$12,400.00 For A Fuckin' Jacket

I'm not running for president, nor would I.


And I'm not making a case for "income inequality".

No you're making a case for envy. I've never owned a suit that cost more than a hundred bucks, so your spending 5 times that makes you look like a spend thrift to me, but the difference between you and me, I don't give a shit what you do with your money.

I've never owned a suit that cost more than a hundred bucks

You voted for Republicans that like to keep you poor.

Never had a need for one, I guess my Army dress blues cost more than a hundred but I don't really consider that a suit. BTW I'm debt free, own my home, I ain't poor. I have been broke in my life, but I've never been poor.

Never had a need for one, I guess my Army dress blues cost more than a hundred but I don't really consider that a suit. BTW I'm debt free, own my home, I ain't poor. I have been broke in my life, but I've never been poor.

You've never gone anywhere where you need a suit? I see.

You're debt free. Good! But do you know the definition of 'good debt' vs. 'bad debt?'

You're not poor. By who's definition?

My guess is that you've lived to work, not worked to live.

You vote for Republicans who's manifesto is breaking the solidarity of the American voter and promoting the rich and wealthy.
Right wingers annoyed that people are spending the money they earn on things they want to buy? Wow.

Nope. Annoyed that she wastes money on shit, that could be better spent to the benefit of others through charity, instead of reaching into someone else's pocket.

Nope. Annoyed that she wastes money on shit, that could be better spent to the benefit of others through charity, instead of reaching into someone else's pocket.

End wage disparity and you'll need far less charity.

There is no wage disparity.

There is no wage disparity.

It's how I fly private and you pay for it.

Of course you do fella!

Of course you do fella!

I own a jet share.

Explore our wide range of private jet options | NetJets
You voted for Republicans that like to keep you poor.

Republicans don't keep you rich or poor, that's an individuals choice--not a politicians.

Republicans don't keep you rich or poor, that's an individuals choice--not a politicians.

Do you really think you have a choice? LOL!

Sure you do. Take Trump . He made the decision to take that $2million "loan"'from his dad and strike out on his own!!'

Maybe if you took $2mill from your dad you might have made it!?
Nope. Annoyed that she wastes money on shit, that could be better spent to the benefit of others through charity, instead of reaching into someone else's pocket.

Nope. Annoyed that she wastes money on shit, that could be better spent to the benefit of others through charity, instead of reaching into someone else's pocket.

End wage disparity and you'll need far less charity.

There is no wage disparity.

There is no wage disparity.

It's how I fly private and you pay for it.

Of course you do fella!

Of course you do fella!

I own a jet share.

Explore our wide range of private jet options | NetJets

We are in the presence of greatness!!!!!!!
Yeah, she's just one of the regular people, who truly cares for the less fortunate.

People Are Pissed Hillary Clinton Wore a $12,495 Giorgio Armani Jacket

Right wingers annoyed that people are spending the money they earn on things they want to buy? Wow.
Funny how you people were all over Romney about his wealth and now you defend Hillary regarding hers

Funny how you people were all over Romney about his wealth and now you defend Hillary regarding hers

Again! 'YOU PEOPLE'.....are you serious?

The issue with Romney is he filed for an extension to move monies around so he'd actually pay some tax. The million dollars+ he 'forgot about.' Sure he did!
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You voted for Republicans that like to keep you poor.

Republicans don't keep you rich or poor, that's an individuals choice--not a politicians.

Republicans don't keep you rich or poor, that's an individuals choice--not a politicians.

Do you really think you have a choice? LOL!

Sure you do. Take Trump . He made the decision to take that $2million "loan"'from his dad and strike out on his own!!'

Maybe if you took $2mill from your dad you might have made it!?

Sure you do. Take Trump . He made the decision to take that $2million "loan"'from his dad and strike out on his own!!'

Maybe if you took $2mill from your dad you might have made it!?

My Father didn't have $2M, maybe $1M, but I derived my original funding from an Angel Investor. I NEVER include family in business. Only 1% of family businesses make it past 10 years.
Nope. Annoyed that she wastes money on shit, that could be better spent to the benefit of others through charity, instead of reaching into someone else's pocket.

