11 Trillion Gallons of Water Force Small Government Cons to Go Begging

Lindsey Graham: I Voted Against 'Pork-Fest' Aid for ...
Newsmax Media
7 days ago - Graham supported a $24 billion Sandy aid package that had been proposed by Republicans. That amount was blasted by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, now another challenger for the GOP presidential nomination, who said that Louisiana had received $51.8 billion after Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

Now, of course, since both NC and SC are run by states-rights Republicans who have refused Federal assistance for expanding Medicaid. HMM

"Let's just get through this thing, and whatever it costs, it costs," Graham told CNN's Wolf Blitzer

January 16, 2013

Members of the House voted overnight to approve $50 billion in emergency relief for the victims of Superstorm Sandy, almost three months after the storm devastated the northeast.

In addition, conservatives argued that disaster aid costs must be offset by spending cuts elsewhere.

House Finally Clears $50 Billion Sandy Aid Package - Politics - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

There was more in the Sandy bill because more then Sandy needed to be addressed as an Emergency fund. The Republicans are so gridlocked in spending they can only do one little thing at a time. Thats why he voted against it. The party cant take care of more then one problem at once.

All the Carolina's delegation including the former Gov., now House Rep Mark (Appalachian Trail) Sanford, Joe ("you lie") Wilson and Trey ("Mr. Benghazi & where's the emails") Gowdy will be forced to confront their tea party spending convictions.

Their double speak rationalizations will be historic.

January 4, 2013

Congress Approves $9.7 Billion in Insurance Funding to Aid Sandy Victims

The U.S. House of Representatives approved an initial round of funding for the National Flood Insurance Program.

Congress Approves $9.7 Billion in Insurance Funding to Aid Sandy Victims | Patch

Republicans who voted no:

Mo Brooks-AL 5
Tom Cotton-AR 4
Paul Gosar-AZ 4
Matt Salmon-AZ 5
David Schweikert-AZ 6
Trent Franks-AZ 8
Tom McClintock-CA 4
Ed Royce-CA 39
Doug Lamborn-CO 5
Ted Yoho-FL 3
Ron DeSantis-FL 6
Tom Price-GA 6
Rob Woodall-GA 7
Doug Collins-GA 9
Paul Broun-GA 10
Tom Graves-GA 14
Randy Hultgren-IL 14
Marlin Stutzman-IN 3
Todd Rokita-IN 4
Tim Huelskamp-KS 1
Lynn Jenkins-KS 2
Kevin Yoder-KS 3
Mike Pompeo-KS 4
Thomas Massie-KY 4
Andy Barr-KY 6
John Fleming-LA 4
Andy Harris-MD 1
Dan Benishek-MI 1
Justin Amash-MI 3
Kerry Bentivolio-MI 11
Sam Graves-MO 6
Steven Palazzo-MS 4
Steve Daines-MT
Virginia Foxx-NC 5
Richard Hudson-NC 8
Mark Meadows-NC 11
George Holding-NC 13

Steve Pearce-NM 2
Steve Chabot-OH 1
Brad Wenstrup-OH 2
Jim Jordan-OH 4
Jim Bridenstine-OK 1
Markwayne Mullin-OK 2
Scott Perry-PA 4
Keith Rothfus-PA 12
Joe Wilson-SC 2
Jeff Duncan-SC 3
Trey Gowdy-SC 4

Mick Mulvaney-SC 5
Phil Roe-TN 1
John Duncan-TN 2
Scott DesJarlais-TN 4
Marsha Blackburn-TN 7
Stephen Fincher-TN 8
Louis Gohmert-TX 1
Michael Conaway-TX 11
Mac Thornberry-TX 13
Randy Weber-TX 14
Bill Flores-TX 17
Randy Neugebauer-TX 19
Kenny Marchant-TX 24
Roger Williams-TX 25
Bob Goodlatte-VA 6
Paul Ryan-WI 1
James Sensenbrenner-WI 5
Tom Petri-WI 6
Sean Duffy-WI 7
states resisted expanding Medicaid because the federal subsidy to expand it is going to run out soon.

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Why States Should Not Expand Medicaid | Galen Institute
Galen Institute
by GM Turner - ‎Related articles
May 1, 2013 - States are being strongly pressured to expand Medicaid to families earning up to .... The additional spending surely would crowd out funds for education, .... the poverty line should have the option of subsidized private insurance. ... For every job created, the costs of running this health care system grow and ...
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.

Wrong, I'm looking for a reasonable explanation why they went unprepared. Big talk, no action, is what I'm seeing and I'd like to know why Or is it just normal to refuse federal help and leave millions of people dangling because a politician wanted to make a point?

