11-year-old girl eviscerated the religious right with six simple words


Gold Member
Jun 11, 2015

In 2015, the religious right astroturf group One Million Moms called for a boycott of American Girl magazine for featuring a gay couple and their adopted children. The family fired back, but their 11-year-old daughter stole the spotlight with six words.

Their eleven-year-old daughter, Amaya, had a message for One Million Moms as well: “This is none of your business.”

You go girl!! Word up!! Tell it like it is!!

In 2015, the religious right astroturf group One Million Moms called for a boycott of American Girl magazine for featuring a gay couple and their adopted children. The family fired back, but their 11-year-old daughter stole the spotlight with six words.

Their eleven-year-old daughter, Amaya, had a message for One Million Moms as well: “This is none of your business.”

You go girl!! Word up!! Tell it like it is!!
Damn, JUST when you thought these threads were safe from our buddy, PP. Sad to see!

In 2015, the religious right astroturf group One Million Moms called for a boycott of American Girl magazine for featuring a gay couple and their adopted children. The family fired back, but their 11-year-old daughter stole the spotlight with six words.

Their eleven-year-old daughter, Amaya, had a message for One Million Moms as well: “This is none of your business.”

You go girl!! Word up!! Tell it like it is!!


We had a gay President and a RuPaul winning crossdresser in the White House, why is this an issue?

In 2015, the religious right astroturf group One Million Moms called for a boycott of American Girl magazine for featuring a gay couple and their adopted children. The family fired back, but their 11-year-old daughter stole the spotlight with six words.

Their eleven-year-old daughter, Amaya, had a message for One Million Moms as well: “This is none of your business.”

You go girl!! Word up!! Tell it like it is!!

That's it? She said "this is none of your business", and you think that was... what ? Eviscerating?

One Million Mom, a group with religious freedom and free speech, posted an article in their own magazine.

According to the Constitution of the United States, they have the right to do this.

What's the problem?

You don't like that a Christian group called out sin, for what it is. That's fine.

But saying "this is none of your business" doesn't 'eviscerate' anything. You haven't changed any views of any of the 2 billion Christians in the world, and homosexuality will always be wrong, no matter what you say or do.

In 2015, the religious right astroturf group One Million Moms called for a boycott of American Girl magazine for featuring a gay couple and their adopted children. The family fired back, but their 11-year-old daughter stole the spotlight with six words.

Their eleven-year-old daughter, Amaya, had a message for One Million Moms as well: “This is none of your business.”

You go girl!! Word up!! Tell it like it is!!
Damn, JUST when you thought these threads were safe from our buddy, PP. Sad to see!
They let Hoosier morons on here....Just saying!

In 2015, the religious right astroturf group One Million Moms called for a boycott of American Girl magazine for featuring a gay couple and their adopted children. The family fired back, but their 11-year-old daughter stole the spotlight with six words.

Their eleven-year-old daughter, Amaya, had a message for One Million Moms as well: “This is none of your business.”

You go girl!! Word up!! Tell it like it is!!
Damn, JUST when you thought these threads were safe from our buddy, PP. Sad to see!
What is sad ,Bubba? What is sad is that you have these ass hats-the one million moms-sticking there nose in where it doesn't belong and denigrating this loving family based on their antiquated and superstitious bull shit.
What right do these "one million moms" have to tell another person how to raise their kids? If someone had said something against conservative parents and how they were wrong, and the people saying stuff were gay, the Christian right would be hollering bloody hell.

As much right as you have telling me, my views and opinions are wrong.

Sorry, but free speech, works both ways.

In 2015, the religious right astroturf group One Million Moms called for a boycott of American Girl magazine for featuring a gay couple and their adopted children. The family fired back, but their 11-year-old daughter stole the spotlight with six words.

Their eleven-year-old daughter, Amaya, had a message for One Million Moms as well: “This is none of your business.”

You go girl!! Word up!! Tell it like it is!!

That's it? She said "this is none of your business", and you think that was... what ? Eviscerating?

One Million Mom, a group with religious freedom and free speech, posted an article in their own magazine.

According to the Constitution of the United States, they have the right to do this.

What's the problem?

You don't like that a Christian group called out sin, for what it is. That's fine.

But saying "this is none of your business" doesn't 'eviscerate' anything. You haven't changed any views of any of the 2 billion Christians in the world, and homosexuality will always be wrong, no matter what you say or do.
That's because religious folks are cultists. Cultists are NOT OF SOUND MIND.

I've just celebrated my 41st year as a recovering Catholic and am a devout agnostic.

In 2015, the religious right astroturf group One Million Moms called for a boycott of American Girl magazine for featuring a gay couple and their adopted children. The family fired back, but their 11-year-old daughter stole the spotlight with six words.

Their eleven-year-old daughter, Amaya, had a message for One Million Moms as well: “This is none of your business.”

You go girl!! Word up!! Tell it like it is!!

That's it? She said "this is none of your business", and you think that was... what ? Eviscerating?

One Million Mom, a group with religious freedom and free speech, posted an article in their own magazine.

According to the Constitution of the United States, they have the right to do this.

What's the problem?

You don't like that a Christian group called out sin, for what it is. That's fine.

But saying "this is none of your business" doesn't 'eviscerate' anything. You haven't changed any views of any of the 2 billion Christians in the world, and homosexuality will always be wrong, no matter what you say or do.
That's because religious folks are cultists. Cultists are NOT OF SOUND MIND.

