incompetence and betrayal, they make themselves look like the good guys. It's the same strategy on immigration.

The thing is, from their point of view, they are not being incompetent. It is their stupid voting base.

From a political stand point, it is wise. The democrats are in no way concerned about the well being of America, and they sure as shit do not care or intend to uphold the constitution. They are committed socialists. That is me being kind too.

Look at how effective they are in convincing their stupid base that they care about the poor, or minorities, or women etc etc etc. They have done a great job of keeping their "Ameritopia" dream alive. No matter what goes wrong with their policies, they are able to blame their favorite scapegoat. The white, Christian, American conservative.

All things that are wrong in the world is ALL their fault. You name it.


Like I said, you have to stand in awe at how effectively they use their dumb ignorant base like the pawns they all are.

You have to hand it to them. They are very effective manipulators and propagandists. If the republican leadership had half the brains the democrat leadership had, they'd be in a very different place.

It's amazing how this whole situation has been choreographed from the beginning and nobody realizes this. People were at the Michael Brown indictment announcement with signs already made up for protesting and riots. And today Hillary catches a pass from Obama, and gives a speech about the "injustices in the legal system towards blacks". So in essence she's positioning herself for collecting all the black and Hispanic cites when she runs in 2016. The Democrats have cashed in on a big chuck of voters, all in matter of two weeks and two moves on the political chess board. And all Hillary needs to do now is bring the women home, and she has 2016 in the bag. :clap2:
You do realize the republican leadership is a bunch of democrats that switched hats to be socialist republicans, right?
Agreed. However EVERY democrat are blatant socialists. All of them. Hell, they really are not even attempting to disguise it anymore.

Where there are still republicans that are not all in with the destruction of the free market ideal.
There's plenty of blame to go around here. Officers handled it badly. Garner handled it badly. The officers are supposed to be trained professionals.

I have a friend who is an ex-NYC homicide detective. He said the officers should have just taken out one of Garner's kneecaps with a billy stick. That would have brought him down.

I believe those officers were acting with incredible restraint, considering this a-hole's criminal record.

Take out his knee caps. Now that video clip would have played well on the liberal media evening news. As long as you have this administration in office, law enforcement will always be on the loosing side.
ok regardless of the facts, let us talk about how the left wing democrats exploit these situations to build on their victim narrative.

That is the only issue with this situation that happened in July.

Fucking liberals. Such hypocrites. Such pawns.

It's more effective for Obama and the Democrats to talk about these fake injustices, rather than the high rate of black on black crime, and why they haven't been able to keep their promise of creating jobs for blacks. So not only are they masking their total incompetence and betrayal, they make themselves look like the good guys. It's the same strategy on immigration.

The thing is, from their point of view, they are not being incompetent. It is their stupid voting base.

From a political stand point, it is wise. The democrats are in no way concerned about the well being of America, and they sure as shit do not care or intend to uphold the constitution. They are committed socialists. That is me being kind too.

Look at how effective they are in convincing their stupid base that they care about the poor, or minorities, or women etc etc etc. They have done a great job of keeping their "Ameritopia" dream alive. No matter what goes wrong with their policies, they are able to blame their favorite scapegoat. The white, Christian, American conservative.

All things that are wrong in the world is ALL their fault. You name it.


Like I said, you have to stand in awe at how effectively they use their dumb ignorant base like the pawns they all are.

You have to hand it to them. They are very effective manipulators and propagandists. If the republican leadership had half the brains the democrat leadership had, they'd be in a very different place.

It's amazing how this whole situation has been choreographed from the beginning and nobody realizes this. People were at the Michael Brown indictment announcement with signs already made up for protesting and riots. And today Hillary catches a pass from Obama, and gives a speech about the "injustices in the legal system towards blacks". So in essence she's positioning herself for collecting all the black and Hispanic cites when she runs in 2016. The Democrats have cashed in on a big chuck of voters, all in matter of two weeks and two moves on the political chess board. And all Hillary needs to do now is bring the women home, and she has 2016 in the bag. :clap2:
You do realize the republican leadership is a bunch of democrats that switched hats to be socialist republicans, right?
Agreed. However EVERY democrat are blatant socialists. All of them. Hell, they really are not even attempting to disguise it anymore.