End wage disparity and you'll need far less charity.

There is no wage disparity.

There is no wage disparity.

It's how I fly private and you pay for it.

Of course you do fella!

Of course you do fella!

I own a jet share.

Explore our wide range of private jet options | NetJets

We are in the presence of greatness!!!!!!!

We are in the presence of greatness!!!!!!!

No, I'm one of many that have made millions because of your BAD voting record. And you still haven't figured it out! That's sad, very sad.
I think it's imperative that our President and First Lady -- and all of the people in public life -- look their absolute best.

Hillary, left to her own devices, is a mess. Very typical of a leftist college student from the 60s. Look at her appearance when SOS -- the lank hair, the sloppy, cheap clothes.

As I said, I think the Armani jacket was good but she's a hypocrite for wearing it for her income inequality speech.

There are lots and lots of levels below that that would look appropriate but aren't screamingly hypocritical.

But as a slob, she wouldn't know.

Hillary's views on income inequality are that the wealthy (including herself) should pay more taxes
Wages need to be increased
We need to do more for education and healthcare

None of which say you can't wear an Armani suit

Why did Jackie have to patronize American designers and even Michelle Obama does, but Hillary gets a pass?

She can have the Italian.

I seem to remember Jackie patronizing French and Italian designers...Michelle too

Laura Bush patronized K Mart

Oscar de la Renta is K Mart to you?
Hate to say it....but on Laura Bush, Oscar de la Renta looks like K Mart

Frankly, on Hillary, the $12K Armani looks like Macy's sale rack.
Indeed, but he and the Democrats have made America so business unfriendly that small business start-ups are completely stifled, and destroyed any chance of any manufacturing return.
But IF they're so stifled why are they doing all that hiring ?? 74 months straight of big job gains??

Not "big," Skippy. This was the weakest recession recovery in the industrial age and Obama will be the first President in history without 3% GDP growth any year of his Presidency. But don't let the facts get in your way
You can't have it both ways kaz billy If we've had 74 straight months of 200 thousand+ job gains they must be going somewhere if not big good paying jobs then to small businesses and if small businesses need them isn't that a feather in obamas cap ? or are you going to bash him for everything good and bad?

There is no both ways, there has been a recovery, it's an all time record slow one. You didn't contradict any of that
I can't... It has been slow BUT can you at least admit it was if not the greatest recession ever it was one of the worst??

Sure, since I think W and O were two of the worst Presidents in American history, and for the reason they both sucked, sure
She's a millioniare for one . How much do you think trumps suits cost?

Plus, I bet it was given to her.

The difference is, Trump earned his money.

Bill Clinton rose from poverty, Hillary was middle class
Trump was born on third base and acts like he hit a triple

His stepfather owned a car dealership. Having come from a small town, let me tell you, that is not poverty.
But IF they're so stifled why are they doing all that hiring ?? 74 months straight of big job gains??

Not "big," Skippy. This was the weakest recession recovery in the industrial age and Obama will be the first President in history without 3% GDP growth any year of his Presidency. But don't let the facts get in your way
You can't have it both ways kaz billy If we've had 74 straight months of 200 thousand+ job gains they must be going somewhere if not big good paying jobs then to small businesses and if small businesses need them isn't that a feather in obamas cap ? or are you going to bash him for everything good and bad?
Those job gains were illegal aliens getting the jobs of citizens who lost their jobs.
I don't give a shit if they were the fn walking dead SOMEBODY needed them
And was that dump again hiring illegals??
How does that even make sense when it's the Democrat party that keeps arguing for hiring illegals?
She's a millioniare for one . How much do you think trumps suits cost?

Plus, I bet it was given to her.

The difference is, Trump earned his money.

Bill Clinton rose from poverty, Hillary was middle class
Trump was born on third base and acts like he hit a triple

His stepfather owned a car dealership. Having come from a small town, let me tell you, that is not poverty.
Single mother is poverty
Nope. Annoyed that she wastes money on shit, that could be better spent to the benefit of others through charity, instead of reaching into someone else's pocket.