Why weren't these morons prepared?

Feds Give $150 Million To Help California With Drought
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.

Wrong, I'm looking for a reasonable explanation why they went unprepared. Big talk, no action, is what I'm seeing and I'd like to know why Or is it just normal to refuse federal help and leave millions of people dangling because a politician wanted to make a point?

Why weren't these morons prepared?

Feds Give $150 Million To Help California With Drought



"The U.S. Department of Agriculture is providing $150 million to help California deal with the on-going drought.

Most of the money, about $130 million, will pay for federal agency watershed restoration projects in the Sierra Nevada.

The Sierra snowpack usually provides water during the spring and summer, but the snow had already melted by late-May this year.

The U.S. Forest Service and Natural Resources Conservation Service, will do the restoration work, which is intended to reduce wildfire risk and improve water quality and wildlife habitat"

Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.

Wrong, I'm looking for a reasonable explanation why they went unprepared. Big talk, no action, is what I'm seeing and I'd like to know why Or is it just normal to refuse federal help and leave millions of people dangling because a politician wanted to make a point?

Why weren't these morons prepared?

Feds Give $150 Million To Help California With Drought



"The U.S. Department of Agriculture is providing $150 million to help California deal with the on-going drought.

Most of the money, about $130 million, will pay for federal agency watershed restoration projects in the Sierra Nevada.

The Sierra snowpack usually provides water during the spring and summer, but the snow had already melted by late-May this year.

The U.S. Forest Service and Natural Resources Conservation Service, will do the restoration work, which is intended to reduce wildfire risk and improve water quality and wildlife habitat"


No, theyre not. They want more from the feds. I saw it in the san francisco bay project and that was just a microcosm of the state.
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help
The people there still pay taxes they have no choice in that so they deserve help with money they've paid in for centuries.

Republican-leaning states get more in federal dollars than they pay in taxes.

Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let's go through the top twenty.

  • New Mexico: $2.03
  • Mississippi: $2.02
  • Alaska: $1.84
  • Louisiana: $1.78
  • West Virginia: $1.76
  • North Dakota: $1.68
  • Alabama: $1.66
  • South Dakota: $1.53
  • Kentucky: $1.51
  • Virginia: $1.51
  • Montana: $1.47
  • Hawaii: $1.44
  • Maine: $1.41
  • Arkansas: $1.41
  • Oklahoma: $1.36
  • South Carolina: $1.35
  • Missouri: $1.32
  • Maryland: $1.30
  • Tennessee: $1.27
  • Idaho: $1.21
Does anyone else notice the overwhelming presence of northern "rugged individualist" states, like Alaska, the Dakotas and Montana, along with most of the South? Why it's almost like there's a pattern here or something.

Red States Are Welfare Queens
First of all who knows if that's a real list. Anyone can make up list.

Second, Lindsey graham is an idiot. I wish he would retire and shut up.
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help
The people there still pay taxes they have no choice in that so they deserve help with money they've paid in for centuries.

Republican-leaning states get more in federal dollars than they pay in taxes.

Of the twenty worst states, 16 are either Republican dominated or conservative states. Let's go through the top twenty.

  • New Mexico: $2.03
  • Mississippi: $2.02
  • Alaska: $1.84
  • Louisiana: $1.78
  • West Virginia: $1.76
  • North Dakota: $1.68
  • Alabama: $1.66
  • South Dakota: $1.53
  • Kentucky: $1.51
  • Virginia: $1.51
  • Montana: $1.47
  • Hawaii: $1.44
  • Maine: $1.41
  • Arkansas: $1.41
  • Oklahoma: $1.36
  • South Carolina: $1.35
  • Missouri: $1.32
  • Maryland: $1.30
  • Tennessee: $1.27
  • Idaho: $1.21
Does anyone else notice the overwhelming presence of northern "rugged individualist" states, like Alaska, the Dakotas and Montana, along with most of the South? Why it's almost like there's a pattern here or something.

Red States Are Welfare Queens
First of all who knows if that's a real list. Anyone can make up list.

Second, Lindsey graham is an idiot. I wish he would retire and shut up.

DUH, he provided you a link.
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.

Wrong, I'm looking for a reasonable explanation why they went unprepared. Big talk, no action, is what I'm seeing and I'd like to know why Or is it just normal to refuse federal help and leave millions of people dangling because a politician wanted to make a point?

Why weren't these morons prepared?

