11% of Republicans in the Iowa Caucus Said They Will Vote For Biden. In Other Words, Trump CANNOT Win The 2024 Election.

Hope so. Most independents are leaning toward Trump, as do the majority of Hispanics. Even blacks are pulling away from Biden.
You're going to make me cry, kleetus!! It sounds like Biden has NO CHANCE in November!!

But if the millions of illegals vote for Biden, then how is Trump going to win???
You're going to make me cry, kleetus!! It sounds like Biden has NO CHANCE in November!!
I wouldn’t say that, but we both know that Trump is in the lead.

And this time, you won’t be able to go to Plan B and halt the count, at midnight, simultaneously, in six swing states, while you cart in the harvested ballots.
I wouldn’t say that, but we both know that Trump is in the lead.

And this time, you won’t be able to go to Plan B and halt the count, at midnight, simultaneously, in six swing states, while you cart in the harvested ballots.
I don't think so. I think all of the illegals are going to help Biden win!!
Trickle down was not a Reagan policy.
Hell it wasn’t. Every fking gop FEDERAL tax cut FOR THE RICH was predicated on taxes increasing by domestic growth which would pay off the deficit NONE,OF THEM DID because the rich don’t consume, they buy depleted assets from the middle class who lose their jobs during gop led recessions.….every Fking one one them.
Hell it wasn’t. Every fking gop FEDERAL tax cut FOR THE RICH was predicated on taxes increasing by domestic growth which would pay off the deficit NONE,OF THEM DID because the rich don’t consume, they buy depleted assets from the middle class who lose their jobs during gop led recessions.….every Fking one one them.

Wow, you’re brainwashed AND stupid.
There. Was. No. Insurrection.

And any gaffe Trump makes pales in comparison to what comes out of Biden’s mouth.
So why did Trump claim we needed more security that Nikki didn’t provide. How many fking blunders classify as dementia. How about injecting cleaning agents. How about covid will be gone “ this “ spring. Thousands of them.

You know why you can’t see it ? YOU HAVE DEMENTIA,
So why did Trump claim we needed more security that Nikki didn’t provide. How many fking blunders classify as dementia. How about injecting cleaning agents. How abiut covid will be gone “ this “ spring. Thousands of them.

You know why you can’t see it ? YOU HAVE DEMENTIA,
Yeah...why did Trump ask Nikki Haley...I mean, Nancy Pelosi...if she needed 10,000 troops if there was NO INSURRECTION???

Poor MAGA troglodytes...they can't keep all of their MAGA gomer bullshit straight.
11% of Republicans in the Iowa Caucus said they will vote for Biden.

If this remains the case nationwide, then that basically means Trump has NO chance to win in November.

That will give Biden at least an extra 2% - 3% of the vote nationwide, which will be just too much for Trump to overcome.

Biden will defeat Trump in November by a larger margin than he did in 2020.

If that is the case they should drop all charges against him.
Biden 2024 :mad-61:

Yep. Republicans will once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in an election where Biden is unelectable.

Never-Trump Republicans and women voters will doom Trump, in an election that Nikki Haley wins in a landslide over Biden.

Jebwithavag Haley is toast
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