11 Trillion Gallons of Water Force Small Government Cons to Go Begging

Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.

No they wouldn't.

Oh, OK, how could I argue with such a convincing rebuttal. LMAO

South Carolina is not only a "gimme" state in terms of taxation, it DEPENDS of the US government in terms of military contracts.

Military Contract Manufacturing in South Carolina (SC) on ThomasNet.com

They also have Military Bases.

South Carolina Military Bases | MilitaryBases.com

When the sequester was about to hit the Military? The GOP scrambled to get a "deal" going.

Why? It was going to crater their economies.
The blue counties contribute the most to GDP. Charleston has a much larger economy than, for example, Beaufort.

The portion of Charleston that actually contributes significantly to the economy is red. That district includes all of Horry County. It includes Myrtle Beach and that is the #1 revenue generating area in the State. Don't think so, think again. Many of the school districts tried starting school in the first week August several years ago. When it disrupted much of the revenue generation from the coastal area, the legislature quickly changed the law not allowing any district to start before the third week in August. Again, the area that caused this was a RED one not a blue one.
Chicago and New York pay for our aircraft carriers and your roads. Not Bumfuck, South Carolina.

Your proof is?
Are you dumb? Look up GDP by state, or city, or whatever. You'll find blue cities and states at the top.

I did for MY state, provided evidence of it, and you still don't believe me.

Asking am I dumb isn't proof of your claim.
You posted median income. It's fine that a town of 10,000 has a high median income. That town is not generating the states total product. Cut out segments of Charleston and Columbia, and their median income is really high too.
Wrong, I'm looking for a reasonable explanation why they went unprepared....

What part of 'worst rain in 1,000 years' do you not understand? SC has NEVER had this much rain before. Insurance companies did not even offer flood insurance for the areas that were flooded because it had NEVER happened and the thought of it happened was inconceivable to them.

I understand SC politicians (yes, GOP jackasses like Lindsey Graham) had reportedly voted in the past to deny federal funds to some disaster victims. On behalf of most Conservatives and about all SC residents, we apologize for Graham....

That being said, what we have been witnessing is how states and citizens should respond rather than completely depending on the federal government. Power line crews, 1st Responders, and construction crews came from surrounding states NC and Georgia, water was sent in from states much further out as STATES rallied to support SC victims. SC citizens who were not effected by the storm put people up in their houses, fed them, helped them empty their houses, tear out sheet rock, and begin doing repairs.

The federal government is not the end all-be all on which our entire survival depends. SC, and other states pulling together to support them, are showing how a nation / community can come together without the federal govt.

The LSU-Univ of SC game, that was supposed to be a 'home' game for SC, was played in LSU's Death Valley stadium, notorious for being one of the loudest stadiums in college football due to the home crowd. Since it was to be a SC 'home' game, the coach asked the fans not to cheer as loud as they normally do so they would not have the 'home-field' '12th' man advantage...and the crowd agreed. SC's band could not travel, so the LSU band learned and played all of the SC Band's songs and played as if they were the SC band almost all game. The display of sportsmanship throughout the game was outstanding, and after the game during the interview with LSU's top RB he said LSU and the people of La were with SC and that he was auctioning off his jersey and sending the profits for the recovery effort in SC!

Way to go, LSU!
When the sequester was about to hit the Military? The GOP scrambled to get a "deal" going.

Why? It was going to crater their economies.
Actually YES! Aside from several KEY military bases, communities like Sumter SC would all but shrivel up if it closed. SC did assess their military base situation and a few bases like Myrtle Beach AFB were closed, the property turned over to the local govt / state.
Kewl, let's kill about half of the federal government and leave that money in the States, then they will have the resources to take care of things like this. Of course big government stateist like you will never go along with that.

No they wouldn't.

Oh, OK, how could I argue with such a convincing rebuttal. LMAO

South Carolina is not only a "gimme" state in terms of taxation, it DEPENDS of the US government in terms of military contracts.

Military Contract Manufacturing in South Carolina (SC) on ThomasNet.com

They also have Military Bases.

South Carolina Military Bases | MilitaryBases.com

When the sequester was about to hit the Military? The GOP scrambled to get a "deal" going.

Why? It was going to crater their economies.

So you want to hold States responsible for federal military spending, which is the primary function of the feds, common defense?
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help
The people there still pay taxes they have no choice in that so they deserve help with money they've paid in for centuries.
South Carolina, like most red states, takes in more federal money than they pay out.

That's due to the only blue district in the state running that number up.
No it's because red states, besides Texas, barely contribute to the total GDP.
Right.....That despite the fact that red states have growing economies and are adding jobs in droves. Jobs that are moving FROM BLUE STATES.
You have no argument as this relief is an essential function of government....And YOUR president was the one who issued the order to declare a state of emergency.
For your side this is a lose lose. You may go now.
The people there still pay taxes they have no choice in that so they deserve help with money they've paid in for centuries.
South Carolina, like most red states, takes in more federal money than they pay out.