I've just celebrated my 41st year as a recovering Catholic and am a devout agnostic.

Good for you.

But, no, that's your opinion doesn't matter to us.

In 2015, the religious right astroturf group One Million Moms called for a boycott of American Girl magazine for featuring a gay couple and their adopted children. The family fired back, but their 11-year-old daughter stole the spotlight with six words.

Their eleven-year-old daughter, Amaya, had a message for One Million Moms as well: “This is none of your business.”

You go girl!! Word up!! Tell it like it is!!

That's it? She said "this is none of your business", and you think that was... what ? Eviscerating?

One Million Mom, a group with religious freedom and free speech, posted an article in their own magazine.

According to the Constitution of the United States, they have the right to do this.

What's the problem?

You don't like that a Christian group called out sin, for what it is. That's fine.

But saying "this is none of your business" doesn't 'eviscerate' anything. You haven't changed any views of any of the 2 billion Christians in the world, and homosexuality will always be wrong, no matter what you say or do.
I did not say that thy did not have the right to say it. But having that right does not MAKE IT RIGHT. Can you see the difference? And I will add the girl also has the right to say what she did.

Lastly, I will point out the Christians do not universally condemn homosexuality, and even if they do considerate a sin, they balance that with the concept of compassion and love.
Nothing surprising about this thread. Just another example, out of so many before it, of this forum's head degenerate crowing about another instance of a child in the hands of sexual perverts, being sexually groomed, brainwashed, and manipulated thereby. Somehow, he thinks that such an example “eviscerates”, sane, decent people. It doesn't. It only helps to prove how right we are, when we condemn this sickness, especially when the sick degenerates who practice it drag children into it.

In 2015, the religious right astroturf group One Million Moms called for a boycott of American Girl magazine for featuring a gay couple and their adopted children. The family fired back, but their 11-year-old daughter stole the spotlight with six words.

Their eleven-year-old daughter, Amaya, had a message for One Million Moms as well: “This is none of your business.”

You go girl!! Word up!! Tell it like it is!!

That's it? She said "this is none of your business", and you think that was... what ? Eviscerating?

One Million Mom, a group with religious freedom and free speech, posted an article in their own magazine.

According to the Constitution of the United States, they have the right to do this.

What's the problem?

You don't like that a Christian group called out sin, for what it is. That's fine.

But saying "this is none of your business" doesn't 'eviscerate' anything. You haven't changed any views of any of the 2 billion Christians in the world, and homosexuality will always be wrong, no matter what you say or do.
I did not say that thy did not have the right to say it. But having that right does not MAKE IT RIGHT. Can you see the difference? And I will add the girl also has the right to say what she did.

Lastly, I will point out the Christians do not universally condemn homosexuality, and even if they do considerate a sin, they balance that with the concept of compassion and love.

That never stopped you people on the left from attacking Sarah Palin's family. Or Bush's family. Or Trump's family. Or anyone else's.

I've never seen you people hold back on anyone ever. I don't remember hearing about how "it wasn't right", to attack Jenna Bush, or anyone else.

Funny how your morality only pops up, when you can use it against someone you don't like.

Christians do not universally condemn homosexuality

The Bible is the basis for Christian faith. The Bible says homosexuality is a sin.

Any Christian that contradicts the bible, is a fake, because there is no Christianity without the Bible.

And I will add the girl also has the right to say what she did.

Right I agree with that. I never said otherwise. She has the right to be wrong, just like you.

I was only lightly mocking the idea from the title, that somehow she "eviscerated" the Christian group.... Bwahaha, no. No sorry. :)

If that makes you feel better to claim that, by all means, but no.

Everyone should be able to marry and have as many mature willing companions, no matter who or what they are, as they want in their marriage.

Anything less is discrimination.


That eleven-year-old was obviously not smarter than a fifth grader.

Those million moms had every right to call for a boycott.

In 2015, the religious right astroturf group One Million Moms called for a boycott of American Girl magazine for featuring a gay couple and their adopted children. The family fired back, but their 11-year-old daughter stole the spotlight with six words.

Their eleven-year-old daughter, Amaya, had a message for One Million Moms as well: “This is none of your business.”

You go girl!! Word up!! Tell it like it is!!

Ahhhhh, yes. People who choose to live in glass houses..... The point being, there are just as many dumbasses on the left, as there are on the right.


In 2015, the religious right astroturf group One Million Moms called for a boycott of American Girl magazine for featuring a gay couple and their adopted children. The family fired back, but their 11-year-old daughter stole the spotlight with six words.

Their eleven-year-old daughter, Amaya, had a message for One Million Moms as well: “This is none of your business.”

You go girl!! Word up!! Tell it like it is!!


This gets a number

TDS thread 1,642

In 2015, the religious right astroturf group One Million Moms called for a boycott of American Girl magazine for featuring a gay couple and their adopted children. The family fired back, but their 11-year-old daughter stole the spotlight with six words.

Their eleven-year-old daughter, Amaya, had a message for One Million Moms as well: “This is none of your business.”

You go girl!! Word up!! Tell it like it is!!

The political right strongly objects to intrusions and interference in their own private acts and behavior yet they loudly and rudely interfere in the private acts and behavior of others.

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