Where there are still republicans that are not all in with the destruction of the free market ideal.
Some... some democrats want the china model.. communist government with capitalist economy. The only way we're gonna get a smaller government and go back to liberty, capitalism, and a government that works for the people by breaking up monopolies and defending our borders, at this point, is to revolt against this one. But I do like Rubio. Loved his idea to get these illegals on a 10-12 year work plan where they pay taxes collect no welfare and then get to the back of the line for legal immigration, but get booted if they are not doing a job that American's wont do. It was brilliant. Too bad for dumb ass republicans like Cruz that can't think past their penis.
It's more effective for Obama and the Democrats to talk about these fake injustices, rather than the high rate of black on black crime, and why they haven't been able to keep their promise of creating jobs for blacks. So not only are they masking their total incompetence and betrayal, they make themselves look like the good guys. It's the same strategy on immigration.

The thing is, from their point of view, they are not being incompetent. It is their stupid voting base.

From a political stand point, it is wise. The democrats are in no way concerned about the well being of America, and they sure as shit do not care or intend to uphold the constitution. They are committed socialists. That is me being kind too.

Look at how effective they are in convincing their stupid base that they care about the poor, or minorities, or women etc etc etc. They have done a great job of keeping their "Ameritopia" dream alive. No matter what goes wrong with their policies, they are able to blame their favorite scapegoat. The white, Christian, American conservative.

All things that are wrong in the world is ALL their fault. You name it.


Like I said, you have to stand in awe at how effectively they use their dumb ignorant base like the pawns they all are.

You have to hand it to them. They are very effective manipulators and propagandists. If the republican leadership had half the brains the democrat leadership had, they'd be in a very different place.

It's amazing how this whole situation has been choreographed from the beginning and nobody realizes this. People were at the Michael Brown indictment announcement with signs already made up for protesting and riots. And today Hillary catches a pass from Obama, and gives a speech about the "injustices in the legal system towards blacks". So in essence she's positioning herself for collecting all the black and Hispanic cites when she runs in 2016. The Democrats have cashed in on a big chuck of voters, all in matter of two weeks and two moves on the political chess board. And all Hillary needs to do now is bring the women home, and she has 2016 in the bag. :clap2:
You do realize the republican leadership is a bunch of democrats that switched hats to be socialist republicans, right?
Agreed. However EVERY democrat are blatant socialists. All of them. Hell, they really are not even attempting to disguise it anymore.

Where there are still republicans that are not all in with the destruction of the free market ideal.
Some... some democrats want the china model.. communist government with capitalist economy. The only way we're gonna get a smaller government and go back to liberty, capitalism, and a government that works for the people by breaking up monopolies and defending our borders, at this point, is to revolt against this one. But I do like Rubio. Loved his idea to get these illegals on a 10-12 year work plan where they pay taxes collect no welfare and then get to the back of the line for legal immigration, but get booted if they are not doing a job that American's wont do. It was brilliant. Too bad for dumb ass republicans like Cruz that can't think past their penis.

The anti capitalism anti American indoctrination begins at an early age and continues through high school and tempered in colleges across the country. You have a different nation and voter composition and it keeps getting worse. Republicans need to be careful not to pick someone who's too far to the right, or too moderate like Romney. Reagan and Clinton were both good presidents in my opinion.
Condolences to the Garner family.

I've sold loose cigarettes several times in the past. It is bullshit to suffer like this for such a juvenile act.

Don't commit crimes (even juvenile ones). Don't resist arrest. Follow the civil laws and live.

When I was much younger I got taken in once for having an unpaid moving violation. But I wasn't stupid enough to resist getting arrested when surrounded by cops wearing guns. No one likes to get taken in. I called someone and they paid the ticket and I was out in about an hour. No sex occurred while in the holding area. Ha ha ha.
The thing is, from their point of view, they are not being incompetent. It is their stupid voting base.

From a political stand point, it is wise. The democrats are in no way concerned about the well being of America, and they sure as shit do not care or intend to uphold the constitution. They are committed socialists. That is me being kind too.

Look at how effective they are in convincing their stupid base that they care about the poor, or minorities, or women etc etc etc. They have done a great job of keeping their "Ameritopia" dream alive. No matter what goes wrong with their policies, they are able to blame their favorite scapegoat. The white, Christian, American conservative.

