11 white jurors, 1 Black man seated in Arbery murder trial

It's not an assumption for the simple FACT we have seen it too many times before.

The problem is what you see most nobody else does. You live in a different world where you have to say good morning to the racists under your bed when you wake up.

The fact of the matter is these so-called injustices you site are because you didn't like outcome, not because anybody did anything wrong or racist. Your George Zimmerman case is a perfect example. He broke no laws, but because he had to use deadly force to stop a violent black thug, you want him in prison for breaking no law. The only thing that matters to you is the criminal was black and shouldn't have been killed in your opinion.
Well see there is hope for you as well. But avoiding a discussion by pointing out spelling is at best stupid of you..
WTF is "well see", the view you have from the bottom of your well, troll?

WTF is "well see", the view you have from the bottom of your well, troll?

Yawn? You do understand? That is you can read the title of this thread deals with 11 white and 1 black juror... It is not about spelling or to hide the fact that you seem to be the troll here.
Have a great day garfield
Yawn? You do understand? That is you can read the title of this thread deals with 11 white and 1 black juror... It is not about spelling or to hide the fact that you seem to be the troll here.
Have a great day garfield
You're not intelligent enough to hold an adult conversation. Have a great life, Lala.
The problem is what you see most nobody else does. You live in a different world where you have to say good morning to the racists under your bed when you wake up.
No I don't have to pretend it is out there, racism is alive and well in this country. You exhibit it on a daily basis, so black folks don't have to make it up we know it is real.
The fact of the matter is these so-called injustices you site are because you didn't like outcome, not because anybody did anything wrong or racist. Your George Zimmerman case is a perfect example. He broke no laws, but because he had to use deadly force to stop a violent black thug, you want him in prison for breaking no law. The only thing that matters to you is the criminal was black and shouldn't have been killed in your opinion.
I could post case after case of where an innocent black man was sent to prison by an all white jury and you will claim it was by the book, inspite of it being proven that the black man was innocent. You probably think JW Milam and Roy Bryant were justified in murdering Emmitt Till, even though, they admitted to murdering him and Bryant's wife admitted she lied. How many black men over the centuries have gone to prison because a white woman said, "he did it" and then later you find out she lied. All most all of those men are sent to prison by an ALL WHITE Jury. I could post case after case, but what would be the use when you are dealing with a racist. Zimmerman got away with murder witha an All white jury basically. Most experienced LE active and retired didn't by his story and said that the State botched that case big time and he got the right jury. You can't rewrite History in this country and history proves exactly what I am saying.
No I don't have to pretend it is out there, racism is alive and well in this country. You exhibit it on a daily basis, so black folks don't have to make it up we know it is real.

This is a blog, not a job application or college exam. It doesn't matter what you think of my opinion because with people like you, I can say I just got a cup of coffee with cream and you'd be calling me racist because I don't like black coffee.

I could post case after case of where an innocent black man was sent to prison by an all white jury and you will claim it was by the book, inspite of it being proven that the black man was innocent. You probably think JW Milam and Roy Bryant were justified in murdering Emmitt Till, even though, they admitted to murdering him and Bryant's wife admitted she lied. How many black men over the centuries have gone to prison because a white woman said, "he did it" and then later you find out she lied. All most all of those men are sent to prison by an ALL WHITE Jury. I could post case after case, but what would be the use when you are dealing with a racist. Zimmerman got away with murder witha an All white jury basically. Most experienced LE active and retired didn't by his story and said that the State botched that case big time and he got the right jury. You can't rewrite History in this country and history proves exactly what I am saying.

Yeah, all these cases you see yet when I asked you of one where the jury deliberately convicted an innocent black man, you couldn't dig up one.

Yes, juries made mistakes especially in the past when there were few cameras around and we didn't even know about DNA. But like I said you want to live in the 50s and seem quite happy there. Black men and white men were falsely convicted years ago. The only thing they could rely on was eye witness testimony and juries had nothing else to make their decisions. But in your mind it only happened to black people not because of testimony, but because white jurors were racist.

You have to have a crime in which to convict anybody in this country. So tell me, what was Zimmerman's crime? Show me the Florida statute on what law he broke.