Feds Give $150 Million To Help California With Drought

The Feds gave the money to the state to administer conservation in national forests. The state manages its own water resources with state monies.
they always stack lib shit to bills and they know cons will vote no and then libs can cry the cons have no heart- but most of the populace don't know the whole story.
Except all the pork went to Commi-RED states!

Supporters say many of the appropriations are necessary to respond to disasters, though some are unrelated to the storm:

¶ $150 million for fisheries in Alaska.

¶ $2 million to fix museum roofs in Washington.

¶ $20 million for watershed restoration in response to wildfires in Colorado.

¶ $1 million for the Legal Services Corporation.

¶ $56.8 million for tsunami marine debris remediation.

¶ $5 million for Corps of Engineers investigations unrelated to the hurricane.

¶ $499 million in Corps of Engineers construction funds for disasters occurring before the storm.

¶ $578 million for flood-control mitigation projects by the corps unrelated to the storm.

¶ $28 million for watershed protection activities unrelated to the storm.

¶ $4 million to the F.B.I. to replace vehicles, office equipment and furniture.

¶ $1 million for the Drug Enforcement Administration to replace 15 vehicles and equipment.

¶ $230,000 to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to replace three vehicles and furniture.

¶ $15 million for construction at NASA facilities, including restoration of sand berms.

¶ $855,000 to Immigration and Customs Enforcement to replace vehicles.

¶ $300,000 for the Secret Service to replace vehicles and communications equipment.

¶ $50 million for National Park Service historic preservation activities.

¶ $150 million for the Interior Department to create a fund that may be used for restoration at national parks and refuges affected by disasters.
They may not be storm related but they look like things that need to be done.
The Sandy bill was January of 2013, so for almost three years these small government cons didn't do a single thing to prepare their state for disaster. That's what I'm getting to and I would like someone to tell me why would they refuse aid and then do nothing for three years?

And how many billions flowed into the welfare states of NY & NJ???? Shit, without massive federal $$ they couldn't even keep the buses running because the bloated bureaucracies would mandate a $30 bus fare to get from Times Square to Houston Street... and of course New Yorker's would never pay for that themselves, so we all have to subsidize it.
You ignoramus. Disaster relief is part and parcel an essential function of government.
Troll thread. Should be sent to badlands.

That's nonsense and you know it. The small government cons want it both ways, refuse funding but run for it when there is an emergency. No planning, just hype.

It's your ilk that wants it both ways. You force people to pay for your boondoggle programs, and then you call them names if they attempt to collect the benefits they have paid for.

That is so beautifully Nazi-like.

Not true, its your guys that rejected help and now want help. If they had saved like good little piggies they wouldn't need help and would look like small government conservatives. Instead, they look like they're on the public assistance band wagon.

Your response amounts to saying "huh uhn!"

You're too fucking stupid to waste bandwidth on.
LOL coming from the person who gets their haircut at the pet shop.
Oh wow. That was clever.
Look, you tried to troll. You failed. Live with that

you can always count on left-wing losers to use straw man arguments. the Right is for less government, not no government.

libs are losers who lie TO THEMSELVES. this is why you left-wing idiots are on the way out
We can always count on you, to give your meaningless replies of partisan propaganda!!! YAWN
And we can always count on you flaming libs to stand firm on straw man arguments, half truths and talking points.
The fact is, one of your lib brethren attempted to troll this board and failed. He failed on a bullshit argument that had no chance of success.
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help
The people there still pay taxes they have no choice in that so they deserve help with money they've paid in for centuries.
South Carolina, like most red states, takes in more federal money than they pay out.

That's due to the only blue district in the state running that number up.
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help
The people there still pay taxes they have no choice in that so they deserve help with money they've paid in for centuries.
South Carolina, like most red states, takes in more federal money than they pay out.

That's due to the only blue district in the state running that number up.
No it's because red states, besides Texas, barely contribute to the total GDP.
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help
The people there still pay taxes they have no choice in that so they deserve help with money they've paid in for centuries.
South Carolina, like most red states, takes in more federal money than they pay out.

That's due to the only blue district in the state running that number up.
No it's because red states, besides Texas, barely contribute to the total GDP.

The red districts in the state do contribute. It's the blue one that gets so much that makes the rest of us look bad.
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help
The people there still pay taxes they have no choice in that so they deserve help with money they've paid in for centuries.
South Carolina, like most red states, takes in more federal money than they pay out.

That's due to the only blue district in the state running that number up.
No it's because red states, besides Texas, barely contribute to the total GDP.

The red districts in the state do contribute. It's the blue one that gets so much that makes the rest of us look bad.
The blue districts are the ones that contribute most to red state GDP's.

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