All things that are wrong in the world is ALL their fault. You name it.


Like I said, you have to stand in awe at how effectively they use their dumb ignorant base like the pawns they all are.

You have to hand it to them. They are very effective manipulators and propagandists. If the republican leadership had half the brains the democrat leadership had, they'd be in a very different place.

It's amazing how this whole situation has been choreographed from the beginning and nobody realizes this. People were at the Michael Brown indictment announcement with signs already made up for protesting and riots. And today Hillary catches a pass from Obama, and gives a speech about the "injustices in the legal system towards blacks". So in essence she's positioning herself for collecting all the black and Hispanic cites when she runs in 2016. The Democrats have cashed in on a big chuck of voters, all in matter of two weeks and two moves on the political chess board. And all Hillary needs to do now is bring the women home, and she has 2016 in the bag. :clap2:
You do realize the republican leadership is a bunch of democrats that switched hats to be socialist republicans, right?
Agreed. However EVERY democrat are blatant socialists. All of them. Hell, they really are not even attempting to disguise it anymore.

Where there are still republicans that are not all in with the destruction of the free market ideal.
Some... some democrats want the china model.. communist government with capitalist economy. The only way we're gonna get a smaller government and go back to liberty, capitalism, and a government that works for the people by breaking up monopolies and defending our borders, at this point, is to revolt against this one. But I do like Rubio. Loved his idea to get these illegals on a 10-12 year work plan where they pay taxes collect no welfare and then get to the back of the line for legal immigration, but get booted if they are not doing a job that American's wont do. It was brilliant. Too bad for dumb ass republicans like Cruz that can't think past their penis.

The anti capitalism anti American indoctrination begins at an early age and continues through high school and tempered in colleges across the country. You have a different nation and voter composition and it keeps getting worse. Republicans need to be careful not to pick someone who's too far to the right, or too moderate like Romney. Reagan and Clinton were both good presidents in my opinion.
I agree reagan and clinton both loved this country and wanted to see it succeed. The bush's wanted some bullshit about a thousand points of light, no taxes for the bottom half of America (aka communism) and pretending all children can become high paid engineers, doctors, and lawyers if we just wait for the dumbest kid in the class to catch up while the smart kids are forced to pick their nose all day for 12years.. waiting for the illegal immigrant kids to learn english.
Condolences to the Garner family.

I've sold loose cigarettes several times in the past. It is bullshit to suffer like this for such a juvenile act.

Don't commit crimes (even juvenile ones). Don't resist arrest. Follow the civil laws and live.

When I was much younger I got taken in once for having an unpaid moving violation. But I wasn't stupid enough to resist getting arrested when surrounded by cops wearing guns. No one likes to get taken in. I called someone and they paid the ticket and I was out in about an hour. No sex occurred while in the holding area. Ha ha ha.

I used to have a drinking problem many years ago. Well ... let's face it ... I was a "falling down drunk." Anyway, I've been arrested 4 times for alcohol related violations. I never acted belligerently so I was never struck, choked, or thrown to the ground. Moral of the story? Don't resist arrest. I was breaking the law and deserved to be arrested and even in my drunken state of mind I was sensible enough to realize that fighting the cops wouldn't end well.
You have to hand it to them. They are very effective manipulators and propagandists. If the republican leadership had half the brains the democrat leadership had, they'd be in a very different place.

It's amazing how this whole situation has been choreographed from the beginning and nobody realizes this. People were at the Michael Brown indictment announcement with signs already made up for protesting and riots. And today Hillary catches a pass from Obama, and gives a speech about the "injustices in the legal system towards blacks". So in essence she's positioning herself for collecting all the black and Hispanic cites when she runs in 2016. The Democrats have cashed in on a big chuck of voters, all in matter of two weeks and two moves on the political chess board. And all Hillary needs to do now is bring the women home, and she has 2016 in the bag. :clap2:
You do realize the republican leadership is a bunch of democrats that switched hats to be socialist republicans, right?
Agreed. However EVERY democrat are blatant socialists. All of them. Hell, they really are not even attempting to disguise it anymore.

