11% of Republicans in the Iowa Caucus Said They Will Vote For Biden. In Other Words, Trump CANNOT Win The 2024 Election.

11% of Republicans in the Iowa Caucus said they will vote for Biden.

If this remains the case nationwide, then that basically means Trump has NO chance to win in November.

That will give Biden at least an extra 2% - 3% of the vote nationwide, which will be just too much for Trump to overcome.
Biden will defeat Trump in November by a larger margin than he did in 2020.

I think your lid is not screwed on tight, Thermos.
ELEVEN PERCENT said they would not vote for Trump. A whole 11%. That’s That’s one more than ten percent. Oh the tragedy of it.
11% of 8 people isn’t that much. I’d pump the brakes on organizing Biden’s victory parade for the time being.
Actually, I think it may be higher than 11% nationwide. Iowa is very rural and very white -- Trump's biggest group of supporters.

Trump's support in urban and suburban areas is not as strong among Republican voters. College educated Republicans live in those areas and Trump's support is much weaker among the college educated.
11% of Republicans in the Iowa Caucus said they will vote for Biden.

If this remains the case nationwide, then that basically means Trump has NO chance to win in November.

That will give Biden at least an extra 2% - 3% of the vote nationwide, which will be just too much for Trump to overcome.

Biden will defeat Trump in November by a larger margin than he did in 2020.

The outcome of American elections, such as the success or failure of candidates like Clinton or Bush, depends greatly on a variety of factors including the candidates' policies, campaign strategies, public perception, voter turnout, the state of the economy, current events, and the overall political climate.

Additionally, factors such as party support, endorsements, and the effectiveness of the candidates' messaging also play a significant role in determining election outcomes. :)

●●Trump's Policies in 2024●●

Former President Donald Trump announced his presidential campaign for 2024, and while specific policy details may evolve over time, there are some indications of the policies he may focus on based on his previous campaigns and statements. Here are some key areas that Trump is expected to prioritize in his 2024 campaign:

1. Immigration: Immigration was a cornerstone of Trump's previous campaigns, and it is likely to be central to his 2024 reelection bid. He has advocated for stricter immigration policies, including border security measures and restrictions on both legal and illegal immigration.

2. Trade: Trump has expressed a desire to reshape global trade with tariffs on imported goods. He has floated the idea of a 10% tariff on all goods imported into the United States, with the aim of eliminating the trade deficit. Critics argue that such tariffs could lead to higher prices for American consumers and global economic instability.

3. National Security: Trump has emphasized the importance of national security and border control. He has highlighted the need to address issues related to border security and has described stopping the invasion at the southern border as an urgent national security necessity.

4. Health Care: While specific details are not available for Trump's 2024 campaign, it is worth noting that during his previous presidency, he sought to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). If elected, he may continue to advocate for changes to the healthcare system, although the specific proposals are yet to be outlined.

5. America First: Trump has consistently promoted an "America First" agenda, emphasizing policies that prioritize the interests of the United States. This includes a focus on job creation, economic growth, and protecting American industries.

These are general areas of focus based on past campaigns and statements. As the 2024 campaign progresses, Trump's policies may evolve and become more specific.

●●Biden's Policies in 2024●●

As of the current time, Sunday, January 21, 2024, President Joe Biden is serving his first term in office. While it is difficult to provide a comprehensive list of his policies for 2024, as they may evolve over time, here are some key areas that have been emphasized during his presidency:

1. Education: The Biden administration has focused on improving access to education and supporting academic achievement. They have enabled states to continue spending pandemic relief funds on academic supports, such as high-dosage tutoring, into the 2024-2025 school year.

2. Climate Change: Addressing climate change has been a priority for the Biden administration. They have been working on finalizing climate rules and regulations, aiming to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

3. Equity and Racial Justice: President Biden has emphasized the importance of equity and racial justice. The administration aims to embed racial justice across federal agencies, policies, and programs, and take bold action to advance a comprehensive equity agenda, including criminal justice reform, healthcare access, education, fair housing, and Tribal sovereignty.

4. Healthcare: The Biden administration has focused on strengthening and expanding access to healthcare. They have highlighted the popularity and affordability of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and have worked to increase enrollment in ACA marketplaces.

5. Economic Policy: President Biden has prioritized economic recovery and growth. The administration has implemented policies aimed at supporting the middle class, creating jobs, and reducing income inequality. They have also emphasized the need for wealthy individuals and big corporations to pay their fair share of taxes.

These are general areas of focus based on the information available at this time. As President Biden's term progresses and his policies develop, there may be additional areas of emphasis.