Sparks flew during the final phase of jury selection in the Ahmaud Arbery case Wednesday when prosecutors accused defense attorneys of eliminating a disproportionate number of jurors because of their race.

We can see where this is going.
The fix is in.
A calculated move by the defense.
This is a blog, not a job application or college exam. It doesn't matter what you think of my opinion because with people like you, I can say I just got a cup of coffee with cream and you'd be calling me racist because I don't like black coffee.
No I base your racist attitude on the words that have come out of your mouth or off of your computer. You make some of the most racist statements about black folks and then you want to claim you aren't a racist.
Yeah, all these cases you see yet when I asked you of one where the jury deliberately convicted an innocent black man, you couldn't dig up one.
Hell I gave you Roy Bryant and JW Milam, but you are in denial so it's not surprising that you would play dumb.
Yes, juries made mistakes especially in the past when there were few cameras around and we didn't even know about DNA. But like I said you want to live in the 50s and seem quite happy there
Try Thomas McGowan, Ray. Give me the excuse for the jury in that case.
. Black men and white men were falsely convicted years ago. The only thing they could rely on was eye witness testimony and juries had nothing else to make their decisions. But in your mind it only happened to black people not because of testimony, but because white jurors were racist.
Black men are still being falsely convicted today, who the hell is talking about 50yrs ago. I
You have to have a crime in which to convict anybody in this country. So tell me, what was Zimmerman's crime? Show me the Florida statute on what law he broke.
Murder was the crime he committed.
Hell I gave you Roy Bryant and JW Milam, but you are in denial so it's not surprising that you would play dumb.

Looked it up, again, back in the 50's like I stated. That was almost 3/4 of a century ago.

Try Thomas McGowan, Ray. Give me the excuse for the jury in that case.

Looked that one up again. And once again, a case in 1985 where the jury only had eye witness testimony. He was released after DNA technology came out and probably paid enough so he was wealthy for the rest of his life.

Black men are still being falsely convicted today, who the hell is talking about 50yrs ago.

Because that's the only cases you can site. If black men are still getting falsely convicted due to their race today, why did you go back to the mid 50's and 80's to try and make your point?

Murder was the crime he committed.

Murder is an intentional killing. Being violently attacked, wounded and using a firearm to stop the attack is not murder, it's self defense. Again, your ignorance of our laws is what's Fn your head up, not racism.
Looked it up, again, back in the 50's like I stated. That was almost 3/4 of a century ago.
Great Excuse.
Looked that one up again. And once again, a case in 1985 where the jury only had eye witness testimony. He was released after DNA technology came out and probably paid enough so he was wealthy for the rest of his life.
Yea a few dollars really makes up for all the years he spent in prison for a crime he didn't commit.
Because that's the only cases you can site. If black men are still getting falsely convicted due to their race today, why did you go back to the mid 50's and 80's to try and make your point?
What you don't realize dumbass they are not falsely convicted today and then released tomorrow, they go through years of appeals to even get a Court to hear their case to prove their innocence.
Murder is an intentional killing. Being violently attacked, wounded and using a firearm to stop the attack is not murder, it's self defense. Again, your ignorance of our laws is what's Fn your head up, not racism.
When you were 28yrs old how many 17yr olds that you outweighed by almost 50lbs whooped your ass.
Yawn? You seem to just be a hater with a computer. Thanks for the points
It may seem that way to you, but you have amply illustrated the fact that you have the perceptive abilities of a used tampon.
Yea a few dollars really makes up for all the years he spent in prison for a crime he didn't commit.

Usually the figure is in the upper 6 figures into the millions. That's not a few dollars.

What you don't realize dumbass they are not falsely convicted today and then released tomorrow, they go through years of appeals to even get a Court to hear their case to prove their innocence.

All criminals do. So what does that have to do with race or the lie that white jurors convict blacks simply because they are black? Again, that doesn't happen in this day and age.

When you were 28yrs old how many 17yr olds that you outweighed by almost 50lbs whooped your ass.

WTF does that have to do with the price of rice in China? Maybe we should keep black jurors off the case if they all think like you. I asked what law Zimmerman broke and you can't give a coherent answer. He should have never been arrested or brought to trial in the first place. He was defending himself.

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