Where there are still republicans that are not all in with the destruction of the free market ideal.
Some... some democrats want the china model.. communist government with capitalist economy. The only way we're gonna get a smaller government and go back to liberty, capitalism, and a government that works for the people by breaking up monopolies and defending our borders, at this point, is to revolt against this one. But I do like Rubio. Loved his idea to get these illegals on a 10-12 year work plan where they pay taxes collect no welfare and then get to the back of the line for legal immigration, but get booted if they are not doing a job that American's wont do. It was brilliant. Too bad for dumb ass republicans like Cruz that can't think past their penis.

The anti capitalism anti American indoctrination begins at an early age and continues through high school and tempered in colleges across the country. You have a different nation and voter composition and it keeps getting worse. Republicans need to be careful not to pick someone who's too far to the right, or too moderate like Romney. Reagan and Clinton were both good presidents in my opinion.
I agree reagan and clinton both loved this country and wanted to see it succeed. The bush's wanted some bullshit about a thousand points of light, no taxes for the bottom half of America (aka communism) and pretending all children can become high paid engineers, doctors, and lawyers if we just wait for the dumbest kid in the class to catch up while the smart kids are forced to pick their nose all day for 12years.. waiting for the illegal immigrant kids to learn english.

Yup. Unfortunately, Reagan "legalized" millions of law-breaking illegals and Clinton/Reno decided that burning little kids and shooting unarmed women holding babies was a nice idea but I agree that the Bush boys were Globalist Wolves wearing Conservative Sheep's Clothing. They were all about "The New World Order" and didn't give two hoots about the sovereignty of the USA:

There's plenty of blame to go around here. Officers handled it badly. Garner handled it badly. The officers are supposed to be trained professionals.

Then the black, Female Sgt. in charge of the detail, HOLDS THE BAG for not handling it correctly... Isn't THAT why she is the supervisor?
From the video none of them were aces. They went to force escalation pretty quickly rather than being more sensitive. Maybe they would have ended up doing it anyway. I dont know.

When has it been the police's job to be sensitive? They're authoritarians, they have the badge and gun!
Always. You always try to use the least amount of force to deal with the situation you can. That's just a basic police principle.

You have a 6'4 350 pound man, refusing to be arrested...just how much force do you use?... Unfortunately NYPD does not use Tasers!

Unfortunately? Tasers kill people too. Just how many people do you want the cops to slay in the streets?
What were they arresting him for? Are you kidding? Why was he resisting arrest? Why did it take six cops to subdue him if he wasn't doing anything wrong? Come on, kid. Something smells rotten in Denmark.

Lots of questions. Here's another one that bothers me. Why do conservatives, who say they are for liberty, side with the oppressor time and time again? With the sheer number of laws criminalizing Americans for anything and everything, why do "freedom loving" conservatives continue to defend the all powerful state no matter what it does?
What were they arresting him for? Are you kidding? Why was he resisting arrest? Why did it take six cops to subdue him if he wasn't doing anything wrong? Come on, kid. Something smells rotten in Denmark.

Lots of questions. Here's another one that bothers me. Why do conservatives, who say they are for liberty, side with the oppressor time and time again? With the sheer number of laws criminalizing Americans for anything and everything, why do "freedom loving" conservatives continue to defend the all powerful state no matter what it does?
As someone who is conservative, I think the incredibly high taxes on a legal product is a big problem in that it created a black market on cigarettes. That being said, police are expected to enforce laws, even those that we don't like. How much liberty will the inner city communities have without the police being able to enforce the law!
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What were they arresting him for? Are you kidding? Why was he resisting arrest? Why did it take six cops to subdue him if he wasn't doing anything wrong? Come on, kid. Something smells rotten in Denmark.

Lots of questions. Here's another one that bothers me. Why do conservatives, who say they are for liberty, side with the oppressor time and time again? With the sheer number of laws criminalizing Americans for anything and everything, why do "freedom loving" conservatives continue to defend the all powerful state no matter what it does?
As someone who is conservative, I think the incredibly high taxes on a legal product is a big problem in that it created a black market on cigarettes. That being said, police are expected to inforce laws, even those that we don't like. How much liberty will the inner city communities have without the police being able to inforce the law!

Give the inner city folks an inch and they'll take a thousand miles.
What were they arresting him for? Are you kidding? Why was he resisting arrest? Why did it take six cops to subdue him if he wasn't doing anything wrong? Come on, kid. Something smells rotten in Denmark.