That's due to the only blue district in the state running that number up.
No it's because red states, besides Texas, barely contribute to the total GDP.

The red districts in the state do contribute. It's the blue one that gets so much that makes the rest of us look bad.
The blue districts are the ones that contribute most to red state GDP's.
Keep posting crap.
Large cities, mostly democrat voting are also where the majority of those sucking off the taxpayer teat reside. Deal with it.
It's your ilk that wants it both ways. You force people to pay for your boondoggle programs, and then you call them names if they attempt to collect the benefits they have paid for.

That is so beautifully Nazi-like.

Not true, its your guys that rejected help and now want help. If they had saved like good little piggies they wouldn't need help and would look like small government conservatives. Instead, they look like they're on the public assistance band wagon.

Your response amounts to saying "huh uhn!"

You're too fucking stupid to waste bandwidth on.
LOL coming from the person who gets their haircut at the pet shop.
Oh wow. That was clever.
Look, you tried to troll. You failed. Live with that

If you're going to be a smartass, First you have to be smart. Otherwise like you, you're just an ass.
Umm I was reacting to your non sequitur shit head remark.
Don't put your shit on me. You're the guilty party.
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help
The people there still pay taxes they have no choice in that so they deserve help with money they've paid in for centuries.
South Carolina, like most red states, takes in more federal money than they pay out.

That's due to the only blue district in the state running that number up.
No it's because red states, besides Texas, barely contribute to the total GDP.
Right.....That despite the fact that red states have growing economies and are adding jobs in droves. Jobs that are moving FROM BLUE STATES.
You have no argument as this relief is an essential function of government....And YOUR president was the one who issued the order to declare a state of emergency.
For your side this is a lose lose. You may go now.

Lol "my side?" My side is "America." I'm happy South Carolina is getting aid. It's also worthwhile to note that South Carolina has elected people who refuse aid to other states. Which is funny because, again, South Carolina and most red states get more money from the feds than they pay in. And that is a FACT. So YOU may go now. :thup:
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help
The people there still pay taxes they have no choice in that so they deserve help with money they've paid in for centuries.
South Carolina, like most red states, takes in more federal money than they pay out.

That's due to the only blue district in the state running that number up.
No it's because red states, besides Texas, barely contribute to the total GDP.
If that's true why do libs always say republicans are for the rich? If red states are so poor and all.

you can always count on left-wing losers to use straw man arguments. the Right is for less government, not no government.

libs are losers who lie TO THEMSELVES. this is why you left-wing idiots are on the way out
We can always count on you, to give your meaningless replies of partisan propaganda!!! YAWN
And we can always count on you flaming libs to stand firm on straw man arguments, half truths and talking points.
The fact is, one of your lib brethren attempted to troll this board and failed. He failed on a bullshit argument that had no chance of success.
actually, he didn't fail at all, his point was quite clear...

Republicans from the affected flood area, refused to give hurricane Sandy relief to New Jersey 3 years ago for Hurricane Sandy are now begging for federal relief for their state's natural disaster....and they want it NOW!

The right wing's ''talking point'' is that the Sandy relief bill had too much pork in it....implying that Democrats were getting the ''pork'',

when it was REALLY REPUBLICAN PORK in the bill for other republican states that got this PORK....

republicans obviously can't even control other republicans from the PORK BARREL.

They are a laughing stock of hypocrisy...do as I say, but not as I do.... type of politicians....

and yes, there is plenty of that to go around...

but right now, this moment, it highlights the repubs...
Wait a minute. What proof do you have of this revelation that until now was never reported in the news?
First fail on your part. It was ONLY the republicans living in the blue districts. Not the entire districts. The republicans were able to sequester THEIR tax dollars away from the remainder of the tax dollars. As we intelligent people know, this is impossible.
SC did not beg for anything. Obama declared a state of emergency which automatically release federal disaster aid dollars. That's number two FAIL on you.
Next,. In as far as Sandy relief...The bill was loaded with pork.
Katie Pavlich - The Pork Filled and Expensive Non-Relief Sandy Relief Bill
Obama Sandy aid bill filled with holiday goodies unrelated to storm damage
Ted Cruz opposed Sandy aid saying bill was filled with pork
How Obama's $60.4billion Hurricane Sandy aid bill is stuffed with pork for NASA, museums, Alaska fisheries and more
Another issue with Sandy....Many of the Jersey shore homes damaged or destroyed were uninsured. And these people had the GALL to demand compensation.
These homes were not insured for storm, wind or flood.. And the reasons are many. Some are, the homes were owned outright and the owners TOO CHEAP ,so they rolled the dice. Tough shit on them.
Do not ever come on here and comment without facts to back you up because I will skewer your every utterance.
The bottom line is you are just spewing partisan complaining.
Next time when you feel the urge to post, do your homework.
You comments and the OP's are a FAIL. Period.
No need for you to retort. This is not a discussion. You've been provided several factual sources. Done,
I say come up with the money yourselves and prove your point. Can't be that hard could it? Why not close DMV offices in black districts, or cut SNAP benefits? Surely these smart people have an answer that precludes asking for help, what were they going to do if something happened before this?