Nope. Annoyed that she wastes money on shit, that could be better spent to the benefit of others through charity, instead of reaching into someone else's pocket.

End wage disparity and you'll need far less charity.

There is no wage disparity.

There is no wage disparity.

It's how I fly private and you pay for it.

Of course you do fella!

Of course you do fella!

I own a jet share.

Explore our wide range of private jet options | NetJets

Hoooooo boy! Well ain't you sumpin'! I bet yew gotcha a see-ment pond too!
I was so poor as a child that I could afford only one shoe. I worked hard all of my life, and I am proud to say that I now have four shoes! Trump says that he is going to make me rich, so I have expectations of getting another 4 shoes for my right foot!
But IF they're so stifled why are they doing all that hiring ?? 74 months straight of big job gains??

Not "big," Skippy. This was the weakest recession recovery in the industrial age and Obama will be the first President in history without 3% GDP growth any year of his Presidency. But don't let the facts get in your way
You can't have it both ways kaz billy If we've had 74 straight months of 200 thousand+ job gains they must be going somewhere if not big good paying jobs then to small businesses and if small businesses need them isn't that a feather in obamas cap ? or are you going to bash him for everything good and bad?

There is no both ways, there has been a recovery, it's an all time record slow one. You didn't contradict any of that
I can't... It has been slow BUT can you at least admit it was if not the greatest recession ever it was one of the worst??

Sure, since I think W and O were two of the worst Presidents in American history, and for the reason they both sucked, sure
IMO obama is far from sucking Left with leftover shit on his plate by republican GWB and zero help from the opposition I think he did a great job

And I'm not making a case for "income inequality".

No you're making a case for envy. I've never owned a suit that cost more than a hundred bucks, so your spending 5 times that makes you look like a spend thrift to me, but the difference between you and me, I don't give a shit what you do with your money.

I've never owned a suit that cost more than a hundred bucks

You voted for Republicans that like to keep you poor.

Never had a need for one, I guess my Army dress blues cost more than a hundred but I don't really consider that a suit. BTW I'm debt free, own my home, I ain't poor. I have been broke in my life, but I've never been poor.

Never had a need for one, I guess my Army dress blues cost more than a hundred but I don't really consider that a suit. BTW I'm debt free, own my home, I ain't poor. I have been broke in my life, but I've never been poor.

You've never gone anywhere where you need a suit? I see.

You're debt free. Good! But do you know the definition of 'good debt' vs. 'bad debt?'

You're not poor. By who's definition?

My guess is that you've lived to work, not worked to live.

You vote for Republicans who's manifesto is breaking the solidarity of the American voter and promoting the rich and wealthy.

You've never gone anywhere where you need a suit? I see.

No, if I go to a wedding or something like that, a sport coat, slacks and tie do the job very well.

You're debt free. Good! But do you know the definition of 'good debt' vs. 'bad debt?'

At this point in my life there is no good debt.

You're not poor. By who's definition?

By who's definition, total household income is north of 100K, I won't get more specific than that and no bills except the usual utilities and my ISP. So I would say by anyone's definition.

My guess is that you've lived to work, not worked to live.

I don't know if I lived to work or not, had a hell of a lot of fun along the way. Saw Vietnam, island of Grenada, Panama, Honduras, explored the Yuca Tan Pensula of Mexico, Belize and lived in PR for 6.5 years. Went diving in PR most weekends, owned a 27 ft Sport Fisherman boat rigged for diving. Took the boat to St. Thomas, St. John and out islands of PR. Lived in OK, CO, TN and TX during my working life. Skied in CO, enjoyed the many natural resources in OK, drove a Drag Racing Car in TN and TX and that's just the highlights. So you tell me, did I live to work?

You vote for Republicans who's manifesto is breaking the solidarity of the American voter and promoting the rich and wealthy.

You sound like an envious little bitch, I'm a Constitutionalist, when you regressive sodomite enablers decide to embrace the Constitution again, you might get my vote. Till then all you get is my disdain.

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