Sources :

1. What Trump will campaign on in 2024

2. https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/16/politics/trump-agenda-second-term/index.html

3. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/pa...-firings-deportations-second-term-2023-11-14/

4. Trumponomics 2.0: What to Expect If Trump Wins the 2024 Election

5. FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Improving Student Achievement Agenda in 2024 | The White House

6. Priorities | The White House

7. FACT SHEET: The President's Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 | OMB | The White House
You just said there were millions of Muslims in this country .. and they are in swing states. Cheers!
Eh….there are only about 4 million Muslims in the United States, and they’re all mad at him for sticking up for Israel. Don’t expect he’ll get much of a lift from them.
The outcome of American elections, such as the success or failure of candidates like Clinton or Bush, depends greatly on a variety of factors including the candidates' policies, campaign strategies, public perception, voter turnout, the state of the economy, current events, and the overall political climate.

Additionally, factors such as party support, endorsements, and the effectiveness of the candidates' messaging also play a significant role in determining election outcomes. :)

●●Trump's Policies in 2024●●

Former President Donald Trump announced his presidential campaign for 2024, and while specific policy details may evolve over time, there are some indications of the policies he may focus on based on his previous campaigns and statements. Here are some key areas that Trump is expected to prioritize in his 2024 campaign:

1. Immigration: Immigration was a cornerstone of Trump's previous campaigns, and it is likely to be central to his 2024 reelection bid. He has advocated for stricter immigration policies, including border security measures and restrictions on both legal and illegal immigration.

2. Trade: Trump has expressed a desire to reshape global trade with tariffs on imported goods. He has floated the idea of a 10% tariff on all goods imported into the United States, with the aim of eliminating the trade deficit. Critics argue that such tariffs could lead to higher prices for American consumers and global economic instability.

3. National Security: Trump has emphasized the importance of national security and border control. He has highlighted the need to address issues related to border security and has described stopping the invasion at the southern border as an urgent national security necessity.

4. Health Care: While specific details are not available for Trump's 2024 campaign, it is worth noting that during his previous presidency, he sought to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). If elected, he may continue to advocate for changes to the healthcare system, although the specific proposals are yet to be outlined.

5. America First: Trump has consistently promoted an "America First" agenda, emphasizing policies that prioritize the interests of the United States. This includes a focus on job creation, economic growth, and protecting American industries.

These are general areas of focus based on past campaigns and statements. As the 2024 campaign progresses, Trump's policies may evolve and become more specific.

●●Biden's Policies in 2024●●

As of the current time, Sunday, January 21, 2024, President Joe Biden is serving his first term in office. While it is difficult to provide a comprehensive list of his policies for 2024, as they may evolve over time, here are some key areas that have been emphasized during his presidency:

1. Education: The Biden administration has focused on improving access to education and supporting academic achievement. They have enabled states to continue spending pandemic relief funds on academic supports, such as high-dosage tutoring, into the 2024-2025 school year.

2. Climate Change: Addressing climate change has been a priority for the Biden administration. They have been working on finalizing climate rules and regulations, aiming to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

3. Equity and Racial Justice: President Biden has emphasized the importance of equity and racial justice. The administration aims to embed racial justice across federal agencies, policies, and programs, and take bold action to advance a comprehensive equity agenda, including criminal justice reform, healthcare access, education, fair housing, and Tribal sovereignty.

4. Healthcare: The Biden administration has focused on strengthening and expanding access to healthcare. They have highlighted the popularity and affordability of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and have worked to increase enrollment in ACA marketplaces.

5. Economic Policy: President Biden has prioritized economic recovery and growth. The administration has implemented policies aimed at supporting the middle class, creating jobs, and reducing income inequality. They have also emphasized the need for wealthy individuals and big corporations to pay their fair share of taxes.

These are general areas of focus based on the information available at this time. As President Biden's term progresses and his policies develop, there may be additional areas of emphasis.

Sources :

1. What Trump will campaign on in 2024

2. https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/16/politics/trump-agenda-second-term/index.html

3. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/pa...-firings-deportations-second-term-2023-11-14/

4. Trumponomics 2.0: What to Expect If Trump Wins the 2024 Election

5. FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Improving Student Achievement Agenda in 2024 | The White House

6. Priorities | The White House

7. FACT SHEET: The President's Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 | OMB | The White House
One year from today bye bye biden
11% of Republicans in the Iowa Caucus said they will vote for Biden.

If this remains the case nationwide, then that basically means Trump has NO chance to win in November.

That will give Biden at least an extra 2% - 3% of the vote nationwide, which will be just too much for Trump to overcome.

Biden will defeat Trump in November by a larger margin than he did in 2020.

Half of Haley's voters were Democrats. The only county Trump lost ran out of change of party forms.
Which means a shitload of Democrats switched parties just to vote for Haley.
Half of Haley's voters were Democrats. The only county Trump lost ran out of change of party forms.
Which means a shitload of Democrats switched parties just to vote for Haley.
Just keep telling yourself that. You will be in for a rude awakening in November when Trump loses by over 10 million votes.
Just keep telling yourself that. You will be in for a rude awakening in November when Trump loses by over 10 million votes.
Wow. You faggots are going to have to bribe a shitload of black folks to make that shit happen.
I've said for a while now that I'm expecting a smaller margin of victory in the EC than Biden had last time, but still expect him to beat Trump. I still believe there is enough of a block of swing voters for whom Trump's presidency put a bad taste in their mouths that Biden will come out on top.
Eh….there are only about 4 million Muslims in the United States, and they’re all mad at him for sticking up for Israel. Don’t expect he’ll get much of a lift from them.
Agree .. they have already created a coalition of leaders across swing states (including Michigan) to vow not to vote in the upcoming elections.
I've said for a while now that I'm expecting a smaller margin of victory in the EC than Biden had last time, but still expect him to beat Trump. I still believe there is enough of a block of swing voters for whom Trump's presidency put a bad taste in their mouths that Biden will come out on top.
I wont forgive republicans who contribute to a biden victory in 2024