"There's a peculiar irony occurring in South Carolina as the state gets hammered by historic floods and its GOP "small-government" conservatives, who fervently despise the federal government, are now begging the "big, bloated" feds for desperately needed disaster relief.

Presidential contender and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham, as well as most of the South Carolina legislative delegation, voted against the Hurricane Sandy disaster relief bill not too long ago. Of course, now that Sen. Graham's folks need help, he is pressing for the quick release of federal dollars.

When asked about why he voted against disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Sandy, Graham suddenly developed a rare form of conveniently timed legislative amnesia.

Hopefully, the people of South Carolina won't suffer the same apathetic procrastination that first responders got when they requested help after being diagnosed with a myriad of lung ailments during the years following 9/11 in New York.

Conservative politicians seem to love heroes, but don't appear to like helping them after their heroic acts. It's reminiscent of how conservative hawks love to go to war, but don't like funding the Veteran's Administration.

Helping people in need, especially during disasters, has traditionally been seen as an appropriate and expected role for the federal government. Well, until the GOP hard-liners decided that vilifying the federal government should be the new national pastime; just as they've fought hard to gerrymander districts to ensure that they get voted into the very institution they swear they hate." Hating the federal government is 'cool' until you need help
The people there still pay taxes they have no choice in that so they deserve help with money they've paid in for centuries.
South Carolina, like most red states, takes in more federal money than they pay out.

That's due to the only blue district in the state running that number up.
No it's because red states, besides Texas, barely contribute to the total GDP.
If that's true why do libs always say republicans are for the rich? If red states are so poor and all.
That's the million dollar question.

But the GOP knows it doesn't need its base to be rich. They just need them to hate outsiders, change, things that are different, and believe the GOP's lies about passing religious legislation.
The people there still pay taxes they have no choice in that so they deserve help with money they've paid in for centuries.
South Carolina, like most red states, takes in more federal money than they pay out.

That's due to the only blue district in the state running that number up.
No it's because red states, besides Texas, barely contribute to the total GDP.
Right.....That despite the fact that red states have growing economies and are adding jobs in droves. Jobs that are moving FROM BLUE STATES.
You have no argument as this relief is an essential function of government....And YOUR president was the one who issued the order to declare a state of emergency.
For your side this is a lose lose. You may go now.

Lol "my side?" My side is "America." I'm happy South Carolina is getting aid. It's also worthwhile to note that South Carolina has elected people who refuse aid to other states. Which is funny because, again, South Carolina and most red states get more money from the feds than they pay in. And that is a FACT. So YOU may go now. :thup:
Your side. The left wing. There is not a bit sense in you believing you are representative of the mainstream, American. You're not. Liberalism is on its way out. That is due to the extremism of most liberals.
Umm, your complaint as to which states receive federal dollars in greater proportion to the amount that comes from that state lies with the legislators YOU elected. You constant complaining should be directed at the guy in the mirror. No one else. And by the way, it is no one's fault but YOURS, that your tax burden is higher. Again, you elected the people responsible for that...Done
The people there still pay taxes they have no choice in that so they deserve help with money they've paid in for centuries.
South Carolina, like most red states, takes in more federal money than they pay out.

That's due to the only blue district in the state running that number up.
No it's because red states, besides Texas, barely contribute to the total GDP.
If that's true why do libs always say republicans are for the rich? If red states are so poor and all.
That's the million dollar question.

But the GOP knows it doesn't need its base to be rich. They just need them to hate outsiders, change, things that are different, and believe the GOP's lies about passing religious legislation.
Is it possible for you to pile on any more non sequiturs and unsubstantiated bullshit
The people there still pay taxes they have no choice in that so they deserve help with money they've paid in for centuries.
South Carolina, like most red states, takes in more federal money than they pay out.

That's due to the only blue district in the state running that number up.
No it's because red states, besides Texas, barely contribute to the total GDP.
If that's true why do libs always say republicans are for the rich? If red states are so poor and all.
That's the million dollar question.

But the GOP knows it doesn't need its base to be rich. They just need them to hate outsiders, change, things that are different, and believe the GOP's lies about passing religious legislation.

If the republicans are so poor why do the democrats want to give them more free shit?

