11 white jurors, 1 Black man seated in Arbery murder trial

Sparks flew during the final phase of jury selection in the Ahmaud Arbery case Wednesday when prosecutors accused defense attorneys of eliminating a disproportionate number of jurors because of their race.

We can see where this is going.
The fix is in.

OJ was unavailable for comment as he is busy looking for the real murderer.
Great Excuse.

Yea a few dollars really makes up for all the years he spent in prison for a crime he didn't commit.

What you don't realize dumbass they are not falsely convicted today and then released tomorrow, they go through years of appeals to even get a Court to hear their case to prove their innocence.

When you were 28yrs old how many 17yr olds that you outweighed by almost 50lbs whooped your ass.
You have to keep in mind:

Racist people don't just have distaste for black people. They are terrified of them. They believe young black males can lift cars and outrun cheetahs. They see them as subhuman with animalistic strength.

Much of what the racists (like the McMichaels) do and say makes more sense, if you keep this in mind.

That is why they went "trophy hunting" with shotguns and a truck, instead of talking to Arbery or contacting the police.
Yep, one out of 12 in a town that's 55% black. Seems fair to me right?

Hey SBB - Did you happen to see the racist Goober defense attorney yesterday whining about Rev Al being with the family? "I don't wanna see any more black pastors"

LoL - And then he said something about Colonel Sanders and white masks in an awesome fried chicken reference. Well, guess the defense has put away the dog whistle and gone straight to the bullhorn! :lol:


Sparks flew during the final phase of jury selection in the Ahmaud Arbery case Wednesday when prosecutors accused defense attorneys of eliminating a disproportionate number of jurors because of their race.

We can see where this is going.
The fix is in.
Judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character.” — Martin Luther King Jr.

Unless you’re a Democrat, then can stereotype, hate and divide white and black people all that you want.
Out of 48 potential jurors 12 were black. Glynn County Georgia is 26% black. The defense used their 11 strikes on prospective black jurors which is their right by law. It was a fair selection process. You can’t add more blacks and usurp the law and the numbers just to satisfy someone’s racist quota.

My own opinion, given the current climate in this country to defund police, allow rioting, turn a blind eye to murder in our inner cities and to constantly play the race card at every opportunity the defense made a good choice.

Brunswick is 55% Black
Even an idiot can see the KKK losers are guilty. Doesn't matter if the Jury is white, black or maroon. Relax, snowflake.

Yep, these assholes are going down hard. Especially since the contractor on the home stated that nothing has ever been missing from the construction site.

Did the Goobers check with him prior to their execution? Meh - they just wanted to execute a black guy.

Arbery wanted to build a home for his Mom. I've never wanted to build a home, but just the same have wandered into dozens of homes under construction just out of curiosity. Most people have.
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Yep, these assholes are going down hard. Especially since the contractor on the home stated that nothing has ever been missing from the construction site.

Did the Goobers check with him prior to their assassination? Meh - they just wanted to execute a black guy.

Arbery wanted to build a home for his Mom. I've never wanted to build a home, but just the same have wandered into dozens of homes under construction just out of curiosity. Most people have.
There is a reason that incest is against the law. The perpetrators are case in point.
George Zimmerman should have never been charged in the first place. If anything, it demonstrated the injustice of innocent people.

Yes he should have. Reason for no conviction was a) he was overcharged and b) prosecution botched the case.

If it is proven that these 3 were justified in chasing and murdering Ahmaud whatelse could I say,
They were justified in chasing him although I would not have gone as far as they did

He was prowling in a building after dark and that merits investigation

They should have called 911 and then just followed him till the cops arrived to question him

But in any case it was not murder because arbrey attacked them
Yes he should have. Reason for no conviction was a) he was overcharged and b) prosecution botched the case.

In the state of Florida a jury is allowed to find a person guilty of lesser charges. There was nothing to botch. He was violently attacked and used his firearm to stop the attack. Perfectly legal in the state of Florida and most if not all states. You can't charge somebody for murder or manslaughter when they used deadly force to protect themselves.
Arbery wanted to build a home for his Mom. I've never wanted to build a home, but just the same have wandered into dozens of homes under construction just out of curiosity. Most people have.

I've yet to meet one person. I'm from a construction family and never heard of a stranger going into a roughed house to look around. That's called trespassing and most people don't do it.
They were justified in chasing him although I would not have gone as far as they did

He was prowling in a building after dark and that merits investigation.
This incident took place during the day. How were they justified? They never saw him on the property.
They should have called 911 and then just followed him till the cops arrived to question him

But in any case it was not murder because arbrey attacked them
So you can chase down a black man, strike him with your vehicle and then jump out your vehicle with a loaded gun and then scream self defense when he tries to defend himself. I don't think so.
I've yet to meet one person. I'm from a construction family and never heard of a stranger going into a roughed house to look around. That's called trespassing and most people don't do it.

I stand by my claim. MOST people have. I used to run into neighbors looking around the same framed homes as my wife and I in our old neighborhood.
Arbrey made the mistake of trying to take the gun away instead of calmly waiting for the police to arrive

The bottom lobe is that he attacked the son
Arbery never had a chance to call the police on his assailants.
Arbrey made the mistake of trying to take the gun away instead of calmly waiting for the police to arrive.
How would he know the police are coming, he didn't call them. What gave the McMichaels the authority to detain or chase him, they didn't witness him committing a crime
The bottom lobe is that he attacked the son
The bottom line is, he was defending himself. No matter how much you racist try to spin it.
No I don't have to pretend it is out there, racism is alive and well in this country. You exhibit it on a daily basis, so black folks don't have to make it up we know it is real.

I could post case after case of where an innocent black man was sent to prison by an all white jury and you will claim it was by the book, inspite of it being proven that the black man was innocent. You probably think JW Milam and Roy Bryant were justified in murdering Emmitt Till, even though, they admitted to murdering him and Bryant's wife admitted she lied. How many black men over the centuries have gone to prison because a white woman said, "he did it" and then later you find out she lied. All most all of those men are sent to prison by an ALL WHITE Jury. I could post case after case, but what would be the use when you are dealing with a racist. Zimmerman got away with murder witha an All white jury basically. Most experienced LE active and retired didn't by his story and said that the State botched that case big time and he got the right jury. You can't rewrite History in this country and history proves exactly what I am saying.
Hasn't happened since the 60's unless the cops lied or the prosecutor lied.

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