None of their half-ass excuses will be acceptable to me
You just said there were millions of Muslims in this country .. and they are in swing states. Cheers!
I was being sarcastic, dolt.

The fact that you think the Muslim vote is going to make a significant difference in this election is simply idiotic.
You obviously don't understand Democratic voters.

MAGA racists care about that dumb shit. Democratic voters do not.

Democrat voters have no clues what’s going on in the country and the world. They vote the way they’re told to vote.
The outcome of American elections, such as the success or failure of candidates like Clinton or Bush, depends greatly on a variety of factors including the candidates' policies, campaign strategies, public perception, voter turnout, the state of the economy, current events, and the overall political climate.

Additionally, factors such as party support, endorsements, and the effectiveness of the candidates' messaging also play a significant role in determining election outcomes. :)

●●Trump's Policies in 2024●●

Former President Donald Trump announced his presidential campaign for 2024, and while specific policy details may evolve over time, there are some indications of the policies he may focus on based on his previous campaigns and statements. Here are some key areas that Trump is expected to prioritize in his 2024 campaign:

1. Immigration: Immigration was a cornerstone of Trump's previous campaigns, and it is likely to be central to his 2024 reelection bid. He has advocated for stricter immigration policies, including border security measures and restrictions on both legal and illegal immigration.

2. Trade: Trump has expressed a desire to reshape global trade with tariffs on imported goods. He has floated the idea of a 10% tariff on all goods imported into the United States, with the aim of eliminating the trade deficit. Critics argue that such tariffs could lead to higher prices for American consumers and global economic instability.

3. National Security: Trump has emphasized the importance of national security and border control. He has highlighted the need to address issues related to border security and has described stopping the invasion at the southern border as an urgent national security necessity.

4. Health Care: While specific details are not available for Trump's 2024 campaign, it is worth noting that during his previous presidency, he sought to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA). If elected, he may continue to advocate for changes to the healthcare system, although the specific proposals are yet to be outlined.

5. America First: Trump has consistently promoted an "America First" agenda, emphasizing policies that prioritize the interests of the United States. This includes a focus on job creation, economic growth, and protecting American industries.

These are general areas of focus based on past campaigns and statements. As the 2024 campaign progresses, Trump's policies may evolve and become more specific.

●●Biden's Policies in 2024●●

As of the current time, Sunday, January 21, 2024, President Joe Biden is serving his first term in office. While it is difficult to provide a comprehensive list of his policies for 2024, as they may evolve over time, here are some key areas that have been emphasized during his presidency:

1. Education: The Biden administration has focused on improving access to education and supporting academic achievement. They have enabled states to continue spending pandemic relief funds on academic supports, such as high-dosage tutoring, into the 2024-2025 school year.

2. Climate Change: Addressing climate change has been a priority for the Biden administration. They have been working on finalizing climate rules and regulations, aiming to combat climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

3. Equity and Racial Justice: President Biden has emphasized the importance of equity and racial justice. The administration aims to embed racial justice across federal agencies, policies, and programs, and take bold action to advance a comprehensive equity agenda, including criminal justice reform, healthcare access, education, fair housing, and Tribal sovereignty.

4. Healthcare: The Biden administration has focused on strengthening and expanding access to healthcare. They have highlighted the popularity and affordability of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and have worked to increase enrollment in ACA marketplaces.

5. Economic Policy: President Biden has prioritized economic recovery and growth. The administration has implemented policies aimed at supporting the middle class, creating jobs, and reducing income inequality. They have also emphasized the need for wealthy individuals and big corporations to pay their fair share of taxes.

These are general areas of focus based on the information available at this time. As President Biden's term progresses and his policies develop, there may be additional areas of emphasis.

Sources :

1. What Trump will campaign on in 2024

2. https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/16/politics/trump-agenda-second-term/index.html

3. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/pa...-firings-deportations-second-term-2023-11-14/

4. Trumponomics 2.0: What to Expect If Trump Wins the 2024 Election

5. FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Improving Student Achievement Agenda in 2024 | The White House

6. Priorities | The White House

7. FACT SHEET: The President's Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 | OMB | The White House
You are still stuck in the old voting paradigm. The 2024 election will not be about the issues.

Trump represents a threat to democracy. That is what this election will be about, unlike previous presidential elections before Trump was around. Democrats and Independents are going to vote in record numbers in support of Biden.

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