It doesn't make sense with the liberal narrative of the republicans favoring the rich and the democrats "caring" about the poor.
The people there still pay taxes they have no choice in that so they deserve help with money they've paid in for centuries.
South Carolina, like most red states, takes in more federal money than they pay out.

That's due to the only blue district in the state running that number up.
No it's because red states, besides Texas, barely contribute to the total GDP.
If that's true why do libs always say republicans are for the rich? If red states are so poor and all.
That's the million dollar question.

But the GOP knows it doesn't need its base to be rich. They just need them to hate outsiders, change, things that are different, and believe the GOP's lies about passing religious legislation.

How does importing cheap labor from third world countries impoverish the rich? If anything, it does the opposite. Democrats are screwing the working man by depressing his wages with cheap imported labor.
South Carolina, like most red states, takes in more federal money than they pay out.

That's due to the only blue district in the state running that number up.
No it's because red states, besides Texas, barely contribute to the total GDP.
Right.....That despite the fact that red states have growing economies and are adding jobs in droves. Jobs that are moving FROM BLUE STATES.
You have no argument as this relief is an essential function of government....And YOUR president was the one who issued the order to declare a state of emergency.
For your side this is a lose lose. You may go now.

Lol "my side?" My side is "America." I'm happy South Carolina is getting aid. It's also worthwhile to note that South Carolina has elected people who refuse aid to other states. Which is funny because, again, South Carolina and most red states get more money from the feds than they pay in. And that is a FACT. So YOU may go now. :thup:
Your side. The left wing. There is not a bit sense in you believing you are representative of the mainstream, American. You're not. Liberalism is on its way out. That is due to the extremism of most liberals.
Umm, your complaint as to which states receive federal dollars in greater proportion to the amount that comes from that state lies with the legislators YOU elected. You constant complaining should be directed at the guy in the mirror. No one else. And by the way, it is no one's fault but YOURS, that your tax burden is higher. Again, you elected the people responsible for that...Done
Whoa there little buddy. I never complained. I just pointed out how stupid several South Carolina politicians look now that they're on the side that needs disaster funds.
South Carolina, like most red states, takes in more federal money than they pay out.

That's due to the only blue district in the state running that number up.
No it's because red states, besides Texas, barely contribute to the total GDP.
If that's true why do libs always say republicans are for the rich? If red states are so poor and all.
That's the million dollar question.

But the GOP knows it doesn't need its base to be rich. They just need them to hate outsiders, change, things that are different, and believe the GOP's lies about passing religious legislation.

If the republicans are so poor why do the democrats want to give them more free shit?

It doesn't make sense with the liberal narrative of the republicans favoring the rich and the democrats "caring" about the poor.
Actually... that does. Care to go back and change your argument?
South Carolina, like most red states, takes in more federal money than they pay out.

That's due to the only blue district in the state running that number up.
No it's because red states, besides Texas, barely contribute to the total GDP.
If that's true why do libs always say republicans are for the rich? If red states are so poor and all.
That's the million dollar question.

But the GOP knows it doesn't need its base to be rich. They just need them to hate outsiders, change, things that are different, and believe the GOP's lies about passing religious legislation.

How does importing cheap labor from third world countries impoverish the rich? If anything, it does the opposite. Democrats are screwing the working man by depressing his wages with cheap imported labor.
False. They're being realistic about dealing with a ver real problem. What do you think about outsourcing?

Good grief, I guess I can't expect much from a member of the party that wants to put up a freakin wall...
That's due to the only blue district in the state running that number up.
No it's because red states, besides Texas, barely contribute to the total GDP.
Right.....That despite the fact that red states have growing economies and are adding jobs in droves. Jobs that are moving FROM BLUE STATES.
You have no argument as this relief is an essential function of government....And YOUR president was the one who issued the order to declare a state of emergency.
For your side this is a lose lose. You may go now.

Lol "my side?" My side is "America." I'm happy South Carolina is getting aid. It's also worthwhile to note that South Carolina has elected people who refuse aid to other states. Which is funny because, again, South Carolina and most red states get more money from the feds than they pay in. And that is a FACT. So YOU may go now. :thup:
Your side. The left wing. There is not a bit sense in you believing you are representative of the mainstream, American. You're not. Liberalism is on its way out. That is due to the extremism of most liberals.
Umm, your complaint as to which states receive federal dollars in greater proportion to the amount that comes from that state lies with the legislators YOU elected. You constant complaining should be directed at the guy in the mirror. No one else. And by the way, it is no one's fault but YOURS, that your tax burden is higher. Again, you elected the people responsible for that...Done
Whoa there little buddy. I never complained. I just pointed out how stupid several South Carolina politicians look now that they're on the side that needs disaster funds.
And that is a complaint..And again..It was Obama that issued the emergency declaration. Go carp at HIM.

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