11% of Republicans in the Iowa Caucus Said They Will Vote For Biden. In Other Words, Trump CANNOT Win The 2024 Election.

Still believes Clueless *Joe created a million jobs the day after Americans were allowed to go back to work after the Covid restrictions were lifted.
No foolish, they went back to work when they felt it was safe to. VACCINATING everyone free of charge does that.
You really don’t know shit.
You're going to be on the list if you're not careful.
Democrats don't have much of a voting base left. Everyone but the freaks are done with them.
That's why they're dumping so many illegals all over the country.
Their only hope is that they can bribe enough people to cheat for them in a single county in each state.
That's how they took Georgia, Arizona, PA.....etc..

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Still believes Clueless *Joe created a million jobs the day after Americans were allowed to go back to work after the Covid restrictions were lifted.
Trump's management of Covid was an unmitigated disaster. Nobody with a brain is going to trust that imbecile to manage a freaking Arby's, let alone be responsible for this country's economy.

Trump rode the wave of Obama's recovering economy during his first term. That's all that idiot did.
As opposed to the geniuses who will vote for a man so demented he can’t find his way off the stage?
Are you talking About Trump who blamed Nikki Haley for the bad security at the insurrection ? Geesus, you must be the demented one thinking Trump isn’t a lunatic Simply because he wears make up and hair plugs.
Democrats don't have much of a voting base left. Everyone but the freaks are done with them.
That's why they're dumping so many illegals all over the country.
Their only hope is that they can bribe enough people to cheat for them in a single county in each state.
That's how they took Georgia.
11% of all registered repugnants doesn’t sound like much of a base.
Democrats don't have much of a voting base left. Everyone but the freaks are staying with them.
That's why they're dumping so many illegals all over the country.
Their only hope is that they can bribe enough people to cheat for them in a single county in each state.
That's how they took Georgia.
What they do is go door to door in black, poor, urban areas in each city, and scare the ignorant, gullible people who don’t follow politics at all that if they don’t vote for the Democrat, the GOP will take away their welfare.
As opposed to the geniuses who will vote for a man so demented he can’t find his way off the stage?
Great comeback, idiot.

Let me know when Trump finally figures out that Nikki Haley is not Nancy Pelosi.
Are you talking About Trump who blamed Nikki Haley for the bad security at the insurrection ? Geesus, you must be the demented one thinking Trump isn’t a lunatic Simply because he wears make up and hair plugs.
You’re the demented one if you’re calling the riot an “insurrection.”
Democrats are much better informed than hopeless MAGA voters.

Compare the education level of Democratic voters vs Republican voters. Enough said.

That's why Democrats know that Biden won the 2020 election and you imbeciles still haven't figured that out.
They haven figured out climate change, womens right to choose and trickle down either.m
What they do is go door to door in black, poor, urban areas in each city, and scare the ignorant, gullible people who don’t follow politics at all that if they don’t vote for the Democrat, the GOP will take away their welfare.
Are you afraid ? The gop wish list always includes cutting SS and Medicare, Medicaid benefits. You have dementia don’t you ?
Great comeback, idiot.

Let me know when Trump finally figures out that Nikki Haley is not Nancy Pelosi.
Oh, another lovely Democrat. Biden is in 4th stage dementia, and can barely set up a beach chair. He is importing illegal aliens by the millions, making the Iranian terrorist regime rich, and sending inflation to a 40-year-high.
Are you afraid ? The gop wish list always includes cutting SS and Medicare, Medicaid benefits. You have dementia don’t you ?
No it doesn’t. Trump said he’s not touching it.

Biden, otoh, is bringing in millions of illegals to take up valuable resources that should go to Americans.
Oh, another lovely Democrat. Biden is in 4th stage dementia, and can barely set up a beach chair. He is importing illegal aliens by the millions, making the Iranian terrorist regime rich, and sending inflation to a 40-year-high.
Trump just blamed Nikki Haley for a security blunder during the insurrection. Does that classify as dementia ? Nikki was no where around…Trump thinks she’s Nancy.
Oh, another lovely Democrat. Biden is in 4th stage dementia, and can barely set up a beach chair. He is importing illegal aliens by the millions, making the Iranian terrorist regime rich, and sending inflation to a 40-year-high.
"Importing illegal aliens"....LOL. I guess Biden is purposely trying to lose in November?? Is that his strategy?

Such stupid hyperventilating MAGA bumpkin hyperbole.
Trump just blamed Nikki Haley for a security blunder during the insurrection. Does that classify as dementia ? Nikki was no where around…Trump thinks she’s Nancy.
There. Was. No. Insurrection.

And any gaffe Trump makes pales in comparison to what comes out of Biden’s mouth.
No it doesn’t. Trump said he’s not touching it.

Biden, otoh, is bringing in millions of illegals to take up valuable resources that should go to Americans.
Really ? Wtf do you know. You probably aren’t working right now and depend upon immigrants for healthcare, domestic services and food production. You worried immigrants will take your trailer.
"Importing illegal aliens"....LOL. I guess Biden is purposely trying to lose in November?? Is that his strategy?

Such stupid MAGA bumpkin hyperbole.
The plan is to get the illegals to vote as soon as possible.
Really ? Wtf do you know. You probably aren’t working right now and depend upon immigrants for healthcare, domestic services and food production.
Of course I depend on immigrants!

But we are talking about illegal aliens, not immigrants.

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