11 Trillion Gallons of Water Force Small Government Cons to Go Begging

I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help

You and Clete can go fuck yourselves. The people of South Carolina pay taxes just like everyone else, they can get federal assistance just like everyone else. The Governor would be derelict in her duties were she to fail to seek federal assistance for the citizens of her state, as would any Governor.

Suck it hater. Oh, and fuck Lindsay Graham as well.
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.
You are such an idiot. The money Red States get to keep their economies from going under comes from Blue States. Wise up and smell the deficits.

Right, let the red States embargo the blue ones and see how long they last, 90% of your food and energy comes from red States.

NO, 50% of fruits, nuts and vegetables come from California.
And that is just San Francisco.
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help

You and Clete can go fuck yourselves. The people of South Carolina pay taxes just like everyone else, they can get federal assistance just like everyone else. The Governor would be derelict in her duties were she to fail to seek federal assistance for the citizens of her state, as would any Governor.

Suck it hater. Oh, and fuck Lindsay Graham as well.

I just want to be sure everyone agrees here. Small government conservatives are liars, frauds and phonies. If they had three years to devise and build a a plan that worked without federal assistance they would be national heroes. They didn't and they're not. They're no different than any other taker and just as good as any public assistance user.
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.
You are such an idiot. The money Red States get to keep their economies from going under comes from Blue States. Wise up and smell the deficits.

Right, let the red States embargo the blue ones and see how long they last, 90% of your food and energy comes from red States.

NO, 50% of fruits, nuts and vegetables come from California.

So live on them.

Why? we take $37.5 Billion from red states every year just from the markup.

Then quit bitching about giving them a helping hand.
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.
You are such an idiot. The money Red States get to keep their economies from going under comes from Blue States. Wise up and smell the deficits.

Right, let the red States embargo the blue ones and see how long they last, 90% of your food and energy comes from red States.

NO, 50% of fruits, nuts and vegetables come from California.

California certainly has no shortage of fruits and nuts.
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.
You are such an idiot. The money Red States get to keep their economies from going under comes from Blue States. Wise up and smell the deficits.

Right, let the red States embargo the blue ones and see how long they last, 90% of your food and energy comes from red States.

NO, 50% of fruits, nuts and vegetables come from California.

California certainly has no shortage of fruits and nuts.

Yea, too many displaced red staters.
You are such an idiot. The money Red States get to keep their economies from going under comes from Blue States. Wise up and smell the deficits.

Right, let the red States embargo the blue ones and see how long they last, 90% of your food and energy comes from red States.

NO, 50% of fruits, nuts and vegetables come from California.

So live on them.

Why? we take $37.5 Billion from red states every year just from the markup.

Then quit bitching about giving them a helping hand.

Business is business. No profit in help (to quote a red stater)
Right, let the red States embargo the blue ones and see how long they last, 90% of your food and energy comes from red States.

NO, 50% of fruits, nuts and vegetables come from California.

So live on them.

Why? we take $37.5 Billion from red states every year just from the markup.

Then quit bitching about giving them a helping hand.

Business is business. No profit in help (to quote a red stater)

Damn, you're a ton of laughs today, keep it up.

Supporters say many of the appropriations are necessary to respond to disasters, though some are unrelated to the storm:

¶ $150 million for fisheries in Alaska.

¶ $2 million to fix museum roofs in Washington.

¶ $20 million for watershed restoration in response to wildfires in Colorado.

¶ $1 million for the Legal Services Corporation.

¶ $56.8 million for tsunami marine debris remediation.

¶ $5 million for Corps of Engineers investigations unrelated to the hurricane.

¶ $499 million in Corps of Engineers construction funds for disasters occurring before the storm.

¶ $578 million for flood-control mitigation projects by the corps unrelated to the storm.

¶ $28 million for watershed protection activities unrelated to the storm.

¶ $4 million to the F.B.I. to replace vehicles, office equipment and furniture.

¶ $1 million for the Drug Enforcement Administration to replace 15 vehicles and equipment.

¶ $230,000 to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to replace three vehicles and furniture.

¶ $15 million for construction at NASA facilities, including restoration of sand berms.

¶ $855,000 to Immigration and Customs Enforcement to replace vehicles.

¶ $300,000 for the Secret Service to replace vehicles and communications equipment.

¶ $50 million for National Park Service historic preservation activities.

¶ $150 million for the Interior Department to create a fund that may be used for restoration at national parks and refuges affected by disasters.
How dare the government spend money to prepare for future disasters so they might cost less.
How dare they attach funding for other projects in a BILL FOR A CURRENT SITUATION.
How dare a current situation make them aware of related problems that need attention.

IF those other problems were truly related and truly needed attention, then a bill to take care of them could pass on its own merit. The reason the funding was attached to the disaster relief bill is precisely because that wasn't the case.
Not with a GOP House, as you well know.
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help

You think Lindsey Graham is a "small government conservative?" That's all we need to know to dismiss your post.

Also, can you explain why people who pay taxes shouldn't receive the benefits they're paying for? Are only government ass kissers allowed to receive government benefits?

