11 Trillion Gallons of Water Force Small Government Cons to Go Begging

I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help
You ignoramus. Disaster relief is part and parcel an essential function of government.
Troll thread. Should be sent to badlands.

That's nonsense and you know it. The small government cons want it both ways, refuse funding but run for it when there is an emergency. No planning, just hype.

It's your ilk that wants it both ways. You force people to pay for your boondoggle programs, and then you call them names if they attempt to collect the benefits they have paid for.

That is so beautifully Nazi-like.

Not true, its your guys that rejected help and now want help. If they had saved like good little piggies they wouldn't need help and would look like small government conservatives. Instead, they look like they're on the public assistance band wagon.
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.
You are such an idiot. The money Red States get to keep their economies from going under comes from Blue States. Wise up and smell the deficits.

Right, let the red States embargo the blue ones and see how long they last, 90% of your food and energy comes from red States.
3/4's, 75% + of the Nations food comes from Blue States like California, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, North Carolina, Ohio....

you got us on the oil though.... :D
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.
You are such an idiot. The money Red States get to keep their economies from going under comes from Blue States. Wise up and smell the deficits.

Right, let the red States embargo the blue ones and see how long they last, 90% of your food and energy comes from red States.
3/4's, 75% + of the Nations food comes from Blue States like California, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, North Carolina, Ohio....

you got us on the oil though.... :D

Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.
You are such an idiot. The money Red States get to keep their economies from going under comes from Blue States. Wise up and smell the deficits.

Right, let the red States embargo the blue ones and see how long they last, 90% of your food and energy comes from red States.
3/4's, 75% + of the Nations food comes from Blue States like California, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, North Carolina, Ohio....

you got us on the oil though.... :D

States That Produce The Most Food (By Value)
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.
You are such an idiot. The money Red States get to keep their economies from going under comes from Blue States. Wise up and smell the deficits.

Right, let the red States embargo the blue ones and see how long they last, 90% of your food and energy comes from red States.
3/4's, 75% + of the Nations food comes from Blue States like California, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, North Carolina, Ohio....

you got us on the oil though.... :D

States That Produce The Most Food (By Value)

So those 7 States don't produce 3/4ths of the food, did you notice all the blue states in the bottom 10?
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.

Jesusland states are the taker welfare states

Red States Are Welfare Queens

Red States Are Welfare Queens

Red-state moochers: Lindsey Graham’s double standard on disaster relief is part of a great hypocritical tradition - Salon.com
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.

Jesusland states are the taker welfare states

Red States Are Welfare Queens

Red States Are Welfare Queens

Red-state moochers: Lindsey Graham’s double standard on disaster relief is part of a great hypocritical tradition - Salon.com

And without them your ass would starve or freeze. Fuck off.
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.

Wrong, I'm looking for a reasonable explanation why they went unprepared. Big talk, no action, is what I'm seeing and I'd like to know why Or is it just normal to refuse federal help and leave millions of people dangling because a politician wanted to make a point?

Its almost painful how stupid liberals are. Look clown they got hit by a 1,000 year flood, by your logic every state in the country should prepare for a 1,000 year flood? What's that going to cost about a zillion dollars? Or for a tiny fraction of the cost the federal government can just provide assistance when a state gets hit by a 1,000 year flood. Here have an eye roll moron. /eye roll
Democratic Selective memory syndrome. There were reasons for opposition to the bill as they stacked unnecessary spending to the bill that HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH SANDY...................

Sandy Recovery Office | FEMA.gov

(as of Sept. 28, 2015)

Assistance Type Amount*
Assistance to disaster survivors (Individual Assistance)

$1.4 billion

Assistance to state, local and tribal governments

(Public Assistance)

$11.4 billion

Hazard Mitigation grants

$770 million

This is FEMA sending for Sandy. Not exactly chump change spent......................yet those that bitch about it use the disaster to FUND A LAUNDRY LIST OF OTHER THINGS...................and when someone says.............THAT'S BS.............they go LOOK AT THOSE GUYS.........THEY DON'T WANT TO HELP.


they always stack lib shit to bills and they know cons will vote no and then libs can cry the cons have no heart- but most of the populace don't know the whole story.
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.
Actually no, OKtexas

States do not tax like the federal government. in comparison, states tax like 10 to 25% of what federal income tax takes. S outh Carolina probably have an even lower rate.

In the end, unless they have a rainy day savings acct, the state would face large debts trying to help their citizens
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help
You ignoramus. Disaster relief is part and parcel an essential function of government.
Troll thread. Should be sent to badlands.

That's nonsense and you know it. The small government cons want it both ways, refuse funding but run for it when there is an emergency. No planning, just hype.

It's your ilk that wants it both ways. You force people to pay for your boondoggle programs, and then you call them names if they attempt to collect the benefits they have paid for.

That is so beautifully Nazi-like.

Not true, its your guys that rejected help and now want help. If they had saved like good little piggies they wouldn't need help and would look like small government conservatives. Instead, they look like they're on the public assistance band wagon.

Your response amounts to saying "huh uhn!"

You're too fucking stupid to waste bandwidth on.
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help
You ignoramus. Disaster relief is part and parcel an essential function of government.
Troll thread. Should be sent to badlands.