Lots of questions. Here's another one that bothers me. Why do conservatives, who say they are for liberty, side with the oppressor time and time again? With the sheer number of laws criminalizing Americans for anything and everything, why do "freedom loving" conservatives continue to defend the all powerful state no matter what it does?
As someone who is conservative, I think the incredibly high taxes on a legal product is a big problem in that it created a black market on cigarettes. That being said, police are expected to inforce laws, even those that we don't like. How much liberty will the inner city communities have without the police being able to inforce the law!
there are authoritarians in both parties.. authoritarian views are not left or right they are held by both sides of this POS two headed snake we call our government.
You have to hand it to them. They are very effective manipulators and propagandists. If the republican leadership had half the brains the democrat leadership had, they'd be in a very different place.

It's amazing how this whole situation has been choreographed from the beginning and nobody realizes this. People were at the Michael Brown indictment announcement with signs already made up for protesting and riots. And today Hillary catches a pass from Obama, and gives a speech about the "injustices in the legal system towards blacks". So in essence she's positioning herself for collecting all the black and Hispanic cites when she runs in 2016. The Democrats have cashed in on a big chuck of voters, all in matter of two weeks and two moves on the political chess board. And all Hillary needs to do now is bring the women home, and she has 2016 in the bag. :clap2:
You do realize the republican leadership is a bunch of democrats that switched hats to be socialist republicans, right?
Agreed. However EVERY democrat are blatant socialists. All of them. Hell, they really are not even attempting to disguise it anymore.

Where there are still republicans that are not all in with the destruction of the free market ideal.
Some... some democrats want the china model.. communist government with capitalist economy. The only way we're gonna get a smaller government and go back to liberty, capitalism, and a government that works for the people by breaking up monopolies and defending our borders, at this point, is to revolt against this one. But I do like Rubio. Loved his idea to get these illegals on a 10-12 year work plan where they pay taxes collect no welfare and then get to the back of the line for legal immigration, but get booted if they are not doing a job that American's wont do. It was brilliant. Too bad for dumb ass republicans like Cruz that can't think past their penis.

The anti capitalism anti American indoctrination begins at an early age and continues through high school and tempered in colleges across the country. You have a different nation and voter composition and it keeps getting worse. Republicans need to be careful not to pick someone who's too far to the right, or too moderate like Romney. Reagan and Clinton were both good presidents in my opinion.
I agree reagan and clinton both loved this country and wanted to see it succeed. The bush's wanted some bullshit about a thousand points of light, no taxes for the bottom half of America (aka communism) and pretending all children can become high paid engineers, doctors, and lawyers if we just wait for the dumbest kid in the class to catch up while the smart kids are forced to pick their nose all day for 12years.. waiting for the illegal immigrant kids to learn english.

Bush (the son) had good intentions, but too much cronyism and mishandling of the Iraq war. Plus before he left real estate and the economy nosedived, and the jury is still out on who's to blame for it.
What were they arresting him for? Are you kidding? Why was he resisting arrest? Why did it take six cops to subdue him if he wasn't doing anything wrong? Come on, kid. Something smells rotten in Denmark.

Lots of questions. Here's another one that bothers me. Why do conservatives, who say they are for liberty, side with the oppressor time and time again? With the sheer number of laws criminalizing Americans for anything and everything, why do "freedom loving" conservatives continue to defend the all powerful state no matter what it does?
As someone who is conservative, I think the incredibly high taxes on a legal product is a big problem in that it created a black market on cigarettes. That being said, police are expected to enforce laws, even those that we don't like. How much liberty will the inner city communities have without the police being able to enforce the law!

Really? So there isn't a line in which police should push back and refuse to enforce the law? What if a law was passed bringing back Japanese internment camps. Should police go ahead and start rounding up the Japs? How about the gun confiscation that happened in the wake of Hurricane Katrina? It's absurd to suggest that police should enforce any and all laws because laws aren't always for the benefit of society, and many laws these days just get people killed.
What I find hilarious about all of this is that the militia type righties now love the cops but the racist left now hates the law. Just saying.
Maybe it is because I haven't been on here in a while, but last I checked this board was filled with militia types.

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