Lindsey Graham refused to sign the Sandy bill and now is screaming for help. You didn't want to help people in need when the chips were down what makes these people special?

Lindsey Graham is a big government RINO, so attributing his behavior to "small government conservatives" is a patent lie. You refuse to address my point because you were caught spouting bullshit.

Supporters say many of the appropriations are necessary to respond to disasters, though some are unrelated to the storm:

¶ $150 million for fisheries in Alaska.

¶ $2 million to fix museum roofs in Washington.

¶ $20 million for watershed restoration in response to wildfires in Colorado.

¶ $1 million for the Legal Services Corporation.

¶ $56.8 million for tsunami marine debris remediation.

¶ $5 million for Corps of Engineers investigations unrelated to the hurricane.

¶ $499 million in Corps of Engineers construction funds for disasters occurring before the storm.

¶ $578 million for flood-control mitigation projects by the corps unrelated to the storm.

¶ $28 million for watershed protection activities unrelated to the storm.

¶ $4 million to the F.B.I. to replace vehicles, office equipment and furniture.

¶ $1 million for the Drug Enforcement Administration to replace 15 vehicles and equipment.

¶ $230,000 to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to replace three vehicles and furniture.

¶ $15 million for construction at NASA facilities, including restoration of sand berms.

¶ $855,000 to Immigration and Customs Enforcement to replace vehicles.

¶ $300,000 for the Secret Service to replace vehicles and communications equipment.

¶ $50 million for National Park Service historic preservation activities.

¶ $150 million for the Interior Department to create a fund that may be used for restoration at national parks and refuges affected by disasters.
How dare the government spend money to prepare for future disasters so they might cost less.
How dare they attach funding for other projects in a BILL FOR A CURRENT SITUATION.
How dare a current situation make them aware of related problems that need attention.

IF those other problems were truly related and truly needed attention, then a bill to take care of them could pass on its own merit. The reason the funding was attached to the disaster relief bill is precisely because that wasn't the case.
Not with a GOP House, as you well know.

In other words, they weren't issues that needed attention. They were just pork to buy off constituent groups. Of course, that's true of virtually all government spending.
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help
You ignoramus. Disaster relief is part and parcel an essential function of government.
Troll thread. Should be sent to badlands.

That's nonsense and you know it. The small government cons want it both ways, refuse funding but run for it when there is an emergency. No planning, just hype.

It's your ilk that wants it both ways. You force people to pay for your boondoggle programs, and then you call them names if they attempt to collect the benefits they have paid for.

That is so beautifully Nazi-like.
Apparently BILLIONS of DemocRAT PORK, attached to the Sandy bill, and responsible financial oversight by Republicans to curtail the THIEF of our money by DemocRATS, doesn't matter to the lying, fucking OP and his bullshit... Send a CLEAN BILL and all would have been taken care of..why did the Northern DemocRATS respond with a CLEAN BILL... Because that's NOT what you do when you are THIEVING DemocRATS!
NOPE! It had some pork in the bill, but it all went to RED STATES, REPUBLICANS....to buy off their votes...so they would vote for the Sandy Relief.
Pork Holding Up Senate Sandy Relief Bill Funneled Into The Troughs Of GOP Deficit Hawks? You Betcha.

Why, you might ask, would the Senate be packing billions of taxpayer dollars for these areas of the country that are nowhere near the devastation brought about by superstorm Sandy into a bill designed to bring relief to those suffering from the storm that ripped the northeastern part of the nation?

The answer can be found in a quick review of the states that are set to benefit from the Senate’s extra-special benevolence—states including Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Louisiana.

What, you may ask, do these states far from New York and New Jersey have in common?

Each is not only a red state, but each of these states are represented by two Republican senators—with the exception of Louisiana with its one GOP senator.

And what happens when you buy off seven Republican senators with a package of goodies under the guise of storm relief supposedly meant to benefit two blue states?

You get yourself a filibuster proof piece of legislation.
In other words, they weren't issues that needed attention. They were just pork to buy off constituent groups. Of course, that's true of virtually all government spending.
To buy off Southern REPUBLICANS so they would not filibuster the bill.
In other words, they weren't issues that needed attention. They were just pork to buy off constituent groups. Of course, that's true of virtually all government spending.
To buy off Southern REPUBLICANS so they would not filibuster the bill.

In other words, they didn't address issues that needed attention. You keep admitting my point.
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help

You think Lindsey Graham is a "small government conservative?" That's all we need to know to dismiss your post.

Also, can you explain why people who pay taxes shouldn't receive the benefits they're paying for? Are only government ass kissers allowed to receive government benefits?

Lindsey Graham refused to sign the Sandy bill and now is screaming for help. You didn't want to help people in need when the chips were down what makes these people special?

Lindsey Graham is a big government RINO, so attributing his behavior to "small government conservatives" is a patent lie. You refuse to address my point because you were caught spouting bullshit.

Lindsey Graham is one of a bunch. In my book they're all useless.

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