That's nonsense and you know it. The small government cons want it both ways, refuse funding but run for it when there is an emergency. No planning, just hype.

It's your ilk that wants it both ways. You force people to pay for your boondoggle programs, and then you call them names if they attempt to collect the benefits they have paid for.

That is so beautifully Nazi-like.

Not true, its your guys that rejected help and now want help. If they had saved like good little piggies they wouldn't need help and would look like small government conservatives. Instead, they look like they're on the public assistance band wagon.

Your response amounts to saying "huh uhn!"

You're too fucking stupid to waste bandwidth on.
LOL coming from the person who gets their haircut at the pet shop.
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.
Blue State, Red Face: Guess Who Benefits More From Your Taxes?

Top Ten (Source: Tax Foundation):

1. New Mexico Indian reservations, military bases, federal research labs, farm subsidies, retirement programs

2. Mississippi Farm subsidies, military spending, nutrition and anti-poverty aid, retirement programs.

3. Alaska Per capita No 1 recipient of federal benefits; infrastructure projects, DOT and pork projects.

4. Louisiana Disaster relief, farm subsidies, anti-poverty and nutrition aid, military spending.

5. W. Virginia Farm subsidies, anti-poverty and nutrition aid.

6. N. Dakota Farm subsidies, energy subsidies, retirement and anti-poverty programs, Indian reservations.

7. Alabama Retirement programs, anti-poverty and nutrition aid, federal space/military spending, farm subsidies.

8. S. Dakota Retirement programs, nutrition aid, farm subsidies, military spending, Indian reservations.

9. Virginia Civil service pensions, military spending, veterans benefits, retirement, anti-poverty aid.

10. Kentucky Retirement programs, nutritional and anti-poverty aid, farm subsidies.

Now consider the bottom 10, i.e., the ones that give more to the federal government in taxes than they get in return. From 1 to 10, they are:

New Jersey, Nevada, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Minnesota, Illinois, Delaware, California, New York, Colorado.

Anything strange about that list? Yes, they are all blue states (or the deepest of purple).

Blue state, red face: Guess who benefits more from your taxes?

Mod edit: Short to medium c&p please.
Last edited by a moderator:
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help
The people there still pay taxes they have no choice in that so they deserve help with money they've paid in for centuries.

Republican-leaning states get more in federal dollars than they pay in taxes.

Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let's go through the top twenty.

  • New Mexico: $2.03
  • Mississippi: $2.02
  • Alaska: $1.84
  • Louisiana: $1.78
  • West Virginia: $1.76
  • North Dakota: $1.68
  • Alabama: $1.66
  • South Dakota: $1.53
  • Kentucky: $1.51
  • Virginia: $1.51
  • Montana: $1.47
  • Hawaii: $1.44
  • Maine: $1.41
  • Arkansas: $1.41
  • Oklahoma: $1.36
  • South Carolina: $1.35
  • Missouri: $1.32
  • Maryland: $1.30
  • Tennessee: $1.27
  • Idaho: $1.21
Does anyone else notice the overwhelming presence of northern "rugged individualist" states, like Alaska, the Dakotas and Montana, along with most of the South? Why it's almost like there's a pattern here or something.

Red States Are Welfare Queens
You ignoramus. Disaster relief is part and parcel an essential function of government.
Troll thread. Should be sent to badlands.

That's nonsense and you know it. The small government cons want it both ways, refuse funding but run for it when there is an emergency. No planning, just hype.

It's your ilk that wants it both ways. You force people to pay for your boondoggle programs, and then you call them names if they attempt to collect the benefits they have paid for.

That is so beautifully Nazi-like.

Not true, its your guys that rejected help and now want help. If they had saved like good little piggies they wouldn't need help and would look like small government conservatives. Instead, they look like they're on the public assistance band wagon.

Your response amounts to saying "huh uhn!"

You're too fucking stupid to waste bandwidth on.
LOL coming from the person who gets their haircut at the pet shop.

I don't even know what that is supposed to mean.
I want them to get their federal aid....they need help.

The point of this thread is the Hypocrisy of those politicians from the right wing that refused to help the New Jersey/ NYC Hurricane Sandy residents with federal relief that want federal help now for their states.

And using PORK in the bill as their excuse when it was their own Republican party's Pork.

you can always count on left-wing losers to use straw man arguments. the Right is for less government, not no government.

libs are losers who lie TO THEMSELVES. this is why you left-wing idiots are on the way out

you can always count on left-wing losers to use straw man arguments. the Right is for less government, not no government.

libs are losers who lie TO THEMSELVES. this is why you left-wing idiots are on the way out
We can always count on you, to give your meaningless replies of partisan propaganda!!! YAWN

you can always count on left-wing losers to use straw man arguments. the Right is for less government, not no government.

libs are losers who lie TO THEMSELVES. this is why you left-wing idiots are on the way out
We can always count on you, to give your meaningless replies of partisan propaganda!!! YAWN

what part is meaningless leftard? what republican is for no government at all?
you crybabies on the Left always want to dictate the dishonest parameters of every issue then whine when you are called out on the facts as well as the merits.

go cry

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